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SeaDAS Links

Ocean Color Web: The main homepage for the NASA Ocean Biology Processing Group.

SeaDAS References: Papers relating to SeaDAS and the data processing code within SeaDAS.

Ocean Data Production System: The ODPS site contains information related to the ocean color data production system.

SeaBASS: SeaBASS is an archive of in situ oceanographic and atmospheric data used for algorithm development and satellite validation.

GES DAAC: The GES DAAC hosts the recently reprocessed MODIS/Terra ocean color data, the SeaWiFS, OCTS, and CZCS data sets and Terra and Aqua SST data (in conventional MODIS format).

Goddard DAAC: The Distributed Active Archive Center's main portal.

ITT: Formerly Research Systems Inc., ITT is the creator and distributor of IDL, The Interactive Data Language, used by SeaDAS for its GUI and image display and analysis.

The HDF Group Home Page: NCSA's Hierarchical Data Format software and formats are extensively used and supported by SeaDAS.

Curator: OceanColor Webmaster

Authorized by: gene carl feldman
Privacy Policy and Important Notices

Updated: Tuesday, 10-Mar-2009 16:33:43 EDT
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