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Useful Links

National NAGPRA Program - A program of the National Park Service's National Center for Cultural Resources, is responsible for assisting the Secretary of the Interior with some of the Secretary's responsibilities under NAGPRA, and focuses on NAGPRA implementation outside of the National Park System.

Native American Consultation Database (NACD) - The NACD is an easy way to identify which tribes to consult based specific geographic parameters. Map sources for the geographic data are Reservation lands - Bureau of Indian Affairs; and Lands claims by Indian tribes.

Reclamation's Cultural Resources Management Program - This site highlights Reclamation's Cultural Resources Management Program.

Reclamation's Museum Program - this site provides information on Reclamation's museum property collection.

Reclamation's Native American Affairs Office - serves as the central coordination point for the Native American Affairs Program and is Reclamation's policy lead for most Native American issues.


Contact Thomas Lincoln, Federal Preservation Officer, at 303-445-3311 for comments, feedback, or questions. For site problems, please contact Connie Van Deventer.

Page Last Updated February 2, 2009

Hoover Dam Floor Design image