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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Project: Predicting Seed Cotton Moisture in the Overhead of a Ginning Plant

Location: Cotton Ginning Research

Project Number: 6235-41000-006-09
Project Type: Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement

Start Date: Jun 17, 2004
End Date: Mar 31, 2009

The objective of this cooperative research project is to develop and test a non-contract, online method of predicting the moisture content of seed cotton in the overhead section of the ginning plant. Having an accurate measure of seed cotton moisture content would greatly aid the ginning plant in managing dryer temperartures.

Knowing the moisture content of the seed cotton as it comes off the trailer or module would help the ginner manage dryer temperatures more properly. Using insufficient heat may not adequately dry the seed cotton, resulting in poor cleaning and ginning and in the worst case, may cause choke-ups and possibly damage the machinery. Using too much heat can cause static problems that also may cause choke-ups, and it can make pressing a bale more difficult. But more importantly, too much heat damages the fiber, making it brittle and more prone to breakage. The aim is to use only enough heat to obtain seed cotton moisture content of 6-7% prior to ginning. Currently, a moisture meter that accurately measures seed cotton moisture content online does not exist. This cooperative research will develop and test a mathematical model that predicts seed cotton moisture content as it enters the ginning plant in the overhead. The model will use the temperature, mass flow, and specific heat of the seed cotton and conveying air at a specific location in the overhead. The theory is that the drop in temperature of the conveying air, caused by drying the seed cotton over known distance and time period, could be an indicator of the moisture content of the seed cotton.


Project Team
Armijo, Carlos
Charles Owen - Owner
Project Annual Reports
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Related National Programs
  Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (306)
  Air Quality (203)
Last Modified: 05/08/2009
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