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Contact Us - Upper Colorado Region
Regional Office

125 South State Street, Room 6107
Salt Lake City, Utah 84138-1147

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Upper Colorado Regional Office Contacts
Regional Director Larry Walkoviak 801-524-3600
Regional Director's Secretary Levi Hutchinson 801-524-3603
Deputy Regional Director Vacant  
Assistant Regional Director Ann Gold 801-524-3602
Assistant Regional Director Brent Rhees 801-524-3606
Regional Liaison Officer Christopher Cutler 202-513-0667
Regional Public Affairs Officer Barry Wirth 801-524-3774
Technical Services and Dams Division Wayne Xia 801-524-3702
Financial Management Division Shelly Wiser 801-524-3659
Resources Management Division Dave Trueman 801-524-3759
Human Resources Division Roger Slater 801-524-3656
Power Office Manager Max Spiker 801-524-3745
Environmental Resources Division Tom Ryan 801-524-3758
Acquisition Management Division James Durrant 801-524-3732
Information Technology Division Kevin Reynolds 801-524-3724


Upper Colorado Region Offices and Contacts
Alamosa Field Division Albuquerque Area Office Animas - La Plata Const. Office
Carlsbad Office Chama Field Division Curecanti Field Division
El Paso Field Division Elephant Butte Field Division Farmington Construction Office
Flaming Gorge Field Division Fontenelle Dam/Powerplant Glen Canyon Field Division
Power Office Provo Area Office Socorro Field Division
Western Colorado Area Office - Grand Junction Western Colorado Area Office - Durango Upper Colorado Regional Office


Last updated: April 27, 2009