

Pete’s Perspective on Taxpayer Tea Parties

Washington, Apr 15 -

In recent days, individuals across Michigan and the nation have been contacting my office regarding today’s “Taxpayer Tea Parties.” The goal of these events is to demonstrate outrage over the massive amounts of spending and tax increases being forced on the American taxpayer by current leadership in Washington. I understand and share their level of frustration.

I believe that the federal government must be held responsible for the manner in which it spends money. The government should operate like a responsible family or business and live within its means.

Congress can and should help the American economy by reducing the tax burden on small businesses and working families and reform ineffective programs, not continuously throwing more and more borrowed Washington spending at the problems that face our nation.

Americans cannot afford further tax increases and a larger government during these tough economic times. Below is just a sampling of impending tax increases that families face:

- Marginal income tax rates will increase for all income brackets.

- The $400 “Making Work Pay Credit” will expire.

- Capital gains and dividends rates for individuals will increase.

- The child tax credit will decrease from $1,000 to $500.

- The “death” tax will return with a 55% maximum rate.

- The Alternative Minimum Tax exemption will expire.

By taking on the tough issues and implementing creative reforms throughout government, Congress can assist in getting the country back on track and initiate long-term economic stability and job creation.

To learn more about my views on federal spending and taxes, I encourage you to read the below commentaries.

Pete’s Perspective on Taxes in the House Budget

Pete’s Perspective on Deficit Spending in the House Budget

• Pete’s Perspective on Federal Spending

Pete’s Perspective: Terminate the Tax Code