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Table of Contents for SeaWiFS


Image of SeaStar-SeaWiFS
Movie   ID   Title
This set provides stereoscopic content (Left and Right Eye separate) of the visualization with a starfield as a background.   3585   Stereoscopic SeaWiFS Biosphere Global Rotation: 1997-2006
This animation represents nearly a decade's worth of data taken by the SeaWiFS instrument, showing the abundance of life in the sea in and around the Costa Rica Dome. Dark blue represents warmer areas where there is little life due to lack of nutrients, and greens and reds represent cooler nutrient-rich areas.   3544   Biosphere Data Around the Costa Rica Dome (Land Masked)
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Gulf of Mexico while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data.   3528   Biosphere Data Around the Gulf of Mexico (Land Masked)
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Western seaboard of the United States while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data.   3527   Biosphere Data Across the United States Western Seaboard (Land Masked)
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Eastern seaboard of the United States while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data.   3526   Biosphere Data Over United States Eastern Seaboard (Land Masked)
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Northeastern seaboard of the United States while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data   3524   Biosphere Data Over Northeastern United States (Land Masked)
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Gulf of Mexico while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data.   3518   Biosphere Data Around the Gulf of Mexico
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Western seaboard of the United States while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data.   3517   Biosphere Data Across the United States Western Seaboard
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Eastern seaboard of the United States while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data.   3516   Biosphere Data Over United States Eastern Seaboard
This animation begins with a wide shot of the United States and zooms down to the Northeastern seaboard of the United States while cycling through nearly ten years of SeaWiFS biosphere data.   3515   Biosphere Data Over Northeastern United States
Animation depicting nearly a decades worth of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration and land Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. This animation begins by slowly spinning the earth around until settling over Australia.   3494   SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over Australia
Animation depicting nearly a decades worth of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration and land Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. This animation begins by slowly spinning the earth around until settling over the North Pacific.   3471   SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Pacific (Slow Version)
Animation depicting nearly a decades worth of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration and land Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) data. This animation begins by slowly spinning the earth around until settling over the North Atlantic.   3468   SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Atlantic (Slow Version)
This animation show the MEI in red and then the Ocean Net Primary Production (NPP) levels in green.   3459   SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Atlantic
Print resolution picture of SeaWiFS global biosphere over the North Pacific.   3454   SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Pacific
A print resolution picture of SeaWiFS ocean chlorophyll concentration decadal average over Asia and Australia.   3452   Global Rotation of SeaWiFS Biosphere Decadal Average without Land
A print resolution picture of SeaWiFS global biosphere decadal average over Asia and Australia.   3451   Global Rotation of SeaWiFS Biosphere Decadal Average with Land
Print resolution picture of SeaWiFS global biosphere over the Northern Atlantic.   3450   SeaWiFS Biosphere Data over the North Atlantic
Print resolution SeaWiFS data over Asia and Australia.   3420   SeaWiFS Biosphere Global Rotation from 1997 to 2006
Fly over North America to Greenland (fisheye lens render)   3400   Dynamic Earth Dome Protoype: Fly Around
Hemisphere view of the global biosphere (fisheye lens render)   3399   Dynamic Earth Dome Prototype: Hemisphere
This animation shows a 32-day moving average of global SeaWiFS data spanning from August 29, 1997 to October 23, 2006.   3387   SeaWiFS Biosphere from 1997 to 2006
The short version of the Cryosphere Tour, with narration and music.   3355   A Short Tour of the Cryosphere
Carbon Dioxide graph from 1980 to 2005 over global biosphere data   3309   Missing Carbon: Global Biosphere with Carbon Dioxide Growth Overlaid
VIDEO WITH MUSIC AND CAPTIONS   3181   A Tour of the Cryosphere
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface temperature on March 15, 2003.   3180   MODIS Daily Global Snow Cover and Sea Ice Surface Temperature as seen in the SIGGRAPH 2005 Electronic Theater
SeaWiFS views Hurricane Frances   2991   SeaWiFS View of Hurricane Frances from 1 September 2004
This animation shows Hurricane Charley from August 9, 2004 to August 15, 2004.  It shows the track and intensity of the storm with a colored path.  Green denotes Tropical Depression status. Gold denotes Tropical Storm status. Red is Hurricane 1  on the Saffir Simpson scale.  Orange is Hurricane 3  on the Saffir Simpson scale.  Purple is Hurricane 4 on the Saffir Simpson scale.   2986   Hurricane Charley Progression
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface
temperature over Europe on February 7, 2003.   2984   Daily Snow and Sea Ice Temperature over Europe
This image shows the snow cover and sea ice surface
temperature over North America on February 9, 2003.   2983   Daily Snow and Sea Ice Temperature over North America
This animation shows the daily advance and retreat of snow cover, and sea ice surface temperature over the Northern Hemisphere during the
winter of 2002-2003.  Snow cover over the tip of South America is also shown during the summer of 2000.   2981   Global Daily Snow and Sea Ice Surface Temperature
Print resolution still of SeaWiFS data on 9-18-04.  Note the light blue trail southeast of the hurricane.  This trail indicates higher levels of phytoplankton near the ocean surface.   2955   Isabel's Phytoplankton Trail with GOES
Animation dissolves between the 9/13/03 and 9/18/03 SeaWiFS datasets revealing the phytoplankton bloom.  The animation ends with a
slight push into the bloom.   2954   Isabel's Phytoplankton Trail
Tropical Storm Allison, as captured by the SeaWiFS instrument.  The images in this animation are each composites of one days worth of data.   2920   Tropical Storm Allison Progression (WMS)
This animation shows the first six years worth of biosphere data taken by the SeaWiFS instrument.  On land, areas of high plant life are shown in dark green, while areas of low plant life are shown in tan.  In the ocean, areas of high phytoplankton are shown in red, and areas of lowest phytoplankton are shown in blue and purple.   2914   Global Biosphere from August, 1997 to July, 2003 (WMS)
SeaWiFS recorded the recovery of ocean life around the Galapagos Islands during May, 1998.   2913   Life Returns to the Galapagos after El Nino (WMS)
Category 3 hurricane Fabian, moving towards Bermuda at 17 mph. 28 km-hr.   2795   Hurricane Fabian
Smoke innudates Asia on May 19, 2003.   2739   Asian Smoke Seen by SeaWiFS
Close-up of the haze over China, with Shenzhen at the bottom of the image.   2699   Haze over China, Shenzhen
Close-up of the haze over China, with Shanghai on the right side of the image.   2675   Haze over China
View of Asia   2648   Apollo 17 30th Anniversary: View of the Biosphere
A close up look at the west tip of Africa.   2633   Looking Down at the Earth from Space with SeaWiFS False Color Oceans.
