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Agricultural Research Service United States Department of Agriculture
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Research Programs and Projects at this Location
ARS research is organized into National Programs. Within each National Program are research projects. Listed below are the National Programs and research projects currently conducted at this location.

Clicking on a National Program (NP) will take you to the main ARS site for more information on the program. Clicking on a research project title will take you to more information on the project.

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Agricultural System Competitiveness and Sustainability (NP #216)
Mechanistic Process-Level Crop Simulation Models for Assessment of Agricultural Systems
Air Quality (NP #203)
Crop and Weed Responses to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Evaluating Effects of Nitrogen Deposition and Ambient Ozone on An Invasive Plant in the National Capitol Region
Crop Production (NP #305)
Improving Honey Bee Health, Survivorship, and Pollination Availability
Managing Diseases and Pests of Honey Bees to Improve Queen and Colony Health
Preservation of Honey Bee Germplasm
Mid-Atlantic Apiculture Research and Extension Consortium (Maarec)
(Memorandum of Understanding)
A 3-Year Study of the Impact of Imidacloprid-Treated Hardwoods on Pollinator Health in Worchester County, Massachusetts
Evaluation of Pathogens and Pesticides Affecting Honey Bee Health
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Pesticides on Honey Bee Health
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Honey Bee Health, Survivorship and Availability for Pollination
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Improving Honey Bee Health, Survivorship and Availability for Pollination
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Bee Pests and Pest Bees: Reducing the Impacts of Nosema and Africanized Bees
Crop Protection & Quarantine (NP #304)
Biological Control of the Coffee Berry Borer
Biorational Technologies for Management of Chrysomelid Beetle Pests of Agricultural Crops
Chemical Signals for Managing Insects
Communications and Insect and Mite Taxonomic Services
Microbial and Biotechnology Applications for Insect Pest Management
Systematic Analysis of Aphids, Mites, Scales, Thrips, and Termites with Emphasis on Invasive Species
Systematics of Beetles Important to Agriculture, Arboriculture, and Biological Control
Systematics of Flies of Agricultural Importance
Systematics of Moths, Leafhoppers, and True Bugs of Importance to Agricultural, Forest, and Ornamental Plants
Systematics of Parasitic and Plant-Feeding Wasps of Agricultural Importance
A Systems Approach for the Control of Major Diseases of Cacao
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Biological Control of the Cocoa Pod Borer
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Develop An Effective Mating Disruption Formulation for Dogwood Borer to Reduce Reliance on Organ-Ophosphate Insecticides in Apple Orchards.
Development of Attractant for the Emerald Ash Borer
Identification of Insects and Mites of Importance to Quarantine and Biosecurity
Identification Resource for the Fruit Fly Species of Anastrepha
Study of True Bugs (Hemiptera: Heteroptera) of Agricultural Importance
Biocontrol of Diseases of Cacao, a Narcotic Crop Alternative
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Cacao Genotypic Response to Abiotic Stresses, Management and Soil Quality and the Acquisition and Characterization of Cacao Germplasm
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Develop Efficient Management System for Tropical Tree Crops and Assess Germplasm and Biocontrol Agents to Improve Cacao Sustainability
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Soil Quality Parameters (Sqp) in Tropical Soils and Assessment of Elemental Composition in Tropical Crops
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Genomes of Fungal Pathogens and Disease Control
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Optimization of Attract and Kill Formulation for Colorado Potato Beetle Control
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Semiochemicals for the Pink Hibiscus Mealybug (Phm) and Other Invasive Species
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Systematic Research Support for Insects of Agricultural Importance
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Understanding and Managing Thiamethoxam and Imidacloprid Resistance in the Colorado Potato Beetle
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Chemical and Biologically Based Control of Stink Bug Crop Pests
Development of Diets for Use in Assessment of Non-Target Effects on the Beneficial Lady Beetle Coleomegilla Maculata
Rapid Identification of Allantophomopsis Pseudotsugae in Douglas Fir
Global Change (NP #204)
Crop and Weed Responses to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Mechanistic Process-Level Crop Simulation Models for Assessment of Agricultural Systems
Mechanistic Process-Level Crop Simulation Models for Research and on-Farm Decision Support
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Evaluating Effects of Nitrogen Deposition and Ambient Ozone on An Invasive Plant in the National Capitol Region
Development of Database for Crop Modeling and Climate Change Research
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Field-Level Modeling and Data Use for the Cropland Component of the Ceap National Assessment
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Soil Carbon in Urban Environments
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Integrated Farming Systems (NP #207)
Mechanistic Process-Level Crop Simulation Models for Research and on-Farm Decision Support
Conservation Effects Assessment Project
Development of Database for Crop Modeling and Climate Change Research
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Field-Level Modeling and Data Use for the Cropland Component of the Ceap National Assessment
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Plant Biological and Molecular Processes (NP #302)
Crop and Weed Responses to Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide
Defining the Genetic Diversity and Structure of the Soybean Genome and Applications to Gene Discovery in Soybean and Wheat Germplasm
Enhancement of Blueberry, Strawberry, and Brambles Through Molecular Approaches
Evaluation of the Quality and Safety of Transgenic Soybeans
Genomics and Proteomics Approaches to Broadening Resistance of Soybean to Pests and Pathogens
Molecular Genetic Approaches to Pest and Pathogen Resistance in Sugar Beet, Beta Vulgaris L.
