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Grizzly at Lake


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This Month in Yellowstone
Grizzly at Lake

On Sunday, September 19, 2004 Jen Shoemaker (District Interpreter for the Grant District) started her day early looking for a bear jam to videotape. She found one on the East Entrance Road alongside Yellowstone Lake. A group of photographers watched from the road as a grizzly took a dip in a small pool and then crossed over to frolic in the cold water of Lake Yellowstone. The bear found a log floating in the water and played with it as if it were a beach toy. Later, the bear headed toward the road—and the photographers—to the delight of some and the dismay of others. Finally, the grizzly climbed a retaining wall then settled down to a meal of clover.

A grizzly bear munches on some clover after having enjoyed a dip in Yellowstone Lake.

VIDEO © 2004 Jen Shoemaker

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