Eastern Mediterranean region looking from West to East   2627   Eastern Mediterranean SeaWiFS Imagery created for National Geographic's book THE SATELLITE ATLAS OF THE WORLD
Chlorophyll California Image from October 6, 2002   2623   West Coast Chlorophyll Bloom
View of New York City on September 11, 2002.   2520   SeaWiFS Views New York City on September 11, 2001
SeaWiFS was able to capture this image a day after the terrorist attack, September 12th, 2001   2513   SeaWiFS view of Ground Zero
Difference data between CZCS and SeaWiFS for the world with black land   2497   Decadal Comparison of Plankton Levels
This image depicts the Arizona fire and its smoke spread across neighboring states.   2490   Zoom Into Arizona Fires with State Borders
SeaWiFS Image of Blackwater, False color date March 18, 2002   2422   Blackwater: SeaWiFS False Color (chlorophyll) (Version 2)
SeaWiFS Image of Blackwater, False color date Jan. 9, 2002   2420   Blackwater: SeaWiFS False Color (chlorophyll)
SeaWiFS Image of Blackwater, True color date Jan. 9, 2002   2419   Blackwater: SeaWiFS True Color
From space, the yellowish brown dust plumes and whiter smoke plumes are visible. SeaWiFS
keeps a ever vigal eye on the Earth, but not only does it see smoke, fires, and vegetation, it also sees the
ever changing oceans. Please take a few minutes and see the wonder of what is our home, Earth.   2386   SeaWiFS: California Wild Fires
Close-up of Lake Michigan cloud cover.   2352   Lake Effects of Lake Michigan, faster push-in
Close-up of cloud-covered Lake Michigan.   2351   Lake Effects of Lake Michigan, slow push-in
Close-up of snowfall covering the southeastern United States   2343   Snow Covers the Southeastern United States - January 4, 2002
This is image of Australia is the set up image of an
animation shows the smoke plumes from fires in New South Wales, Australia.   2342   Australian Fires: 1/4/2002
SeaWiFS image of smoke plume from the New South Wales
fire.   2341   SeaWiFS Views Smoke in New South Wales, Australia: 1/4/2002
Image from SeaWiFS, showing the smoke plume from
the New South Wales fire.   2334   A Closer Look at Smoke from Eastern Australia, 1/02/2002
Fires in New South Wales can be seen from space, with
the help of the Orbview2. Which is in an orbit 705 Km. above the earth.   2333   Smoke from Eastern Australia, 1/02/2002
This still shows the three years of data of the
Biosphere, focused on Europe and Asia   2290   Missing Link in Carbon Sink found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, Europe and Asia focus
A still image of the Carbon Sink Animation.
Here one can see three years of data of the Biosphere, focused on North America.   2289   Missing Link in Carbon Sink found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, North America focus
A Still Image of the Carbon Sink animation. Notice
how the land pulsates, breathing with life.   2288   Missing Link in Carbon Sink Found in Northern Forests: Three Years of Biosphere Data, Spinning Globe
A close up of Hurricane Olga, from the SeaWiFS Instrument.   2286   Hurricane Olga: 28 November 2001
Hurricane Erin as seen by the SeaWiFS Instrument   2273   Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS: September 10, 2001 (Version 3)
July 13th, 2001   2271   Lake Michigan 2001 Bloom (without dates)
July 13th, 2001   2270   Lake Michigan 2001 Bloom (with dates)
SeaWiFS captures this image of Erin as it lines up
parallel with Cape Hatteras on September 10, 2001   2263   Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS: September 10, 2001 (Version 2)
A wide view of Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS, taken September 10, 2001.  This image shows the eye to be located 200 kilometers due east of Bermuda.   2262   Hurricane Erin from SeaWiFS: September 10, 2001 (Version 1)
African Dust leads to large toxic algae blooms off the coast
of Florida   2241   African Dust Leads to Large Toxic Algae Blooms off the Coast of Florida
Off the coast of Florida the product of the African dust
is large toxic algae blooms   2240   African Dust Leads to Large Toxic Algae Blooms
Japanese area showing aftermath of Typhoon Pabuk   2239   Zoom into aftermath of Typhoon Pabuk in Japan (SeaWiFS 23 Aug 2001)
This SeaWiFS image clearly shows a massive duststorm over Libya.  The image was taken on August 23, 2001.   2238   Libyan Dust Storm
Typhoon Pabuk over the southern part of Japan, August 21, 2001.   2237   Typhoon Pabuk
Zoom into the ongoing Mount Etna Eruption, July 24, 2001   2207   Mt Etna Eruption, July 24, 2001
A wideshot of Sicily.   2206   Mt. Etna, Sicily (push in)
Wide view of Sicily, notice the large plume.   2205   Mt. Etna, Sicily (pan)
SeaWiFS caught this beautiful image of the cold front that
cooled down Washington D.C. area on July 1, 2001   2203   Cold Front Pushes Past the Washingon, D.C. Area (2nd Version)
SeaWiFS caught this beautiful image of the cold front
that cooled down Washington D.C. area on July 1, 2001   2202   Cold Front Pushes Past the Washingon, D.C. Area
SeaWifs 3 year data of the pulse of the planet,
helps show the Carbon Build up in the air.  For this presentation
the Scientist wanted to show how the earth reacts to the chemicals
in the air.   2195   SeaWiFS: NASA Carbon Cycle Initiative
Annotated White Sea Image (SeaWiFS)   2141   White Sea Traps Seal Pups
In July 18 of 2000 a large dust storm heads out of North Africa over the Mediterranean to Europe.   2140   Mediterranean Dust Storms (2000/07/18)
As SeaWiFS eyes another dust storm, we zoom down to see this
dust storm around the nile river, on 2001-04-18.   2139   Mediterranean Dust Storms (2001/04/18)
Looking at the large dust storm off of North Africa on April 18th 2001.   2138   Mediterrranean Dust Storms (7/18/2000, 7/18/2001)
On the Coast of West Africa, dust storms are a common occurrance, if you take a look at this one, its about the size of Spain.   2137   West Africa Dust Storms
Dust storms are an every day occurrance in Saudi Arabia. This storm is of an unusual size.   2136   The Middle East Dust Storm
A dust storm 200 miles across is captured by the SeaWiFS instrument.   2135   A Texas Dust Storm, 200 Miles Wide (without graph)
A Texas dust storm that measures 200 miles across is captured by the SeaWiFS instrument.   2134   A Texas Dust Storm (with graph)
In this visualization, dust storms cover the Midwest of