Application of Biotechnology to Control the Scn
Developing Soybean Resistance to Soybean Rust Using Biotechnology
Development of Mid-Oleic, Low-Linolenic, Low-Saturated Substitutes for Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil
Evaluating Effects of Nitrogen Deposition and Ambient Ozone on An Invasive Plant in the National Capitol Region
Gender Determination, the Key to Germplasm Utilization: Genetic Mapping and Co-Linearity with Peach, the Rosaceae Model System
Generating Genomic Tools for Blueberry Improvement
Genome Assembly: Genetic Anchoring of Contigs
Identification and Utilization of Resistance to Soybean Rust
Identifying the Genes Associated with Day-Neutrality in Strawberries Using Both Qtl and Candidate Gene Approaches
Nested Association Mapping to Identify Yield Qtl in Diverse High Yielding Elite Soybean Lines
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) DNA Marker Discovery, Mapping, and Application
Whole Genome Analysis of the Soybean Core Germplasm Collection and Applications for New Gene Discovery
Whole Genome Analysis of the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection and Applications for New Gene Discovery (50,000 Snps)
Analysis of Soybean Genes Involved in Pest Resistance
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Bioinformatics to Identification of Plant Gene Function
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Biotechnology to Control the Soybean Cyst Nematode (Scn)
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Biotechnology to Control the Soybean Cyst Nematode (Scn)
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Bioinformatics and Statistics of Proteomics
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Factors Responsible for Differences in Yield among Lowbush Blueberry Clones
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Genetic Diversity in Lowbush Blueberry, Vaccinium Angustifolium
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Genetic Mapping and Applications of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) DNA Markers in Soybean
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying Qtl for Chilling Requirement, Cold Tolerance, and Fruit Quality Traits in Tetraploid Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium Corymbosum
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) Discovery and Application and Qtl Mapping in Soybean and Wheat
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Soil Carbon in Urban Environments
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Testing Function of Cold-Responsive Genes in Determination of Cold Tolerance in Blueberry
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Towards Detecting Protein-Protein Interactions in Soybean and Other Plants Via Mass Spectrometry
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Generating Genomic Tools for Blueberry Improvement
Generating Genomic Tools for Blueberry Improvement
Plant Diseases (NP #303)
Application of Plant-Viral Based Vectors to the Development of Novel Disease Control Strategies
Characterizing, Detecting, and Eliminating Pathogens for the Safe Introduction of Plant Genetic Resources
Control of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes by Interference with Internal Targets
Exotic Pathogens of Citrus
Genetic Enhancement of Potatoes for Nutritional and Processing Quality and for Resistance to Diseases
Genome-Based Strategies for Detection and Identification of Plant Pathogenic Phytoplasmas and Spiroplasmas
Genomics and Proteomics Approaches to Broadening Resistance of Soybean to Pests and Pathogens
Improved Knowledge of Virulence Factors to Develop Postharvest Decay Control Strategies
Molecular and Morphological Systematics and Identification of Important Plant Parasitic Nematodes
Molecular Approaches to Understanding Host Resistance and Pathogen Variability for Improving Potato and Tomato Disease Management
Molecular Genetics of Asexual Sporulation and Pathogen Aggressiveness in Phaeosphaeria Nodorum
Novel Agents and Strategies for Management of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes
Physiological and Molecular Bases for Plant-Pathogen Signaling in Viroid and Bacterial Diseases
Systematic Biology of Invasive and Emerging Plant Pathogenic Fungi
Systematics of Microfungi Used in Biological Control of Plant Diseases and Insect Pests
Use of Molecular Tools for Improving the Efficacy of Biological Control Strategies for Cacao Diseases
Using Electron Microscopy Technology to Solve Agricultural Problems
A Systems Approach for the Control of Major Diseases of Cacao
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Biotechnology to Control the Scn
Developing Soybean Resistance to Soybean Rust Using Biotechnology
Identification of Plant Parasitic Nematodes for Action Agencies
Identification of Plant Parasitic Nematodes for Action Agencies
Preparation of Antibodies Against Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus
Analysis of Soybean Genes Involved in Pest Resistance
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Bioinformatics to Identification of Plant Gene Function
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Biotechnology to Control the Soybean Cyst Nematode (Scn)
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Application of Biotechnology to Control the Soybean Cyst Nematode (Scn)
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Biocontrol of Diseases of Cacao, a Narcotic Crop Alternative
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Cooperative Research on Trichoderma
