NCI Cancer Bulletin
A Trusted Source for Cancer Research News
March 21, 2006 • Volume 3 / Number 12 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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NCI Director von Eschenbach Nominated to Head FDA

Director's Update
Progress and Opportunity

Cancer Research Highlights
Gene Profiling Reveals Novel Subtype of Liver Cancer

Gene-Expression Signature Predictive in Node-Negative Breast Cancer

Folate in Food Cuts Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Lung Cancer Screening Trial Tests Silenced Genes as Biomarkers

Childhood Leukemia Incidence and Influenza in Great Britain

Funding Opportunities

NCI Funding Update

Featured Clinical Trial
Combination Therapy for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis

Meet NCI Experts at AACR

Science Writers' Seminar to Focus on Cancer Survivorship

DCEG Newsletter Wins Award

Measurement of Cancer Disparities Monograph Available

caBIG™ Annual Meeting Slated for April

TCGA Cancer Genome Pre-Application Meeting Scheduled

CCR Grand Rounds

Community Update
NIH Establishes Office to Manage and Fund Transdisplinary Research Initiatives

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Funding Opportunities Funding Opportunities

Cancer Genome Characterization Centers
Announcement Number: RFA-CA-07-014
Letter of Intent Receipt Date: April 12, 2006.
Application Receipt Date: May 12, 2006.

This funding opportunity will use the U24 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Daniela Gerhard -

Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-Like Modifications Regulating Disease Processes
Announcement Number: PA-06-167
New Application Receipt Dates: June 1 and Oct. 1, 2006; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2007; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2008; Feb. 1, 2009.

This is a renewal of PA-03-145 and will use the R01 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Mary Perry -

Ubiquitin and Ubiquitin-Like Modifications Regulating Disease Processes
Announcement Number: PA-06-168
New Application Receipt Dates: June 1 and Oct. 1, 2006; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2007; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2008; Feb. 1, 2009.

This is a renewal of PA-03-145 and will use the R21 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Mary Perry -

Pilot Studies: Oral Complications of Cancer Therapies
Announcement Number: PA-06-212
New Application Receipt Dates: June 1 and Oct. 1, 2006; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2007; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2008; Feb. 1, 2009.

This is a renewal of PA-04-134 and will use the R21 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Roy S. Wu -

Clinical Trials: Oral Complications of Cancer Therapy
Announcement Number: PAR-06-213
New Application Receipt Dates: June 1 and Oct. 1, 2006; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2007; Feb. 1, June 1, and Oct. 1, 2008; Feb. 1, 2009.

This is a renewal of PAR-04-133 and will use the R21 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Bruce Pihlstrom -

NCI Funding Update
The National Cancer Advisory Board recently approved some important changes to the Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) application receipt and review schedules. These changes arose in response to suggestions from SPORE grant applicants and investigators seeking to resubmit revised applications in a timely manner, as is customary with most National Institute of Health (NIH) grant mechanisms.

The new receipt and review schedule has been developed to promote the highest caliber and most timely translational research. Specifically, NCI will open all future SPORE receipt dates for the submission and receipt of new, competing continuations, and amended/revised applications for all 14 organ sites and disease groups starting on September 20, 2006 (formerly October 1, 2006 receipt date). On September 20, 2006, the program will welcome applications from the following organ sites/disease groups: brain, breast, head & neck, gastrointestinal, genitourinary (excluding prostate), gynecological (excluding ovarian), leukemia, lung, lymphoma, myeloma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, and skin. Applications will still be received three times yearly, and NCI anticipates that all future receipt dates will be open to all 14 organ sites and disease groups.

As a result, investigators with unfunded applications following peer review will be allowed to revise and resubmit their applications at the next available opportunity and will no longer have to wait for a specific receipt date for each of the organ sites.

These changes will be re-evaluated after a year to determine whether they are achieving the intended goals. The changes were announced in the NIH Guide on March 21. NCI also directly notified current SPORE investigators, recent applicants, and Cancer Center directors of this change. Additional information is available online at

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