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Office Of Enforcement
Note On OFAC Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (Sorted By General Topic)

  General Questions
Questions about Specially Designated Nationals (SDN)
Questions from Financial Institutions
Questions from Importers and Exporters
Questions related to NGO Registration Numbers
Questions from the Insurance Industry
For Consumers with OFAC Info Appearing on their Credit Report
Questions relating to Online Compliance
Licensing Questions
Technology Questions
OFAC-related, Freedom of Information Act Questions

Frequently Asked Questions (Sorted By Question)

General Questions
1 What is OFAC and what does it do?
2 How long has OFAC been around?
3 What does one mean by the term "prohibited transactions"?
4 Are there exceptions to the prohibitions?
5 How do I determine if I have a valid OFAC match?
6 Where can I find the specific details about the embargoes?
7 Can I get permission from OFAC to transact or trade with an embargoed country?
8 What must I do to get permission to trade with an embargoed country?
9 What do you mean by "blocking?"
10 What countries do I need to worry about in terms of U.S. sanctions?
11 Who must comply with OFAC regulations?
12 How much are the fines for violating these regulations?
13 Is there a mechanism for a company to report its past undetected violations of OFAC regulations for completed transactions? Is any type of "amnesty" available for inadvertent failure to comply prior to the company becoming aware of the OFAC regulations?
14 Can I regard previously issued and published opinion letters, regulatory interpretations, or other statements as guidance for my transactions?


Can OFAC change its previously stated, non-published interpretation or opinion without first giving public notice?
16 Why are there two separate subscription services on OFAC's website, one called a "Financial Operations Bulletin" and the other a "What's New" notice?
Questions about Specially Designated Nationals (SDNs)
18 What is an SDN?
19 How do I get a copy of this list?
20 How often is the SDN list updated?
21 How do I know what specific changes have been made to OFAC's SDN list?
22 Does OFAC maintain or can it create a country-by-country list of SDNs?
23 What do I do if I have a match to the SDN list?
24 What is the Control list? Who do I call about the Control list? What is the difference between the Control list and OFAC's SDN list?
Questions from Financial Institutions
25 Does OFAC itself require that banks set up a certain type of compliance program?
26 How do I get the OFAC Starter Kit?
27 What do I need to do to comply? Do I have to buy expensive software?
28 How often do I need to scan my customer database for SDNs?
29 How do I setup a compliance program for my bank?
30 How do I know if my compliance program is adequate?
31 What are the features and benefits that banks should be looking for when selecting an OFAC compliance software package?
32 How do I block an account or a funds transfer?
33 How much interest do I have to pay on the blocked funds?
34 Can my bank deduct service charges from the account?
35 Do all OFAC programs involve blocking transactions?
36 I understand blocking a transaction, but what is meant by rejecting a transaction? When should a transaction be rejected rather than blocked?
37 My bank operates accounts for individuals living in Iran. OFAC has told us that these accounts cannot be operated. Does this mean that the accounts are blocked?
38 Are U-Turn payments for Iran still permitted?
118 I have a client that is in Iran to visit a relative. Do I need to restrict the account?
39 What do I do if I have a blocked account that needs to be escheated to the state?
40 If my financial institution receives a wire going to an embassy in a sanctioned country, can we process the transaction?
41 Should an institution tell its customer that it blocked their funds, and, if so, how does the institution explain it to them?
42 What do I do if a person tries to open an account and the person's name is on OFAC's SDN list? Do I open the account and then block the funds?
43 Does a financial institution need to scan names against OFAC's list of targets upon account opening or can it wait for 24 hours to receive a report from its software vendor on whether or not there is a hit?
44 Is there a dollar limit on which transactions are subject to OFAC regulations?
45 Does my bank need to check the OFAC list when selling cashier's checks and money orders? In the case of cashier's checks, do I need to check both the purchaser and the payee? As a mortgage lender, do I need to check both the purchaser and the seller's name against the SDN list?
46 If a loan meets underwriting standards but is a true "hit" on the OFAC list, what do we use as a denial reason on the adverse action notice?
47 Through corporate giving programs, many banks contribute toward charities and other non-profits. To what extent does a bank need to review the recipients of these gifts or the principals of the charities?
48 I just received an interdiction "alert." What do I do?
49 When a transaction is rejected or blocked, I have ten days to report it. Do I have to do it in writing or can I call OFAC Compliance and report it that way?
50 Is there a requirement for annual reporting of blocked property? Is there a required format?
51 How do I apply for a license to get my money unblocked?
52 Can U.S. financial institutions open correspondent accounts for Iraqi financial institutions, or process funds transfers to and from Iraqi financial institutions?
53 How do I differentiate between an "inquiry" and a "payment instruction" when a customer wants to send a wire transfer to a sanctioned party or country?
54 I have an account with a W-8 showing an address in Iran. Is the account automatically restricted?
95 Does a financial institution have the obligation to screen account beneficiaries for compliance with OFAC regulations?
116 On February 14, 2008, OFAC issued guidance stating that the property and interests in property of an entity are blocked if the entity is owned, directly or indirectly, 50% or more by a person whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to an Executive Order or regulations administered by OFAC. We act as an intermediary bank in wire transfers between other banks. Does OFAC expect banks that are acting as financial intermediaries to research non-account parties that do not appear on the SDN List, but are involved with or referenced in transactions that are processed on behalf of correspondents?
Questions from Exporters & Importers
55 Does OFAC have an exporter assistance phone line?
56 What is the difference between the SDN List and the Commerce Department's List of Denied Parties? Why can't they be integrated into one list?
Questions related to NGO Registration Numbers
57 How do I get an NGO registration number?
58 What are the chances that my application will be approved?
59 Do I need a registration number or license to donate goods?
Questions from the Insurance Industry
61 State insurance statutes regulate an insurer's ability to withhold claim payments, cancel policies or to decline to enter into policies. In some cases, insurers must commit an ostensible violation of state insurance regulations to comply with OFAC regulations. Does OFAC have a position as to whether OFAC regulations preempt state insurance regulations in this context?
62 At what point must an insurer check to determine whether an applicant for a policy is an SDN?
63 What should an insurer do if it discovers that a policyholder is or becomes an SDN--cancel the policy, void the policy ab initio, non-renew the policy, refuse to pay claims under the policy? Should the claim be paid under a policy issued to an SDN if the payment is to an innocent third-party (for example, the injured party in an automobile accident)?
64 A workers' compensation policy is with the employer, not the employee. Is it permissible for an insurer to maintain a workers compensation policy that would cover a person on the SDN List, since the insurer is not transacting business with the SDN, but only with his/her employer?
65 How frequently is an insurer expected to scrub its databases for OFAC compliance?
66 Is it sufficient if my company screens life insurance policies only prior to policy issuance?
67 If my policyholder, who is a U.S. person, requests a change of beneficiaries and designates a cousin living in Cuba as a beneficiary under the life insurance policy, what shall I do?
68 If my screening efforts uncover a policyholder who became an SDN after policy issuance, can I notify the policyholder that the policy is “blocked”?
69 In my letter to the policyholder whose policy is “blocked,” may I also instruct the policyholder not to send any more premium or that we will not accept additional premium under this account?
102 How can an insurer participate in worldwide insurance markets through global insurance policies if, by definition, coverage extends to potential countries?
103 What if the commercial setting and/or market circumstances of a global insurance policy does not permit the use of an OFAC exclusion such as the one noted above?
104 Can an insurer offer global travel insurance and worldwide travel assistance without violating U.S. sanctions?
Consumer Credit Report
70 What Is This OFAC Information On My Credit Report?
71 How Can I Get The OFAC Alert Off My Credit Report?
Online Compliance
72 Can I send money to a sanctioned country using a third-country company's website? Can I buy gifts for someone in a sanctioned country over the internet? The websites tell me that it's o.k. because they themselves are not sanctioned parties.
73 My company provides money remittance and account services via the Internet. Does OFAC have any compliance guidance for this type of business?
Licensing Questions
74 What is a license?
75 Do I have to fill out a particular form to get a license to engage in a transaction?
76 Can I appeal a denial of my license application?
77 How can I find out the status of my pending license application?
78 What agencies other than Treasury review OFAC license applications and what are the roles of these other agencies?
94 Is a license required to enter into an over flight permit agreement with the Cuban Civil Air Authority, even if there is no cost?
97 What format options are permitted for submitting license applications pursuant to the Trade Sanctions Reform and Export Enhancement Act of 2000 (TSRA)?
98 How should I present my TSRA license application?

