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Aug 2004


Terrace Walk

Bear Talk

Streaming Fish


Nez Perce



This Month in Yellowstone
Mammoth Hot Springs Terrace Walk

Michael Leach leads visitors on a tour of a part of the Upper Terraces at Mammoth Hot Springs. This video covers basic information regarding the Yellowstone Hot Spot and its volcanic influence on the ground water above. You will visit the most spectacular hot spring and terrace that is currently active, Canary Spring. The tour ends at an overlook that provides expansive views of Mammoth and Fort Yellowstone as well as the Absaroka Mountain Range. The walk was videotaped on August 22nd and is one of our first efforts in producing ranger-led program videos. We thought you might like to see it despite the fact that is not the polished video production that will be coming in the future.

Michael Leach explains how a hot spot provides heat the fuels hot springs, geysers and mud pots at Yellowstone.


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