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Ohio’s Statewide Imagery Program (OSIP) Data Delivery

Award Number 07HQAG0093, Category 5: Geographic Information Integration

Ohio’s Statewide Imagery Program (OSIP) captures high resolution digital ortho imagery covering the entire State of Ohio. Through this cooperative agreement, the Ohio geographically Referenced Information Program (OGRIP) will publish through OpenGIS® Web Map Services the statewide 1-foot pixel resolution color digital imagery, 2.5-foot Digital Elevation Model, and 1-meter color infrared imagery data to GIServOhio, The National Map, and the Geospatial One-Stop portal.

Publication of the OSIP data products will enable better decision-making, more effective planning, and more accurate analysis in many areas such as homeland security, emergency response, economic development, health, natural resource management, transportation planning, watershed delineation, and hazard mitigation.

Final Report
Interim Report
Ohio Office of Information Technology
Ohio's Statewide Imagery Program


Stuart Davis
stu.davis [at]

Jim Moening