What is the procedure for submitting multiple copies of the same TSRA license application?

100 If I am submitting multiple TSRA license applications at the same time, should I send them under a single cover letter?
101 Should I send a sample of the proposed export product as an attachment to my TSRA license application?
117 I hold a specific license to sell agricultural goods, medicine, or medical devices to Iran. The terms of the license allow me to accept a letter of credit issued by a bank in Iran which has not been named a Specially Designated National under any of the programs administered by OFAC. The license, however, also states that a U.S. financial institution may not advise, confirm or otherwise deal in that credit. How am I supposed to know if/when a letter of credit has been issued for my sale and how do I get paid? My bank accounts are all at U.S. financial institutions.
Technology Questions ^ TOP
79 Does OFAC provide its SDN List in a format that can be easily imported into a database?
80 Does OFAC provide its SDN List in a spreadsheet format?
105 OFAC says it has updated its SDN list, but when I download the appropriate SDN files from the OFAC website, they appear to be out-of-date. Where can I get the latest SDN information?
81 What is the delimiter in OFAC's delimited files?
82 Does OFAC have a web-based SDN search engine?
83 How are OFAC's delimited files structured?
84 Does OFAC maintain its files in locations other than on its website?
85 Is there a version of the delimited archive that works with UNIX?
86 Does OFAC have an email service that will notify me when there are updates to the SDN list?
87 Your FTP site has gone offline. Who should I contact to remedy this problem?
88 I am a systems administrator looking to design an automated process that will download the SDN list without human intervention.How can I do this given that changes to the SDN list can be sporadic?
89 I am a database administrator at a bank and responsible for keeping my company's SDN data current. Is the SDN list comprehensive or do I need to download some kind of supplement to the list every time there is an update?
90 Do you offer the OFAC Financial Operations Bulletin in a delimited format?
91 I am looking for the terrorist list on your web site so I can bring my company in compliance with U.S. law. Where can I find this list?
92 I'm a subscriber to OFAC's e-mail notification services. For some reason I have stopped receiving the broadcast messages when OFAC updates its website. Why is this?
93 I recently attempted to subscribe to one of OFAC's e-mail list services and I have not yet received my confirmation e-mail. Why is this?
OFAC-related Freedom of Information Act Questions  

Why was this letter sent to me? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043

107 Who requested the information?- Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043
108 How should I treat these requests? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043
109 What information and/or records are the requesters seeking? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043
110 Can I get a copy of the initial FOIA requests? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043 -
111 What should I do if I believe that my information is confidential commercial or financial information that should not be released? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043
112 What should I do if I believe that my information is not confidential commercial or financial information, such that I do not object to its release? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043
113 What will OFAC do with my submission? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043
114 Will OFAC provide additional time in order to prepare a response? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043
115 How can I get my response to OFAC? - Related to Submitter Notice Letters in FOIA Case 2005-09-043