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Dams, canals, and other water supply projects constructed to help
develop and maintain the American Southwest.


Central Arizona Project
     Operated by the Central Arizona Project
     New Waddell Dam
     Camp Dyer Diversion Dam
Salt River Project
     Operated by the Salt River Project
     Horse Mesa
     Mormon Flat
     Stewart Mountain
     Granite Reef Diversion
Coolidge Dam
     Constructed & operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Painted Rock Dam
     Constructed and operated by the Corps of Engineers
Alamo Dam
     Constructed and operated by the Corps of Engineers
Gila Project
Yuma Desalting Plant
Yuma Auxiliary Project
     Operated by Unit "B" Irrigation and Drainage District


Colorado River Aqueduct
     Constructed & operated by MWD of SoCal
All-American Canal
     Operated by Imperial Irrigation District
Coachella Project
     Operated by the Coachella Valley Water District
     Coachella Canal
San Diego Project
     Operated by the San Diego County Water Authority


Robert B. Griffith Water Project
     Operated by Southern Nevada Water Authority

Lower Colorado River

Boulder Canyon Project
     Hoover Dam
     Hoover Dam Visitor Center
Parker-Davis Project
     Parker Dam
     Davis Dam
Riverfront Work and Levee System
Headgate Rock Dam
     Operated by Bureau of Indian Affairs
Palo Verde Diversion Project
     Operated by Palo Verde Irrigation District
     Palo Verde Diversion Dam
Imperial Dam
     Operated by Imperial Irrigation District
Yuma Project
     Operated by Imperial Irrigation District
     Laguna Dam
Senator Wash Dam

Basin-wide Projects

Colorado River Basin Project
Colorado River Basin Salinity Control Project
     Colorado River Indian Tribes Unit
     Coachella Canal Unit
     Yuma Desalting Complex Unit
     Protective & Regulatory Pumping Unit
     La Verkin Springs Unit
     Lower Virgin River Unit
     Palo Verde Irrigation District Unit

Some projects and facilities within these states and on the Colorado River Basin are operated by other Reclamation regions...also visit the:

Upper Colorado Region - Operates Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell and other projects north of Lee Ferry on the Colorado River and its tributaries

Mid-Pacific Region - Manages Reclamation projects in Northern California and Northern Nevada

Webmaster: Colleen Dwyer, cdwyer@usbr.gov
Updated: April 2006