America. The dust is from Asia.   2115   Dust Storms of Asia Hits the Midwest
Dust storms in Asia, catches a ride with the
gulf stream and heads towards the United States.   2114   Dust Storms of Asia
Taking a look at a large amounts of Killer Algae called chattonella, that have claimed over 700 salmon this
year.   2091   Killer Toxic Algae Off the Coast of Norway
Looking into the Central American fishing season, in this flat projection you
can see the Latin America and yellow plumes of life.   2088   SeaWiFS: The Fishing Season in Central America
In this Global Projection we pause on the Pacific Ocean to view El-Nino and La-Nina seasons.   2087   SeaWiFS: El Nino on a Globe (2nd version)
In this flat projection you can see the El Nino and La Nina season with a pause of the last day of the
La Nina.   2086   SeaWiFS Captures El Nino
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton, here we see
a connection with the cycle of the ocean and land with the cycle of
Carbon in the atmosphere.   2085   SeaWiFS Captures Three Years of the Carbon Cycle
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton, here SeaWiFS
captures the El Nino and La Nina Seasons of 1997 to 2000.   2084   SeaWiFS: El Nino on a Globe
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton, in this sphere projection
you can see the whole world pulse with life.   2083   SeaWiFS Land and Ocean Views on a Globe
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Here you
can see the land without the ocean data.   2082   SeaWiFS Land Views on a Globe
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Here you
can see the Oceans without the land data.   2081   SeaWiFS Ocean Views on a Globe
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Zooming down
to see the El Nino and La Nina of 1998 to 1999 and how it reacted with
the rest of the world.   2080   SeaWiFS Captures El Nino
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Zooming down
to the Congo River one can see how it affects the Ocean.   2079   SeaWiFS: The Effect of the Congo on the Atlantic
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Zooming down
to the Amazon River one can see the massive amounts of silt.   2078   SeaWiFS: The Effect of the Amazon on the Atlantic
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world oceans
and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton. Zooming down
to the North Atlantic one can see the North Atlantic Bloom (in bright
green) this shows an flowing upwelling.   2077   SeaWiFS: the North Atlantic Bloom
The SeaWiFS instrument looks at the world's oceans and land to observe the plant life and phytoplankton.  In this flat projection view, you can see the whole world pulse with life.   2076   SeaWiFS Views the Whole World with Three Years of Data
Cyclone Dera (March 11, 2001)   2075   Cyclone Dera
Zoom down to show fires in San Diego, California, on January 4, 2001, as captured by SeaWiFS   2050   San Diego Fires from SeaWiFS: January 4, 2001
Zoom down to show fires in San Diego, California, on January 3, 2001, as captured by SeaWiFS   2049   San Diego Fires from SeaWiFS: January 3, 2001
On December 20th 2000 SeaWiFS captured this amazing image of
the east and southern coastal regions of the U.S..  A Wall of clouds
surround the U.S..   2048   A Cloudless Coastal America
Clouds cover the Western Great Lakes.  They slide to the East.   2019   Great Lakes Cloud Cover
The changing of the leaves can be seen in space by the
SeaWiFS instrument. Shown here are 3 datasets that show the change.   2015   Autumn Around Boston
The changing of the leaves can be seen in space by the SeaWiFS instrument.
Shown here are 3 datasets that show the change.   2014   Autumn Around the Chesapeake Bay
The changing of the leaves can be seen in space by the SeaWiFS instrument. Shown
here are 3 datasets that show the change.   2013   Autumn Around the Northern East Coast
A final zoomed-out with with all datasets visible.   2005   SeaWiFS Multiresolution Animation with Annotations
Our Solar System   1402   Earth Today 1998
Earth Today Logo   1401   Earth Today 1998 Introduction
Zoom in to fires in Montana in August 2000, showing first SeaWiFS imagery then Landsat thermal data   1325   Zoom to Montana Fires Showing SeaWiFS Data and the Landsat-7 Thermal Channel
A pan along the shores of the Caspian Sea, from SeaWiFS imagery   1289   Flying Over the Caspian Sea
Great Lakes Lake Effect Snow   1271   Great Lakes and Lake Effect Snow
Zooming in to northern Italy, showing a time lapse series of SeaWiFS images from January, 2000   1270   Italy in Winter (without dates)
Zooming in to northern Italy, showing a time lapse series of SeaWiFS images from January, 2000   1269   Italy in Winter (with dates)
Fly into Tasmania using SeaWiFS imagery   1268   Tasmania
Zoom in to a dust plume off the coast of Morocco, as seem by SeaWiFS   1267   Dust Plume Off the Coast of Morocco, Africa
Zoom down to New Orleans and pan up the Mississippi, using a SeaWiFS image   1266   Mississippi Flydown from SeaWiFS
A slow tour of the Australian Coast, starting at the Great Barrier Reef and ending at Tasmania, from SeaWiFS imagery   1265   Australia Coastal Flyover
Panning along a haze-filled San Joaquin Valley, from SeaWiFS imagery   1264   Haze in the San Joaquin Valley
Panning along the North Carolina coast, from SeaWiFS imagery   1263   North Carolina Coastline Flyover from SeaWiFS
Zoom down from Florida to Cape Canaveral bloom   1262   Cape Canaveral, Florida
Zoom into Kiribati Islands   1261   Kiribati Islands
Long tour over Australia using SeaWiFS imagery   1260   Australian Flyover
Panning along a SeaWiFS image from the Hudson Strait past the coast of Baffin Island in northern Canada   1259   Canada Ice from SeaWiFS
Zooming down to the Gulf of Martaban between Myanmar and Thailand, from SeaWiFS imagery   1258   Gulf of Martaban
SeaWiFS captured this wonderful image of hurricane
Florence, not only does it show its beauty, it also reveals its power and
size.   1236   SeaWiFS Tropical Storm Florence
Typhoon Bilis over Taiwan   1209   SeaWiFS: Typhoon Bilis
Hurricane Debby advances on the U.S..   1208   Hurricane Debby
Keeping an eye on hurricane Jelawat, which is heading
towards Japan.   1207   SeaWiFS Typhoon Jelawat
Zooming down to Sydney Australia.   1164   Zoom in to Sydney, Australia for the 2000 Olympic Games
