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U.S. Office of Personnel Management - Ensuring the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce

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Federal Employees Health Benefits Program

Consumer Protections

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FEHB pages:

Patient Safety
By asking questions, learning more and understanding your risks, you can improve the safety of your own health care, and that of your family members. Take these simple steps:

Stop Health Care Fraud
How to stop and report suspected health care fraud.

Disputed Claims
The procedures for you to use to file a formal request for reconsideration of a health care claim.

Mental Health and Substance Abuse Parity
OPM has taken the lead in achieving parity for mental health and substance abuse treatment with the coverage provided for the treatment of physical illness in the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. Discusses our efforts in this area.

Getting the Most Benefit from Your Health Plan
Suggestions for getting the most benefit from your FEHB plan.

Patient Bill of Rights
A report of the Advisory Commission on Consumer Protection and Quality in the Health Care Industry published in November 1997. The FEHB Program is in full compliance with the President's Patients' Bill of Rights.