Board of Directors
Summer 2006

Welcome to the TN-EPPC Website!  Explore the following links for information about TN-EPPC, invasive exotic species, dealing with invasive plants, landscaping with native plants, and much more.  Enjoy!

About TN-EPPC New on the Site! 
Invasive Weed Awareness Week Proclamation (PDF)
Invasive Exotic Plants

Invasive Alert!
Cogon Grass

Landscaping with Natives
Useful Links Ordinances and Laws
Calendar of Events Southeast Exotic Pest Plant Council Next Board Meeting: 02/11/09

What the TN-EPPC Does:

Raise public awareness about the spread of invasive exotic plants into Tennessee natural areas;

Facilitate the exchange of information concerning management and control of invasive exotic plants;

Provide a forum for all interested parties to participate in meetings, workshops, and an annual symposium, and to share the benefits from the information provided by TN-EPPC;

Serve as an educational, advisory, and technical support council on all aspects of exotics;

Initiate campaign actions to prevent further introductions.


The Tennessee Exotic Pest Plant Council Endorses:

the idea of a state invasive species management plan, and

the St. Louis declaration.

Home About TN-EPPC New on the Site Join TN-EPPC Invasive Exotic Plants Invasive Alert Landscaping with Natives Useful Links Ordinances and Laws Calendar of Events Next Board Meeting  

 Questions or Comments?  Contact the Webmaster
Site Updated 02/03/2009
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