Zoom down to the Los Alamos area with smoke evident from fires   1163   New Mexico Fires - Los Alamos
Zoom into Montana region with smoke plumes evident from fires   1162   Montana fires with State lines
Zoom into a view of the smoke plumes from fires in Montana, as seen by SeaWiFS in August 2000   1161   Montana Fires in August 2000 from SeaWiFS
Zoom in to Montana fires on August 8, 2000 showing the correlation between aerosols as measured by Earth Probe TOMS and smoke plumes as seen by SeaWiFS   1160   Montana Fires: SeaWiFS Imagery and TOMS Aerosols
Zoom-in to Idaho & Montana fire smoke plumes.   1159   Western Fires. Slow Approach with State Lines.
Zoom-in to smoke plumes from fires in Idaho & Montana.   1158   Western Fires: Fast Approach with State Lines
Zoom-in to smoke plumes from fires in Idaho & Montana.   1157   Western Fires (short version)
Push-in to fires in Montana.   1156   Western Fires (Long version)
Push-in to fires in Montana.   1155   Western Fires
Push-in to fires in Idaho.   1154   Fires in Idaho
Push-in showing smoke plumes in Colorado.   1153   Fires in Colorado
Zooming in to a region in the North Atlantic Ocean, north of Great Britaini, showing a large phytoplankton bloom   1117   North Atlantic Phytoplankton Bloom
Zooming down to fires in Central America as seen by SeaWiFS on April 17, 2000   1116   Fires in Central America from SeaWiFS: April 17, 2000 (A Closer Look)
Fires in Central America   1115   Fires in Central America
Zooming down to the Bay of Bengal, showing a true color SeaWiFS image followed by SeaWiFS measurements of phytoplankton density   1114   A Closer Look at the Bay of Bengal from SeaWiFS
Zooming down to the Bay of Bengal, showing a true color SeaWiFS image followed by SeaWiFS measurements of phytoplankton density   1113   The Bay of Bengal from SeaWiFS
Zooming down to a SeaWiFS image taken August 7, 2000, showing smoke plumes from fires in Portugal   1112   Portugal Fires from SeaWiFS: August 7, 2000
Cape Verde engulfed by dust storms from Africa on December 8, 1999   1111   Cape Verde Dust Storm from SeaWiFS on December 8, 1999: Zoom and Pan
Cape Verde engulfed by dust storms from Africa on December 8, 1999   1110   Cape Verde Dust Storm from SeaWiFS on December 8, 1999: Zoom
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000   1109   Midwest Snow Belt Flyover: March 13, 2000
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000   1108   Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #3
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000   1107   Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #2
SeaWiFS true color image of a midwest snow belt taken on March 13, 2000   1106   Midwest Snow Belt (March 13, 2000) Still #1
A slow flyby of the Terra satellite in orbit   1025   Terra Satellite Beauty Pass
Rotating globe showing the SeaWiFS biosphere dataset.   1015   Single Globe Biosphere Dataset (SeaWiFS)
Still image from the 9-globes animation   1014   Terra 9-Globe Dataset
Six globes showing data (biosphere, aerosols, radiant energy, air pollution, temperature, and water vapor) pull away from a single globe, to illustrate the measurements taken by the instruments on Terra   1013   Six Annotated Datasets Pull Away from a Single Globe
Movie with the nine datasets synchronized so it can be run as a continuous loop.   1012   Nine Datasets on a Single Globe with Wipe Between Different Datasets Run as a Continuous Two Minute Loop
Movie showing the nine datasets with a sparkling wipe between each dataset as the globe turns.   1011   Nine Datasets on a Single Globe with Wipe Between Different Datasets
Earth Probe TOMS orbiting the Earth   818   Earth Probe TOMS Orbiting the Earth
The Carolina coast on October 16, 1999 from SeaWiFS   741   Carolina Coast from SeaWiFS: October 26, 1999
The Carolina coast on September 23, 1999 from SeaWiFS   740   Carolina Coast from SeaWiFS: September 23, 1999
The Carolina coast on September 17, 1999 from SeaWiFS   739   Carolina Coast from SeaWiFS: September 17, 1999
A view of the east coast of the United States from SeaWiFS on September 16, 1999, showing Hurricane Floyd   738   Hurricane Floyd from SeaWiFS: September 16, 1999
Panning across a SeaWiFS image of Hurricane Irene, taken October 14, 1999   736   Pan across Hurricane Irene from SeaWiFS: October 14, 1999
Zoom in to a SeaWiFS image of Hurricane Irene, taken October 14, 1999   735   Push In to Hurricane Irene from SeaWiFS: October 14, 1999
Flying up the east coast of the United States from Florida to North Carolina using a SeaWiFS image taken September 16, 1999   733   After Hurricane Floyd: East Coast Flyover September 16, 1999 from SeaWiFS
Flying up the east coast of the United States from Florida to North Carolina using a SeaWiFS image taken April 1998   732   A Year Before Hurricane Floyd: East Coast Flyover April 1998 from SeaWiFS
SeaWiFS image of the east coast of the United States taken September 16, 1999   731   After Hurricane Floyd: East Coast Zoom September 16, 1999 from SeaWiFS
 SeaWiFS image of the east coast of the United States taken in April 1998   730   A Year Before Hurricane Floyd: East Coast Zoom April 1998 from SeaWiFS
Zoom in to Hurricane Floyd as seen by SeaWiFS on September 14, 1999   727   Hurricane Floyd from SeaWiFS: September 14, 1999
Hurricane Dennis & tropical storm Cindy Aug. 27, 1999
- SeaWiFS Data   725   Hurricane Dennis and Tropical Storm Cindy Aug. 27, 1999 - SeaWiFS Data
Hurricane Dennis Aug. 26, 1999 -  SeaWiFS Data   724   Hurricane Dennis Aug. 26, 1999 - SeaWiFS Data
Hurricane Dennis Aug. 30, 1999 -  SeaWiFS Data   723   Hurricane Dennis - August 30, 1999
Rotating Globe then pause and then zoom onto the Pacific Ocean
(dates Jan. 98 to Dec.98)   707   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Rotating Globe with Zoom to Pacific Ocean
Rotating Globe then pause and then zoom onto North America
(dates Jan. 98 to Dec.98)   706   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Rotating Globe with Zoom to North America
Rotating Globe then pause and then zoom onto Africa
(dates Jan. 98 to Dec.98)   705   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Rotating Globe with Zoom to Africa
Rotating Globe (SeaWiFS data begins at Sept. 97 to June 99)   704   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Rotating Globe
Viewing the whole Earth on a flat map.
