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Welcome to the EOS Aura Data Support Web Site at the NASA Goddard Earth Sciences Data and Information Services Center (GES DISC).

Aura is the EOS chemistry mission which aims to answer three important questions: is the ozone layer recovering, is air quality getting worse, and is the Earth's climate changing? Aura will continue the long term series of atmospheric chemistry measurements made by earlier missions. The Aura spacecraft operates in a 705 km sun-synchronous polar orbit, with an ascending equator crossing at 1:45 PM. The satellite carries four state-of-the-art instruments:

Data Access:
To order any of the OMI, MLS or HIRDLS data, please click on the "Data Access" link on menu bar. * NOTE: TES data are available from the ASDC located at NASA Langley Research Center.

Parameters Measured by Aura:

(Chart showing parameters measured by Aura.)

(Click on this image for a larger view)

Related Data:

Related atmospheric chemistry and dynamics data sets are available from the GES DISC, including UARS, TOMS, GOME, BUV/ SBUV/ SSBUV, LIMS, TOVS, and AIRS. Solar irradiance data from SORCE and UARS are also available.






MLS Near-Real-Time Data Now Available (Nov 13, 2008)
The MLS version 2.2 Near-Real-Time Ozone and Temperature Data are now available via anonymous FTP download. Data from the past 7 days are retained on disk.
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HIRDLS Version 004 Atmospheric Products Now Released (Aug 4, 2008)

The version 4 of level 2 HIRDLS Product 'HIRDLS2 version 2.04.19)' is now available. At this time, Temperature, O3, HNO3, CFC-11, CFC-12, Cloudtop Pressure and Aerosol Extinction are available. For more information please see the link below.

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HIRDLS Level 2 On-line Subsetter (Jan 24, 2008)
01.24.08 - HIRDLS Level 2 On-line Subsetter
HIRDLS Level 2 data can now be subsetted by parameter and spatial region. The subset tool is available on-line as a web service, and the subsetted data can be downloaded to your machine. Subset capability is also available for OMI and MLS level 2 data.
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Aura Spacecraft Anomaly (Dec. 21, 2007)

The Aura spacecraft has experienced an anomaly causing some housekeeping data not to be transmitted. As a result, Aura Level 1 and 2 data from Dec. 8, 2007 have not been processed. A temporary workaround is currently being implemented. The earliest resumption of data processing is expected to take place by mid-January. Please check back for any updates to this situation.

HIRDLS Version 003 Atmospheric Products Now Released (Nov 5, 2007)
The version 3 of level 2 HIRDLS Product 'HIRDLS2 version 2.04.09)' is now available. At this time, Temperature, O3, HNO3 and Cloud top pressure are only available. For more information please see the link below.

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OMI Level 1B Radiance Products - Version-3 Public Release (Oct. 17, 2007)
The version 3 OMI Level 1B Radiance Products 'OML1BRUG', 'OML1BRUZ', 'OML1BRVG', 'OML1BRVZ' and 'OML1BIRR' are now available. For more information about these data products please see the link below
+ Go to OMI Product Site
MLS Version 2 Public Release (May 24, 2007)
Version 2.2 of the Aura MLS Level 1 and 2 data have been released to the public. Data from March 1, 2007 to current are complete, while data from Aug. 8, 2004 to Feb. 28, 2007 have gaps and are still being processed. Previous version 1.5 data, which span the time period from Aug. 8 2004 to Feb. 28, 2007, are still available.
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HIRDLS Level 2 Data Product Available (May 14, 2007)
The version 2 level 2 HIRDLS Product 'HIRDLS2' is now available. At this time, only temperature, O3, HNO3 and cloud top pressure are retrieved.

OMI OMBRO, OMHCHO, and OMOCLO Products Available (Mar. 8, 2007)
The Level 2 OMI Products 'OMBRO', 'OMHCHO', and 'OMOCLO' are now available. For more information about these data products please see the link below.
+ Go to OMI Product Site
OMI OMSO2 Product Available (Jan. 23, 2007)
The Level 2 OMI Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) Product 'OMSO2' is now available. For more information about this data product please see the link below.
+ Go to OMSO2
OMI OMAERUV Product Available (Dec. 6, 2006)
The Level 2 OMI Aerosol Extinction and Absorption Optical Depth Product 'OMAERUV' is now availalbe. For more information about this data product please see the link below.
OMI OMDOAO3G and OMCLDO2G Products Available (Nov. 22, 2006)
New Level 2G (0.25°x0.25° Global) OMI DOAS based Ozone Product 'OMDOAO3G' and O2-O2 based Cloud Product 'OMCLDO2G' are now available.'
+ Go to OMDOAO3G
+ Go to OMCLDO2G
OMI OMNO2G Product Available (Nov. 9, 2006)
The Level 2G (0.25°x0.25° Global) OMI Nitrogen Dioxide Total and Tropospheric Column Product 'OMNO2G' is now available.
+ Go to OMNO2G
OMI OMNO2 Product Available (Sep. 28, 2006)
The OMI Nitrogen Dioxide Total and Tropspheric Column Product ''OMNO2' are now available. For more information about this data product please see the link below.

+ Go to OMNO2

OMI OMDOAO3 and OMCLDO2 Products Available (June 20, 2006)
The OMI Total Column Ozone Product  'OMDOAO3' (based on DOAS algorithm), and the Cloud Product 'OMCLDO2' (based on O2 absorption) are now available. For more information about these data products please see the links below.
OMI Cloud Product (OMCLDRR) now available (Apr 21, 2006)
The OMI level 2 Cloud Product (OMCLDRR) using the Rotational Raman scattering algorithm is now available to the public. This product contains effective cloud pressure and cloud fraction along with ancillary information.
Aura MLS & OMI Giovanii (Sept 15, 2005)
A new version of Giovanni , a web-based on-line data visualization tool, supporting the Aura MLS & OMI data is now available.

+ MLS Giovanni
+ OMI Giovanni

Aura MLS Data Version 1.5.1 (Aug 8, 2005)
The first publicly released Aura MLS level 1 and 2 data (version 1.5.1) is now available directly from the GSFC DAAC. Data quality documentation should be reviewed before using these data.
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OMI Version 2 Available (Apr 29, 2005)
The Aura OMI level 2 total ozone data product OMTO3 (based on enhanced TOMS V8 algorithm) is now available to the public. The data are accessible from the DAAC anonymous ftp datapool and web ordering system. Other OMI products will be made public in the coming months.
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OMI Version 1 (Dec. 21, 2004)
OMI data have started coming to the DAAC.  At this time, the data are restricted to the OMI science team.  Some level 2 products are planned to be released to the public by mid April 2005.

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  • Last updated: April 02, 2009 23:09:54 GMT