October 2003

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
October 29 - November 11, 2003
The Palmer House Hilton, Chicago, IL
The theme for this year's ISTSS meeting is ?Fragmentation and Integration in the Wake of Psychological Trauma," and the conference program features a number of pre-meeting institutes, symposia, and workshops organized by members of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. For more information about NCTSN presentations and events, please contact Melissa Brymer at the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress.
Email Contact: mbrymer@mednet.ucla.edu

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January 2004

San Diego Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 26 - 30, 2004
Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego CA
The theme of the 18th annual San Diego Conference, organized by the Chadwick Center for Children and Families at Children's Hospital San Diego is "Building a Safer World for Children." The San Diego Conference is designed to increase professional skills and knowledge in the prevention, recognition, assessment, and treatment of all forms of maltreatment including those related to family violence and substance abuse as well as to enhance investigative and legal skills in this area. Issues concerning support for families, prevention, leadership, policy making and translating the latest research into action are also addressed. The San Diego Conference is intended for a multidisciplinary audience, including professionals from the fields of medicine, health care, mental health, child welfare, advocacy, law, law enforcement, education, family support, public policy and research. A distinguished international faculty of more than 160 invited subject matter experts will present best practice skill building workshops. Registrants will have opportunities to network informally with the faculty and with their colleagues. For more information, visit the Chadwick Center's website.

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February 2004

Creating Healing Environments for Traumatized Children: A Symposium
February 4 , 2004 (9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.)
St. Anne's, 155 North Occidental Blvd., Los Angeles CA
Dramatic growth over the last several years in our understanding of the psychological, physiological, and neurological impact of trauma on children has led to increasingly sophisticated and effective assessment and treatment strategies. This symposium features four leading practitioners and innovators in the child trauma field who will describe some of these strategies, with a particular focus on creating healthy family, foster care, school, therapeutic, and community environments. For more information contact Children's Institute International at (213) 385-5100, extension 1629, or visit their website.

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March 2004

20th National Symposium on Child Abuse
March 16 - 19, 2004
Huntsville AL
The Symposium is an annual event of the National Children's Advocacy Center (NCAC), a non-profit agency providing prevention, intervention, and treatment services to physically and sexually abused children and their families within a child-focused team approach. This year's Symposium, "Celebrating the Past, Embracing the Future," will include more than 150 workshops taught by top professionals, special plenary sessions for each discipline led by pioneers in the field, and new tracks organized by discipline, including medical, legal, mental health, child protective services, law enforcement, and prevention perspectives. Pre-conference institutes will be led by the National CAC's collaborative partners, the National Children's Alliance and the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children.
For more information and to register online, visit the website of the NCAC.

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April 2004

NICWA's 22nd Annual "Protecting Our Children" Conference
April 4 - 7, 2004
Marriott Tech Center. Denver, CO
NICWA has been vigilant regarding Indian children and family issues and supports the concept of "Leave no child behind." We challenge all tribes, urban Indian communities, states, federal partners, and private partners to "Leave No Indian Child Behind." For too long, American Indian children have been left behind and today are among the most vulnerable in our country. Health and educational disparities are rampant; unemployment in most Indian communities is high; and unfortunately, the need for child welfare services is unending. In addition, changes in demographics now show that today, two-thirds of Indian people reside in urban settings. Meeting the needs of urban Native populations as well as the needs of reservation communities requires critical problem solving. Keeping traditions and family systems intact and healthy are the challenges we face wherever Indian people live. Together, we can make a difference and assure that no Indian child is left behind.

Conference questions? Contact Marlene Norcross, (503) 222-4044
Email Contact: marlene@nicwa.org

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FVSAI Announces Assessing & Treating Childhood Trauma: A Mini-Conference
April 7 - 8, 2004
Honolulu, HI
The goals of this mini-conference are to present the latest research and techniques concerning various aspects of childhood trauma and maltreatment, and the long-term effects if they go untreated. Plenary Sessions and Breakouts discuss the types of childhood trauma, the dynamics of maltreatment and trauma at home or in school, and the effects on children psychologically, behaviorally, and neurodevelopmentally. Nationally and Internationally recognized presenters (psychologists and social workers) come together to discuss the latest research, assessment methods, interventions, and prevention strategies for children who have been traumatized, abused, and/or act out. Breakout sessions include such topics as children exposed to family violence, children with sexual behavior problems, and children with attachment disorders. Applying current research information and providing practical techniques are emphasized throughout this mini-conference. A maximum of 12 Continuing Education credits are available for psychologists, counselors, marriage & family therapists, social workers, and nurses.
ALA MOANA HOTEL; 410 Atkinson Drive; Honolulu, HI 96814
808 955 4811 or (888) 367-4811
Email Contact: fvtrain@alliant.edu

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New York Academy of Sciences Scientific Approaches to Youth Violence Prevention Conference
April 24 - 26, 2004
Caspary Auditorium at The Rockefeller University, New York, New York
The purpose of this symposium will be to summarize and assess the current state of knowledge about strategies to prevent youth violence.The proceedings of this conference will be published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Email Contact: conference@nyas.org

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Violence in the World of Our Youth: Partners in Prevention
April 30 - May 5, 2004
Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, California
Violence in the World of Our Youth mini-conference is designed to bring together a diverse group of experts in the field of youth violence prevention, intervention, and advocacy. Through education, sharing best practices, and evaluating future solutions, professionals will explore what strategies are working and which are not. Conference participants will include educators, psychologists, counselors, parents, social workers, youth, and youth service workers. The overall goal of the conference is to network, share innovative and groud breaking programs, and work with youth to stimulate multidisciplinary solutions to the epidemic of youth violence.
For More Information Contact Rocky Rowley at:
(858) 623-2777 ext. 442
Email Contact: fvtrain@alliant.edu

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FVSAI's Violence in the World of Our Youth: Partners in Prevention
April 30 - May 5, 2004
Town & Country Hotel and Convention Center, San Diego, CA
The Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute announces open registration for: "Violence in the World of Our Youth: Partners in Prevention"

Conference Description & Theme:
Violence in the World of Our Youth mini-conference is designed to bring together a diverse group of professionals, youth, and parents in the fields of youth violence prevention, intervention, and advocacy. Through education, sharing best practices, and evaluating future solutions, presenters and attendees will explore what strategies are working and which are not. Conference participants will include educators, mental health professionals, school counselors, parents, social workers, youth, law enforcement, policy makers, and youth service workers. The overall goal of the conference is to network, share innovative and ground breaking programs, and work with youth to stimulate multidisciplinary solutions to the problem of youth violence. This year's theme is "Partners In Prevention." This represents the idea that working "eye to eye" with youth to prevent and reduce violence is a best practice. Youth provide their voice, point of view, and peer experiences; professionals provide knowledge, community resources, and empowerment. This mini-conference will spotlight these partnerships through its workshops and keynote speakers.

Conference Objectives: Participants will:
  • Gain increased understanding and awareness of issues of youth violence.
  • Learn strategies for developing youth violence prevention and intervention programs.
  • Improve skills in working with youth to prevent and reduce violence.
  • Increase knowledge and understanding of different techniques to treat youth affected by violence.
Conference Collaborators:
  • African American Family Services
  • California Attorney General's Office
  • California Department of Health Services
  • Children's Institute International
  • Child Welfare League of America
  • Los Angeles County Office of Education
  • Office of Violence Prevention, County of San Diego Health and Human ServicesProgram
  • San Diego County Office of Education
  • San Diego State University School of Social Work
  • Western States Youth Services Network, and many more.

For more information please contact:
Chris Wiersema, Programs Manager
Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute
(858) 623-2777 Ext. 455
Email Contact: fwol@alliant.edu

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May 2004

GAINS Center National Conference
May 12 - 14, 2004
Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas NV
The theme of this three-day conference is "From Science to Services: Emerging Best Practices for People in Contact with the Justice System." Providers, policymakers, administrators, researchers, consumers and family members will share their experiences in designing, implementing, and delivering innovative programs for people with co-occurring disorders in contact with the justice system. Strategies based on the recommendations of the President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Health will be highlighted along with emerging best practices and evidence-based practices. For more information or to register for the conference, visit the GAINS Web site.

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The Second Bi-National Conference On Treating Traumatized Children And Adolescents
May 18 - 20, 2004
Ma'ale Hachamisha, Israel
Organized by
The Israel Center For The Treatment Of Psychotrauma of Herzog Hospital

In collaboration with:
  • UJA-Federation of New York
  • Jewish Board of Family & Children's Services
  • Mount Sinai School of Medicine
  • The Israel Trauma Coalition.

For more information, contact:

Conference Organizer: Ruth Pat-Horenczyk, Ph.D.,
Director of Child and Adolescent Clinical Services,
The Israel Center for the Treatment of Psychotrauma.
Email: rpat@herzoghospital.org
Tel: 02-678-2899
Fax: 02-678-9908
P.O. Box 35300, Jerusalem 91351

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7th Annual Symposium on Child Sexual Abuse
May 19 - 21, 2004
St. Louis Airport Crowne Plaza Hotel, St. Louis Missouri

Presented by Children's Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis

The goal of the annual Symposium is to bring together professionals from the multiple disciplines that interact with and treat sexually abused children, so that participants can improve their individual and team-building skills. The Symposium is just one way that Children's Advocacy Services fulfills its mission to "reduce the trauma experienced by sexually abused children in the Greater St. Louis community."

For more information, please contact:
Susan S. Scribner
Associate Director
Children's Advocacy Services of Greater St. Louis
8001 Natural Bridge Road
St. Louis, MO 63121
(314) 516-7340 Phone
Email Contact: scribners@msx..umsl.edu

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June 2004

17th Annual Convention of American Indian Psychologists and
June 7 - 8, 2004 (Bear Lake Retreat, June 4 - 6, 2004)
Logan, UT
The Utah State University Psychology Department and Indian Health Service invite you to attend the 17th Annual Convention of American Indian Psychologists and Psychology Graduate Students and Retreat and to present your research, your ideas, and/or your work. You are also invited to participate in the SIP Business Meeting.
For more information, contact:

AISP Office or Carolyn Barcus
Psychology Department
Utah State University
2810 Old Main Hill
Logan, UT 84322-2810

Phone: (435) 797-1466
FAX: (435) 797-1448
Email Contact: AISP@cc.usu.edu

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Psychological Trauma: Maturational Processes and Therapeutic Interventions
June 11 - 12, 2004
Fairmont Copley Plaza
138 St. James Ave
Boston, MA 02116
The objective of this course is to present current research findings about how people's brains, minds, and bodies respond to traumatic experiences. We will explore post-traumatic responses at different developmental levels, and the treatment implications of these findings. Lastly, the course will examine the cutting edge of treatment interventions for various trauma-based symptoms

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Building Family Safety: A Solution - Focused Brief Therapy Approach
June 16 , 2004 (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
Radisson Wilshire Plaza Hotel, Los Angeles, CA

The FVSAI along with Children's Institute International are offering this training.

There is a growing consensus in the child welfare, domestic violence, and mental health fields that strength-based approaches are needed to effectively engage and support at-risk families. Moving beyond the deficit-based, adversarial models that are still in common practice requires learning new skills and new attitudes. Solution-Focused therapy, developed by Steve deShazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues, offers a way of working with individuals and with families as partners to accomplish the changes they want to make in their own lives. The model has particular relevance for families in the child welfare system and has been recently adapted for families who have experienced domestic violence. In this workshop, Insoo Kim Berg and Adriana Uken will outline the principles and methods of Solution-Focused therapy in working with domestic violence or child abuse offenders and victims.


  • Engage with clients quickly and effectively.
  • Hold clients accountable for solutions, not problems.
  • View "resistance" differently and utilize it constructively.
  • Negotiate realistic, meaningful treatment outcomes.
  • Use the language of change rather than compliance.
  • Pay attention to client needs and risks.
  • Manage crises, setbacks and relapses.
  • Maintain gains from interventions.
  • Work respectfully and effectively with both victims and offenders.


Insoo Kim Berg Co-developer of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Insoo specializes in the treatment of substance abuse, "multi-problem" families, and other "difficult" situations. She is popular around the world for her inspiring workshops, supervision, and consultation. Her ability to simplify and conceptualize complex cases to facilitate positive changes in multi-stressed families is widely acclaimed. She lectures across North America, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia and the Pacific Rim countries. Her numerous publications include: the popular Family Based Services ('94); Solutions Step-by-Step (with Reuss, '97); Building Solutions in Child Protective Services (with Kelly, '00); Tales of Solutions (with Dolan, '01); Interviewing for Solutions 2e (with DeJong, '02); and Children's Solutions Work (with Steiner, '02). Her books and papers are translated into 13 languages.

Adriana Uken Employed with Plumas County Mental Health in Quincy, California for the past 25 years, Adriana, in conjunction with John Sebold, has created the Solution Focused Treatment Program for domestic violence offenders called "The Plumas Project". She has co-facilitated the treatment groups since their inception in 1990. Adriana is involved in ongoing research and outcome studies regarding this approach. She has co-authored a book entitled Solution-Focused Treatment of Domestic Violence Offenders: Accountability for Change published by Oxford University Press, 2003. She has done extensive training in the U. S., Canada and Europe on the use of this model.


  • Early (Before 5/16/04) $120.00
  • Regular $140.00
  • Onsite (After 6/15/04)* $160.00
Email Contact: fvtrain@alliant.edu

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8th National Symposium on Children's Grief Support
June 17 - 19, 2004
Pittsburg, Pennsylvania
For additional information call (888) 224-4673 in Pittsburgh, or (866) 212-4673 in Erie

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Building Family Safety: A Solution - Focused Brief Therapy Approach
June 18 , 2004 (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, CA

The FVSAI along with Children's Institute International are offering this training.

There is a growing consensus in the child welfare, domestic violence, and mental health fields that strength-based approaches are needed to effectively engage and support at-risk families. Moving beyond the deficit-based, adversarial models that are still in common practice requires learning new skills and new attitudes. Solution-Focused therapy, developed by Steve deShazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their colleagues, offers a way of working with individuals and with families as partners to accomplish the changes they want to make in their own lives. The model has particular relevance for families in the child welfare system and has been recently adapted for families who have experienced domestic violence. In this workshop, Insoo Kim Berg and Adriana Uken will outline the principles and methods of Solution-Focused therapy in working with domestic violence or child abuse offenders and victims.


  • Engage with clients quickly and effectively.
  • Hold clients accountable for solutions, not problems.
  • View "resistance" differently and utilize it constructively.
  • Negotiate realistic, meaningful treatment outcomes.
  • Use the language of change rather than compliance.
  • Pay attention to client needs and risks.
  • Manage crises, setbacks and relapses.
  • Maintain gains from interventions.
  • Work respectfully and effectively with both victims and offenders.


Insoo Kim Berg Co-developer of Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, Insoo specializes in the treatment of substance abuse, "multi-problem" families, and other "difficult" situations. She is popular around the world for her inspiring workshops, supervision, and consultation. Her ability to simplify and conceptualize complex cases to facilitate positive changes in multi-stressed families is widely acclaimed. She lectures across North America, Europe, Scandinavia, Australia and the Pacific Rim countries. Her numerous publications include: the popular Family Based Services ('94); Solutions Step-by-Step (with Reuss, '97); Building Solutions in Child Protective Services (with Kelly, '00); Tales of Solutions (with Dolan, '01); Interviewing for Solutions 2e (with DeJong, '02); and Children's Solutions Work (with Steiner, '02). Her books and papers are translated into 13 languages.

