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May 2004

Old Faithful
Inn Anniversary

Elk Birth





This Month in Yellowstone
Wolves at a Carcass

At about 10:30 a.m. on May 23, 2004 MacNeil Lyons (Formal Education Park Ranger) was driving toward the Northeast Entrance from Roosevelt Junction. As he rounded the bend that opens into Round Prairie he noticed that many cars had pulled off the road. He saw a carcass in the river immediately, but didn't see any wildlife near it. As he approached the crowd of people standing on the roadside, he noticed that it was unusually quiet. Responses to his whispered inquiries taught him that four wolves had left the carcass just a few minutes earlier.

Visitors who had been there since first light said there were six wolves in the area at dawn. They had killed the cow elk during the night and had stripped it of its meat prior to MacNeil's arrival. As MacNeil continued to talk with the visitors, three wolves came back out in the open. For the most part they stayed on the far bank above the carcass but the large, gray male, that MacNeil recognized as the alpha male of the Druid Peak Pack, went down to the carcass one last time to strip a little more meat from its ribs.

More information about wolves in Yellowstone is available online.

Click a thumbnail to see a larger image.

A crowd watches1 the wolves along the roadsideVisitor in the foreground watches a wolf across the riverGrey wolf standingBlack wolf standingTwo wolves standingThree wolves on a riverbankGrey wolf strips the last of the meat from the rib of a carcass

Photos © 2004 MacNeil Lyons - Click a thumbnail to see a larger image

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