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Cultivars and Chemicals for Controlling Pink Rot in Potato
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Determination of Causal Agents of a New Potato Disease Complex, Zebra Chip, Exhibiting Purple Top Wilt Syndrome and Characteristic Tuber Sym
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Potato Germplasm for Foliar Disease Resistance
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Establishment and Increase of Foundation Quality Seed of Potential New Usda/ars Potato Varieties
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation and Comparison of Biofungicides and for the Control of Postharvest Potato Tuber Diseases
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation of Soil Quality Parameters (Sqp) in Tropical Soils and Assessment of Elemental Composition in Tropical Crops
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Genome Based Markers for Detecting Plant Pathogenic Phytoplasmas
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Genomes of Fungal Pathogens and Disease Control
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Identification of Pathogen and Host Genes Involved in Spiroplasmal and Phytoplasmal Disease Induction and Symptom Expression
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Late Blight Disease of Potato: Are Today's Strains of P. Infestans More Pathogenic and Are These Recent Strains the Initial Outbreak of ...
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Production of a Tetraploid Seedling Generation in Support of Varietal Development
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Production of Foundation Quality Seed of New Usda/ars Potato Varieties
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Systematics of Plant Pathogenic and Endophytic Fungi Based on a Multigene Phylogenies
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Towards Detecting Protein-Protein Interactions in Soybean and Other Plants Via Mass Spectrometry
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Tropical Cover Crops for Plant-Parasitic Nematode Suppression in Southern Florida
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Rapid Identification of Allantophomopsis Pseudotsugae in Douglas Fir
Plant Genetic Resources, Genomics and Genetic Improvement (NP #301)
Defining the Genetic Diversity and Structure of the Soybean Genome and Applications to Gene Discovery in Soybean and Wheat Germplasm
Discovering and Using Disease Resistance Genes in Phaseolus Vulgaris for the Control of Rusts
Enhancement of Blueberry, Strawberry, and Brambles Through Molecular Approaches
Enhancement of Small Fruit Germplasm Through Genomic Characterization and Genetic Improvement with Emphasis on Disease Resistance
Exchange of Crop Genetic Resources and Associated Documentation for the U.S. National Plant Germplasm System
Exotic Pathogens of Citrus
Genetic Enhancement of Potatoes for Nutritional and Processing Quality and for Resistance to Diseases
Genetic Enhancement of Quality Constituents in Solanaceous Vegetables
Molecular Characterization and Diversity Assessment of Cocoa Germplasm in the Americas
National Rhizobium Germplasm Resource Collection, Genetic Resource Management, Systematics, and Bioinformatics
Operating and Developing the Germplasm Resources Information Network for the U.S. Genetic Resources Program
Plant Explorations to Acquire Crop Genetic Resources
The U.S. National Fungus Collections and Development of on-Line Resources About Fungi
Collection of Fraxinus Germplasm from the Peoples Republic of China
Expedition in Scotland to Exchange Tropical and Subtropical Conifer Germplasm for Crop Improvement
Plant Exploration in Guatemala to Collect Black Walnut Germplasm for Crop Improvement
Plant Exploration in the New Mexico-Arizona Region to Collect Chenopodium Germplasm for Crop Improvement
Plant Exploration in the Southwestern United States to Collect Sunflower Germplasm for Crop Improvement
Plant Exploration in Upper Mesopotamia, Turkey to Collect Herbaceous Ornamental Germplasm
Cooperation Between Usda, ARS Managed National Plant Germplasm System and Ukraine, National Center for Plant Genetic Resources
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Fine Mapping & Characterization of the Tomato Beta-Modifier Gene
(Nonfunded Cooperative Agreement)
Develop Comprehensive Data Sheets of One Hundred Invasive Fungi
Development of Mid-Oleic, Low-Linolenic, Low-Saturated Substitutes for Partially Hydrogenated Soybean Oil
DNA Fingerprinting of Coca Leaves to Establish Coca Genotypes
Generating Genomic Tools for Blueberry Improvement
Genome Assembly: Genetic Anchoring of Contigs
Identification and Utilization of Resistance to Soybean Rust
Nested Association Mapping to Identify Yield Qtl in Diverse High Yielding Elite Soybean Lines
Population Genetic Structure of Rhizobia That Nodulate Medicago Species Indigenous to Egypt. Potential As Inoculants for Use in Arid Lands
Reimbursement for Facilities, Resources, and Services Provided to Aphis
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) DNA Marker Discovery, Mapping, and Application
Support to the National Plant Genetic Resources Program of Armenia
Whole Genome Analysis of the Soybean Core Germplasm Collection and Applications for New Gene Discovery
Whole Genome Analysis of the USDA Soybean Germplasm Collection and Applications for New Gene Discovery (50,000 Snps)
A Search for Genetic Resistance to the Rust and Web Blight Pathogen in Wild and Landrace Andean and Middle American Beans
