Innovations in Education: Successful Magnet High Schools
September 2008
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List of Illustrations


  1. Magnet Strands of Study at Galileo Magnet High School, School Brochure (Excerpt)

  2. The Magnet School Strands in Aldine Independent School District, Houston (Excerpt)

  3. Sample Chairs Designed By Students in the Industrial Design Program at Design and Architecture Senior High School (Miami)

  4. Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet High School (Los Angeles), Parent Evaluation of Bridge Achievement Academy (Excerpt)

  5. Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts (Dallas) List of Cultural Community Collaborations and Guest Artists

  6. Design and Architecture Senior High School (Miami) Career Design Portfolio Flyer

  7. Metropolitan Learning Center (Bloomfield, Conn.) Graduation Requirements

  8. Examples of Careers Related to Magnet Strands at G.W. Carver Magnet High School (Houston)

  9. Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences 2008 Senior Project Overview

  10. Mapping Connections for MLC Students Between Learning and the Real World

  11. Northeast Magnet High School (Wichita, Kans.) Science Professional Learning Community Notes From Weekly Meeting (Excerpt)


  1. Selected Variables of Profiled Magnet High School Sites

  2. Percentages of 10th- and 11th-Grade Students Scoring Proficient and Advanced on 2007 California Standards Test in Reading and Mathematics at Francisco Bravo Medical Magnet as Compared to Los Angeles Unified School District and the State

  3. Percentages of 11th-Grade Students Who Passed the 2007 Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills Test in Reading and Mathematics at G.W. Carver Magnet High School as Compared to the District and the State

  4. Percentages of Ninth- through 12th-Grade Students Who Scored Proficient and Advanced on 2007 State Assessments in Reading and Mathematics at Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences as Compared to Hamilton County and the State

  5. Percentages of 10th-Grade Students Scoring Proficient and Above on 2007 State Assessments at Design and Architecture Senior High (DASH) as Compared to the District and the State

  6. Percentages of Students Scoring Proficient in Reading, Writing, and Mathematics Subjects on 2007 State Assessments at Galileo Magnet High School as Compared to Danville Public Schools and the State

  7. Percentages of 10th-Grade Students Scoring Proficient and Above on 2007 State Assessments at Metropolitan Learning Center as Compared to the Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) and The State

  8. Percentages of 11th-Grade Students Meeting or Exceeding Standards on 2007 State Assessments at Northeast Magnet High School as Compared to the District and the State

  9. Percentages of 10th- and 11th-Grade Students Who Scored Proficient and Above on 2007 State Assessments at Booker T. Washington High School for the Performing and Visual Arts as Compared to the District and the State 60

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Last Modified: 12/15/2008