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CRD 01-17

Session X: Technology/Gear

Use of a large-mesh panel to reduce the flatfish bycatch in the small-mesh bottom trawls used in the New England silver hake fishery
Session X: Technology/Gear
Abstract No. X-1


Henry O. Milliken, III
NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026

Bottom trawls that utilize small mesh to capture smaller fish are subject to bycatch limits when they are used in areas where larger regulated species reside.  Bycatch of regulated flatfish in the small-mesh bottom trawl fishery for silver hake (Merluccius bilinearis, Gadidae) in the Northwest Atlantic is a concern of management because the silver hake are captured in areas that juvenile flatfish frequent.  An evaluation of flatfish and silver hake behaviors using low light underwater cameras suggested that the two species could be separated within the mouth of a bottom trawl. Using alternating tows, four different large-mesh panels positioned in the lower belly of the trawl were separately evaluated, and one proved effective at reducing flatfish bycatch while not reducing the catch of silver hake. A large-mesh panel constructed of 1.6 mm diameter, orange colored nylon twine in the lower belly resulted in a 73% reduction in flatfish catch, while not affecting the catch of silver hake.

An efficiency comparison of a standard 8-ft NEFSC sea scallop dredge and one rigged with rock excluding chains
Session X: Technology/Gear
Abstract No. X-2


Victor A. Nordahl, Jr.
NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026

Commercial fishermen dredging in the Northwest Atlantic for the sea scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, regularly rig their 15-ft scallop dredges with rock excluding chains.  Some commercial scallopers believe that rock chains prevent gear damage, reduce repair time, and limit damage to the catch caused by large rocks found in hard bottom habitats.  Hard bottom is generally considered to be habitat with medium to large cobbles and boulders mixed with sand and gravel.  The number of vertical chains (up and downs) and the number sweep chains (ticklers) a scalloper decides to rig over the mouth of the dredge varies between scalloper, and habitat type.  Another belief held by many scallopers is that scallop dredge catch efficiency is increased by adding a number of chains when fishing on hard bottom.  The Northeast Fisheries Science Center has conducted a standard sea scallop survey since 1975 deploying an 8-ft dredge without rock excluding chains.  Lately, some questions have been raised by the Invertebrate Sub-Committee regarding dredge efficiency on hard bottom habitats.  The committee’s opinion is that a bias exists in standard dredge tows that capture large rocks or large amounts of substrate.  A large rock or boulder may change the performance of a dredge and reduce the efficiency during a standard dredge tow.  In response to this, a two part paired dredge tow experiment was conducted in the spring and summer of 2001 to address the issue of dredge efficiency differences on two different bottom types. The study was designed to compare numbers and size frequencies of scallops, finfish bycatch, and substrate retention and exclusion between a standard scallop dredge and one rigged with rock chains.  Twenty-one pairs of dredge tows were occupied on hard bottom on the western side of the Great South Channel and twenty-eight pairs of dredge tows were occupied on soft bottom in and around the Nantucket Lightship Closed area.  Analysis of covariance will be used to test for the differences in catch and calculate a calibration factor for the dredge fitted with the set of rock chains.  Paired t-test and contingency tables will be used to test for differences in by-catch and substrate. A Kolmogorov-Smirnov test will be used to detect differences length frequency distribution.  Based on this study, the NEFSC will decide whether to implement the use of rock chains during the standard scallop survey.  Results were not available from the study at this time, but will be presented at the NMFS 2001 Science Symposium.

Fisheries acoustics at the NEFSC
Session X: Technology/Gear
Abstract No. X-3


Peter Chase, William L. Michaels, J. Michael Jech, William J. Overholtz, Wendy L. Gabriel, and Elizabeth Pratt
NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026

Underwater acoustic technology is being implemented by the NEFSC as an alternative approach to commercial landings and bottom-trawl surveys for obtaining abundance and biomass indices of pelagic fish species in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank regions.  Since 1995, acoustic cruises have been conducted using a multiple-frequency Simrad EK500 scientific echosounder (12 kHz single beam, and 38 and 120 kHz split beams), midwater trawls, and underwater video.  Beginning in 1998, acoustic surveys using standardized survey designs have been conducted to estimate spawning stock biomass of Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus).  Midwater trawl gear is used to verify species composition and underwater video is used to record fish behavior.  Integration of acoustic data with oceanographic and biological databases at the NEFSC significantly enhances the utility of fisheries acoustic methods for pelagic fish assessment.  Research topics of the fisheries acoustics group include comparisons of survey designs and statistical approaches (e.g., classical and geostatistical), in situ and laboratory measurements of acoustic backscatter by individuals, and theoretical modeling and visualization of acoustic backscatter by individuals and aggregations of fish.