Adriana Uken Employed with Plumas County Mental Health in Quincy, California for the past 25 years, Adriana, in conjunction with John Sebold, has created the Solution Focused Treatment Program for domestic violence offenders called "The Plumas Project". She has co-facilitated the treatment groups since their inception in 1990. Adriana is involved in ongoing research and outcome studies regarding this approach. She has co-authored a book entitled Solution-Focused Treatment of Domestic Violence Offenders: Accountability for Change published by Oxford University Press, 2003. She has done extensive training in the U. S., Canada and Europe on the use of this model.


  • Early (Before 5/16/04) $120.00
  • Regular $140.00
  • Onsite (After 6/15/04)* $160.00
Email Contact: fvtrain@alliant.edu

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Treating Male & Female DV Offenders and Intimate Partner Stalkers
June 19 , 2004 (9:00 AM to 5:00 PM)
The Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, san Diego, CA


This workshop focuses on treatment techniques and approaches for domestic violence offenders and intimate partner stalkers. The emphasis is on practical techniques and programs for working with these types of offenders. Topics include identification of treatment obstacles, resistance, labeling stigma, and actual clinical techniques. The afternoon session focuses on hands-on group didactic exercises, role-playing, and simulated treatment groups. Relapse prevention techniques and care for the caregiver are also presented and discussed. Skill building excercises will be demonstrated and discussed.


Robert Geffner, Ph.D., ABPN

Dr. Geffner is the Founder and President of the Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute located in San Diego, CA. He is a Clinical Research Professor of Psychology at the CSPP, AIU. He is a Licensed Psychologist and a Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in CA and in TX. He is an experienced presenter at national and international conferences, and was an adjunct faculty member for the National Judicial College for 10 years. He has written or edited over 20 books concerning family violence, child abuse, trauma and agression.

Michele Koonin, M.S.W., M.B.A

Michele Koonin is the founder and director of the Institute for Counseling (IFC). She has been in independent practice as a social worker for several years. Michele has been active in the area of violence awareness and prevention for several years. IFC is one of the certi?ed treatment programs for the domestic violence perpetrators in San Diego, CA.


  • Early (Before 5/16/04) $120.00
  • Regular $140.00
  • Onsite (After 6/15/04)* $160.00
Email Contact: fvtrain@alliant.edu

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Training Institutes 2004: Developing Local Systems of Care
June 23 - 27, 2004
San Francisco Hilton, San Francisco, CA
Georgetown University is offering Training Institutes on local systems of care for children and adolescents with or at risk for emotional disturbances and their families. The intent of the Institutes is to provide in-depth, practical information on how to develop and sustain systems of care and how to provide high quality, effective clinical interventions within them.

For Additional Information, please contact us at:

National Technical Assistance Center for Children's Mental Health
Georgetown University Center for Child and Human Development
3307 M Street, NW, Suite 401
Washington, DC 20007

Phone: (202) 687-5000
Fax: (202) 687-1954

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July 2004

Victimization of Children & Youth: An International Research Conference
July 11 - 14, 2004
Sheraton Harborside Hotel and Conference Center, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
Every year, many excellent conferences on family violence take place around the country, and in several different regions of the world. Our conferences differ because of their research focus. Our conferences offer a unique opportunity for researchers and scientist/practitioners from a broad array of disciplines to come together for the purpose of sharing, integrating and critiquing accumulated knowledge on family violence. For More Information:

126 Horton Social Science Center
University of New Hampshire
Durham NH 03824 USA
Phone : (603) 862-0767
Fax: (603) 862-1122
Email Contact: sarahg@cisunix.unh.edu

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67th NCJFCJ Annual Conference
July 18 - 21, 2004
Hilton Portland and Executive Tower
Portland, Oregon
Take advantage of face to facecontact with over 500 attendees, including judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, administrators, planners, social workers, psychologists, mental health professionals, and CASAs
Email Contact: lbudge-retzer@ncjfcj.org

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11th Annual Conference on Criminal Justice Research and Evaluation
July 19 - 21, 2004
Washington, DC
National and international leaders in criminal justice research, policy, and practice will present papers, lead discussions, and engage in debate about current issues. The conference will include more than 50 plenary sessions, panels, and workshops. Approximately 800 people attend each year.

The purposes of this national conference include:
  • Present findings from research and evaluation projects sponsored by NIJ and other OJP agencies and encourage discussion and debate among researchers and with practitioners.
  • Provide a national forum to explore how research and evaluation initiatives can be both more rigorous and more meaningful for criminal justice policy and practice.
  • Provide "take home value" for participants by providing reports and articles, multi-media presentations, extensive follow-up contact lists, and invaluable opportunities for face-to-face interactions with other researchers and practitioners.
  • Showcase the Federal government's priorities in criminal justice research and evaluation funding.
This conference will include more than 50 plenary sessions, panels, and workshops. More than 150 leading criminal justice evaluators, researchers, practitioners, and policymakers will be featured as presenters. This year, more than 800 participants are expected to attend.
Email Contact: nijpcs@ilj.org

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August 2004

APSAC's 12th Annual National Colloquium
August 4 - 7, 2004
Renaissance Hotel Hollywood, California

The 12th Annual Colloquium will feature a new track focusing specifically on the National Child Traumatic Stress Network. This track will consist of presentations by NCTSN members and focus on Network-related activities.

APSAC is pleased to announce several sponsorships in conjunction with the colloquium this year, including the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN); the American Psychological Association (APA), Division 37; The Division of Violence Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC); the International Society on the Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (ISPCAN); The California Chapter of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (CAPSAC); and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP). Each of these agencies is providing several cutting edge workshops in the field of child abuse, neglect, prevention and/or trauma. The addition of these sponsorships has allowed us to provide a more expanded and diverse selections of workshops for participants.

Additionally, any NCTSN affiliated party may attend the colloquium at the discounted rate of $310. If you pay the $310 registration fee, you are also invited to attend an all day pre-conference institute on Wednesday, August 4th at no charge. If you are unable to attend the bulk of the colloquium, (August 5 - 7) but would like to attend the pre-conference institute, the cost is $100.

When filling out the registration form, please indicate that you are with an NCTSN program and that your registration cost will be $310.

If you have any questions regarding this event, please contact
John S. Madden,
APSAC Publications Manager
Child Study Center , 1100 NE 13th Street
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
(405) 271-8202 phone

Email Contact: john-madden@ouhsc.edu

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Beyond the Scars airing on KCSM 8/7 and 8/9
August 7 - 31, 2004
Beyond the Scars is an original television documentary about a Firefighters Kids Camp, a special summer camp for children who are survivors of serious burns. The hour-long special highlights the lives of the children who have been burned, and their struggle to overcome a painful and scarred past. This uplifting story about survival and healing also features Dr. Russell T. Jones of the NCCTS Terrorism and Disaster Branch.

The film aired on KCSM-TV (San Francisco Bay Area's Channel 17) and on Saturday, August 7 at 9:00 pm and Monday, August 9 at 11:00 pm. The film will also air on PBS stations nationwide in the coming months. Check this site for updates. For more information on the film, check KCSM's Website

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September 2004

12th Annual Oklahoma Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect and Healthy Families Oklahoma 2004
September 8 - 10, 2004 (The Crowne Plaza Hotel Downtown)
Tulsa, Oklahoma

The mission of this conference is to prevent the abuse and neglect of Oklahoma's children, and to ensure that everyone affected by child maltreatment receives the best possible professional experience.

The educational goal of this state conference is to foster professional excellence in the field of child maltreatment and develop and promote effective prevention strategies and programs by providing advanced interdisciplinary professional education. This annual conference is a three day event that utilizes local and national faculty on major topics in the prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect.

The conference has been designed specifically for professionals in child protective services, juvenile services, nursing, community-based family resource and support services, child guidance, mental health, law, medicine, substance abuse services, law enforcement, prevention services, education and allied fields. All aspects of child maltreatment will be addressed including the prevention, intervention, recognition, assessment, and treatment with victims, perpetrators, and families affected by physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and neglect.

The designated conference site for the conference is the Crowne Plaza Hotel (formerly the Adam's Mark Hotel)l in Downtown Tulsa, Oklahoma. The facility is located at 100 East 2nd Street. Special rates of $57.00/night (single), and $67.00/night (double, triple, quad) plus 13.515% tax, have been extended to conference participants. This cost includes complimentary parking in the attached parking garage, indoor/outdoor heated swimming pool, 24-hour fitness center, gift boutique, shoe shine, two restaurants located inside the hotel, as well as many resturants and attractions within walking distance from the hotel. Participants are asked to call the hotel directly to make reservations, (918) 582-9000 or toll free at 1-800-227-6963, ask for the room rate for the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect Conference. Free parking is available on-site for individuals that are staying overnight in the hotel.

The $300.00 conference registration fee provides admission to the Wednesday conference institutes, keynote address, and all workshops scheduled Thursday and Friday, September 8th - 10th.
Single day registration is $110.00 for Wednesday institutes or a single day of Conference Workshops. Two day of Conference Workshops will be $215.00.
Onsite registration for the conference will begin on Wednesday September 8th at 8:00AM. Registration will resume again at 7:00AM on Thursday September 9th. Registration deadline for the conference and hotel is August 16, 2004.

  • Conference cancellations MUST BE in writing.
  • Cancellations received prior to August 8, 2004 are subject to a $50.00 administrative charge.
  • After August 8, 2004 there will be no refunds on cancellations.
  • Registration may be transferred to another participant at any time without penalty by calling Jessica Shatley at (405) 271-8858.

Individuals and organizations are cordially invited to exhibit products/materials/services to participants at the conference.
Contact Jessica Shatley at (405) 271-8858 if you are interest in being an exhibitor. The deadline for Exhibitor registration is August 1, 2004.To register online, click here

Contact information:
Jessica Shatley
(405) 271-8858 Phone
(405) 271-2931 fax

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September 9 - 29, 2004

From Any Computer Connected to the Internet
Funded by a Grant from the United States Department of Justice Office for Victims of Crime

WHAT: 22 ONE-HOUR Webinars that you can conveniently attend from any computer connected to the Internet.

Extensive access to 22 top experts. Each of our training faculty will provide you and your classmates with 10 hours of contact between September 9, 2004 and January 31, 2005.

One-year membership in our disabilities and abuse network, including:

  • Continuous access to online training materials until August2005: You can always review what you learned, and keep on learning
  • Access to training listservs and forums so you can keep in touch with our faculty and your classmates: For mutual support and professional growth.
  • Continuing Education credit applied for:
  • Psychologists (APA)
  • Health Education Specialists (CHES)
  • Registered Nurses (BRN)
  • Attorneys (MCLE)
  • Social Workers (BBS)
  • Marriage And Family Therapists (BBS)
  • Substance Abuse Counselors (CAADAC)
  • Trauma Specialists (ATSS)
  • Custody Evaluators
  • DV Offender Treatment Provider (DVOTP)
  • Counselors (NBCC)
  • Law Enforcement (POST)

WHO: All professionals and all workers in the fields of abuse or disabilities. Covers prevention, identification, investigation, prosecution and treatment. Affects casework and caregiving where people with disabilities are victims of child abuse, domestic violence, dependent adult abuse, and elder abuse.

COST: $150 ($100 per trainees for Agencies sponsoring groups of 10+ trainees). A limited number of Scholarships are available where financial hardship is a factor. Scholarship application deadline: Wednesday, September 1, 2004, or until the scholarship fund is exhausted.

HOW: Visit http://disability-abuse.com and register as soon as possible.Deadline for maximum Continuing Education credit: Wednesday, September 1,2004


  • No travel, no parking, no hotel, no child care or elder care arrangements
  • No "away days" from work
  • You can schedule your participation to meet your personal needs, regardless of the actual program schedule.

For More information. please contact:
Nora J. Baladerian, Ph.D.
Disability, Abuse & Personal Rights Projects CAN/DO - Child Abuse & Neglect Disability Outreach
2100 Sawtelle Blvd. #303
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Phone: (310) 754-2388 Ext. 2
Fax: (310) 996-5585

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September 17 - 22, 2004 (9th International Conference On Family Violence)
Town & Country Hotel and Convention Center, 500 Hotel Circle North, San Diego, CA 92108

  • Pre-Conference workshops begin on Sunday, 9/19.
  • Full conference begins on Monday, 9/20.
  • Affiliated Training Institutes are on Friday 9/17 and Saturday 9/18.
  • Think Tank (invited by Bob only) is on Saturday 9/18 all day.
Hotel Reservations: Call 1-800-854-2608Call for hotel reservations and mention the conference name so that you receive the appropriate discounts
Room Rates:
  • Single: $119
  • Double: $129
  • Triple: $139
Conference Registration Fees:
Early Reg. By July 30 Reg. After July 30
  • Pre-Conference Only September 19 $95 $110
  • Conference Only September 20-22 $230 $270
  • Pre-Conf. and Conf. September 19-22 $295 $345
Registration Special Package Fee!
  • Includes: Rockin' BBQ, Benefit and Silent Auction, Pre-Conference Workshops, and Conference
  • Before July 30th $355 After July 30th $405
  • *Additional Discounts are not available with this special package fee.
Our registration flyer can be mailed, faxed or is available online at FVSAI.COM .
Rockin' BBQ: $30
Benefit: $45
Bulletin Subscription: $40

Continuing Education Credits:
CE Credits are available for LCSWs, Psychologists, counselors, nurses, attorneys, MFTs, and others. The cost of CE credits is $25 per person or $35 on site, per profession and is not included in the conference registration fees.

  • BOOTH (8' X 10' with 6' table, includes pipe and drape)
  • New Exhibitors: $550 (additional booth $300)
  • Returning Exhibitor Rate: $500
  • Non-profit rate*: $350
  • Take One Flyer Table: $100 (send up to 500 pieces of material to be displayed and replenished during conference at communal table)
  • * This rate only applies to exhibitors not selling anything
  • Application Due by: July 23, 2004
  • Applications received after July 23, 2004: $50 late fee
Contact Rochelle Perper, Exhibits Coordinator at 858-623-2777 x. 454 or fvtrain2@alliant.edu

Conference Director: Robert Geffner, Ph.D., ABPN; President & Founder, Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute; and Clinical Research Professor, California School of Professional Psychology, Alliant International University, San Diego, CA

Conference Co-Coordinators: Charity White; Chris Wiersema; and Jennifer Gasner
Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute (FVSAI), San Diego, CA
  • High Quality, Low Cost Conference Opportunity!
  • If you can choose only one conference to attend this year, make this the one!
  • Meets licensing/certification requirements for domestic violence, child abuse, aging/elder care, ethics, child custody, and traumatic stress. Up to 24.5 CEs provided for Psychologists, Nurses, MFTs, LCSWs, Counselors, Attorneys, CAADAC, Physicians, Child Custody Evaluators, DV Offender Treatment Providers, and Law Enforcement.
  • Multidisciplinary - Comprehensive
    The Family Violence and Sexual Assault Institute,
    Children's InstituteInternational; and
    Alliant International University

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October 2004

Cultural Competence & Mental Health Summit XII
October 6 - 7, 2004
Anaheim Convention Center, Anaheim Marriott

The Summit Focuses on the provision of high quality mental health care to under served populations, providing cutting edge information and research outcome studies that assist in increasing access for all

Featured Speaker: TIPPER GORE
As well as many other distiguished speakers among them:

J. David Kinzie, MD, from the NCTSN's Intercultural Child Traumatic Stress Center of Oregon who will be presenting "The Pain of the Tortured, What are we to Think, What are we to Feel"

As well as Susan Ko, PhD, from the NCCTS who will be presenting "Infusing Cultural Competency throughout the National Child Traumatic Stress Network: Moving Beyond Principles and Guidelines"

Join us! Register early and take advantage of this offer.
$200 - All Inclusive Registration Deadline: August 31, 2004
Click to Register Online
Register by phone (916) 556-3480, ext. 117

Entitles attendee admission for the 2-day summit, 1 lunch, continental breakfast, continuing education units and admission to an evening reception. The special event and evening private party will be held at the Hollywood Pictures Back lot in Disney's California Adventure Park. The Reception will feature the culinary delights of Hollywood and Dine, entertainment, no host bar and access to selected attractions celebrating California's Diversity. You will receive a wristband that will only be available through the Summit and shall not be used for resale. Only a limited number of wristbands will be available after the deadline at the additional cost of $50. No wristbands will be sold on site.

