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- Legislation Strengthens Second Amendment Rights -

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Standing up for the rights of gun owners, Congressman Zack Space (OH-18) today announced legislation that would strike a blow against the excessive infringement of Second Amendment rights at the hands of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (BATFE).

Space’s BATFE Reform Act of 2009 (H.R. 2296) makes corrections to the BATFE’s jurisdiction to help ensure that overzealous bureaucrats can’t go after gun purchasers. BATFE regulations now are so restrictive that if a person writes “y” instead of “yes” on a gun purchase form, the application is frequently rejected. 

“Americans deserve to have their Constitutional rights protected, not eroded, Space said. “This bill will help restore some of rights that have been taken away.”

“My constituents believe as strongly as I do in the Second Amendment. I am a member of the NRA, and I do not approve of the BATFE excessively punishing law-abiding citizens,” Space continued.

This legislation would:
  • Create a system to provide more flexibility in punishing those who are found to have violated gun sales laws.
  • Establish a solid legal requirement for determining the willful violation of the law.
  • Creates specific sentencing guidelines for dangerous felons convicted of a gun offense.
  • Set limitations on the availability of electronic gun owner information to protect the privacy of law-abiding citizens.
  • Allow security companies and ammunition manufacturers to purchase machine guns for product testing and international security personnel training.
  • Ease the restriction on the importation of replacement parts for semiautomatic rifles.
  • Directs that a suspension or fine be vacated if a court determines a licensee did not willfully violate the law with attorney’s fees awarded to cleared defendant.
  • Directs that the number of warnings, amount of fines, or suspensions or revocations shall not be a factor in firing, promoting, or transferring agents.

Although not identical, this legislation is similar to a bill Congressman Space introduced during the 110th Congress.

Congressman Space has represented Ohio's 18th Congressional District since 2007. He is working to restore integrity to the office and create the conditions to bring new industry and jobs to Ohio.