Introducing the Fisheries Scientific Computer System (FSCS)

Session X: Technology/Gear
Abstract No. X-4


Nancy McHugh1, David Benigni2, Thomas N. Stepka2, and Dennis P. Shields2
1NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC, 166 Water St., Woods Hole, MA 02543-1026
2NOAA/NOS/Office of Marine and Aviation Operations, 1315 East‑West Hwy., Silver Spring, MD  20910-3282

A sophisticated data acquisition system has been designed by the Office of Aviation and Marine Operations (OMAO) and the Northeast Fisheries Science Center (NEFSC) specifically to digitally collect all critical fishery-independent data aboard fisheries research vessels.  The Fisheries Scientific Computer System (FSCS) is responsible for collecting such data as species, catch weights, individual fish lengths and weights, gender and maturity, as well as stomach content data.  Station and oceanographic data are also collected and integrated into the system.  Once data are collected for a given station, they are subsequently passed on to an ORACLE database ingestion application, which enables data to be audited before it is examined on shore.

FSCS now replaces manual data recording which shaves months off the time required to make cruise data available to researchers.  The system performs all sub-sampling calculations and runs real time audit checks to find data entry errors.  Data can be sent back to shore electronically to provide researchers with up to date catch information and to check for any inconsistencies.  The hardware suite consists of two redundant network servers and each of the following at three sampling locations:  PC with touch-screen terminal, electronic fish measuring board, electronic weight scale, bar code scanner and label printer.  FSCS went fully operational during the 2001 NEFSC spring bottom trawl survey and is currently being implemented on the NOAA ships Albatross IV and Delaware II during bottom trawl, scallop and hydroacoustic surveys. 

Keywords: data entry at sea, fisheries data acquisition

Results for recent NIST intercomparison exercises from the organic group of the J. J. Howard Marine Science Laboratory
Session X: Technology/Gear
Abstract No. X-5

Bruce W. Dockum
NOAA/NMFS/NEFSC, 74 Magruder Rd., Highlands, NJ 07732

The organic laboratory at the James J. Howard Marine Science Laboratory at Sandy Hook has participated in the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Intercomparison Exercise Program for Organics in the Marine Environment for many years.    In this yearly program, NIST conducts a yearly interlaboratory comparison exercise to provide a mechanism for participating laboratories, from the federal, state/municipal, university/college, private, and international sectors, to evaluate the quality and comparability of their analytical methodology in the measurement of selected organic contaminants in marine samples.    The organic contaminants include selected polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), chlorinated pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) which are extracted from mussel or fish homogenates or wetted marine sediment.     The analyte results determined by the organic group at the Howard Laboratory for recent exercises will be presented.

Remote sensing and GIS applications for studies on protected species
Session X: Technology/Gear
Abstract No. X-6


Chris Orphanides and Grayson Wood
NOAA/NMFSNEFSC, 28 Tarzwell Dr., Narragansett, RI 02882-1152

The use of satellites and remote sensing technology for synoptic observation of large areas of the marine environment has been well developed over the past 20 years.  For most part, scientific use of these satellite data has been largely limited to studies of physical oceanographic processes. Recent adaptations of geographical information systems (GIS) for use in the marine environment have shown that they are an important medium by which physical and biological information can be co-analyzed.  This notion is well represented by the applications of sea-surface height measurements and other satellite-derived information to a number of investigations in the Central Pacific, specifically (a) the dispersion and transport of lobster larvae and (b) the behavior patterns of sea turtles.

The present project, underway at the Narragansett Lab, makes use of GIS tools to analyze the data from a number of sea-viewing satellite sensors and from fisheries observer logs, in order to focus on sea turtle by-catch within the Atlantic longline industry.  Information collected in this manner will be combined with actual tracking data gathered by NEFSC tagging operations in 2002.  Preliminary analyses suggest that sea turtle habitat in the marine environment is closely linked with ocean fronts, and that sea turtles may often congregate along the edges of warm core rings and zones of convergence.   These and other habitat preferences are being investigated on various spatial and temporal scales through assessing the correlation between sea turtle location and satellite derived measurements of sea-surface temperature, locations of persistent fronts, chlorophyll concentrations, upwelling / downwelling, and other habitat parameters.

Keywords: protected species, remote sensing, satellite imagery, GIS, sea turtles