$200 - Basic Registration Fees will be effective until October 1, 2004. After October 1, 2004, registration will be $225.00.

$135 - Student Registration (for Conference only)
Click to Register Online
Students must submit evidence that they are full-time students.
Email Contact: rcanul@ochca.com

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Parsons Child and Family Center's 38th Annual Fall Institute: A State of the Art Conference on Trauma
October 8 , 2004
Empire State Plaza Convention Center - Albany, NY

Don't miss this special opportunity to participate in a day of training withinternationally recognized experts in the field of trauma.

Opening Remarks by Sharon E. Carpinello, R.N., Ph.D., Commissioner, NYS Office of Mental Health

Robert D. Macy Ph.D.Keynote Speaker And Featured presenter Robert D. Macy, Ph.D., is the Founder and Executive Director of the Center for Trauma Psychology, theCo-Director of a Category III National Center for Traumatic Stress Network site in Boston,Massachusetts, and the Director of Psychosocial Initiatives at the Trauma Center in Boston. Macy is apioneer in the field of Traumatic Incident Stress Interventions for children, youth, families, and communities exposed to traumatic events including large-scale disasters, terrorist events, and political,community, and armed conflict violence. Macy designs, implements, and evaluates traumatic stress reduction programs, and psychosocial assessment and intervention projects in the United States, Palestine, Jordan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Indonesia, Sri Lanka, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Burundi, and South Africa.

Dr. Macy is a consultant to the Department of Education's Office of Primary and Secondary Educationon the design, construction, and implementation of district-based templates of school preparedness andcrisis response and recovery protocols for the public school systems in the United States. He is also aconsultant to the Deputy Undersecretary-Elementary Schools & Director of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools Program and the Center for Disease Control Liaison on Best Practice Programs for Preparedness, Crisis Response Planning and Recovery Post Traumatic Incidents in schools and their communities. He conducts training in threat profilingand suicide and violence prevention programs for education, law enforcement, and mental health agencies throughout the United States.

Download this event's brochure here

For more information call (518) 426-2600

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Preventing Violence and Related Health-Risking Social Behaviors in Adolescents: An NIH State-of-the-Science Conference
October 13 , 2004
Natcher Conference Center - NIH - Bethesda, MD
Violence exacts enormous financial, health, and social costs on individuals, families, and communities. In 2000, homicide was the second leading cause of death for persons 15 to 24 years of age and the fourth leading cause of death for persons 1 to 14 years of age. Most violence is non-fatal but results in injuries, mental health problems, sexually transmitted diseases, and other health problems.

This 2 and a half day conference at the National Institutes of Health will examine and assess the current state of knowledge regarding youth violence and related health-risking social behavior and identify directions for future research.

Experts will present the latest research findings on risk and protective factors involved in the development of youth violence and related behaviors, and on interventions to reduce those behaviors. After a day and a half of presentations and public discussion, an independent panel will weigh the available evidence and draft a statement addressing the following key questions:

  • What are the factors that contribute to violence and associated adverse health outcomes in childhood and adolescence?
  • What are the patterns of co-occurrence of these factors?
  • What evidence exists on the safety and effectiveness of interventions for violence?
  • Where evidence of safety and effectiveness exists, are there other outcomes beyond reducing violence? If so, what is known about effectiveness by age, sex, and race/ethnicity?
  • What are the commonalities among interventions that are effective, and those that are ineffective?
  • What are the priorities for future research?

General Information

NIH Consensus Development Conferences bring together biomedical investigators, practicing physicians, consumers, and representatives of public interest groups to evaluate state-of-the-art scientific information and resolve controversial issues in clinical practice.

If you have any questions or if you have any disabilities that may require specific aids or services during the conference, e-mail preventingviolence@air.org

Conference sessions will be held in the Natcher Conference Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland.

The cafeteria in the Natcher Conference Center is located one floor above the auditorium on the main floor of the building. It is open from 7 a.m. to 2 p.m., serving breakfast and lunch.

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November 2004

Western Conference on Addictions: Best Practices in Treatment and Community Interventions
November 11 - 14, 2004
Universal City, CA
This conference will provide the latest research on addiction treatment, presented by many of the top scientists in the country. Participants will receive practical information on many important topics, including engagement in treatment, PTSD and addiction, co-occurring disorders, gambling disorders, and adolescent treatment. UCLA faculty, staff and students receive a 25% discount off the registration price.

Topics and Speakers Include:

  • Drugs and the Brain: Informing Clinicians and Patients - Carlton K. Erickson, Ph.D., University of Texas, Austin
  • "Seeking Safety": An Approach to Treating Substance Abuse and PTSD - Lisa M. Najavits, Ph.D., Harvard Medical School
  • Co-occurring Disorders: What They Are and Why They Matter - Peter E. Nathan, Ph.D., University of Iowa
  • Latest Research on Methamphetamine Abuse and Treatment - Richard A. Rawson, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
  • New Knowledge on Adolescent Treatment - Paula D. Riggs, M.D., University of Colorado
  • Evidence-Based Techniques for Engaging Resistant Patients - Allen Zweben, D.S.W., University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee
  • Gambling Disorders: Current Research and Treatment - Nancy Petry, Ph.D.- University of Connecticut
  • Domestic Violence (Licensure course for psychologists, MFTs, and LCSWs) - Alyce LaViolette, M.S., M.F.C.C., Alternatives to Violence

15.5 hours of Continuing Education Credits available.For information or to register, visit www.uclaisap.org .

Hosted by:
  • UCLA Integrated Substance Abuse Programs
  • Pacific Southwest Addiction Technology Transfer Center
  • Matrix Institute on Addictions
  • Los Angeles Practice Improvement Collaborative
  • Pacific Node of the NIDA Clinical Trials Network

Behavioral Health Management
Behavioral Health Services, Inc.
Betty Ford Clinic
California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists
California Endowment
Charles and Helen Schwab Foundation
Counselor Magazine
Creative Care
Gerry Grossman Seminars
Hythiam, Inc.
Janssen Medical Affairs, L.L.C.
Los Angeles County Psychological Association
National Association of Social Workers, California Chapter
Phoenix House
Prevent Tragedy
Reckitt Benckiser
Sierra Tucson
Summit Centers-Malibu
Qualifacts Systems, Inc.
Tarzana Treatment Centers

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International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies 20th Annual Meeting
November 14 - 17, 2004
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans LA
The 20th Annual Meeting of ISTSS will explore a theme of great international relevance: "War as a Universal Trauma." To many trauma professionals, the topic of war trauma conjures up images of soldiers or veterans. In fact, war affects not only combatants but also the men, women, and children in whose country the fighting takes place, exposing them to danger and dislocation, and sometimes destroying the institutions and infrastructure of their societies.

The proposal deadline for the Meeting is March 31, Midnight EST (no exceptions).
ISTSS and the Association for Advancement of Behavior Therapy (AABT) are collaborating to present two days of Post-Meeting Institutes that will be featured instead of the usual Pre-Meeting Institutes.

The Post-Meeting Institutes will be held November 17-18, immediately following the ISTSS Meeting at the meeting hotel. For more information about the Meeting or to submit a proposal online, visit the ISTSS website.

International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
60 Revere Dr., Suite 500
Northbrook, IL 60062 USA
Tel (847) 480-9028
Fax (847) 480-9282

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Conference on Innovations in Trauma Research Methods (CITRM)
November 17 - 18, 2004
Hilton New Orleans Riverside, New Orleans LA
CITRM is the only conference devoted exclusively to research methods in the field of psychological trauma. CITRM will be held annually from 2004-2008, at the same location as, and immediately preceding or following, the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. The theme for CITRM 2004 is "Methodological Issues in Addressing Mass Disaster and Terrorism."

CITRM will have program content relevant to researchers at the novice, intermediate, and advanced levels and will emphasize interaction among presenters and participants over a 2-day period in a small, cohesive setting. The conference will include workshops in Advanced Design and Methods, Statistics, Manuscript Preparation, Research Career Planning, and Ethics and other special sessions. Travel awards for underrepresented novice researchers and expert scientists are available.
For more information, visit the CITRM Web site, or contact the Boston VA Research Institute, Inc. at the email address below.
Email Contact: paul.truland@bvari.org

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APSAC's 2nd Annual Trauma Treatment Clinic
November 29 - December 12, 2004
Kapalua Bay Hotel, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii

Mission of the Maui Seminar

Recognizing the complexity and difficultyof therapy with abused and traumatizedindividuals, the Maui Clinic is dedicated torefreshing and revitalizing the mind, theemotions, and the senses of professionals ina setting of great beauty and with a facultyof leading experts and experienced colleaguesfrom around the world.

Nestled between the West MauiMountains and the blue Pacific Ocean, theKapalua Bay Hotel provides a unique settingof great beauty and privacy, and achance to learn with colleagues. Come refreshthe spirit, mind and body in the specialplace.

Call for Poster PresentationsTuesday and Wednesday evenings, participantswill interact with poster paper presenters.

Abstracts of 750 words are due by October1, 2004. Papers may address any aspectof trauma treatment. Details can befound at www.APSAC.ORG and clicking onSecond Annual Trauma Treatment Clinic.Only the highest quality papers will be acceptedfor poster presentation. This providesa unique opportunity to discuss importantnew data, clinical innovations, or paperson other aspects of trauma treatment.

Submit abstracts to: contej@u.washingtonedu by 101/04.

Clinic Faculty

Judith A. Cohen, MD is a Board Certified Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist, Professor of Psychiatry at the Drexel University College of Medicine, and Medical Director of the Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents at Allegheny General Hospital in Pittsburgh. She is the Principal Author ofthe Practice Parameters for PTSD in Children published by the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, and the first author of the treatment guidelines for childhood PTSDpublished by the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies.

Tony Mannarino, PhD is currently Chairman of the Departmentof Psychiatry, and Director of the Center for Traumatic Stress in Children and Adolescents at Allegheny General Hospital,Pittsburgh, PA. He is also Professor of Psychiatry at theDrexel University College of Medicine. He has been awarded numerous federal grants from the National Center on Child Abuse and Neglect and the National Institute of Mental Health to investigate the clinical course of traumatic stress symptomsin children and to develop effective treatment approaches for traumatized children and their families.

Sarah Maiter, MSW, PhD, is an assistant professor at the College of Social Work, Wilfrid Laurier University in Ontario, Canada where she teaches courses on clinical social work, practice with diverse populations, and the effects of racism in the lives of families. She continues to provide training in the areaof trauma and interpersonal violence generally and particularly as it relates to diversity.

John P Wilson, PhD is a Professor of psychology at Clevelandstate university and a Fulbright Scholar. He is co-founder and past president of the International Society of Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS) and the author of over 10 books on psychologicaltrauma.

Lori Zoellner, PhD is an Associate Professor in the Departmentof Psychology at the University of Washington. Both herresearch and her clinical experience focus on the prevention andtreatment of chronic posttraumatic stress disorder, with particularexpertise in the area of memory functioning. Prior to joiningthe faculty at UW, Dr. Zoellner was an Assistant Professor atthe University of Pennsylvania's Center for the Treatment andStudy of Anxiety.

Additional Information can be found at:

P. O. Box 26901, CHO 3B3406
Oklahoma City, OK 73190
Phone: (405) 271-8202
Fax: (405) 271-2931

Email Contact: john-madden@ouhsc.edu

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December 2004

ZERO TO THREE's 19th NTI, "A Changing World for Babies"
December 3 - 5, 2004
Sacramento Convention Center, Sacramento, CA
ZERO TO THREE's 19th NTI, "A Changing World for Babies" will be held from December 3rd-5th, 2004, at the Sacramento Convention Center in Sacramento, California, with four pre-institute sessions on December 2nd. This conference about young children and families, which attracts more than 1,600 participants, is an excellent time to reflect, engage, and energize your work!

NTI Session Topics will include:

  • Contemporary Topics in Research on Toddler Peer Interaction
  • Improving Relationship-Based Group Care
  • Ensuring that Performance Standards Are Developmentally Appropriate
  • CAPTA Referrals of Abused or Neglected Children to Early Intervention
  • Teaching Caregivers to Encourage Language and Literacy
  • Long-Term Funding for Quality Programs
  • A Look Into the Lives of Very Young Immigrant Children and Their Families

There will be four six-hour Pre-Institute Forums on Thursday, December 2nd:

  • An Introduction and Case Presentation of Diagnostic Classification 0-3(tm)
  • More Than Words Can Say: The Development of Early Language and Communication
  • Cultivating Leadership and Supervision for Best Practices
  • Child-Parent Psychotherapy With Trauma and Bereavement

There will be five three-hour Post-Institute Sessions on Sunday, December 5th:

  • DC: 0-3(tm) Clinical Assessment
  • Challenges in Group Care
  • The Complexity of Home Visiting
  • Leading Infant/Family Programs
  • Educating and Training the Infant/Family Field
  • Call (202) 624-1760 for a program by fax or mail or download the complete program and register online using all forms of payment HERE

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Models for Healing Multicultural Survivors of Historical Trauma Conference
December 7 - 11, 2004
Hyatt Tamaya Resort
Santa Ana, New Mexico

This is a call for presentations.

The Takini Network, Inc., is pleased to announce the upcoming conference, Models for Healing Multicultural Survivors of Historical Trauma. We are calling for presentations that focus on impacts of intergenerational trauma across historically traumatized groups - American Indians, Alaska Natives, First Nations of Canada, Latinos, African Americans, Asian Americans, indigenous/aboriginal peoples of the Pacific, Jewish Holocaust survivors, Muslim Americans, Eastern European Americans, undocumented immigrants, and allies.

We are asking presenters to focus on community and individual healing strategies and stories, plus culturally appropriate interventions and research. Areas may include, but are not limited to, clinical and community health (including behavioral health and chronic illness), healing and spirituality, documenting survivor stories, and social justice policy. Please include no less than three measurable objectives for CEU credits for participants.

Please submit an abstract, presentation objectives, and your curriculum vita electronically to: TakininetConf@aol.com. The abstract should include the abstract title and the names and affiliations of presenters. Please limit abstract narratives to no more than 250 words. Abstracts should be submitted no later than July 15, 2004.

Please note: All presenters are responsible for their registration, meals, lodging, and transporation to the Models for Healing Multicultural Survivors of Historical Trauma conference. Presenters will be offered the Early Bird registration fee of $275.

Conference registration fees:Student registration: $250
Early Bird (June 1 -- August 31, 2004): $275
Registration (September 1 - November 30, 2004): $325
On-site registration: $350

Email Contact: TakininetConf@aol.com

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January 2005

2005 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Training
January 13 - February 2, 2005
Trauma Treatment Replication Center in Cincinnati, OH
2005 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Training
Sponsored by the Trauma Treatment Replication Center in Cincinnati, OH
Training dates (participants must complete all 6 sessions plus follow-up):
January 13 & 14
February 3, 4 (1/2 day), 24 & 25

Spots no longer remain for this training. - Noted January 14th, 2005.
Please contact Lisa A. Connelly if you have any questions or concerns.

