U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

Figure 4. Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School (Los Angeles), Parent Evaluation of Bridge Achievement Academy (Excerpt)

Bridge Achievement Academy/Academia de Éxito
Session/Sesión 4 – Saturday, October 13, 2007

  1. Please select the answer that corresponds to your opinion for each of the following statements.
    Favor de seleccionar la respuesta que corresponde a su opinión.

    I know how to interpret the information on my child's report card. Sé como entender la información en el informe de calificaciones. 25   1
    I know the options and resources available to help my child improve his/her grades. Entiendo las opciones y los recursos disponible para ayudar mi hijo/a mejorar sus notas. 26    
    I know how to communicate (i.e., request parent conference) with my child's teachers and counselors. Sé como comunicarme (por ejemplo, como pedir una cita) con los maestros y consejeros de mi hijo/a. 25   1
    The parenting principles information was helpful. Siento que la información sobre la crianza de los hijos me ayudó. 25   1

  2. What was the most important thing you learned today?
    ¿Cual fue la información más importante que aprendió hoy?
    About report cards. How to read report cards, and how to bring grades up. How to request a parent conference. About raising up children. That I can have conferences with teachers. How to sum up grade points. About report cards. I understand the report cards. How to find out his grades and speak with his teachers. I learned how I can communicate with the teachers and how to read his report card. The most important thing is that now I understand my child's report card. How to schedule an appointment with teachers, and how to motivate my daughter so she can be a better students. Knowing my son is not doing good, and how to help him. How to read the report card. My sons grades. Raising up our children, and how to make appointments with teachers. How to interpret the information on the report card. How to keep a good communication with the students, and how to interpret his report card. How to request parent conferences with my child's teachers, and counselor. Methods on how to raise our kids. Progress reports. All the information was very helpful.
  3. How will you use this new information to support your child's academic success?
    ¿Cómo va a usar esta información para apoyar el éxito académico de su hijo/a?
    Talk more with him, and give him more advice. By having a conference with some of the teachers. This conference will be very helpful, I will be able to detect when my son is having trouble with his grades. Putting this information to good use. Give him more support and spend more time with him. Convince him to go to tutoring, and explain to him how important it is for him to do all his assignments. Help and support her. Putting to use what I learned, and be positive. Help him improve in the classes he is having trouble in. I will use this information in a positive way and come to any future workshops. I'm going to encourage my daughter in what she needs. Asking the school for help. Give him more attention. Give him support with school work. I will put this information to good use. Support him in what I can. Check every report card and find out if he is doing better or worst. Rewarding him with what he likes most. Stay firm on the consequences for getting bad grades. Participate in more activities with my son regarding class and homework. By helping and working more with him. Putting more rules about education.
  4. List any additional issues/topics you would like discussed in future sessions?
    ¿Hay otros temas que quisiera platicar en las próximas sesiones?
    How to communicate with my son. About other educational programs this school offers. Everything is well explained. How to help my child. About future classes they need to take so they can advance. How teachers teach and grade. How to reach success with my son. Money for college for students who do not have legal papers. All the information they give us, helps us. I am very pleased. Everything you teach us is perfect. How to enroll him for tutoring.
  5. How would you improve the session? / ¿Cómo mejoraría la sesión?
    More time. Everything is great. Putting more attention. Thank you for your time. The counselors are doing everything very well. Supporting the students and teachers. I would like to congratulate all the professionals for helping us, and ask for patience, thank you. Everything is great. Everything is well organized, 100% "A". Everything is good. Talk about how to be a better parent.
Thank you! We appreciate your participation and support.
¡Gracias! Le agradecemos su participación y apoyo.
– Bravo Counseling Team

Source: Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School. Used with permission.

The U.S. Department of Education does not mandate or prescribe particular curricula or lesson plans. The information in the figure to the right was provided by the identified site or program and is included here as an illustration of only one of many resources that educators may find helpful and use at their option. The Department cannot ensure its accuracy. Furthermore, the inclusion of information in this figure does not reflect the relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this information; nor is it intended to endorse any views, approaches, products, or services mentioned in the figure.

Last Modified: 10/20/2008