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Helping Older Adults Search for Health Information Online:
A Toolkit for Trainers

Welcome to the Toolkit for Trainers, a resource developed by the National Institute on Aging. Use these free, easy-to-use training materials to help older adults find reliable, up-to-date online health information on their own. The training features two websites from the National Institutes of Health -- and Trainers can use the toolkit with beginning and intermediate students of the Web.

Here's how to proceed:

  1. Watch the introductory video to find out what the toolkit is all about.
  2. Browse the lesson plans and download those that fit your students' skill levels, time limitations, and interests.
  3. Check out the training tools and download tips on setting up a senior-friendly classroom, recruitment flyers, and more.

(Downloading requires free Adobe Reader.)

Introductory Video

NIHSeniorHealth Video - opens in new window

"Introducing the Toolkit" [5 min, 43 sec]
Click to watch this video
Transcript, Video help

Lesson Plans*

Training Tools*
  • FAQs about the Toolkit for Trainers (PDF, 521KB)
  • Quick Tips for a Senior Friendly Computer Classroom (PDF, 1.32MB)
  • Student Recruitment Flyer (PDF)
  • Trainer Information Flyer (PDF)

*View text-only versions of the PDF files

Download all lesson plans and training tools. File is large (29MB).

For instructors and demonstrations:

To save the Introductory Video, "Introducing the Toolkit," (MPEG-4 format, 13MB) to your computer for later use, select the file to download. The file is very large and should only be downloaded from high speed and cable connections.

Give us your feedback about the Toolkit.