Lisa A. Connelly, MA
Clinical Research Coordinator III
Mayerson Center for Safe & Healthy Children
Children's Hospital Medical Center, MLC 3008
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Phone: 513-636-0041
Fax: 513-636-0204

Email Contact: lisa.connelly@chmcc.org

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Red Dragons: CBT and Art Therapy
January 20 , 2005 (1:00 PM - 4:00 PM)
Safety Harbor Resort and Spa, Safety Harbor, Florida
Presented by: Ellen Stirling, MS

The 13th in a series of nationally known presenters of seminars on topics related tochild traumatic stress sponsored by Healing the Hurt, a partner in the National ChildTraumatic Stress Network. LCSWs, LMFTs, LMHCs and Psychologists will earn 3.0CEUs.

Ms. Stirling trains nationally and internationally for the National Child Advocacy Council inHuntsville. She is also a therapist in private practice and a certified art therapist.

The struggle and healing inherent in the creative process can be harnessed effectively bythe therapist. This workshop will provide an overview of the therapeutic use of art andmetaphor in cognitive behavioral therapy.


  • Participants will understand the difference between art therapy and the use of art in therapy.
  • Participants will learn ways to use art effectively in theirclinical practice in accordance with the "Do no harm" principle.
  • Participants will understand the value of the artprocess and the art product in therapy.

Thursday, January 20th
1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
12:30 - 1:00 pm Registration
Snacks will be served
Make Check or Money Order Payable to:
Directions for Mental Health, Inc.
Safety Harbor Resort and Spa
105 North Bayshore Drive ? Safety Harbor, Florida

For More Information Call Norma at Directions: (727) 547-4566 ext.120
or by fax (727) 547-4599

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19th Annual San Diego Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 24 - 28, 2005
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego, California, USA
General Objectives: The San Diego Conference is intended

To increase professional skills and knowledge in the prevention, recognition, assessment and treatment of all forms of maltreatment including those related to family violence and substance abuse

To enhance investigative and legal skills in this area

To address issues concerning support for families, prevention, leadership, policy-making

To translate the latest research into action

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February 2005

Team Training in Treatment of Children with Sexual Behavior Problems (ICCTC-SBP)
February 13 - 17, 2005
Oklahoma City, OK
The Indian Country Child Trauma Center, at the Center on Child Abuse and Neglect - University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, through funding from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and SAMHSA, offers a training program to provide specialized training to IHS and tribal mental health and behavioral health professionals in the treatment of children with sexual behavior problems or children who display inappropriate sexual behavior. NCTSN sites are encouraged to apply if they serve Native families. The training is specific to Native populations and the unique characteristics of tribal people.

The Indian Country Child Trauma Center - Team Training in Treatment of Children with Sexual Behavior Problems (ICCTC-SBP) involves training mental health and behavioral health professionals from IHS and tribal programs in a "Team Training and Train the Trainer" model. This model includes team training in the treatment of SBP, weekly live remote and/or phone consultation, video taping of progress, development of an implementation plan for treatment (establishment of group treatment, family involvement sessions, facility access, etc.), development of the training of other health providers, criteria checks, pre and post assessments, adherence to policy and procedures, data collection, memorandum of agreement, financial support for training and implementation, evaluation and the involvement of the clinical supervisor.

Upon acceptance into the team training program, each team will receive up to eight days (two sessions) of training in treatment of children with sexual behavior problems, plus phone and/or live remote case consultation, and financial support for initial training and implementation of the treatment program. The training requires at a minimum an 18 to 24 month commitment with at least a two year evaluation follow-up.

It is required that the training team consists of three or four individuals. At least one must be licensed, one must be an administrator, and the third (and fourth) person(s) must be a service provider(s) from the same agency and can be at the paraprofessional level. The administrator may attend for less than the entire week.

The implementation plan requires that the Licensed professional with the other team members provide the specialized treatment, training, consultation, and clinical supervision in the treatment of Native children who have problems with inappropriate sexual behavior.

Funds for travel (airfare, lodging), implementation (specialized live remote and computer equipment and modifications), and personnel (limited salary reimbursement with justification) are available. NCTSN sites may apply for training if they serve Native American families and are willing to provide for all the expenses associated with the training and the implementation at their respective sites. Only licensed psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and professional counselors are encouraged to apply with paraprofessionals as the second individual from the site to make up each team. At least one licensed professional from each site must attend the training.

For additional information, please contact :
Dolores Subia BigFoot, PhD or Lorena Burris, PhD
By Phone (405) 271-8858
by email Dee BigFoot or Lorena Burris

Web Site: www.icctc.org
Email Contact: lorena-burris@ouhsc.edu

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Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
February 14 - 18, 2005
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
The Indian Country Child Trauma Center
Is proud to announce the first training Series on Parent Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)

February 14-18, 2005

Center on Child Abuse and Neglect
Department of Pediatrics
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center

Indian Country Child Trauma Center (ICCTC) has adapted Parent Child Interaction Therapy to address the cultural aspects of AI/AN communities that incorporate Native teachings and concepts within the PCIT treatment model and is accepting a limited number of applicants to participate in the PCIT training.

The PCIT training faculty are Dolores Subia BigFoot, PhD, Robin Gurwitch, PhD, and Beverly Funderburk, PhD, located at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

If you would like additional information about this training, please contact :

Jenn Roberts at
(405) 271-8858

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Center for Pediatric Traumatic Stress Training Institute
February 28 - March 3, 2005
The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia
Center for Pediatric Traumatic Stress Training Institute

Sponsored by The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

For more information or registration: Please email cpts@email.chop.edu
Main contact: Stephanie Schneider
Training dates:
Monday, February 28 - Tuesday, March 1, 2005

The goal of the Institute is to provide medical and mental health professionals in the Philadelphia region with the most up-to-date information on empirically-based strategies and resources for preventing and treating traumatic stress in children and families. To this end, 14 hours of continuing education workshops will be offered over 2 days on assessment, prevention, and treatment not only of medical traumatic stress, but also of traumatic stress related to abuse, neglect, and childhood traumatic grief - 3 types of traumatic stress also commonly encountered in health care settings.

Close to 100 participants are expected over the 2 days of the Institute and will include both medical and mental health professionals. There are a number of free spaces for NCTSN members who may want to attend. Several Network members will be presenting and the Pediatric Medical Traumatic Stress Toolkit will be featured at the institute for review and evaluation.

Email Contact: cpts@email.chop.edu

Back To Top

March 2005

NCTSN Annual National All-Network Meeting
March 3 - 5, 2005
Alexandria, VA

" Transforming Trauma Care for America's Children and Families"
The March 2-5 meeting, in Alexandria, Va., brings together child trauma treatment providers and researchers from around the country. The experts will share resources, sharpen their clinical skills, and later apply what they learn in their local communities.

Many topics to be covered feature the collaborative nature of the network, including work to address child trauma in rural America and in schools, as well as among refugees and children in the foster care system.

The newly mapped area of Child Traumatic Grief will also be featured in live streaming, as will implementation of evidence-based practices, cultural competence, and a learning collaborative.

Click here for more information on the scheduled Live-Stream sessions, as well as scheduled times.

Over 350 representatives of the Network and invited guests will attend the meeting. Children may experience traumatic stress reactions following traumatic events. Common sources of trauma include child abuse, witness violence, serious accidents and illnesses, natural disasters and terrorism.

Web Site: www.nctsnet.org
Email Contact: codycom@earthlink.net

Back To Top

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Training
March 7 - April 4, 2005
Trauma Treatment Replication Center, Cincinnatti, OH
Second 2005 Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Training (PCIT)Sponsored by the Trauma Treatment Replication Center in Cincinnati, OH

Training dates (participants must complete all 6 sessions plus follow-up): March 7 & 8, March 24 & 25, April 4 & 5

Only a few spots remain open for this training so if you think your agency is interested, please contact Lisa A. Connelly, MA, Clinical Research Coordinator III as soon as possible (contact information below).

It is recommended that NCTSN sites send at least two therapists from their agency so not only one therapist in that agency is trained in PCIT and each will have another person in close proximity they may consult with.

Attendees should be practicing therapists with an active caseload. Attendees need to attend all 6 days of training and are expected to collect data for the NCTSN dataset upon completion of training and follow-up consultation.

Attendees will be responsible for their expenses, travel, lodging, etc. The hosts will provide training materials (i.e., manuals, handouts, cd-rom, etc.) and data collection resources for all trainees. 30 CEUs through the Ohio Counselor and Social Worker Board will be offered.

Please call Lisa A. Connelly if you would be interested in sending therapists to this training and/or if you have any questions or concerns. The registration form is available by contacting:
Lisa A. Connelly, MA
Clinical Research Coordinator III
Mayerson Center for Safe & Healthy Children
Children's Hospital Medical Center, MLC 3008
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Phone: 513-636-0041
Fax: 513-636-0204

Email Contact: lisa.connelly@cchmc.org

Back To Top

21st National Symposium on Child Abuse
March 8 - 11, 2005
Huntsville, AL.

The National Children's Advocacy Center in Huntsville, AL will hold its annual conference, the 21st Symposium on Child Abuse, "Making A Difference," March 8-11, 2005 in Huntsville, AL.
Over 150 workshops will be held, with tracks for professionals working in the fields of mental health, law enforcement, CPS, prosecution, and medicine. NCTSN presenters include James Henry and Rebecca Gaba on two of the NCTSN's accelerated projects, as well as Charles Wilson and Ben Saunders on dissemination of best practices. Dr. John Fairbank, Co-Director of the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress, will serve as a keynote speaker. Other keynotes include Walter Anderson, Chairman and CEO of Parade Publications; Deborah Daniels, Assistant U.S. Attorney General (Invited); and Congressman Robert E. "Bud" Cramer (Invited). The entire Symposium Registration Brochure can be viewed by visiting the agency's web site at: NCAC.org.

More than 125 state-of-the-art workshops will be offered to professionals working in Law Enforcement, Mental Health/Treatment, Medical, Child Protective Service, Administration, Legal, Prevention, and Victim Advocacy. CEUs and CMEs will be offered

Registration fee of $450 before February 11, 2005, and $495 after February 11, 2005, includes Tuesday evening U.S. Space & Rocket Center Dinner, Tour, IMAX Movie & Registration; Continental Breakfast & Lunch Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday; Wednesday evening Tour of the National Children's Advocacy Center; Thursday evening Band Party; Resource materials; and Transportation between official Symposium hotels and all Symposium venues.

Thank you, and we hope to see many of you in March!

Email Contact: mgrundy@nationalcac.org

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Children 2005: Crossing the Cultural Divide
March 9 - 11, 2005
Washington DC

Child Welfare League of America National Conference
Children 2005: Crossing the Cultural Divide
March 9-11
Washington DCFor more information visit:

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Beyond Evidence: Trauma, Treatment, Recovery, and Resiliency
March 18 - 19, 2005
Cleveland, OH

All-Ohio Institute on Community Psychiatry
"Beyond Evidence: Trauma, Treatment, Recovery, and Resiliency"
Addressing Needs of Children, Adolescents, and Adults

NCTSN presentations planned by Network members (this is a preliminary list) include:

  • Bob Pynoos - "Child and Adolescent Traumatic Stress: Scientific Growth and Developmental Remodeling"
  • Judith Cohen - "Treating Traumatized Children"
  • Steve Friedman - Facilitator of Panel Discussion
  • Kris Buffington
  • Frank Putnam

Main Contact: Steve Friedman

Email Contact: steve@mhs-inc.org

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April 2005

Homicide: Behaviors, Motives and Psychology
April 4 - 6, 2005
town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, CA

This three-day event will offer state of the science information about the motivation, behaviors and psychology involved in certain forms of homicide.
A variety of topics are examined in depth by a noted authority on that subject. Excellent lunchtime speakers will also bring to life topics of contemporary interest.
Tuition will include the program, a complete syllabus, a full continental breakfast, box lunch and a continuing education/attendance certificate.

Agenda and list of speakers: April 4, 2005 (Morning) Homicide: Pathways Toward Intended Violence: Frederick Calhoun, Ph.D. and Stephen Weston, J.D. (half day presentation) (Lunchtime) Applications of Behavioral Analysis in Homicide Investigations: Leslie D'Ambrosia, Special Agent, FDLE (Afternoon) Homicide in the Workplace and School: Kris Mohandie, Ph.D.(half day presentation)

April 5, 2005 (Morning) Child Murder by Parents: Phillip Resnick, M.D. (half day presentation) (Lunchtime) Children who Witness Homicide, Tascha Boychuk-Spears, Ph.D., R.N. (Afternoon) Domestic Violence and Homicide : Donald Dutton, Ph.D. (half day presentation)

April 6, 2005 (Morning) The Violent True Believer: Homicidal and Suicidal States of Mind: Reid Meloy, Ph.D. (half day presentation) (Lunchtime) Current Issues in Child Abduction/Homicide, Charles K. Dorsey, Acting Unit Chief, FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit III, Crimes Against Children (Afternoon) Key Motives and Behaviors in Sexual Homicide: Roy Hazelwood, M.S., FBI (ret.) (half day presentation)

There are three cut-off dates regarding the registration: Super early bird tuition registration date: January 28, 2005. Early bird tuition registration date: March 11, 2005, Regular tuition registration date: After March 11, 2005. To recieve the rate associated with the dates above, tuition must be postmarked, faxed (858) 675-0861, emailed or phoned (800) 848-1226, to Specialized Training Services by the date listed and include full payment. Purchase orders will be charged effective the date paid rather than the date submitted.

Accordingly, the tuition rates are as follows: One day: $175/185/195, Two days: $335/355/375, All three days: $475/505/535. Tuition includes continental breakfast, box lunch, coffee service, all programs and handout materials as well as a certificate of attendance or CE certificate.
Currently, our website will handle only three day registrations. Should you wish to register for any one or two days, please print the registration form and provide the information requested, then specify which day(s) you plan to attend, then fax or mail the form with payment. You will be charged a tuition rate consistent with the information above.

A hard copy of the brochure can also mailed or faxed to you. You can request it under the "contact us" button on the website or by calling us toll free at (800) 848-1226. The cancellation policy, applicable CE information, preferred airline, expanded hotel and meeting site information as well as upcoming programs by Specialized Training Services is listed in the hard copy of the brochure.

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15th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
April 18 - 23, 2005
Boston, Massachusetts
Supporting Promising Practices and Positive Outcomes: A Shared Responsibility

The Children's Bureau sponsors biennial conferences at which professionals and volunteers discuss a broad range of policy, research, program, and practice issues concerning the prevention, intervention, and treatment of child abuse and neglect. Roundtable discussions, poster and plenary sessions, and workshops bring together many disciplines and perspectives to foster new working relationships, exchange information on research, and review practice issues and model programs.

The 15th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect will be held in Boston, Massachusetts, April 18 - 23, 2005. The conference theme, "Supporting Promising Practices and Positive Outcomes: A Shared Responsibility," promotes interagency collaboration, as well as collaboration across disciplines, in order to maximize resources and provide more effective services to protect children and strengthen families.

If you have questions about the 15th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, please contact Pal-Tech, Inc
(703) 528-0435

Email Contact: 15thconf@pal-tech.com

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Montana Counseling Association. A Community of Healing: Integrative Practices in Trauma Response
April 21 - 22, 2005
Helena, Montana

Rick van den Pol (MCITCT Principal Investigator) and Matt Taylor (MCITCT Outreach Coordinator)
Montana Center for Investigation and Treatment of Childhood Trauma (MCITCT).

