Annual Report to Congress
Of the Office for Civil Rights
Fiscal Year 2006

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C. Regulatory and Policy Development

On July 19, 2006, OCR issued correspondence to a large state department of education, addressing how disability civil rights requirements govern school references to student disabilities on report cards and transcripts. The correspondence, signed by Assistant Secretary Stephanie Monroe and written to a high-ranking official of one of the country’s largest public education systems, articulates key civil rights principles relevant to disability references placed on such student-specific school reporting documents. In order to provide more comprehensive information to state officials, OCR’s July 19, 2006, correspondence not only addressed the OCR-enforced requirements of Section 504 and Title II of the ADA, but also provided information about the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), which is administered within the Department by the Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services (OSERS).

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Last Modified: 11/01/2007