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Justin E. Babendreier

Biographical Information

Name: Justin E. Babendreier
Title: Environmental Engineer

Contact Info:

Ecosystems Research Division
National Exposure Research Laboratory
Environmental Protection Agency
960 College Station Road
Athens, Georgia 30605

Phone: 706-355-8344
email: babendreier.justin@epa.gov


Expertise/Research Interests:

Long-term interests in extending Control Systems Engineering to the management of natural environments and engineered treatment systems.

Professional Activities:

Registered Professional Engineer, State of Virginia

Select Publications:

Babendreier, J.E.(2000). Hydrologic-Based Ecological Risk Assessment of Urban, Agriculture, and Coal Mining Impacts Upon Aquatic Habitat, Toxicity, and Biodiversity. Dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA.

Gallagher, D.L., Babendreier, J.E., Cherry, D.S.. (1999). Hydrologic Analysis for Ecological Risk Assessment of Watersheds with Abandoned Mine Lands. Proc. ASCE-CSCE Conf. on Env. Eng.: Responsible Military and Civilian Stewardship in the Coastal Environment, Norfolk, VA, pp:463-470.

Babendreier, J.E., Gallagher, D.L., Cherry, D.S., Currie, R.J., Latimer, H.A.. (1998). Scale Dependence of Corbicula fluminea Growth Rates. Proc. SETAC 19th Ann. National Meeting, Charlotte, NC.

Babendreier, J.E., Gallagher, D.L., Cherry, D.S., Currie, R.J., Latimer, H.A.. (1998). A Data Screening Tool for Watershed Ecological Risk Assessment to Evaluate Complex Multidisciplinary Monitoring Programs. Proc. SETAC 19th Ann. National Mtg., Charlotte, NC.

Babendreier, J.E., Gallagher, D.L., Cherry, D.S., Currie, R.J., Latimer, H.A.. (1998). Measures of Hydrology, Habitat, Toxicity, and Biodiversity. Proc. 1998 ASCE Wetlands Engineering and River Restoration Conference, Denver, CO, pp:652-657.

Currie, R.J., Cherry, D.S., Babendreier, J.E., Latimer, H.A., Johnson, D. M., VanHassel, J.H.. (1998). Watershed Enhancement Plan Development for Leading Creek After Dewatering of the Meigs 31 Coal Mine in Ohio. Proc. SETAC 19th Ann. National Meeting, Charlotte, NC.

Babendreier, J.E., Gallagher, D.L., Cherry, D.S., Currie, R.J.. (1997). Biases in Laboratory and Field Testing of Sediment Contaminated By Abandoned Mine Lands. Proc. 29th Mid Atlantic Industrial and Hazardous Waste Conference, Roanoke, VA, pp:553-561.

Lindner, D.K., Babendreier, J.E., Hamden, A.M.A.. (1989). Measures of Controllability and Observability and Residues. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 34, pp. 648-650.

Lindner, D.K.,Babendreier, J.E. (1988). A Trajectory Analysis of Near Aggregation. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 33, 1988, pp. 474-476.

Lindner, D.K.,Babendreier, J.E. (1988). The Dual GHR, Zeros, and Residues. Systems & Control Letters, Vol. 10, 1988, pp. 245-250.

Lindner, D.K., Babendreier, J.E., Hamden, A.M.A.. (1988). A Geometric Analysis of the Zeros and Residues Via the Dual GHR. Proc. American Control Conf., Atlanta, GA, pp. 1048-1051.

Babendreier, J.E.(1987). Near Aggregation: A Time and Frequency Domain Analysis Using State Trajectories and Transfer Function Residues. M.S. Thesis. Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA.

Current Projects:

Uncertainty Analysis for the HWIR/3MRA Modeling System.

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