The conference is an annual event for the Montana Counselors Association (MCA). The trauma focus of the conference is a one time event for MCA. DERS approached MCA on the topic of trauma given our desire to disseminate information about NCTSN and the MCITCT program. As such, the participation by our organization will be a one time event. The event is open to Network members. Dr. Beth Stamm and colleagues have been asked to present.

The goal of this conference is to increase awareness of PTSD prevalence and provide high quality training pertaining to PTSD.

We are targeting a diverse audience of professionals who may potentially provide services to individuals exposed to trauma and are at risk of developing Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This audience will include Licensed Clinical Practitioners, Licensed Clinical Psychologists, school counselors, school psychologists, emergency responders, social workers among others. We anticipate that there will be 200 representatives from the above-mentioned fields.

Nearly every conference session will focus on trauma interventions or multi-agency trauma response. A significant portion of the event will focus on childhood trauma. Additionally, the conference will enhance counselors, psychologists, community members and school counselors understanding of diagnosis, effective interventions, cultural competence, and interagency roles in disasters. Finally, it will provide the Montana Center for the Investigation and Treatment of Childhood Trauma and the NCTSN a significant opportunity to disseminate program efforts.

The conference will span two days. Of particular note is the likely hood of attendance by the recently elected Governor of Montana, Mr. Brian Schweitzer. Finally, the event represents significant collaboration with St. Vincent Health Care, Montana's largest hospital.

Key conference activities include:

Keynote Speakers

  • Richard Yep, M.P.A., Executive Director, The American Counseling Association (ACA).
  • Lucy Berliner, M.S.W., Director, Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress in Seattle and Clinical Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Social Work and Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences.
  • Brian Schweitzer, Governor, State of Montana (welcome address tentative)

Additional special sessions by:

  • Dr. Beth Stamm Hundall, Director of the Institute of Rural Health, Idaho State University and the (NCTSN funded) Center for Rural, Tribal and Frontier Traumatic Stress Interventions.
  • Laura Merchant, MSW, Assistant Director of the Harborview Center for Sexual Assault and Traumatic Stress (HCSATS) in Seattle.
  • Dr. Anthony Ng, Director of Reich, Ng, and Associates, LLC; Chair of the American Psychiatric Association Committee on Psychiatric Dimensions of Disaster.
  • Mr. Wil Huett, Director of the American Red Cross - Montana Chapter and national representatives from the American Red Cross Disaster Mental Health Services training program.
  • Dr. Bonnie Selzer, Senior Associate, Educational Services Inc.
Email Contact: matt.taylor@mso.umt.edu

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Child Welfare League of America: Trauma in Schools and Trauma-Focused Interventions in Schools
April 21 , 2005 (2:00-3:30 p.m. (EDT))
Teleconference Series on Child Trauma

Joint sponsorship by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network/CWLA
Trauma in Schools, and Trauma-Focused Intervention in Schools

Audra Langley PhD
CBITS Training Coordinator
University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Biobehavioral Sciences
Division of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry

Jennifer Wilgocki MS, LCSW
Project and Training Coordinator
Adolescent Trauma Treatment Program
Mental Health Center of Dane County Inc.
Madison, Wisconsin

Across all grade levels, children and adolescents often experience traumatic events in or near their schools. They may also experience traumatic events away from school and then bring their behavioral and emotional symptoms into school. Trauma symptoms can make learning difficult and may frustrate teachers and support staff. This teleconference will review the effects of trauma on kids in school, and present an example of a skills-based group intervention for children who have been exposed to community violence.

Cognitive Behavioral Intervention for Trauma in Schools (CBITS) is a school-based model that includes education about reactions to trauma, relaxation training, cognitive restructuring, exposure, and social problem-solving. CBITS is designed to reduce symptoms of trauma and improve functioning. The program's outcomes have been published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (August 2003). CBITS is used by school districts in various parts of the country and yields impressive results in the treatment of trauma symptoms.

This teleconference is part of the series entitled "Competence on Call." Welcome letter follows:

CWLA is pleased to announce the 2005 series of Competence On Call, the teleconference series that provides a forum to consider critical child welfare issues, disseminate research findings, and inform the field about innovative policy and practice initiatives. Each teleconference will include presentations by national experts along with reports from agencies engaged in challenging and groundbreaking work. Participants will receive extensive, practical resources to use as references both during and after each teleconference.

The Competence on Call series provides agencies with a convenient, cost-effective way to keep staff informed and involved in critical child welfare issues. The registration fee includes one telephone line and a complete set of program materials, which can be copied for each individual participant. The only limit to the number of employees who can participate is the size and acoustics of the room where they will gather and the quality of your speaker phone.

We hope you can join us for what promises to be an engaging and informative series!

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23rd Annual "Protecting Our Children" Conference
April 24 - 27, 2005
Hilton Albuquerque - Albuquerque, NM

National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect

Courage, Conviction, and Living Our Values: How Well Are We Protecting Our Children?

34 workshops will be provided.

Please click to learn more about NICWA's annual conference.Dowload brochure Here


Full Registration Rate - $395
Students - $100

The registration fee includes attendance at the conference general sessions, workshops, reception, and a conference banquet with entertainment, as well as access to a variety of resources and arts and crafts exhibits.

CEUs:CEUs will be offered and included in the registration fee.

Hilton Albuquerque (Meeting site)
$68/night plus tax (Single/double)
Special room rate will be available until April 8th.
This rate will be available three days prior and
three days after the conference based on availability.

Fairfield Inn (overflow hotel)
$59/night plus tax (single/double)
*We encourage you to reserve your hotel room now and avoid the rush - Mention "NICWA" when making your reservations.

Group rate available via Sunport Shuttle.

Please contact:
Martirai Ramsey, Administrative Assistant
Via email: rai@nicwa.org
Via Phone (503) 222-4044 Ext. 118
Tanya Firemoon, Logistics Assistant ext. 130

National Indian Child Welfare Association
5100 SW Macadam Avenue
Suite 300
Portland, Oregon 97239
(503) 222-4044
(503) 222-4007 - Fax

Email Contact: tanya@nicwa.org

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May 2005

Healthy Spirit Conference by former Circle of Care Grantees
May 11 - 13, 2005
Park City, Utah
Conference sponsored and provided by former Circles of Care Grantees

Healthy Spirit: Successful Models to Embrace Children and Families with Serious Emotional and Behavioral Disturbance(s) in Indian Country

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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Training (PCIT)
May 23 - 25, 2005

Sponsored by the Trauma Treatment Replication Center in Cincinnati, OH

Training dates (participants must complete all 6 sessions plusfollow-up):
May 23, May 24, May 25, June 13, June 14, and June 15, 2005

Each NCTSN site who would like to participate in this training must send at least two clinicians from their agency. Attendees should be practicing therapists with an active caseload. Attendees need to attend all 6 days of training and are expected to collect data on 5 clients for the NCTSN dataset upon completion of training and follow-up consultation.

Attendees will be responsible for their expenses, travel, lodging, etc.The hosts will provide training, follow-up consultation, training materials (i.e., manuals, handouts, cd-rom, etc.) and data collection resources for all trainees. 30 CEUs through the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board will be offered.

Please contact Lisa Connelly for more information or to request a registration form.

Lisa A. Connelly, MA
Clinical Research Coordinator III
Mayerson Center for Safe & Healthy Children
Children's Hospital Medical Center, MLC 3008
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Phone: (513) 636-0041
Fax: (513) 636-0204

Email Contact: Lisa.Connelly@chmcc.org

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June 2005

30th Annual Review Course in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Training Session
June 1 - 4, 2005
Radisson Plaza Lord Baltimore, Baltimore, MD
The course also serves as an up-to-date review of child and adolescent psychiatryand will cover topics including: normal growth and development, clinicalpsychopharmacology,PTSD (including neglect and abuse), Therapy: CBT, IPT, Family Systems,anxiety disorders andmore.

The Review Course is chaired by David Pruitt, M.D. and Mark Riddle,M.D. and offers participants up to 28.5 Continuing Medical Education Credits. For more information, please see AACAP.ORG
Contact us via email

Email Contact: meetings@aacap.org

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5th Annual Florida Association for Infant Mental Health: Building Our Future
June 2 - 3, 2005
Safety Harbor Resort and Spa, Safety Harbor, Florida
Building Our Future Conference

Building Our Future is an infant-toddler development and mental health conference. It is based on the premise that early experiences haveunique power, the conference features cutting-edge knowledge, systemic thinking, and opportunities for collaborative planning. It will showcaseFlorida's strategic plan for a birth-to-five mental health system and facilitate its implementation.

Conference Goals

To gather experts from different disciplines who can share new knowledge and promising practices related to prevention/mental healthpromotion, early intervention, and treatment.To provide participants with current information, research, and practices including the building of an infant mental health infrastructure, theassessment of infant mental health, and the delivery of innovative mental health services.To recruit a cadre of committed professionals and advocates who will work together to implement Florida's Strategic Plan for Infant MentalHealth.

Who Should Attend

Building Our Future will bring together early educators and caregivers, physicians, nurses, mental health professionals, college professors, lawenforcement personnel, social workers, therapists from many different disciplines, child advocates, psychologists, program administrators, andpolicy makers who are in a position to implement a mental health strategic plan in Florida and in other states or countries.

Safety Harbor Resort and Spa
105 North Bayshore Drive
Safety Harbor, Florida 34695
(888) BEST SPA - (888) 237-8772)

Conference room rate is $99 per night plus tax including resort fee. When making your reservations, refer to the Florida Association forInfant Mental Health to receive this discounted rate. Call soon as rooms are only available at this rate until May 1, 2005. You areencouraged to book Spa services in advance. Visit online for a complete description of available services.

On the peaceful shores of Tampa Bay lies a secluded place where fresh air, sunshine, and natural mineral springs clear the mind and refreshthe soul. Where tranquility is the rule and not the exception. This is Safety Harbor Resort and Spa - one of Florida's premier spadestinations. The hotel is conveniently located within walking distance to downtown Safety Harbor shops and restaurants, and less than 20minutes from both Tampa and St. Petersburg/ Clearwater International Airports.

You can register online here:

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16th Annual International Trauma Conference
June 2 - 4, 2005
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA

Attachment, Neuroscience & Body Experience

Thursday, June 2, 2005
Bessel A. van der Kolk, M.D.

Medical Director, The Trauma Center

Workshop I Home from the War: The Lessons from 30 Years' Experience Helping to Reintegrate Combat Soldiers Exposed to Trauma and Violence
Workshop II Language, Relationship and Action: The Role of Communication,Understanding and Physical Action in Overcoming TraumaWorkshop III Sensorimotor Psychotherapy
Workshop IV Pesso-Boyden Psychotherapy
Workshop V Acute Intervention in the Wake of Community Violence and MassDisaster: The Tsunami Relief Effort

Sponsored by: Boston University School of Medicine, Division of Psychiatry

Managed by R Cassidy Seminars
To Register: 866-992-9399 or www.traumacenter.org

Click here to dowload the brochure.

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Rural Mental Health Symposium
June 7 - 9, 2005
Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, WY

Sponsored by The American Institutes for Research (AIR) and Center for Mental Health Services (CMHS)

This two-and-a-half-day meeting will bring together rural system of care community members and other interested stakeholders to explore innovative and promising practices of providing comprehensive, community-based services for children with serious emotional disturbances and their families.

The symposium will take place at the Jackson Lake Lodge in Moran, WY on June 7-9, 2005, with opening ceremonies beginning on the evening of June 6.

The Child, Adolescent and Family Branch, CMHS, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), is supporting the Rural Mental Health Symposium so that participants can learn both from experts and from each other about the current promising practices in rural mental health and apply these promising practices in their own communities.

Topics to be discussed at the symposium include successes at overcoming challenges related to providing and accessing mental health services in rural and frontier areas, technology innovations, service provision innovations, sustainability, cultural and linguistic competency, collaboration/partnerships, funding, accessing services, telemedicine, the recruitment of healthcare professionals, evaluation, family and youth participation, social marketing, and educational practices.

Symposium participants should plan to arrive in Moran, WY on the afternoon of Monday, June 6. The symposium will convene at 6:30 p.m. that evening and will come to a close at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 9. Attendees are responsible for all travel costs associated with the symposium, including airfare, hotel accommodations, and a registration fee of $180.00.

The call for presentations is now open. The proposal entry form must be received via email by April 20, 2005.

Please visit the Rural Mental Health Symposium Web site to register online for the symposium and to obtain more information on symposium logistics. Please note that the registration deadline for this symposium is May 13, 2005.

If you have programmatic questions, please contact:
Karen Francis
(202) 403-5164

If you have logistical questions, please contact
Stephanie Tiller by telephone at : (301) 589-4020
or by e-mail at:

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June 10 , 2005
Los Angeles, CA
Co-sponsored with Children's Institute International Presented by Dr. Rebecca Gaba. This workshop focuses on the dynamics of spouse/partner abuse, assessment techniques and on intervention approaches.

Assessment instruments and procedures that would be useful in identifying potential victims and offenders in clinical or forensic settings are presented. Thus, this workshop presents the current state of knowledge concerning these types of offenders, discusses issues of risk assessment, provides practical suggestions for specific testing and assessment instruments, emphasizes diagnostic and clinical issues, presents several case examples to illustrate the types of procedures, and discusses intervention techniques.

Continuing Education: Meets 7 or 14 hours of CEs for LCSWs, MFTs, Psychologists, substance abuse and other counselors.


  • Early Registration (Before May 20, 2005) - $190
  • Regular Registration (May 21, 2005) - June 8, 2005) - $140
  • On-site Registration (After June 8, 2005) - $160
  • Continuing Education Fee (7 hours) Pre-registered $25/On-site $35

Contact: Carolyn Smyth
Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute
6160 Cornerstone Court East
San Diego, CA 92121
Email: csmyth@alliant.edu
(858) 623-2777 Ext. 442

Email Contact: csmyth@alliant.edu

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June 11 - 12, 2005
San Diego, CA
Co-sponsored with Children's Institute International Presented by Rebecca Gaba and Robert Geffner, and with featured speaker, Richard Kagan, Ph.D.

This workshop focuses on the dynamics of spouse/partner abuse, assessment techniques and on intervention approaches. Assessment instruments and procedures that would be useful in identifying potential victims and offenders in clinical or forensic settings are presented. Thus, this workshop presents the current state of knowledge concerning these types of offenders, discusses issues of risk assessment, provides practical suggestions for specific testing and assessment instruments, emphasizes diagnostic and clinical issues, presents several case examples to illustrate the types of procedures, and discusses intervention techniques.

Continuing Education: Meets 7 or 14 hours of CEs for LCSWs, MFTs, Psychologists, substance abuse and other counselors.


  • Early Registration (Before May 20, 2005) - $190
  • Regular Registration (May 21, 2005) - June 8, 2005) - $210
  • On-site Registration (After June 8, 2005) - $230
  • One Day Registration - $100
  • Continuing Education Fee (14 hours) Pre-registered $25/On-site $35

Contact: Carolyn Smyth
Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute
6160 Cornerstone Court East
San Diego, CA 92121
Email: csmyth@alliant.edu
(858) 623-2777 Ext. 442

Email Contact: csmyth@alliant.edu

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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Training (PCIT)
June 13 - 15, 2005
Cincinnati, OH

Sponsored by the Trauma Treatment Replication Center in Cincinnati, OH

Training dates (participants must complete all 6 sessions plus follow-up):
May 23, May 24, May 25, June 13, June 14, and June 15, 2005

Each NCTSN site who would like to participate in this training must send at least two clinicians from their agency. Attendees should be practicing therapists with an active caseload. Attendees need to attend all 6 days of training and are expected to collect data on 5 clients for the NCTSN dataset upon completion of training and follow-up consultation.

