Source: California Invasive Plant Council

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Information for Presenters

San Diego 2007
Posters and exhibits at the 2007 Symposium.
Photo: Bob Case

Presentations and Proceedings

  • Read the Instructions for Presenters for information on oral and poster presentations (updated July 17).
  • Proceedings: All presenters in the oral paper sessions must submit a 1000-1500 word article for the Cal-IPC Symposium Proceedings by Friday, September 19. Poster presenters are encouraged, but not required, to submit an article unless they are entering the Student Poster Contest. Use this template for Proceedings submission.
  • All presenters should register by the early registration deadline of September 5.
  • We have limited spaces available in the oral paper sessions and may need to place some presentations in the poster session instead.
  • Template for abstract submission.

Student Paper and Poster Contest:

  • Open to current graduate and undergraduate students as well as those who graduate within six months prior to the Symposium. All contestants will receive feedback from the judges to help them in future presentations. The first place paper and poster presenters will receive $250.00. (All students receive a $100 discount on registration.)
  • Follow the instructions above for preparing your abstract.
  • All student paper and poster contestants must submit a 1000-1500 word article for the Cal-IPC Symposium Proceedings by Friday, September 19 (two weeks before the Symposium) following this Proceedings template.
  • We have limited spaces available in the oral paper session and may need to place some students in the poster contest instead.

Abstract submission is now closed.

The California Invasive Plant Council invites the wildland weed community to submit abstracts for contributed papers and posters for our 17th Annual Symposium in Chico! The Cal-IPC Symposium brings together nearly 400 researchers, land managers, and other weed workers from throughout California. Paper sessions are held Thursday and Friday, October 2-3. Contributed oral presentations are 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions. A designated poster session will allow poster presenters to interact with attendees.

We are especially interested in presentations on innovative topics in the following areas:

  • Invasive plant biology and ecology
  • Control techniques
  • Mapping and monitoring
  • Habitat restoration after invasive plant control
  • Early detection and rapid response
  • Exceptional invasive plant removal projects or outreach programs
  • Social issues or policy related to invasive plant management

For Additional Information

Please contact Elizabeth Brusati at if you have questions.

Presentations from previous years may be viewed in our Symposium Archive.

Return to main Symposium page.