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Collaboration with Bioversity International to Support Research and Conservation of Crop Genetic Resources
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Collaboration with the International Potato Center (Cip) to Enhance the National Crop Genetic Resources Programs in Key Countries
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Collection of Plant Genetic Resources in the Central Asian and Caucasus Region
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Collection, Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources in the U.S. and Tunisia
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Comparative Genomic Analyses of Fungal Pathogens of Cacao
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Conservation and Use of Plant Genetic Resources in Ukraine
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Enhancing Potato Germplasm for Foliar Disease Resistance
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Establishment and Increase of Foundation Quality Seed of Potential New Usda/ars Potato Varieties
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Evaluation and Comparison of Biofungicides and for the Control of Postharvest Potato Tuber Diseases
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Factors Responsible for Differences in Yield among Lowbush Blueberry Clones
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Genetic Diversity in Lowbush Blueberry, Vaccinium Angustifolium
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Genetic Mapping and Applications of Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) DNA Markers in Soybean
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Id, Isolation and Characterization of Tissue-Specific Differentially Expressed Genes for Anthocyanin Biosynthesis
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Identifying Qtl for Chilling Requirement, Cold Tolerance, and Fruit Quality Traits in Tetraploid Highbush Blueberry, Vaccinium Corymbosum
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Molecular Characterization of the Cocoa Germplasm in the International Cocoa Genebank, Trinidad (Icg, T)
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Production of a Tetraploid Seedling Generation in Support of Varietal Development
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Production of Foundation Quality Seed of New Usda/ars Potato Varieties
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Sequence Analysis for Small Fruit Biotic and Abiotic Stress Research
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) Discovery and Application and Qtl Mapping in Soybean and Wheat
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (Snp) Resources for Cacao Germplasm Characterization
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Testing Function of Cold-Responsive Genes in Determination of Cold Tolerance in Blueberry
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The Collection and Conservation of Cultivated and Wild Crop Genetic Resources
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
The National Late Blight Trial
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Theobroma Cacao: Biodiversity in Full and Partial Forest Canopy
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Generating Genomic Tools for Blueberry Improvement
Generating Genomic Tools for Blueberry Improvement
Quality and Utilization of Agricultural Products (NP #306)
Improved Knowledge of Virulence Factors to Develop Postharvest Decay Control Strategies
Integrated Approach to Quality Maintenance and Evaluation of Intact and Fresh-Cut Produce
Molecular Genetic Approaches for Improvement of Produce Quality
New Technologies to Improve and Assess Meat Quality in Muscle Foods
Optical Properties of Small Grains for Rapid and Objective Assessment of Quality and Safety
Development of Test Methods for Wheat Functional Quality Assessment
Computational Modeling of Quality Changes in Meats During Hydrodynamic and Hydrostatic Pressure Processing
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Development and Evaluation of Novel Test Methods for Wheat Functional Quality Assessments
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Suppression of Alpha-Farnesene Synthesis for Non-Chemical Control of Apple Scald
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Rangeland, Pasture, and Forages (NP #215)
Molecular Strategies for Detection and Identification of Forage Legume Pathogens and Development of Host Resistance
Molecular Strategies for Detection and Identification of Nematodes Infecting Forage Legumes and Development of Host Resistance
Veterinary, Medical and Urban Entomology (NP #104)
Manipulation of Arthropod Behavior for Protection of Humans
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2007)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2008)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2008)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2009)
Deployed Warfighter Protection Research Program (Fy2009)
Validation of Pharmocophore Models of Mosquito Repellents
Characterization of Olfactory Proteins of the Yellow Fever Mosquito Aedes Aegypti As Targets for the Study of Chemosensory Deterrents
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
Design and Discovery of Novel Arthropod Repellents, Attractants and Toxicants
(Specific Cooperative Agreement)
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Last Modified: 05/12/2009
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