Attendees will be responsible for their expenses, travel, lodging, etc.The hosts will provide training, follow-up consultation, training materials (i.e., manuals, handouts, cd-rom, etc.) and data collection resources for all trainees. 30 CEUs through the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage and Family Therapist Board will be offered.

Please contact Lisa Connelly for more information or to request a registration form.

Lisa A. Connelly, MA
Clinical Research Coordinator III
Mayerson Center for Safe & Healthy Children
Children's Hospital Medical Center, MLC 3008
3333 Burnet Ave.
Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
Phone: (513) 636-0041
Fax: (513) 636-0204

Email Contact: Lisa.Connelly@chmcc.org

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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Training Workshop
June 13 - 17, 2005
The Child Study Lab at the University of Florida

PCIT (Parent-Child Interaction Therapy) is an empirically supported treatment for young conduct disordered children and was named by the Kauffman's Best Practice Project as one of three "Best practices" for treating child abuse.

If you have any questions, please contact us

Registration for this workshop as well as information about future workshop dates can also be found online at PCIT's site

Web Site: www.PCIT.org
Email Contact: PCIT@phhp.ufl.edu

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APSAC 13th Annual Colloquium
June 15 - 18, 2005
New Orleans, Louisiana

Training submissions must be postmarked by June 11, 2004

Research submissions must be postmarked by January 15, 2005

Join your colleagues in the vibrant city of New Orleans for the most energizing professional training of your career!

Experience the fascinating city of New Orleans where time stands still, since the surroundings never change. Spend the afternoons walking along the riverwalk in the "Big Easy" of shopping and entertainment, or eat a po-boy in magnificent Jackson Square. After a full day of workshops, spend a relaxing evening on a dinner/jazz cruise or eat some of the world famous cuisine you can find throughout the French Quarter. Saturday afternoon after the Colloquium you can visit beautiful plantation homes, Louisiana swamps, or spend the day in the cemeteries the locals call "Cities of the Dead!"

The National Center for Child Traumatic Stress (NCTSN) is collaborating again with The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) to present trauma-focused workshops and a pre-meeting training institute at this year's annual Colloquium.

NCTSN's Rural Consortium is sponsoring a special pre-meeting institute on June 15th on issues critical to providing trauma care in rural, frontier and tribal communities. Presenters from NCTSN sites in Louisiana, Idaho, New Mexico, Georgia, and Mississippi will explore rural culture and how it effects delivery of services, present a toolkit for developing a community-wide network to address traumatized children, discuss home-based treatment delivery strategies, learn how to adapt interventions for rural settings and clients, and learn about special risks and secondary traumatization for rural practitioners.
Attendance at the NCTSN Pre-Conference Institute is free for NCTSN members.

Additionally, over 13 Trauma-Related workshops will be presented between June 16 - 18 by NCTSN Professionals. Workshops include:

  • Building Community Resilience through Work with Juvenile Courts - Joy Osofsky
  • The Importance of Including Parents in Trauma-Focused Therapy - Esther Deblinger
  • Disseminating Empirically Supported Treatments in the Real World - Frank Bennett, Ann Kelley, Laura Murray, Anthony Mannarino
  • Promoting the Use of Evidence-Based Service Delivery in Child Welfare - Walter Fahr, Rhenda Donet, Sue Steib, & Patricia Morse
  • The Efficacy of a Parent-Child Intervention for Physically Abused Children and Their Caregivers - Elisa Brown
  • Ethical and Legal Issues in Treating Traumatized Children and Their Families - Anthony Mannarino
  • Assessment and Course of PTSD in Preschool Children - Michael Scheeringa
  • The Rural Landscape: Resources for Traumatic Responding - Beth Hudnall Stamm and Philip Massad
  • Empirical Support for the Child-Parent Psychotherapy Model - Patricia Van Horn
  • Managing Efforts to Spread Evidence-Based Practices Across Systems and Within Agencies - Charles Wilson
  • Child-Parent Psychotherapy: Helping Young Children and Their Caregivers Recover from Interpersonal Trauma - Patricia Van Horn
  • Implementing Empirically Based Treatments for Traumatized Children in Community Settings: Processes for Treatment Dissemination Teams - Laura Murray

Early registration deadline is May 16. Registration information can be found http://www.APSAC.org

Email Contact: heather-newton@ouhsc.edu

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The National Center for Victims of Crime--First National Conference
June 20 - 22, 2005
Omni Shoreham Hotel, Washington, DC

Don't miss this stimulating conference featuring more than 130 leading experts, 65 skill-building workshops, and countless opportunities to forge alliances and build leadership.

As the nation's leading resource and advocacy organization for crime victims and those who support them , The National Center for Victims of Crime is providing a unique forum to challenge our thinking and foster the development of new skills on an impressive breadth of cutting-edge issues, including:

  • Human trafficking
  • Victim confidentiality
  • High-tech stalking
  • Criminal profiling
  • Youth leadership to help crime victims
  • Mass violence and community resilience
  • Repeat rapes by undetected offenders
  • Neurobiology of trauma

AND MUCH MORE! Please check NCVC's website for more information
Web Site: www.ncvc.org

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Adolescent Trauma and Substance Abuse Meeting
June 20 - 21, 2005
Boston University
Adolescent Trauma and Substance Abuse Meeting

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June 23 , 2005
Hampton Ballroom, Washington, DC

The Center for Women, Violence and Trauma, Trauma Knowledge Utilization Project present: "TRAUMA CHAMPIONS INSTITUTE"

Omni Shoreham Hotel, Hampton Ballroom

COST:$75 Registration Fee $25 Reduced Registration Fee, available upon request, for persons with lived experience of trauma/consumers. You may register here:

If you are unable to attend but would like to sponsor a person with lived experience of trauma/consumer, please submit $75 with a registration form marked sponsorship.

Description: The Trauma Champions Institute offers people with the lived experience of trauma an opportunity to come together to learn more about how to assume leadership positions in their communities. The purpose of the Trauma Champions Institute is to 1) familiarize community leaders and persons with the lived experience of trauma with SAMHSA's Women and Violence Study, from the perspective of the study participants; 2) engage in a participatory dialogue and discussion about strategies for working with and mobilizing the leadership of women with the lived experience of trauma; and 3) utilize the leadership and skills already present in the community of women with lived experience of trauma and their allies.

Special Interest: This institute will be of special interest to persons with the lived experience of trauma, community leaders, service providers and those working with: 1) women with co-occurring disorders and histories of violence with a special emphasis on girls ages 11-18; 2)men trauma survivors; 3) women in the criminal justice system; 4)immigrant and refugee women; and 5) connsumers/survivors/recovering individuals.

For more information call (413) 536-2401 Ext. 3011

MODERATOR: Jacki McKinney

HOSTS: Gloria Grijalva Gonzales, Janice Grady, Rhonda Elsey-Jones, Darlene Lamp, Ruta Mazelis, Susan Mockus

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FRC IV - 2nd Summer Institute: Trauma, Stress and Difficult Life Transitions: Crossing Borders, Crossing Boundaries
June 23 - 25, 2005
Windsor Court Hotel, New Orleans, Louisiana

The Family Research Consortium (FRC) IV conducts an annual Summer Institute to promote interchange among scholars in the field of family mental health. Modeled after the sessions held by previous Family Research Consortia, the Institute is motivated by the belief that significant advances in the field can be facilitated by a forum that allows for dissemination, evaluation, and discussion of important new findings and new developments in research design, methods, and analysis. The Summer Institutes include formal plenary addresses, smaller workshop format presentations, poster presentations, mechanisms for proposal development, and opportunities for networking among participants. Previous sessions have attracted scholars and clinicians at all stages of development. Approximately 200 scholars, including presenters and representatives of government and foundation funding agencies, are expected to attend.

The goals of this year's Institute are:

  • To examine how trauma and severe forms of stress affect the mental health of families and individuals. We include presentations and discussions about the effects of disasters, war, torture, violence, and illness on families and the lives of individuals.
  • To bring attention to research on trauma, stress, and difficult life transitions that allows for a richer understanding about how context matters in assessing the interplay between family dynamics, mental health, and mental disorders.
  • To present a diversity of disciplinary and scholarly perspectives in how individuals and their families respond to trauma and stress and their impact on mental health.

The Institute will highlight scientific issues relevant to practice, assessment, prevention and intervention, as well as provide opportunities for more formal network development. The Summer Institute is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.

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July 2005

National Council of Juvenile and Family Court Judges (NCJFCJ)
July 17 - 20, 2005
Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA

68th Annual Conference

The 68th Annual Conference is scheduled for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and plans to showcase the Council's research arm, the National Center for Juvenile Justice (NCJJ.) In addition, workshops will be offered on the subjects of family law, domestic violence, delinquency, dependency, and an alternate track encompassing topics such as drug courts and juvenile detention.

The historic Omni William Penn will be the site of the conference and dates have been secured for July 17-20, 2005. Federal Court Judge and founder of the NCJJ, Maurice Cohill has stepped forward to serve as host and showcase the Pittsburgh community.

Two NCTSN member workshops: Monday, July 18, 2005

"Child Maltreatment Allegations in Custody/Visitation Disputes"
Julian Ford, Kris Buffington

"A Trauma-informed Juvenile Justice System"
Erna Olafson, Frank Putnam, Barbara Ryan

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The 18th NIMH Conference on Mental Health Services Research: Broadening the scope of scientific Investigation
July 18 - 19, 2005
Hyatt Regency, Bethesda, MD

The ongoing effort to improve the mental health of our country will include the judicious use of findings from scientific studies within real-world service systems. Maximizing the effectiveness of evidence requires an understanding of the fit between research and practice settings. This is the domain of mental health services research (or MHSR). This year, the conference will focus on the potential for mental health services research methodologies and findings to impact other fields of study (e.g., interventions research, behavioral science). MHSR 2005 will emphasize the unique nature and contributions of services research by highlighting:

Innovative models and methods for mental health services research
The field of mental health services research is tremendously complex, often requiring diverse methodological approaches. The conference is interested in spotlighting novel conceptual models and research methods (quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods approaches) to better represent this complexity.

Interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary research teams
One central goal of the conference is to emphasize and foster strategies to overcome traditional divisions within mental health research and other relevant disciplines, as well as between researchers and community stakeholders. MHSR 2005 encourages the submission of research projects that integrate conceptual and analytical strengths from diverse disciplines and stakeholder groups in order to overcome traditional gaps in terminology, approach, and methods.

Public-Academic mental health services research partnerships
Mental health services research often requires the interaction of multiple stakeholders, including consumers, family members, service providers, administrators, and/or policy makers. Partnerships between such public constituents and academic research organizations are critical to accomplishing the NIMH mission of improving public mental health. The conference is interested in highlighting such partnerships, their processes, and resulting outcomes.

Efforts to improve mental health consumer community functioning across the lifespan
The diverse needs of consumers and their families are often not reflected in the development of mental health treatments. The focus on community functioning is crucial to the successful improvement of mental health at all stages of the lifespan. MHSR 2005 is particularly interested in spotlighting research that demonstrates successful efforts to improve consumer functioning.

Capacity-building efforts promoting research infrastructure in community settings Many community-based service delivery settings lack the infrastructure needed to facilitate a collaborative research partnership. We invite abstracts detailing efforts to build such capacity to conduct research in diverse community settings.

Lodgings/Conference Location:
Hyatt Regency Bethesda
One Bethesda Metro Center
Bethesda, MD 20814
Phone: (301) 657-1234
Fax: (301) 657-6453

For more information, please contact:

Pamela Handon
Conference Planner
B L Seamon Corporation
4221 Forbes Boulevard, Suite 245
Lanham, MD 20706
(301) 577-0244, ext. 25
(301) 577-5261-fax
Via email at the address listed below:

Email Contact: phandon@blseamon.com

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OVC TTAC - Providing Culturally Competent Services to Victims of Crime
July 26 - 28, 2005
San Diego, California

This workshop by Office of Victims of Crime provides an interactive exploration of issues in providing culturally competent services to victims of crime. Through a series of activities and case studies, the training explores the challenges and benefits of providing culturally competent care for victims and how services can be more effective when they are delivered within the most relevant and meaningful cultural, gender-specific, and age-appropriate context. Also included is a review of provider competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills, attitudes, interpersonal decisionmaking) that are critical to effectively serving victims of crime from diverse populations. Key topics include:

  • What is cultural competence?
  • Stereotyping
  • Cross-cultural communication
  • Language and interpreter bias
  • Barriers to effective victim assistance
  • Envisioning a culturally competent victim service program

For Registration information click Here

For More information contact: OVC TTAC
By Phone (866)682-8822
or at the email below

Email Contact: ttac@ovcttac.org

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Grant Writing Workshop
July 26 - 28, 2005
East Georgia College - Swainsboro, GA

The Grant Network will hold an intensive 3-day grant proposal writing workshop on the East Georgia College campus on July 26 - 28, 2005.

The Grant Network is the only nonprofit organization that provides national grantwriting. Attendees of this workshop will learn how to obtain funding from foundations and corporations, as well as local, state, and federal government sources. All graduates of the course will receive certification in grant proposal writing from The Grant Network.

The Grant Network's Grant Writing Workshop teaches students the skills needed to become an expert grant writer. The Grant Network gives workshop attendees a holistic view of the grant process, highlighting the relevance and importance of each phase. Participants in this course are taught each step of the grant process from researching grant leads to developing long-lasting relationships with funding sources. This broad scope of instruction gives attendees a crucial competitive advantage.

Each day begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 5:00 p.m., with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. on day one. The first day of the workshop focuses on grant source research. Students will learn the fundamentals of government, corporation, and foundation research. The workshop emphasizes the wide range of research tools available from traditional library resources to the best online databases. Students are taught how to integrate their research into the grant seeking process from the initiation of the funding effort. The second day of the course concentrates on writing the grant proposal. Here, students are taught how to become grant experts through an in-depth analysis of each element of successful grant proposals. This substantive portion of the course is where students learn the art of mastering the grant writing process. The last day of the course teaches students how to maximize a development program including program fundamentals, productivity, and effective program execution.

Tuition for the workshop is $549. For group registrations of four or more, each group member receives a discounted tuition of $449. Faculty and staff of the hosting institution receive a discounted tuition of $449. Workshop attendees receive personalized grant research, 98 grant proposal samples, and grant writing software at no additional cost. Graduates of the course receive lifetime access to the Grantseekers' Forum, an online meeting place for grant writing professionals. Early registration is recommended as class size is limited. Registration may be conducted online or attendees may call 1-888-472-6810 to register with an associate.

Upcoming Workshops

July 18-20: Laramie, WY - Univ. of Wyoming
July 25-27 - Tulsa, OK - Univ. of Tulsa
Aug. 1-3 - Anchorage, AK - Alaska Pacific Univ.
Aug. 1-3 - Louisville, KY - Univ. of Louisville
Aug. 15-17 - Billings, MT - Montana State University - Billings

Contact: The Grant Network
Telephone: 1-888-GRANT-10
Or at the email below:

Email Contact: info@thegrantnetwork.org

Back To Top

August 2005

Grant Writing Workshop
August 1 - 3, 2005
University of Louisville, KY

The Grant Network will hold an intensive 3-day grant proposal writing workshop on the University of Louisville campus on August 01-03, 2005.

The Grant Network is the only nonprofit organization that provides national grantwriting. Attendees of this workshop will learn how to obtain funding from foundations and corporations, as well as local, state, and federal government sources. All graduates of the course will receive certification in grant proposal writing from The Grant Network.

