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This directory is published as a service to the students, faculty, and staff of The University of South Dakota (USD).

Information listed above is public directory information or that which the person has chosen not to make private. If you are affiliated with the University of South Dakota, more information may be available by logging in.

This web site and its contents are the sole property of USD. It is provided only as a networking tool to facilitate personal communications between individuals.

The information contained herein may not, in whole or in part, be transferred, copied, or reproduced in any form whatsoever, including entering into electronic databases, or creating or augmenting mailing lists, without the written permission of USD. It may not under any circumstances be used for telemarketing or sending email messages to multiple recipients. It may not be utilized in any form whatsoever, except for the individual user's personal and confidential reference.

By using this application, you agree to abide by both the letter and intent of USD policy.

If you find any of your information is incorrect, or if you want to mark any information as private or public, please use the directory update form to make any necessary changes.

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