  703   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Whole Earth
Viewing North America (data begins at Sept. 97 to June 99)   702   SeaWiFS Biosphere: North America
Viewing South America (data begins at Sept. 97 to June 99)   701   SeaWiFS Biosphere: South America
Viewing the Pacific Ocean (data begins at Sept. 97 to June 99)   700   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Pacific Ocean
Viewing Europe (data begins at Sept. 97 to June 99)   699   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Europe
Viewing Indonesia and Australia (data begins at Sept.
97 to June 99)   698   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Indonesia and Australia
Viewing the Atlantic Ocean (data begins at Sept. 97 to June 99)   697   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Atlantic Ocean
Viewing Africa Continent (data begins at Sept. 97 to June 99)   696   SeaWiFS Biosphere: Africa
Fly up to Kentucky Fires from SeaWiFS on November 16, 1999   623   Kentucky Fires Fly Up SeaWiFS: November 16, 1999 (Flat 2)
Fly up to Kentucky Fires from SeaWiFS on November 16, 1999   622   Kentucky Fires Fly Up from SeaWiFS: November 16, 1999 (Flat 1)
Fly up to Kentucky Fires from SeaWiFS on November 16, 1999   621   Kentucky Fires Fly Up from SeaWiFS: November 16, 1999 (Globe 2)
Fly up to Kentucky Fires from SeaWiFS on November 16, 1999   620   Kentucky Fires Fly Up from SeaWiFS: November 16, 1999 (Globe 1)
SeaWiFS - California Wild Fires Close push (Oct. 17, 1999)   619   SeaWiFS - California Wild Fires Close Push (Oct. 17, 1999)
SeaWiFS - California Wild Fires wide push (Oct. 17, 1999)   618   SeaWiFS - California Wild Fires Wide Push (Oct. 17, 1999)
SeaWiFS - California Wild fires close push (Oct. 17, 1999)   617   SeaWiFS - California Wild Fires Close Push (Oct. 17, 1999)
SeaWiFS - California Wild fires Wide push (Oct. 17, 1999)   616   SeaWiFS - California Wild Fires Wide Push (Oct. 17, 1999)
SeaWiFS - North Carolina Flooding  after Hurricane Floyd
(Sept. 23, 1999)   615   SeaWiFS - North Carolina Flooding after Hurricane Floyd (Sept. 23, 1999)
Close-up of the Project Jason site in Key Largo, Florida.   614   SeaWiFS Jason Project long introduction animation flyover of the Florida Keys.
A view of Key Largo and the Florida Keys from SeaStar-SeaWiFS.   613   SeaWiFS Jason Project short introduction animation flyover of the Florida Keys.