The Grant Network's Grant Writing Workshop teaches students the skills needed to become an expert grant writer. The Grant Network gives workshop attendees a holistic view of the grant process, highlighting the relevance and importance of each phase. Participants in this course are taught each step of the grant process from researching grant leads to developing long-lasting relationships with funding sources. This broad scope of instruction gives attendees a crucial competitive advantage.

Each day begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 5:00 p.m., with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. on day one. The first day of the workshop focuses on grant source research. Students will learn the fundamentals of government, corporation, and foundation research. The workshop emphasizes the wide range of research tools available from traditional library resources to the best online databases. Students are taught how to integrate their research into the grant seeking process from the initiation of the funding effort. The second day of the course concentrates on writing the grant proposal. Here, students are taught how to become grant experts through an in-depth analysis of each element of successful grant proposals. This substantive portion of the course is where students learn the art of mastering the grant writing process. The last day of the course teaches students how to maximize a development program including program fundamentals, productivity, and effective program execution.

Tuition for the workshop is $549. For group registrations of four or more, each group member receives a discounted tuition of $449. Faculty and staff of the hosting institution receive a discounted tuition of $449. Workshop attendees receive personalized grant research, 98 grant proposal samples, and grant writing software at no additional cost. Graduates of the course receive lifetime access to the Grantseekers' Forum, an online meeting place for grant writing professionals. Early registration is recommended as class size is limited. Registration may be conducted online or attendees may call 1-888-472-6810 to register with an associate.

Upcoming Workshops

July 18-20: Laramie, WY - Univ. of Wyoming
July 25-27 - Tulsa, OK - Univ. of Tulsa
July 26-28 - Swainsboro, GA - East Georgia College
Aug. 1-3 - Anchorage, AK - Alaska Pacific Univ
Aug. 15-17 - Billings, MT - Montana State University - Billings
Aug. 22-24 - Fort Wayne, IN - Tri-State University

Contact: The Grant Network
Telephone: 1-888-GRANT-10
Or at the email below:

Email Contact: info@thegrantnetwork.org

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6th National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
August 10 - 12, 2005
Huntsville, Alabama.

The National Children's Advocacy Center and the Association for Sexual Abuse Prevention invites you to attend a tuition-free conference on child sexual abuse prevention. This conference is specifically designed for prevention educators, administrators, and researchers.

It is an opportunity to hear about state-of-the-art prevention practices, from those working in schools with children and teens, those in the community educating adults, those doing outreach to offenders and potential offenders, researchers on all aspects of prevention, and those doing public awareness campaigns.

Space is limited, so register early online If you have any questions, please contact:
Sharen Barrett at the email listed below. This conference is supported by a training grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C.

Email Contact: sbarrett@nationalcac.org

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Grant Writing Workshop
August 15 - 17, 2005
Montana State University - Billings, MT

The Grant Network will hold an intensive 3-day grant proposal writing workshop on the Montana State University campus on August 15-17, 2005.

The Grant Network is the only nonprofit organization that provides national grantwriting. Attendees of this workshop will learn how to obtain funding from foundations and corporations, as well as local, state, and federal government sources. All graduates of the course will receive certification in grant proposal writing from The Grant Network.

The Grant Network's Grant Writing Workshop teaches students the skills needed to become an expert grant writer. The Grant Network gives workshop attendees a holistic view of the grant process, highlighting the relevance and importance of each phase. Participants in this course are taught each step of the grant process from researching grant leads to developing long-lasting relationships with funding sources. This broad scope of instruction gives attendees a crucial competitive advantage.

Each day begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 5:00 p.m., with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. on day one. The first day of the workshop focuses on grant source research. Students will learn the fundamentals of government, corporation, and foundation research. The workshop emphasizes the wide range of research tools available from traditional library resources to the best online databases. Students are taught how to integrate their research into the grant seeking process from the initiation of the funding effort. The second day of the course concentrates on writing the grant proposal. Here, students are taught how to become grant experts through an in-depth analysis of each element of successful grant proposals. This substantive portion of the course is where students learn the art of mastering the grant writing process. The last day of the course teaches students how to maximize a development program including program fundamentals, productivity, and effective program execution.

Tuition for the workshop is $549. For group registrations of four or more, each group member receives a discounted tuition of $449. Faculty and staff of the hosting institution receive a discounted tuition of $449. Workshop attendees receive personalized grant research, 98 grant proposal samples, and grant writing software at no additional cost. Graduates of the course receive lifetime access to the Grantseekers' Forum, an online meeting place for grant writing professionals. Early registration is recommended as class size is limited. Registration may be conducted online or attendees may call 1-888-472-6810 to register with an associate.

Upcoming Workshops

July 18-20: Laramie, WY - Univ. of Wyoming
July 25-27 - Tulsa, OK - Univ. of Tulsa
July 26-28 - Swainsboro, GA - East Georgia College
Aug. 1-3 - Anchorage, AK - Alaska Pacific Univ
Aug. 22-24 - Fort Wayne, IN - Tri-State University

Contact: The Grant Network
Telephone: 1-888-GRANT-10
Or at the email below:

Email Contact: info@thegrantnetwork.org

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17th Annual Crimes Against Children Conference
August 15 - 18, 2005
Hyatt Regency at Reunion Blvd. Dallas, TX

Presented by the Dallas Police Department & The Dallas Children's Advocacy Center

Each new year brings new challenges for those engaged in the battle against child victimization. The 17th Annual Crimes Against Children Conference offers new strategies to face these challenges. The current and practical information provided by this conference will benefit front line professionals from law enforcement, prosecution, child protective services, social work, medicine and CAC teams in their investigation, intervention and treatment of crimes against children.

Downloadable Crimes Against Children Conference brochure, which includes workshop, schedule, presenters and more. Click here to download

Registration & RatesWe offer two convenient ways to register.

Register Online Download our Registration Formto mail or fax to DCAC

Individual - $400 Group 5+ - $ 365
Individual - $455 Group 5+ - $ 415
Individual - $510 Group 5+ - $ 495

Refunds through July 25 are charged a $75 administrative fee. No refunds after July 25.

For more information click here or call the conference hotline at (214) 818.4070. If you would like to be added to our mailing list please contact the email address below.

Email Contact: LNoble@dcac.org

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Grant Writing Workshop
August 22 - 24, 2005
Tri-State University, Fort Wayne, IN

The Grant Network will hold an intensive 3-day grant proposal writing workshop on the Tri-State University campus on August 22-24, 2005.

The Grant Network is the only nonprofit organization that provides national grantwriting. Attendees of this workshop will learn how to obtain funding from foundations and corporations, as well as local, state, and federal government sources. All graduates of the course will receive certification in grant proposal writing from The Grant Network.

The Grant Network's Grant Writing Workshop teaches students the skills needed to become an expert grant writer. The Grant Network gives workshop attendees a holistic view of the grant process, highlighting the relevance and importance of each phase. Participants in this course are taught each step of the grant process from researching grant leads to developing long-lasting relationships with funding sources. This broad scope of instruction gives attendees a crucial competitive advantage.

Each day begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 5:00 p.m., with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. on day one. The first day of the workshop focuses on grant source research. Students will learn the fundamentals of government, corporation, and foundation research. The workshop emphasizes the wide range of research tools available from traditional library resources to the best online databases. Students are taught how to integrate their research into the grant seeking process from the initiation of the funding effort. The second day of the course concentrates on writing the grant proposal. Here, students are taught how to become grant experts through an in-depth analysis of each element of successful grant proposals. This substantive portion of the course is where students learn the art of mastering the grant writing process. The last day of the course teaches students how to maximize a development program including program fundamentals, productivity, and effective program execution.

Tuition for the workshop is $549. For group registrations of four or more, each group member receives a discounted tuition of $449. Faculty and staff of the hosting institution receive a discounted tuition of $449. Workshop attendees receive personalized grant research, 98 grant proposal samples, and grant writing software at no additional cost. Graduates of the course receive lifetime access to the Grantseekers' Forum, an online meeting place for grant writing professionals. Early registration is recommended as class size is limited. Registration may be conducted online or attendees may call 1-888-472-6810 to register with an associate.

Upcoming Workshops

July 18-20: Laramie, WY - Univ. of Wyoming
July 25-27 - Tulsa, OK - Univ. of Tulsa
July 26-28 - Swainsboro, GA - East Georgia College
Aug. 1-3 - Anchorage, AK - Alaska Pacific Univ.
Aug. 1-3 - Louisville, KY - Univ. of Louisville
Aug. 15-17 - Billings, MT - Montana State University - Billings

Contact: The Grant Network
Telephone: 1-888-GRANT-10
Or at the email below:

Email Contact: info@thegrantnetwork.org

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Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Training Workshop
August 29 - 31, 2005
Trauma Treatment Replication Center, Cincinnati, OH

Sponsored by the Trauma Treatment Replication Center in Cincinnati, OH

Training dates (Participants must complete all 6 sessions plus follow-up):
August 29, August 30, August 31, September 26, September 27, and September 28, 2005

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidenced-based treatment model with highly specified, step-by-step, live-coached sessions with both the parent/caregiver and the child. The intervention uses a two-stage approach: 1) Child-Directed Interaction: aimed at relationship enhancement, and 2) Parent-Directed Interaction: child behavior management.

PCIT was initially targeted for families with children ages 2-to-7 with oppositional, defiant, and other externalizing behavior problems. It has been adapted successfully with children up to the age of 12.PCIT may be conducted with parents, foster parents, or others in a parental/caregiver role. Caregiver and child must have regular, ongoing contact to allow for daily homework assignments to be completed. Treatment generally lasts 12-to-20 weeks and is mastery-based rather than time-limited.


  • Lecture
  • Role play and live coaching
  • Training materials and data collection measures
  • Follow-up consultation

Know and apply live caregiver coaching skills to:

  • Enhance positive interactions between caregivers and young children
  • Decrease negative interactions and caregiver stress
  • Teach caregivers specific skills of child behavior management


  • To ensure that limited training slots are fully utilized, we require each attendee to submit a good faith deposit of $100. On the last day of training, deposits will be returned in full to trainees who complete training. Trainees who do not attend all 6 days will lose their deposit.
  • Each agency requesting training must send at least two therapists to training unless they already have therapist(s) trained in PCIT at their site
  • Trainees should be practicing therapists with an active caseload
  • Trainees need to attend all 6 days of training
  • Trainees are expected to collect data on five clients for the NCTSN core dataset upon completion of training
  • Trainees are responsible for their expenses, travel, lodging, and incidentals
  • Upon completion, trainees will receive 30 CEUs through the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board
  • Please contact Lisa Connelly for more information or to request a registration form.

    Lisa A. Connelly, MA
    Clinical Research Coordinator III
    Mayerson Center for Safe & Healthy Children
    Children's Hospital Medical Center, MLC 3008
    3333 Burnet Ave.
    Cincinnati, OH 45229-3039
    Phone: (513) 636-0041
    Fax: (513) 636-0204

Email Contact: Lisa.Connelly@chmcc.org

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September 2005

Trauma Informed Practice in Child Mental Health Services
September 16 - 17, 2005 (8:30am to 4:30pm)
United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast Community Resource Center

DePelchin offers seminars, workshops, and conferences 2-5 times a month and has done so since 1990. In 2004 they offered 18 sessions directly related to trauma and traumatic stress in children. In addition many sessions that focused on treatment modalities incorporated traumatic stress. This conference is part of our continuing commitment to offering appropriate training to their staff and the community.

This conference is open to NCTSN members to attend and there are several Network members who will be presenting. The conference location has been changed to the United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast Community Resource Center in Houston, Texas. They anticipate there will be over 150 participants, possibly more if some participants attend only one day and others attend on the alternate day.

The goal of the conference is to increase awareness of the impact of traumatic stress on children and to enhance skills of participants in providing appropriate intervention and treatment. The hosts expect to see increased use of trauma informed CBT by their staff, who have already had some training in this area. The session will include two levels of skills training for those who are just being introduced to the concepts, and those with some background experience. The participants will complete a follow-up questionnaire whose results will hopefully show increased awareness of child traumatic stress in the community.

Several NCTSN training objectives will be addressed during this conference including specific training on Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Parent Child Interaction. The Sanctuary Model will be presented as a promising practice. Sessions will also be offered on the core impact of trauma and core skills of trauma-focused treatment and will address assessment for child traumatic stress. Supervision practices and algorithms for intervention include staging and decision points will also be offered.

September 16, 2005
8:30am to 4:30pm
Trauma Informed Cognitive Behavioral Therapy with Drs. Cohen and Mannarino.
Part of this day the group will be divided according to knowledge of and experience with this approach.

5:30pm to 8:30pm- Opening reception: presentation on NCTSN, its goals, accomplishments, and opportunities for involvement

September 17, 2005
8:30am to 4:30 pm
Choice of 1 full day or 2 half day sessions

Full day:
1) Sanctuary Model with David McCorkle
2) "Young Children and Trauma: Using Child-Parent Psychotherapy for Repairing Relationships Impacted by Trauma" with Julie A. Larrieu, PhD with the Institute of Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health at Tulane University School of Medicine

Half day sessions (AM):
1- Sexual Abuse: Working with Victims and Perpetrators with Robert McLaughlin, PhD, director of ADAPT and a local expert in this area.
2- Assessment Based Treatment for Traumatized Children: A Trauma Assessment Pathway Model with Nicole Taylor, PhD, with Chadwick Center for Children and Families

Half Day sessions (PM)
1- Resiliency: Building on Strengths with Victor Loos, PhD, also a local psychologist well respected for his work in this area.
2- Secondary Trauma: The Impact on Practitioners working with Traumatized Children and Their Families with Su Bailey, PhD with the Michael DeBakey Veteran's Administration Hospital in Houston, Texas

We are also planning to have a video viewing space and an experiential activity organized by our local Women's Center, which provides shelter, case management and referral for battered women and their children.

IMPORTANT LOCATION CHANGE!This event will take place at:

United Way of the Texas Gulf Coast Community Resource Center
50 Waugh Drive (at Feagan)
Houston, TX 77007

For more information contact:

Carol Brownstein
(713) 802 7677
Or via email, at the address below:

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CII's 10th International Conference On Family Violence
September 18 - 21, 2005
Town & Country Hotel & Convention Center, San Diego, California
for the
Working Together to End Abuse

Advocacy, Assessment, Intervention, Research, Prevention, and Policy

* Domestic Violence * Elder Abuse * Child Maltreatment * Youth Violence * Sexual Assault * Trauma

-September 18th-21st, 2005: Family Violence Conference and Pre-Conference Workshops

-September 16th & 17th, 2005: Affiliated Training Institutes

-September 21st, 2005: Post Conference Institutes

Conference Co-hosts:
*Family Violence & Sexual Assault Institute (FVSAI), San Diego, CA
*Children's Institute International (CII), Los Angeles, CA
*Alliant International University (AIU)

We welcome all vendors, including those selling merchandise, or disseminating information, and organizations advertising employment and training opportunities. Space is limited and is assigned on a first come, first served basis. If you are interested in exhibiting at the 10th International Conference on Family Violence, please contact the Conference Office for pricing and availability by calling 858-623-2777 ext. 403 or fvconf@alliant.edu or visit our website at fvsai.org

There are two ways to submit a proposal and accompanying materials:
1. Submit your proposal online (strongly encouraged) at www.fvsai.org and be entered into a drawing to receive one free speaker registration!
2. Email/ Mail /Fax Submission ( form can be downloaded online www.fvsai.org or requested from our conference office at fvconf@alliant.edu ):

FVSAI at Alliant International University (AIU)
"FV Conference 2005 " Attn: Submissions
6160 Cornerstone Court East, Room 278
San Diego, CA 92121

Ph: 858-623-2777 ext. 427

Thank you and we hope to see you at the conference!

