NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
April 3, 2007 • Volume 4 / Number 14 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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MRI Detects Nearly All Contralateral Breast Cancers

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More Evidence Ties Chromosome Region to Prostate Cancer

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Rapamycin Prevents Tobacco-Induced Lung Cancer in Mice

New Prostate Cancer Guidelines Weigh Early Therapy, Watchful Waiting

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Charting the Course for Preoperative Breast Cancer Therapy

NCI 70th Anniversary: If Memory Serves...

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Preventing Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy

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NCI Hosts Chromosome Biology Symposium

A Reminder to Our Readers

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NCI Hosts Chromosome Biology Symposium
On April 26 and 27, NCI will host "The Current Status of Chromosome and Chromatin Biology Research" in the Natcher Conference Center on the NIH campus.

Leading researchers from NCI and around the world will present highlights of recent advances, define novel directions of basic chromosome research, and discuss the use and implications of these advances for clinical applications. Topics will also include transcriptional regulation, chromatin structure, epigenetics, the architecture of the nucleus, and DNA replication and repair. The agenda and registration information can be found at

Attendees are strongly encouraged to use the Metro. The NIH campus can be easily accessed via the Medical Center stop on the Metro's Red Line. More information is available at

A Reminder to Our Readers

Dear NCI Cancer Bulletin Subscribers:

Beginning April 3, 2007, the NCI Cancer Bulletin will reduce its publication frequency to once every other week (or 24 issues per calendar year). This decision was reached following lengthy deliberations by the recently formed NCI Cancer Bulletin Executive Editorial Committee (EEC), which is composed of senior NCI scientists and leaders. The EEC is responsible for providing scientific advice and guidance on the newsletter’s content.

This new schedule will give us the chance to create more in-depth articles and provide more perspective about the latest developments in cancer research. We on the NCI Cancer Bulletin staff are confident that readers will continue to find the same straightforward, high-quality science writing they have come to expect, as well as the latest cancer research news and information from NCI and other research organizations.

In just 3 years, our circulation has increased to nearly 30,000 subscriptions - with more than 500 new readers signing up each month. We appreciate this growing interest in the NCI Cancer Bulletin and will continue to strive to meet the needs of old and new readers alike.

- The Editors

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A Service of the National Cancer Institute
Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health