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Horsetooth Dam

Horsetooth Reservoir



  • Region (Map) : ............ Great Plains
  • State (Map) .................  Colorado
  • County .......................... Larimer
  • Project: .......................... Colorado Big Thompson
  • Dam type: ..................... Earthfill
  • Location: ...................... 4 mi NW of Fort Collins
  • Watercourse: .............. Offstream storage
  • Reservoir: .................... Horsetooth
  • Construction Date: .....1946-1949
  • National ID Number ... CO01659
  • Hydrologic Unit Code ...


       1 1988 modification raised the dam crest to elev. 5443.0 feet


  • Normal Water Surface Elev: ...............5430.0 ft
  • Hydraulic Height: ................................         NA
  • Service Spillway Type:
  •    Uncontrolled  Crest    ................................No
  •    Morning-Glory .......................................... No
  •    Crest Length    .......................................... NA
  •    Gated      ..................................................... No
  •    Capacity at Elev:  0  ft,                           0  cfs
  • Auxiliary Spillway ........................................ No
  •     Capacity at Elev.   ................................. 0 cfs
  • Outlet Works Capacity at
  •     Elevation  5430.0 ft.,  ..................... 2,500 cfs 


  • Drainage Area: ............................... 17.0 sq mi
  • Hydrometeorological Report            HMR 55
  • Flood Type: ............................Winter General
  • Storm Duration: ..................................... 72 hrs
  • Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) Report:
  •   Peak Inflow: .................................. 96,800 cfs
  •   Inflow Volume: ......................  21,520 acre-ft
  •   Flow Duration: .................................... 14 hrs
  •   PMF Routing MWS Elev.: ..................... NA
  •   Initial Routing Elev: ........................ 5430.0 ft
  •   Study Date: .......................... December 1982

Power Generation




Rocks underlying the site consist of various sedimentary types that range in age from Pennsylvanian to Recent.  These units contain formations such as; the Lower Morrison, Sundance, Lykins, Dakota and Upper Lyons.  Individual beds in these formations at the site strike 15-20 degrees northwest and dip 27 to 38 degrees northeast.   On the greater part of the dam site overburden is thin and ranges from zero to five feet.  In a zone about 400 feet wide near the center of the site and at right angles to the axis, the overburden varies from 15 to 32 feet in thickness.  This material is reddish silty sandy clay having the appearance of windblown material.  It stands up well in test pits, some of which were dug to 20 feet or more without cribbing.  It contains practically no boulders.

 Other Dams or Dikes which enclose Horsetooth Reservoir


 | Recreation |

 | For more information about Horsetooth Reservoir and planned dam modifications, visit the www.abouthorsetooth.com website.|

 | Dams Located by State | USBR Colorado Dams | South Great Plains Region Dams |

 | Owner:  Bureau of Reclamation, Eastern Colorado Area Office,
                   11056 West County Road 18E, Loveland, CO 80537-9711, (970) 667-4410

 | Operator:  Northern Colorado Water Conservancy District,
                       PO Box 679, Loveland, CO 80539, (970) 667-2437



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