Faster Dissolve between 3 dates without text (July 24, Aug 20,
Sept.7,99)   612   Michigan Lake Changes: Faster Dissolve Between 3 Dates - Jul 24, Aug 20, Sept 7, 1999 (without text)
Slow Dissolve between 3 dates without text (July 24, Aug 20,
Sept. 7, 99)   611   Michigan Lake Changes: Slow Dissolve Between 3 Dates Jul. 24, Aug. 20, Sept. 7, 1999 (without text)
Faster Dissolve between 3 dates with text (July 24, Aug 20,
Sept. 7, 99)   610   Michigan Lake Changes: Slow Dissolve Between Jul. 24, Aug 20, and Sept. 7, 1999 (with text)
Slow Dissolve between 3 dates with text (July 24, Aug 20,
Sept. 7, 1999)   609   Michigan Lake Changes: Slow Dissolve Between Jul. 24, Aug. 20, Sept. 7, 1999 (with text)
Side by Side view of the Michigan Bloom (July 24,
Sept. 7, 1999)   608   Side by Side View of the Michigan Bloom - July 24, Sept. 7, 1999
Zoom down to the California Fires (Aug. 25, 1999 @ 1:40 pm PDT)   607   Zoom Down to the California Fires (Aug. 25, 1999 @ 1:40 pm PDT)
Fly down to the California Fires (Aug. 25, 1999 @ 1:40 pm PDT)   606   Fly down to the California Fires (Aug. 25, 1999 @ 1:40 pm PDT)
Australia Great Barrier Reef Flyover   605   Australia Great Barrier Reef Flyover
Australia Coastal Flyover   604   Australia Coastal Flyover
Slow zoom down to Grand Cayman Island then pan to Misteriosa Bank   603   Slow Zoom Down to Grand Cayman Island then Pan to Misteriosa Bank
Faster zoom down to Misteriosa Bank   602   Faster Zoom Down to Misteriosa Bank
Slow zoom down to Belize then pan to Misteriosa Bank then
back to Belize   601   Slow zoom down to Belize then pan to Misteriosa Bank then back to Belize
Slow Zoom down to Misteriosa Bank   600   Slow Zoom down to Misteriosa Bank
SeaWiFS dataset showing a fire in Florida   598   Fire in Southern Florida
The entire narrated UARS video   579   UARS: The Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite
A flyby from the Gulf of Mexico along the east coast of the United States to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, from a SeaWiFS image taken April 12, 1998   554   SeaWiFS Gulf of Mexico Eastern U.S. Fly-by
A time lapse transition between relatively cloud-free true color images of California from SeaWiFS   548   California True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Portland region from SeaWiFS   547   Portland True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Seattle region from SeaWiFS   546   Seattle True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of Southern California, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   545   Southern California False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of Northern California, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   544   Northern California False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Pacific Northwest, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   543   Pacific Northwest False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the San Diego region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   542   San Diego False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Los Angeles region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   541   Los Angeles False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the San Francisco region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   540   San Francisco False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Portland region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   539   Portland False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Seattle region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   538   Seattle False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Gulf Coast region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   537   Gulf Coast False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of Florida, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   536   Florida False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the southeast coast from Cape Hatteras to Jacksonville, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   535   Southeast Coast False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS (Cape Hatteras to Jacksonville)
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Mid-Atlantic Coast from Cape Cod to the Chesapeake Bay, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   534   Mid-Atlantic Coast False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay)
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the northeast coast from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape Cod, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   533   North East Coast False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS (Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape Cod)
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Great Lakes region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   532   Great Lakes False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Buffalo region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   531   Buffalo False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Detroit region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   530   Detroit False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Chicago region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   529   Chicago False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the New Orleans region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   528   New Orleans False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Tallahassee region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   527   Tallahassee False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Tampa-St. Petersburg region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   526   Tampa/St. Petersburg False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Miami region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   525   Miami False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Charleston region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   524   Charleston False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Cape Hatteras region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   523   Cape Hatteras False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the Chesapeake Bay Region, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   522   Chesapeake Bay Region False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the region around New York City using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS   521   New York City False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free scenes of the region around Boston, using true color land and clouds with false color-chlorophyll water images, all from SeaWiFS.    520   Boston False Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of Southern California from SeaWiFS   519   Southern California True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of Northern California from SeaWiFS   518   Northern California True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Pacific Northwest from SeaWiFS   517   Pacific Northwest True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the San Diego region from SeaWiFS   516   San Diego True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Los Angeles region from SeaWiFS   515   Los Angeles True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the San Francisco region from SeaWiFS   514   San Francisco True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Portland region from SeaWiFS   513   Portland True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Seattle region from SeaWiFS   512   Seattle True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Gulf Coast region from SeaWiFS   511   Gulf Coast True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of Florida from SeaWiFS   510   Florida True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the southeast coast from Cape Hatteras to Jacksonville, from SeaWiFS   509   Southeast Coast True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS (Cape Hatteras to Jacksonville)
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the mid-atlantic coast from Cape Cod to the Chesapeake Bay, from SeaWiFS   508   Mid-Atlantic Coast True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS (Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay)
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the northeast coast between the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Cape Cod, from SeaWiFS   507   North East Coast True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS (Gulf of St. Lawrence to Cape Cod)
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Great Lakes region from SeaWiFS   506   Great Lakes True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Buffalo region from SeaWiFS   505   Buffalo True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Detroit region from SeaWiFS   504   Detroit True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Chicago region from SeaWiFS   503   Chicago True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Zoom down to New Orleans, 12 April 1998   502   New Orleans True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Tallahassee region from SeaWiFS   501   Tallahassee True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Tampa-St.Petersburg region from SeaWiFS   500   Tampa/St. Petersburg True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Zoom down to Miami, 12 April 1998   499   Miami True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Charleston region from SeaWiFS   498   Charleston True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Cape Hatteras region from SeaWiFS   497   Cape Hatteras True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Chesapeake Bay region from SeaWiFS   496   Chesapeake Bay Region True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between (relatively) cloud free true color scenes of the New York City region from SeaWiFS   495   New York City True Color Time Lapse from SeaWiFS
