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Office Of Enforcement

Civil Penalties and Enforcement Information

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2009 Enforcement Information
Browse OFAC Enforcement Actions By Year

2009 OFAC Civil Penalties Chart
Civil Penalties Information Chart

Detailed Penalties Information

Aggregate Number of Penalties or Settlements this Month

Monthly Penalties/Settlements Total in USD
08/24/2009 PDF icon 1 5,750,000

08/06/2009 PDF icon 1 9,444,744

07/31/2009 PDF icon 4 41,591

06/30/2009 PDF icon 4 453,675

05/29/2009 PDF icon 3 69,387

04/30/2009 PDF icon 2 112,000

03/27/2009 PDF icon 3 60,160

02/27/2009 PDF icon 1 20,950

01/29/2009 PDF icon 3 441,741

Year to date totals:
22 16,394,248
Civil Penalties Chart
magnifying glass  icon What related guidance does OFAC have on its enforcement policies?
  Does OFAC publish Enforcement Guidelines?
    OFAC Enforcement Guidelines PDF icon
What is your OFAC Risk?
    OFAC Risk Matrices (for financial institutions as of June 2005) PDF icon
    OFAC Risk Matrix (for the Charitable Sector as of March 2007) PDF icon
    OFAC Risk Matrix (for the Securities Sector as of November 2008) PDF icon
How do I manage my OFAC risk as compared to Bank Secrecy Act expectations?
    BSA/Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual - Office of Foreign Assets Control (July 2006) PDF icon
How do OFAC's actions and expectations intersect with the bank regulators?
    Memoranda of Understanding between OFAC and bank regulators
Notice of new OFAC Civil Penalties Interim Policy
    Civil Penalties - Revised Interim Policy (October. 28, 2008) PDF icon
    Civil Penalties - Interim Policy (Nov. 27, 2007) PDF icon
Capitol building  Icon Selected Settlement Agreements
  2009 Information
    Settlement Agreement between the U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, Ltd. PDF icon
Capitol building  Icon What laws, rules and regulations provide the legal framework for the sanctions?
  Executive Orders
    No documents currently available
    IEEPA, 50 USCS Sec 1701 PDF icon
    TWEA, 50 USCS Sec 5PDF icon
Code of Federal Regulations
    31 CFR 501 PDF icon Foreign Assets Control Regulations
Federal Register Notices
    68 FR 53640-03 PDF icon - Civil Penalties Rights and Procedures for the Cuba Sanctions Program
    68 FR 61359-03 PDF icon - Implementation of requirement under the Federal Civil Penalties Inflation Adjustment Act of 1990
    70 FR 15761-05 PDF icon - Administrative Collection of Civil Penalties in the Iranian Assets Control Regulations, the Libyan Sanctions Regulations, and the Iraqi Sanctions Regulations
    71 FR 29251-06 PDF icon - revised regulations to reflect amendments to the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) made by the Combating Terrorism Financing Act of 2005.
    73 FR 32650-08 PDF icon - Final Rule amending civil penalty provisions in 17 parts of the regulations OFAC administers, specifically those for which the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (“IEEPA”) provides civil penalty authority
    73 FR 51933-08 PDF icon - OFAC's Enforcement Guidelines
Legal Information and Publication Schedule - Civil Penalties and Informal Settlements
The following information is made available pursuant to Section 501.805, Part 501, Reporting and Procedures Regulations, Title 31, Code of Federal Regulations. OFAC publishes this information about civil penalties imposed and informal settlements on a routine basis. If the publication falls on a holiday, or if required by an emergency, publication may be postponed to the next reasonably available business day. For further information about Section 501.805, see Federal Register, Volume 68, No. 28, February 11, 2003.

Legal Information and Publication Schedule - Administrative Law Judge Hearings
OFAC’s civil penalty administrative hearing process is underway. OFAC has retained the services of administrative law judges to conduct hearings on Cuban and other TWEA embargo civil penalty cases. The hearing procedures being followed in these cases are set forth in OFAC’s Reporting, Procedures and Penalties Regulations (“RPPR”), 31 CFR Part 501, published in the Federal Register on September 11, 2003 (68 FR 53640), a copy of which is available on The RPPR revise OFAC’s administrative penalty procedures previously sited in 31 CFR Parts 500 and 515.