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Office Of Enforcement

Counter Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions

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To whom do these sanctions regulations apply?


  All U.S. persons and entities (companies, non-profit groups, government agencies, etc.) wherever located.
Compass Icon What related guidance does OFAC have on these sanctions?
  Sanctions Brochures
    Overview of Sanctions PDF icon
    Overview of Sanctions (text)
    Application for the Release of Blocked Funds PDF icon
Sanctions Guidance
    Licensing Policy Regarding Transactions With Three Colombian Entities Designated Pursuant To E.O. 12978PDF icon
    Licensing Policy Regarding Transactions with Six Colombian Entities Designated Pursuant to EO 12978PDF icon
    OFAC Licensing Policy Regarding Two Specially Designated Narcotics Trafficker Entities Designated Pursuant to EO 12978PDF icon
Impact Reports
    Impact Report on Economic Sanctions Against Colombian Drug Cartels
PDF icon
General Licenses
Interpretative Guidance
    Index of Interpretative Guidance
Guidance on OFAC Licensing Policy
    Guidance on the Release of Limited Amounts of Blocked Funds for Payment of Legal Fees and Costs Incurred in Challenging the Blocking of U.S. Persons in Administrative or Civil Proceedings. PDF icon
    Guidance On Entities Owned By Persons Whose Property And Interests In Property Are Blocked PDF icon
What other information can OFAC make available on these sanctions?
Chart Icon Charts on Organizational Structures and Financial Networks

    Arellano Felix Organization PDF icon January, 2002
    Manuel Aguirre Galindo Network PDF icon January, 2002
    North Valle Cartel PDF icon October, 2002


    Chart on Cali Cartel Business Structure PDF icon February, 2003
    Chart on Cali Cartel Fronts International Network PDF icon October, 2003
    Chart on Cali Cartel Fronts and Financial Cooperatives PDF icon March, 2003
    Joaquin Mario & Guillermo Valencia Trujillo Busines Structure PDF icon March, 2003


    United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC) PDF icon February, 2004
    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) PDF icon February, 2004
    Cali Cartel Financial Network PDF icon September, 2004
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon October, 2004
    Arellano Felix Organization Chart PDF icon November, 2004


    Arellano Felix Organization Chart PDF icon January, 2005
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon March, 2005
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon May, 2005
    Arellano Felix Organization Chart PDF icon August, 2005
    Wei Hsueh Kang Financial Network PDF icon November, 2005
    VARELA Drug Trafficking Organization PDF icon November, 2005
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon November, 2005


    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon June, 2006
    Arellano Felix Organization Chart PDF icon July, 2006
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon August, 2006
    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) PDF icon September, 2006
    Arellano Felix Organization Chart PDF icon September, 2006
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon October, 2006
    Beto RENTERIA Drug Trafficking Organization - North Valle Drug Cartel PDF icon October, 2006
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon November, 2006


    Ochoa Vasco Criminal Network PDF icon March, 2007
    Ochoa Vasco Financial Network PDF icon March, 2007
    Zambada Garcia Financial Network PDF icon May, 2007
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon August, 2007
    New Principal Narcotics Traffickers PDF icon August, 2007
    North Valle Drug Cartel Financial Network PDF icon October, 2007
    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) PDF icon November, 2007
    Shahbaz Khan Financial Network PDF icon November, 2007
    Blanca Cazares Financial Network PDF icon December, 2007


    Farc 27th Front Financial Flow PDF icon January, 2008
    Jimenez Naranjo Financial Network PDF icon February, 2008
    Renteria Mantilla Organization PDF icon April, 2008
    Farc 27th Front Financial Flow PDF icon April, 2008
    North Valle Cartel Financial Network PDF icon May, 2008
    Farc 1st Front Material Support Network PDF icon July, 2008
    Rigoberto Gaxiola Medina Financial Network PDF icon August, 2008
    Jimenez Naranjo Organization PDF icon August, 2008
    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) PDF icon September, 2008
    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) PDF icon September, 2008
    Amezcua Contreras Organization PDF icon October, 2008
    United Wa State Army Financial Network PDF icon November, 2008


    Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC)PDF icon January, 2009
    Rodriguez Orejuela Organization PDF icon January, 2009
    Fernando Zevallos Gonzales OrganizationPDF icon February, 2009
    Bermudez Suaza Organization PDF icon May, 2009
    Fabio Enrique Ochoa Vasco Financial Network PDF icon June 2009
    Francisco Antonio Florez Upegui Organization PDF icon July 2009
    Mexico's Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas PDF icon July 2009
Civil Penalties Chart
magnifying glass  icon What related guidance does OFAC have on its enforcement policies?
  Does OFAC publish Enforcement Guidelines?
    OFAC Enforcement Guidelines PDF icon
What is your OFAC Risk?
    OFAC Risk Matrices (for financial institutions as of June 2005) PDF icon
    OFAC Risk Matrix (for the Charitable Sector as of March 2007) PDF icon
    OFAC Risk Matrix (for the Securities Sector as of November 2008) PDF icon
How do I manage my OFAC risk as compared to Bank Secrecy Act expectations?
    BSA/Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual - Office of Foreign Assets Control (July 2006) PDF icon
How do OFAC's actions and expectations intersect with the bank regulators?
    Memoranda of Understanding between OFAC and bank regulators
Notice of new OFAC Civil Penalties Interim Policy
    Civil Penalties - Revised Interim Policy (October. 28, 2008) PDF icon
    Civil Penalties - Interim Policy (Nov. 27, 2007) PDF icon
Capitol Building Icon What laws, rules and regulations provide the legal framework for the sanctions?
  Executive Orders
    12978 PDF icon (October 24, 1995)
    IEEPA, 50 USC Sec 1701 PDF icon
    Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act, 21 USC Sec. 1901 PDF icon
    Criminal Code, 18 USC Sec 1001 PDF icon
    Criminal Code, 18 USC Sec. 3571 PDF icon
Code of Federal Regulations
    31 CFR Part 536 (Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions Regulations)
    31 CFR Part 598 (Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Sanctions Regulations)
Federal Register Notices
    71 FR 29251-06 PDF icon - Revisions to IEEPA made by the Combating Terrorism Financing Act of 2005
Legal Disclaimer:
This web page is explanatory only and does not have the force of law. Executive Order 12978, and its implementing Narcotics Trafficking Sanctions Regulations (31 CFR Part 536), contain the legally binding provisions governing sanctions against narcotics traffickers centered in Colombia. The Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act contains the legally binding provisions governing the sanctions against significant foreign narcotics traffickers and their organizations. This document does not supplement or modify Executive Order 12978, 31 CFR Part 536, or the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act.