NCI Cancer Bulletin
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November 22, 2005 • Volume 2 / Number 45 E-Mail This Document  |  Download PDF  |  Bulletin Archive/Search  |  Subscribe

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BSA Supports Genome Pilot Project

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DTP Celebrates 50 Years of Advancing Cancer Research

Not Your Father's Mouse Model

Cancer Research Highlights
Mutations in Glioblastoma Multiforme Predict Response to Targeted Therapies

Pancreatic Cancer Vaccine Tested in Phase II Trial

Higher Calcium Intake Increases Prostate Cancer Risk

NSAIDs Reduce Risk of Esophageal Cancer

Cetuximab Plus Radiation Proving Effective in HNSCC

Funding Opportunities

Featured Clinical Trial
Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation for Metastatic Breast Cancer

Science Writers' Seminar to Highlight Cancer Health Disparities

New Edition of Monograph Available

NCI Hosts Inaugural Biorepository Symposium

Cancer Booklets Updated

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NCI Focuses on Native Americans

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Funding Opportunities

Small Grants for Behavioral Research in Cancer Control

Application Receipt Dates: Apr. 20, Aug. 21, and Dec. 22, 2006; Apr. 20, Aug. 22, and Dec. 20, 2007; Apr. 20, Aug. 21, and Dec. 22, 2008.

This is a renewal of PAR-04-020. This funding opportunity will use the R03 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Veronica Chollette -

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health

Letter of Intent Receipt Dates: Dec. 26, 2005; Aug. 22, 2006; Apr. 24 and Dec. 26, 2007; Aug. 25, 2008; Apr. 22, 2009. Application Receipt Dates: New, competing continuation, revised, supplemental applications: Jan. 24 and Sep. 22, 2006; May 24, 2007; Jan. 24 and Sep. 24, 2008; May 22, 2009. AIDS and AIDS-Related Applications (New, competing continuation, revised, and supplemental): May 1, 2006; Jan. 2 and Sep. 1, 2007; May 1, 2008; Jan. 2 and Sep. 1, 2009.

This is a renewal of PA-02-131. This funding opportunity will use the R03 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Jon F. Kerner -

Dissemination and Implementation Research in Health

Letter of Intent Receipt Dates: Dec. 26, 2005; Aug. 22, 2006; Apr. 24 and Dec. 26, 2007; Aug. 25, 2008; Apr. 22, 2009. Application Receipt Dates: New, competing continuation, revised, supplemental applications: Jan. 24 and Sep. 22, 2006; May 24, 2007; Jan. 24 and Sep. 24, 2008; May 22, 2009. AIDS and AIDS-Related Applications (New, competing continuation, revised, and supplemental): May 1, 2006; Jan. 2 and Sep. 1, 2007; May 1, 2008; Jan. 2 and Sep. 1, 2009.

This is a renewal of PA-02-131. This funding opportunity will use the R21 award mechanism. For more information, see Inquiries: Dr. Jon F. Kerner -

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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health