NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
May 30, 2006 • Volume 3 / Number 22 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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New Studies Highlight the Value and Timing of Colonoscopy

Director's Update
Continuing the Legacy of a Great Leader

After Gleevec, Targeted Drugs Acquire More Targets

Cancer Research Highlights
RNA Interference Technique Causes Toxicity in Mice

Cryoablation for Small Renal Tumors Shows Promising Results

MRI Screening Is Cost Effective for Some BRCA Carriers

Transfusions During Surgery Linked to Cancer-Related Mortality

World No Tobacco Day Observed

Funding Opportunities

Featured Clinical Trial
Flavopiridol for Previously Treated Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia

Joint Research Fellowships in Cancer Available

Coffee, Tea, & Chats at Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center

IARC Welcomes India and Korea

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UC Davis Cancer Center

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Funding Opportunities Funding Opportunities

School-Based Interventions to Prevent Obesity
Announcement Number: PA-06-415
New Application Receipt Dates: June 1 and Oct. 1, 2006; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2007.

This is a renewal of PA-04-145 and will use the R01 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Amy Lazarus Yaroch -

School-Based Interventions to Prevent Obesity
Announcement Number: PA-06-416
New Application Receipt Dates: June 1 and Oct. 1, 2006; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2007.

This is a renewal of PA-04-145 and will use the R03 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Amy Lazarus Yaroch -

School-Based Interventions to Prevent Obesity
Announcement Number: PA-06-417
New Application Receipt Dates: June 1 and Oct. 1, 2006; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2007.

This is a renewal of PA-04-145 and will use the R21 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Amy Lazarus Yaroch -

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