Bureau of Reclamation Banner

Technical Service Center
Economics and Resource Planning Group


Our recreation specialists are experienced in the principles, concepts, and methodologies of outdoor recreation planning, management, and administration to include resource management plan development. Our recreation specialists are also highly experienced at interpretive planning, interpretive design guidance, and commercial services planning (concessions). Recreation staff assist in recreation planning, policy, and compliance. We can provide:
  • Expertise in resource management plan preparation
  • Input into NEPA documents and special studies
  • Recreation master and conceptual planning
  • Recreation impact analysis
  • Guidance on implementation of Reclamation recreation policies, standards, planning studies, and Federal laws, regulations, and executive orders
  • Interpretive planning and interpretive design guidance
  • Recreation supply and demand assessments
  • Water Recreation Opportunity Spectrum inventorying and planning assistance
  • Recreation survey preparation, administration and OMB approval
  • Facility sign and trail planning
  • Visitor circulation planning

Concession Management

Concession management requires understanding the concepts, techniques, guidelines, principles and practices of concessions planning, management, and administration. Services include:

Outdoor Recreation and Interpretive Planning

Please take a look at our recent publications:

For further information about the Economics and Resource Planning Group, our people, and the services we provide, we invite you to follow any of the links on the left-hand navigation bar, or contact our manager, Rick Vinton (303-445-2738 or RVinton@usbr.gov).