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Biographical Information

Biographical Information

Name: Eric J. Weber

Title: Acting Director


Expertise/Research Interests:

Dr.Weber's research has focused on the transformation pathways of organic pollutants in natural systems with a primary emphasis on reaction mechanisms, kinetics and reaction product identification. Currently, his work focuses on the elucidation of reaction pathways for the reductive transformation of organic pollutants in anoxic systems, and understanding how organic pollutants with reactive functional groups (e.g., aromatic amines) covalently bind with aqueous and sediment-associated natural organic matter. In support of ORD's new Computational Toxicology Research Program, for which Dr. Weber serves as ERD's task manager and lead principal investigator, he is developing a research program that incorporate the use of 'omic tools (i.e., genomics, proteomics and metabonomics) to focus environmental fate studies. The primary objective of this program will be the use of these tools to identify the chemical components of most concern in complex chemical mixtures (e.g., munitions, agrochemical runoff from Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs).

Recent Publications:

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