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SeaDAS Directory Tree

seadas/  - - - - - - - - - - SeaDAS root directory
       benchmarks/ - - - - - Data files/scripts for running SeaDAS benchmarks (optional)
       bin/  - - - - - - - - SeaDAS processing binaries
       config/ - - - - - - - Configuration files and files used for building SeaDAS
              color_luts/  - Color LUTs directory (custom LUTs can be stored here)
       data/ - - - - - - - - Ancillary files used for data processing
       demo/ - - - - - - - - Demo data files (optional)
       doc/  - - - - - - - - SeaDAS HTML help documentation files
       idl_lib/  - - - - - - Copy of all SeaDAS IDL routines
       idl_rt/ - - - - - - - Files required for the runtime SeaDAS mode (optional)
       scripts/  - - - - - - SeaDAS stand-alone data processing wrapper scripts
       src/  - - - - - - - - Root directory for all SeaDAS source code
           c4idl/  - - - - - C routines used in conjunction with IDL programs
           idl/  - - - - - - IDL routines
           inc/  - - - - - - Include files used when building SeaDAS
           lib/  - - - - - - SeaDAS compiled libraries
           lib3/ - - - - - - 3rd party binaries and libraries (e.g. HDF bins/libs)
           src/  - - - - - - Root directory for the OBPG data processing code
           utils/  - - - - - SeaDAS utility programs used mainly by wrapper scripts
       var/  - - - - - - - - Miscellaneous ancillary files
           metoz/  - - - - - MET/OZONE ancillary files storage directory
           modis/atteph/ - - MODIS attitude/ephemeris ancillary files storage directory
           oisst/  - - - - - OISST ancillary files storage directory

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Authorized by: gene carl feldman

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Updated: Monday, 10-Nov-2008 10:46:20 EST