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Traits Shared by Winners

Does the idea of being your own boss appeal to you? Are you entrepreneurial material? Here are some traits winners all possess.

  • An eye for opportunity: Finds a need and quickly satisfy it
  • Independence: Enjoys being his/her own boss
  • An appetite for hard work: Doesn’t mind working long hours with little pay
  • Self-confidence: Demonstrates extreme self-confidence in taking risks
  • Discipline: Resists temptation to do what is unimportant for what is essential
  • Judgment: Ability to think quickly and make wise decisions
  • Ability to accept change: Thrives on changes and business growth
  • Make stress work for them: Focuses on the end and not the process
  • Need to achieve: Drives toward personal success
  • Focus on profits: Knows business success is measured by profits

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