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Earth Today 1998

The ability to see Earth from space has forever changed our view of the planet. We are now able to look at the Earth as a whole, and observe how its atmosphere, oceans, land masses, and life interact as global systems. Earth's atmosphere, hydrosphere, geosphere, and biosphere are dynamic, changing on timescales of days, minutes, or even seconds. Monitoring the Earth in near real time allows us to get an up to date picture of conditions on our planet. More SVS visualizations for the Earth Today exhibit can be found in animation ids 328 and 1401.

This is the narrated Earth Today animation which opens the exhibit.    This is the narrated Earth Today animation which opens the exhibit.
Duration: 7.8 minutes
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  1280x1024 (30 fps) Frames
  352x240 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   63 MB
  320x256     JPEG         18 KB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) MPEG-2   731 MB
  720x480 (29.97 fps) MPEG-2   236 MB
  1280x720 (29.97 fps) MPEG-4   295 MB
  320x256 (30 fps) X-FLV       9 MB
How to play our movies

The Earth Today exhibit produces near-realtime animations based on current data.  This sample animation shows an example of how such animations are displayed.    The Earth Today exhibit produces near-realtime animations based on current data. This sample animation shows an example of how such animations are displayed.
Duration: 5.5 minutes
Available formats:
  352x240 (29.97 fps) MPEG-1   55 MB
  320x242     JPEG         10 KB
How to play our movies

Our Solar System    Our Solar System

Available formats:
  1280 x 1024     TIFF   364 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG       5 KB
  160 x 80           PNG         4 KB
  80 x 40             PNG         1 KB

Venus    Venus

Available formats:
  1280 x 1024     TIFF   795 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG     11 KB

Mars    Mars

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  1280 x 1024     TIFF   583 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG       7 KB

Galileo    Galileo

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  1280 x 1024     TIFF   658 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG       9 KB

Global Cloud Cover    Global Cloud Cover

Available formats:
  8000 x 8000     GIF 24 MB
  320 x 320         JPEG     21 KB

Global Water Vapor showing the parade of 1995 hurricanes in the Atlantic    Global Water Vapor showing the parade of 1995 hurricanes in the Atlantic

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  8000 x 8000     GIF 25 MB
  320 x 320         JPEG     16 KB

Sea Surface Temperature    Sea Surface Temperature

Available formats:
  8000 x 8000     GIF 14 MB
  320 x 320         JPEG     13 KB

Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies showing the 1998 El Nino event    Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies showing the 1998 El Nino event

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  8000 x 8000     GIF 20 MB
  320 x 320         JPEG     23 KB

Draining the Oceans    Draining the Oceans

Available formats:
  1280 x 1024     TIFF   532 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG       8 KB

Topographic Map of Earth    Topographic Map of Earth

Available formats:
  8000 x 8000     GIF 19 MB
  320 x 320         JPEG     14 KB

Earthquakes    Earthquakes

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  1280 x 1024     TIFF   843 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG     11 KB

Tectonic Plate Boundaries    Tectonic Plate Boundaries

Available formats:
  1280 x 1024     TIFF   902 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG     12 KB

Volcanoes    Volcanoes

Available formats:
  1280 x 1024     TIFF   790 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG     10 KB

Vegetation    Vegetation

Available formats:
  1280 x 1024     TIFF   696 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG     10 KB

Earth at Night    Earth at Night

Available formats:
  1280 x 1024     TIFF   470 KB
  320 x 256         JPEG       4 KB

Biosphere    Biosphere

Available formats:
  8000 x 8000     GIF 15 MB
  320 x 320         JPEG     16 KB

Animation Number:1402
Animators:Alex Kekesi (GST) (Lead)
 Wendy Shoan (NASA)
Narrators:Erica Drezek (HTSI)
 James Earl Jones
Scientist:Tom Watters (Smithsonian/Air and Space)
Writer:Tom Watters (Smithsonian/Air and Space)
Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets:DMSP/OLS
 Galileo/Solid-State Imaging Camera
 Seismic Recording Networks
 GOES-8/Sounder/Band 3
 ISCCP/D2/Cloud Cover
 SeaStar/SeaWiFS/Sea Surface Temperature
 SeaStar/SeaWiFS/Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly
 USGS/NEIC/Earthquake Activity
Data Collected:Various
Series:HoloGlobe and Earth Today
Video:SVS1998-0020 *
DLESE >> Atmospheric science
DLESE >> Biological oceanography
DLESE >> Climatology
DLESE >> Geology
DLESE >> Human geography
DLESE >> Hydrology
SVS >> Mars
DLESE >> Natural hazards
DLESE >> Physical oceanography
SVS >> SST Anomaly
DLESE >> Space science
SVS >> Venus
More Information on this topic available at:
Please give credit for this item to
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, NASA/Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, United States Geological Survey, Goddard Institute for Space Studies, Global Processing Center for International Satellite, Cloud Climatology Project, World Climate Research Program, NASA/Stennis Space Center, Naval Oceanographic Office and Northrop Grumman/DSSD, United States Naval Research Laboratory, Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program, United States Geological Survey, National Earthquake Information Service, National Earthquake Information Center, US Air Force Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Geophysical Data Center, University of Wisconsin, Space Science and Engineering Center, NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center, The SeaWiFS Project and GeoEye, Scientific Visualization Studio. NOTE: All SeaWiFS images and data presented on this web site are for research and educational use only. All commercial use of SeaWiFS data must be coordinated with GeoEye (

*Please note: the SVS does not fulfill requests for copies of the tapes in our library. On some of our animation pages, there is a direct link to a video distribution service from which tapes, handled by the Public Affairs Office (PAO)/Goddard TV, including some of our animations may be ordered. General information on this service can be found here.

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