Transitions between relatively cloud free true color scenes of the Boston area from SeaWiFS   494   Boston True Color Time Lapse From SeaWiFS
A zoom down to the region around Chicago, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   493   Chicago Flyover: December 17, 1997
Zoom down to Chicago, 18 May 1998   492   Chicago Flyover: May 18, 1998
Zoom down to San Diego, 26 December 1997   491   San Diego Flyover: December 26, 1997
Zoom down to Los Angeles, 26 December 1997   490   Los Angeles Flyover: December 26, 1997
Zoom down to San Francisco, 9 March 1998   489   San Francisco Flyover: March 9, 1998
Zoom down to Portland, Oregon, 9 August 1998   488   Portland Flyover: August 9, 1998
Zoom down to Seattle, 28 May 1998   487   Seattle Flyover: May 28, 1998
Zoom down to Seattle, 9 August 1998   486   Seattle Flyover: August 9, 1998
Zoom down to Buffalo, 16 December 1997   485   Buffalo Flyover: December 16, 1997
Zoom down to Buffalo, 12 April 1998   484   Buffalo Flyover: April 12, 1998
Zoom down to Detriot, 16 December 1997   483   Detroit Flyover: December 16, 1997
Zoom down to Detroit, 12 April 1998   482   Detroit Flyover: April 12, 1998
Zoom down to Chicago, 12 April 1998   481   Chicago Flyover: April 12, 1998
A zoom down to the region around New Orleans, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   480   New Orleans Flyover: March 2, 1998
Zoom down to Tallahassee, 12 April 1998   479   Tallahassee Flyover: April 12, 1998
Zoom down to Tampa-St. Petersburg, 12 April 1998   478   Tampa/St. Petersburg Flyover: April 12, 1998
A zoom down to the region around Miami, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   477   Miami Flyover: May 2, 1998
Zoom down to Charleston, 12 April 1998   476   Charleston Flyover: April 12, 1998
Zoom down to Cape Hatteras, 12 April 1998   475   Cape Hatteras Flyover: April 12, 1998
Zoom down to Chesapeake Bay, 12 April 1998   474   Chesapeake Bay Flyover: April 12, 1998
Zoom down to New York City, 12 April 1998   473   New York City Flyover: April 12, 1998
Zoom down to Boston, 6 Oct 1997   472   Boston Flyover: October 6, 1997
A slow pan up the west coast of North America from San Diego to Vancouver Island, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   471   San Diego to Vancouver Island Flyover: August 9, 1998
A slow pan up the east coast of North America from the Florida Keys to New York City, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   470   Miami to New York City Flyover: April 12, 1998
A slow pan up the east coast of North America from the Florida Keys to the Chesapeake Bay, then along the Susquehanna River to Lake Ontario, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   469   East Coast to Susquehanna and Rochester/Lake Ontario Flyover: April 12, 1998
A pan up the Missippi River to Chicago, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   468   Mississippi to Chicago Flyover: May 18, 1997
A pan up the Missippi River to Chicago, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   467   Mississippi to Chicago Flyover: December 17, 1997
A slow pan up the Mississippi River past the Great Lakes to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   466   Mississippi and St. Lawrence Rivers Flyover: April 12, 1998
A slow pan up the east coast of North America from the Florida Keys to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, based on a true color SeaWiFS image   465   Gulf Coast and East Coast Flyover: April 12, 1998
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Northern California for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   464   Northern California SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Washington and Oregon for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   463   Washington and Oregon SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of San Diego for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   462   San Diego SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Los Angeles for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   461   Los Angeles SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of San Francisco for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   460   San Francisco SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Portland for 18 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   459   Portland SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Seattle for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   458   Seattle SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Southern California for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   457   Southern California SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Northern California for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   456   Northern California SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Washington and Oregon for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   455   Washington and Oregon SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of San Diego for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   454   San Diego SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Los Angeles for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   453   Los Angeles SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of San Francisco for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   452   San Francisco SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Portland for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   451   Portland SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Seattle for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   450   Seattle SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of the Gulf Coast for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   449   Gulf Coast SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Florida for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   448   Florida SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of the southeast coast of the United States for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   447   Southeast Coast SeaWiFS False Color Stills: Cape Hatteras to Jacksonville
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of the Mid-Atlantic States for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   446   Mid-Atlantic States SeaWiFS False Color Stills: Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of the Great Lakes for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   445   Great Lakes SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of New Orleans for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   444   New Orleans SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for Australia.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows spring, summer, fall, winter, spring, summer, and fall.   443   Australia: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for Asia.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows the sequence: fall, winter, spring, summer, fall, winter, spring (for the Northern Hemisphere).   442   Asia: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for Europe.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows fall, winter, spring, summer, fall, winter, spring, and summer.   441   Europe: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for Africa.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows spring, summer, fall, winter, spring, summer, and fall.   440   Africa: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for South America.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows spring, summer, fall, winter, spring, summer, and fall.   439   South America: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for the Western Hemisphere.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows the sequence: fall, winter, spring, summer, fall, winter, spring, summer (for the Northern Hemisphere).   438   North and South America: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for North America.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows fall, winter, spring, summer, fall, winter, and spring.   437   North America: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for North America and the North Pacific.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows fall, winter, spring, summer, fall, winter, spring, and summer.   436   North Pacific and North America: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color data showing seasonal change in the oceans and on land for the entire globe.  The data is seasonally averaged, and shows the sequence: fall, winter, spring, summer, fall, winter, spring (for the Northern Hemisphere).   435   Flat Globe: Showing the Changing Seasons
