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Found 13 studies with search of: "Mecamylamine"
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1 Recruiting Study of the Effects of Mecamylamine and Varenicline in Schizophrenia
Condition: Cognition in Schizophrenia
Interventions: Drug: Mecamylamine;   Drug: Varenicline;   Drug: Placebo
2 Recruiting A Pilot Trial of Mecamylamine for the Treatment of Autism
Conditions: Autistic Disorder;   Pervasive Developmental Disorder
Interventions: Drug: mecamylamine;   Drug: placebo
3 Recruiting Mecamylamine for the Treatment of Patients With Depression and Alcohol Dependence
Conditions: Alcohol Dependence;   Depression
Intervention: Drug: Mecamylamine
4 Recruiting Treatment With Mecamylamine in Smoking and Non-Smoking Alcohol Dependent Patients
Condition: Alcoholism
Intervention: Drug: mecamylamine
5 Completed Flexible Dose Titration Add-on Study to Treat Major Depressive Disorder
Condition: Major Depressive Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Mecamylamine
6 Completed Topical Ocular Mecamylamine in Diabetic Macular Edema (DME)
Condition: Diabetic Macular Edema
Intervention: Drug: mecamylamine
7 Completed Nicotinic Receptor Augmentation of SSRI Antidepressants
Condition: Depressive Disorder
Intervention: Drug: Mecamylamine hydrochloride (Inversine)
8 Recruiting Treatment of Orthostatic Intolerance
Conditions: Tachycardia;   Chronic Orthostatic Intolerance
Interventions: Drug: Acetazolamide;   Drug: Atomoxetine;   Other: Baseline (No Drug);   Drug: Clonidine;   Drug: Entacapone;   Drug: Entacapone & Propranolol;   Drug: Atomoxetine & Propranolol;   Drug: Indomethacin;   Drug: Mecamylamine;   Drug: Isosorbide Dinitrate;   Dietary Supplement: Melatonin;   Drug: Midodrine;   Drug: Modafinil;   Drug: Octreotide;   Radiation: Placebo;   Drug: Propranolol;   Drug: Modafinil & Propranolol;   Drug: Sertraline;   Procedure: IV Saline;   Other: Drinking Water;   Device: Breathing Device;   Drug: memantine
9 Completed Combinations of Pharmacologic Smoking Cessation Treatments
Condition: Smoking
Interventions: Drug: Bupropion;   Drug: Mecamylamine;   Drug: Nicotine Patch
10 Active, not recruiting Safety and Efficacy of ATG003 in Patients With AMD Receiving Anti-VEGF
Condition: Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Interventions: Drug: ATG003 (mecamylamine);   Drug: Placebo
11 Completed Safety and Efficacy of ATG003 in Patients With Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)
Condition: Macular Degeneration
Intervention: Drug: Mecamylamine
12 Completed Treatment to Quit Smoking
Condition: Smoking
Interventions: Drug: Mecamylamine;   Drug: Nicotine Patch;   Behavioral: Cigarette brand switching
13 Active, not recruiting TC-5214 as Add-on the Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder
Conditions: Major Depressive Disorder;   Depression
Interventions: Drug: TC-5214;   Drug: Placebo

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