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The Earth Observing System Data and Information System (EOSDIS) manages and distributes data products through the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs). The centers process, archive, document, and distribute data from NASA’s past and current research satellites and field programs. Each center serves one or more specific Earth science disciplines and providesdata products, data information, services, and tools unique to its particular science.

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Cleaner water from space
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11 November 2008

Sensing Our Planet: NASA Earth Science Research Features 2008 now available

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by Jane Beitler
November 11, 2008

Scientists use satellites to help keep water fit to drink.

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Travelers from around the world pause at China's Lake Taihu. Tranquility normally prevails along the sculpted limestone cliffs and undulating green hills ringing its placid waters west of Shanghai. But in spring 2007, this picture of Chinese beauty grew ugly when a massive blue-green algal outbreak thickly slimed the lake's surface.

Chinese officials declared the outbreak a major health emergency. The algae, called cyanobacteria, threw off foul odors as well as toxins that can damage human health. Two million nearby residents who drink Lake Taihu's water scrambled to buy bottled water for several weeks. Agricultural runoff and wastewater discharge had overloaded the lake waters with nitrogen; in spring, algae grew explosively in the warm, fertile waters. The most severe of several recent outbreaks, the incident spotlighted the need to better manage Lake Taihu's water quality.

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Author: Laura Naranjo
NASA Official: Jeanne Behnke
Last Updated: 13 April 2009
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