A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

The Teacher's Guide to the U.S. Department of Education - September 2000

National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC)

The National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee (NOICC) is a federal interagency committee that promotes the development and use of occupational and labor market information. Its goals are (1) to improve coordination and communication among developers and users of occupational information, (2) to help states meet the occupational information needs of vocational education and employment and training program managers, and (3) to help individuals make career decisions. The committee works with a network of State Occupational Information Coordinating Committees (SOICC), whose members represent state producers and users of occupational information. Many coordinating committee members also include representatives from higher education.

The basic NOICC/SOICC systems include the following:

Occupational Information Systems (OIS)-These state computerized databases contain mechanisms for combining multiple-source occupation and education data so that it can be understood and analyzed by a variety of audiences.

Career Information Delivery Systems (CIDS)-These computer-based systems provide information about occupations and training opportunities. The systems help individuals match personal characteristics with compatible occupations. CIDS are located at almost 19,000 sites nationwide.

NOICC also sponsors the following programs, which focus on career guidance and counseling:

The National Career Development Guidelines-These guidelines, a competency-based approach to career development, help school staff provide quality career guidance and counseling programs to students.

NOICC's Improved Career Decision Making (ICDM)- Counselors can increase their knowledge and use of labor market information in career counseling using this training program.

The Career Development Portfolio-This sequential career planning is good for use with students in grades 5 through 12 to link work-based skills to academic preparation. The guide- developed by NOICC, the American School Counselor Association, and the Maine SOICC, is being tested in five states.

National Occupational Information Coordinating Committee
2100 M Street NW, Suite 156
Washington, DC 20037


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