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Grizzly at Lake


Elk Goring

Elk in

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This Month in Yellowstone
Elk Gores Man

A park visitor sustained cuts and bruises after being gored by a bull elk outside the Terrace Grill at Mammoth Hot Springs on Sunday, September 19. Apparently, he had approached within 10 feet of a large bull elk during the fall rut. (Park rules require people to stay at least 25 yards away from elk, bison and other large animals and at least a football field away from bears.) The man then took a flash photograph of the animal, turned his back on the bull and began to walk away. The elk charged the visitor and gored him in his hand and head. The brief incident was captured on videotape by two visitors with different views of the scene. The copyright on the first half of the video is held by K. Sims and the second half by Caleb Hiner. We thank them both for permission to use their video. Learn more about elk.

elk charge sequence
elk charge 1elk charge 2elk charge 3
elk charge 4elk charge 5elk charge 6

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Last Updated: Monday, 27-Feb-2006 13:50:13 Eastern Standard Time /archive/yell/tours/thismonth/sep2004/goring/index.htm