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Tallahassee for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   434   Tallahassee SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Tampa-St. Petersburg for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   433   Tampa/St. Petersburg SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Miami for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   432   Miami SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Charleston for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   431   Charleston SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Cape Hatteras for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   430   Cape Hatteras SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of the Chesapeake Bay for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   429   Chesapeake Bay SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of New York City for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   428   New York City SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Boston for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   427   Boston SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Detroit for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   426   Detroit SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Buffalo for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   425   Buffalo SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Chicago for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   424   Chicago SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of the Gulf Coast for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   423   Gulf Coast SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Florida for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   422   Florida SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of the Southeast Coast of the United States for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   421   Southeast Coast SeaWiFS True Color Stills: Cape Hatteras to Jacksonville
SeaWiFS false color (chlorophyll-phytoplankton levels) ocean and true color land of Southern California for 20 dates from September 9, 1997 to August 8, 1998   420   Southern California SeaWiFS False Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of the Mid-Atlantic States for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   419   Mid-Atlantic States SeaWiFS True Color Stills: Cape Cod to Chesapeake Bay
SeaWiFS true color still images of the Great Lakes for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   418   Great Lakes SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of New Orleans for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   417   New Orleans SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Tallahassee for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   416   Tallahassee SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Tampa-St. Petersburg for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   415   Tampa/St. Petersburg SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Miami for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   414   Miami SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Charleston for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   413   Charleston SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Cape Hatteras for 34 dates from September 15, 1997 to July 2, 1998   412   Cape Hatteras SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of the Chesapeake Bay for 28 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   411   Chesapeake Bay SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of New York City for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   410   New York City SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Boston for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   409   Boston SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Detroit for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   408   Detroit SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Buffalo for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   407   Buffalo SeaWiFS True Color Stills
SeaWiFS true color still images of Chicago for 36 dates from September 15, 1997 to August 2, 1998   406   Chicago SeaWiFS True Color Stills
A long flyby of the eastern United States from the Mississippi Valley to the Great Lakes and down the Eastern seaboard, from SeaWiFS imagery   405   US Tour with SeaWiFS data from April 12, 1998
A zoom down to Boston and the Nantucket Shoals, from SeaWiFS imagery   404   Zoom Down to Boston and Nantucket Shoals - October 6th 1997
A flyby of northern Europe, from SeaWiFS imagery   403   Northern Europe - August 9th, 10th 1998
A flyby of Northern Australia and the Arafura Sea, from SeaWiFS imagery   402   Northern Australia and Arafura Sea - August 31st 1998
A long flyby of Europe, from SeaWiFS imagery   401   Europe 6 minute Flyover - August 9th, 10th 1998
A flyby of the Capricon Channel and the Great Barrier Reef in Australia, from SeaWiFS imagery   400   Capricon Channel/Great Barrier Reef, Australia - July 16th 1998
A flyby from the Gulf of Mexico along the east coast of the United States to the Gulf of St. Lawrence, from a SeaWiFS image taken April 12, 1998   399   Flying along the East Coast of the United States - April 12, 1998
A slow flyby of southern Europe, using SeaWiFS imagery   398   Southern Europe - August 9th, 10th 1998
A slow flyby of the SeaStar satellite orbiting the Earth. The imagery on the Earth was taken by the SeaWiFS instrument onboard the SeaStar satellite.   397   SeaStar Satellite Beauty Shot
Countdown Animation   328   Earth Today 1998 Countdown
The entire narrated Images video made for Supercomputing 97   251   Images of Earth and Space: SC97 Edition
Songhua River in Northern China in flood (20 Aug 1998)   250   Flyover of Songhua Floods: August 20, 1998
Yangtze River in flood (4 Aug 1998)   249   Flyover and Zoom to Yangtze Floods: August 4, 1998
Zooming into Southern CAlifornia, showing smoke plumes as ssen by SeaWiFS on October 5, 1998   248   Close up of Southern California Fires: October 5, 1998
Fire in Southern California, 5 Oct 1998   247   Zoom into the Southern California Fires: October 5, 1998
Fires in the Yucatan Pennisula, 5 June 1998   246   Yucatan Fires: June 5, 1998
A flyover of Mexico and the east coast of the United States showing a smoke plume originating from fires in the Yucatan, from SeaWiFS imagery taken May 16, 1998   245   Mexico to East Coast Flyover: May 16, 1998
Fires in Washington State, 29 July 1998   244   Flyover of Washington State: July 29, 1998
Zoom in to northern Florida as seen by SeaWiFS on June 22, 1998   243   Second Zoom in to Florida: June 22, 1998
Flyover of northern Florida as seen by SeaWiFS on June 22, 1998   242   Third Flyover of Florida: June 22, 1998
Flyover of northern Florida as seen by SeaWiFS on June 22, 1998   241   Second Flyover of Florida: June 22, 1998
Flyover of northern Florida as seen by SeaWiFS on June 22, 1998   240   Flyover of Florida: June 22, 1998
Zoom in to northern Florida as seen by SeaWiFS on June 22, 1998   239   Zoom in to Florida: June 22, 1998
Flyover of northern Florida as seen by SeaWiFS on June 17, 1998   238   Flyover of Florida: June 17, 1998
Zoom in to northern Florida as seen by SeaWiFS on June 17, 1998   237   Zoom in to Florida: June 17, 1998
Final Image of Hurricane Georges (SeaWiFS image)September 27th,1998   219   Final Image of Hurricane Georges (SeaWiFS image)September 27th,1998 @ 1:57pm
Zoom in to an image of Hurricane Georges on September 27, 1998, from SeaWiFS   218   Hurricane Georges (SeaWiFS image) September 27th, 1998 @ 1:57pm
Hurricane Georges from SeaWiFS: 27 Spet 1998   217   Hurricane Georges (SeaWiFS 3 images) September 27th, 1998 @ 1:57pm
SeaWIFS images of the region around the Galapagos Islands on May 10, 1998 and May 25, 1998 compared with NCEP sea surface temperatures, showing the return of sea life as the ocean cools after El Nino   208   Sea Surface Temperature-Phytoplankton Correlation around the Galapagos in May 1998
Monthly averages of phytoplankton density in the Pacific from September 1997 through May 1998 as measured by SeaWiFS   207   SeaWiFS Phytoplankton in the Pacific: September 1997 through May 1998
Phytoplankton concentrations around the Galapagos Islands for May 9, May 18, May 22, and May 24, 1998 from SeaWIFS showing the dramatic return of sea life at the end of El Nino   205   SeaWIFS Phytoplankton around the Galapagos Islands in May 1998
A composite of SeaWiFS images from September 18, 1997 through September 25, 1997 showing smoke plumes over Indonesia and southeast Asia   170   SeaWiFS Indonesian Smoke
SeaWiFS True Color Phytoplankton Concentration Global Biosphere   169   SeaWiFS True Color Phytoplankton Concentration Global Biosphere
SeaWiFS Galapagos Island Zoom Showing phytoplankton concentrations before and during El Nino.  There is lots of phytoplankton prior to El Ninos warm waters, but once the warm waters dominate the area, most of the phytoplankton disappear.   168   SeaWiFS Galapagos Island Zoom Showing Before and During El Nino
SeaWiFS East Coast Zoom   167   SeaWiFS East Coast Zoom
A rotating globe showing swaths of true color imagery from SeaWIFS fades to a globe showing ocean phytoplankton measurements from SeaWiFS.  Regions of black in the ocean represent regions where cloud cover has so far prevented phytoplankton measurements.   166   SeaWiFS Data Swaths Phytoplankton Concentration
SeaWiFS Chesapeake Bay Zoom in   165   SeaWiFS Chesapeake Bay Zoom in
This short web video features dynamic animations, science data visualizations, and excerpts with a NASA oceanographer to explore the fascinating phenomenon of ocean dead zones.<p><p><p>For complete transcript, click <a href='In_the_Zone_transcript.htm'>here</a>.   10331   In The Zone
This video shows how we may be having a greater impact on the weather than we ever knew.   10289   Rain Rain Go Away Come Again on a Work Day?
This is the standard definition version of the Cold Water Upwelling animation MPEG.   10019   Cold Water Upwelling

Movie   ID   Title
Our Solar System   1402   Earth Today 1998
Earth Today Logo   1401   Earth Today 1998 Introduction
Countdown Animation   328   Earth Today 1998 Countdown

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