Web Site: www.fvsai.org
Email Contact: fvconf@alliant.edu

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September 19 - 23, 2005
Portsmouth, VA
APSAC, the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, is pleased to announce the offering of three sessions of its week-long Child Forensic Interview Clinic. The Clinics provide an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases and are appropriate for those just beginning as well as those with some experience.

They include a balanced review of several prominent interview approaches and models, presentations and practice interview critiques from some of the most well-known national experts, videotaping of participant practice interviews, and a Mock Court experience to conclude the Clinic.

The Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel and Waterfront Conference Center is the location and official hotel for the Portsmouth Clinic. If arriving by air, you should fly in to the Norfolk, VA International Airport DO NOT, HOWEVER, make non-refundable travel arrangements until you receive a confirmation of your registration from APSAC (approximately 1 month prior to the start of the Clinic).

Because the Clinic will take place at the Renaissance Hotel, the need for a rental car is not as great at this location. A special discounted room rate of $75/night single or double (not including tax) is being offered to Clinic registrants (as well as a special rate for parking of $5 per day).

For hotel reservations, call (757) 673-3000 and ask for the APSAC Clinic rate. Airport Express offers shuttle transportation between Norfolk International Airport and the Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel at a rate of $25 one-way or $45 round trip and can be reached at
(800) 634-2197 or 757-858-3991.
Please contact local Clinic organizer George Ryan at (252) 331-4743 for further information about the Portsmouth area and this Clinic.

You can find a downloadable brochure Here

Email Contact: dacop@coastalnet.com

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National Sexual Assault Conference: A National Conference on Sexual Violence Prevention and Intervention
September 27 - 30, 2005
Sheraton Station Square - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Formerly the Mid-Atlantic Sexual Assault Conference

Sheraton Station Square
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
September 27- 30, 2005

Institute for People of Color
Who are Working to End Sexual Violence
September 27, 2005

Request for Workshop Bid ProposalsAvailable to download, print, and mail.or use our online form to submit electronically.

National Sexual Assault Conference
September 28-30, 2005

Request for Workshop Bid ProposalsAvailable to download, print, and mail.or use our online form to submit electronically.

Be sure to read the RFP cover letter and checklist before filling out the form.

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13th Annual Oklahoma Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect and Healthy Families Oklahoma 2005
September 28 - 30, 2005
National Center for Employee Development, Norman, Oklahoma

The educational goal of the 13th Annual Oklahoma Conference on Child Abuseand Neglect and Healthy Families 2005 is to foster professional excellence in the field of child maltreatment by providing advanced interdisciplinary professional education. The conference's intensive skill-building seminars combine the best of research and practice, providing immediately useful skills firmly grounded in the latest empirical research. All aspects of child maltreatment will be addressed including, prevention,assessment, intervention and treatment with victims, perpetrators and families affected by physical, sexual, and psychological abuse and neglect.


Scheduled presentations by NCTSN members include:

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

  • Assessment and Treatment for Preschool and School Age Children with Sexual Behavior Problems - Jane F. Silovsky, PHD and Lisa Swisher, PhD
  • Grant Writing in Native American Communities - Writing a Fundable Proposal - Eidell Wasserman, PhD and Janie Braden, BA
  • Child Fatality Training Seminar - Barbara Bonner, PhD, Ronald Distefano, DO, Kila Bergdorf, BSW, Darren W. Carlock
  • Trauma-focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Sponsored by the NCTSN - Laura Murray, PhD

Thursday, September 29, 2005

  • The Effects of Maternal Trauma on Children's Adjustment - Elana Newman, PhD and Joanne Davis, PhD
  • Parent Child Interaction Therapy: an Evidence-Based Practice for Children and Families - The Basics (Part I) and Adaptations for High-Risk Families (Part II) - Robin Gurwitch, PhD and Beverly Funderburk, PhD
  • Ethical Dilemmas in the Mental Health Treatment of Maltreated Children (Panel Discussion) - Barbara Bonner, PhD, Mark Chaffin, PhD, Arlene Schafer, PhD and Susie Settles, LCSW
  • Prevention Issues with Native American Children - Lorena Burris, PhD
  • Oklahoma child abuse and neglect fatalities: What do we know? What do we need? - Erika McElroy, PhD, Ginger Welch, PhD, Heather Cochran, MA, Juanita Ortiz, MA, Nichole Warehime, MA, Esther Rider-Salem, MSW, and Barbara Bonner, PhD
  • An Overview of Ethical considerations for Mental Health Professionals - Mark Chaffin, PhD
  • Assessing Trauma Exposed Children for Mental Health Professionals - Susan Schmidt

Friday, September 30, 2005

  • Advanced - Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children and Parents (Parts I, II, and III) - Sponsored by the NCTSN - Esther Deblinger, PhD
  • Prevention of Child Abuse in Native American Communities - Delores Subia Bigfoot, PhD

Registration Information:

The $300.00 conference registration fee provides admission to the Wednesday conference institutes, keynote address and all workshops scheduled Thursday and Friday, September 28-29, 2005. Single day registration is $125.00 for Wednesday Institutes or a single day of Conference Workshops. Two days at the Conference is $250.00. On-site registration for the conference will begin on Wed. 9/28/05, at 8 a.m. Registration will resume at 7 a.m. on Thurs, 9/29/05 and Fri, 9/30/05. Registration deadline for the conference is 9/1, 2005. Reservation deadline for the hotel is 9/21, 2005.

Conference Site/Hotel Information:

The designated site for the conference is the National Center for Employee Development, in Norman,Oklahoma. Special rates of $130.00 per night, plus 12.% tax, have been extended to conference participants. For additional information, please visit their website at www.nced.com

Contact Information:

Jessica Shatley
Center on Child Abuse and Neglect
940 NE 13th Street
CHO 3B-3406
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73104
(405) 271-8858 phone
(405) 271-2752 fax

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October 2005

18th Annual Conference on Child Abuse and Family Violence
October 3 - 5, 2005
Marriott City Center Hotel, Salt Lake City, UT

Prevent Child Abuse Utah (PCA Utah) and Primary Children's Center forSafe and Healthy Families are pleased to present JOINING FORCES: Prevention, Investigation, Prosecution, Treatment, the 18th AnnualConference on Child Abuse and Family Violence.

PCA Utah successfully hosted this conference for 17 years at Weber StateUniversity. To continue growing, we are moving the conference to SaltLake City and partnering with national agencies to provide a state-of-theartchild abuse conference that is regionally and nationally attended.

The goal of JOINING FORCES is to prevent child abuse and familyviolence by providing professionals with practical instruction, currentinformation, up-to-date research and the most successful interventionstrategies in the areas of prevention, investigation, prosecution andtreatment.

The conference is at the Salt Lake City Marriott City Center Hotel.Additional workshops are located at the adjacent Gallivan Center and 23rdFloor Event Center atop the Wells Fargo Building. These venues are eachaccessed from a beautiful open-air plaza, giving participants a chance tovisit and get fresh air while enjoying the very short walk to each location.

Online registration can be found Here: The event's brochure can be downloaded Here

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October 10 - 14, 2005
Seattle, WA
APSAC, the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, is pleased to announce the offering of three sessions of its week-long Child Forensic Interview Clinic. The Clinics provide an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases and are appropriate for those just beginning as well as those with some experience.

They include a balanced review of several prominent interview approaches and models, presentations and practice interview critiques from some of the most well-known national experts, videotaping of participant practice interviews, and a Mock Court experience to conclude the Clinic.

The WA State Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC)
19010 - 1st Avenue South
Burien, WA 98148
Is the location for the Seattle Clinics. If arriving by air, you should fly in to SeaTac International Airport, which is approximately three miles from CJTC. DO NOT, HOWEVER, make non-refundable travel arrangements until you receive a confirmation of your registration from APSAC (approximately 1 month prior to the start of the Clinic).

The Sea-Tac Comfort Inn and Suites:
19333 International Blvd.
SeaTac, WA 98188
The Sea-Tac Comfort Inn offers a special discounted room rate of $50 per night single or double (not including tax) for Clinic attendees, and they offer a free airport shuttle. You must call 800-826-7875 or 206-878-1100 and ask for the CJ rate" when making reservations.

The Comfort Inn will also shuttle Clinic registrants back and forth from CJTC to the hotel on request. Other area hotels are available at discounted rates. Please contact local Clinic organizer:
Patti Toth at 206-835-7293 for information about other hotels. You will, however, be responsible for arranging your own transportation ( rental car or taxi) back and forth from other hotels to CJTC (approximately 3 miles from most area hotels).

You can find a downloadable brochure Here

Email Contact: ptoth@cjtc.state.wa.us

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2005 Midwest Conference on Child Sexual Abuse
October 17 - 20, 2005
Marriott-Madison West, Middleton, WI

The University of Wisconsin-Madison and Family Sexual Abuse Treatment Inc. are proud to announce the 21st Annual Midwest Conference on Child Sexual Abuse. We have many new speakersand topics included in the 70+ workshops. Some of the speakers participating, include the following NCTSN members:

  • John Briere
  • John Conte
  • Jeffrey Wherry
  • Virginia Strand
  • Jennifer Wilgoki
  • Amy Spratling
  • Benjamin Saunders

The goal of the conference is to provide a wide range of information on the latest developments and treatment methods, and to offer improved ways to deal with the challenges that occur in working in this field. The program benefits therapists, child protection workers, attorneys, law enforcement officers, medicalprofessionals, and anyone else who needs to know more about child sexual abuse and incest.

REGISTRATION IS LIMITED Early registration is strongly suggested

You can download a brochure/registration form Here

For more information:Call: (800) 442-7107 or (608) 263-5130

To Register by Phone: (800) 725-9692

By Mail:

Professional Development and Applied Studies
Midwest Conference
313 Lowell Center
610 Langdon St.
Madison, WI 53703

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Treating Traumatized Children and Their Parents: Trauma-Focused CBT for Clinicians
October 18 , 2005 (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)
Metro Central YMCA, Toronto, Canada

Training Description:

Trauma-Focused CBT (TF-CBT) has consistently proven to be superior to other commonly used treatments for improving symptoms and adaptive functioning in children who have experienced sexual abuse and multiple traumatic events, and in their non-offending parents who participate in treatment. This workshop will provide clinicians with training in how to provide TF-CBT and how to implement this model in usual community settings. The training will focus on the PRACTICE components of the model, using multiple case examples: Psycho-education, Parenting skills, Relaxation and Affective modulation, Cognitive processing, Trauma narrative, In vivo exposure, Conjoint child-parent sessions, and Enhancing safety and future developmental trajectory. The training will also provide information on how the TF-CBT model has been adapted for use with children experiencing Childhood Traumatic Grief by adding a grief-focused module to the above PRACTICE components. Participants will be encouraged to actively participate in the training as time permits.

Learning Goals:

At the end of this training participants will be able to:

  • Describe seven (7) TF-CBT child components and how to implement them for children of different developmental levels.
  • Describe three (3) TF-CBT parenting skills and how to implement them for parents whose children have experienced different types of traumatic experiences.
  • Describe three (3) alternative ways of assisting children in developing a narrative of their traumatic experience.

Training Cost:

$120.00 (Outside Participants)
$60 (Members of the Toronto Sexual Abuse Treatment Program-Quadrant Members)

For additional inquires about the training please call (416) 515-1100 Ext. 228

Registration forms and payment must be received no later than Oct. 14, 2005 No late registrations will be accepted.

Mail Registration To
Toronto Child Abuse Centre
Training Department
890Yonge Street, 11th Floor
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M4W 3P4

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AACAP - CACAP Joint Annual Meeting
October 18 - 23, 2005
Sheraton Centre Toronto in Toronto, Canada
Call for Papers


Annual Meeting submissions were due in the AACAP office by February 15, 2005. Only New Research Poster submissions may use the late deadline of Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Click HERE for the Call for Papers application and instructions.

Web Site: www.aacap.org
Email Contact: meetings@aacap.org

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November 2005

From Roots To Wings: The Future of Batterer Intervention
November 2 - 4, 2005
Detroit Marriott at the Renaissance Center, Renaissance Center,
In Conjunction with the 10th Anniversary of BattererIntervention Services Coalition of Michigan (BISC-MI) a groundbreakingthree-day National Conference, "From Roots To Wings: The Future ofBatterer Intervention," will be presented at the Detroit Marriott in theRenaissance Center in Detroit, Michigan, on November 2, 3 and 4, 2005

This conference will provide participants with an opportunity to be partof the first national conference on batterer intervention in thiscentury, meet the people who started Batterer Intervention Programs andnetwork with a variety of professionals who share the goal of endingdomestic violence, gain new tools and strategies, learn about fundingand legislative changes, learn the latest research, experience dynamicand well-known presenters, learn from communities that are monitoringbatterer intervention programs, be exposed to philosophical changes inbatterer intervention programs, and participate in discussions ondefining success.

Conference highlights include:

  • Barbara Hart Esq.
  • Monitoring Batterer Intervention Programs: Tony Switzer Men'sNonviolence Project, Texas Council on Family Violence; and BarbaraCarter, Program Administrator, Office of Certification and Monitoring ofBatterers'Intervention Programs, Florida Department of Children andFamilies.
  • Over 25 Years of Batterer Intervention: David Adams, Emerge Founder,Boston, MA; Phyllis Frank, Director of VCS Community Change Project,NewYork Model for Batterer Programs; Charlie Johns, Amend, Denver CO.
  • Round Table Discussions on Defining Success: Larry W. Bennett Ph.D.;Jeffrey Edleson Ph.D.; Chris O' Sullivan Ph.D.; Ellen Pence; Mark RaggPh.D.; Richard M. Tolman Ph.D.; Oliver J. Williams Ph.D.; and otherswill facilitate discussions responding the need for a clear andconcisedefinition of success in the batterer intervention field.
  • And Much More!

Conference Topics Will Include:

  • Substance Abuse & Domestic Violence
  • Fathering After Violence
  • Co-parenting After Violence
  • Living Together After Violence
  • Defining Success in Batterer Intervention
  • Race, Culture, and Ethnicity in Batterer Intervention
  • Coordinated Community Responses, and many More!

Call for abstracts: BISC-MI is currently soliciting proposals forworkshops of interest ot batterer intervention service providers andactivists. Please see for information.

Please contact us for information about conference costs, includingpossible price breaks on travel and lodging.CEU's are in process: please contact us for information.

David J.H. Garvin: Chair, Batterer Intervention Services Coalition ofMichigan (BISCMI)
Email: dgarvin@csswashtenaw.org
Address: Batterer Intervention Services of Michigan
2627 North East Street
Lansing, MI 48906
Phone: (517) 482-3933
Fax: (734) 448-0435

Email Contact: dgarvin@csswashtenaw.org

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ISTSS 21st Annual Meeting
November 2 - 5, 2005
The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
21st Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)
"Dissemination: Transforming Lives Through Transforming Care"

Meeting dates: November 2-5, 2005

The Westin Harbour Castle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Proposal Submission Period: February 1st - March 15th, 2005, midnight, EST (no exceptions)

For more information contact the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, 60 Revere Dr.,Suite 500 - Northbrook, IL - 60062 USA (Tel 847-480-9028) (Fax 847-480-9282)

The theme of the 21st annual meeting of ISTSS will be ?Dissemination: Transforming Lives Through Transforming Care." This will prove to be an important meeting as the focus on dissemination is one with broad implications for the field. As we consider how to effectively transform lives and care systems through dissemination, we also must think ultimately about broader levels of intervention, focusing not only on individuals, but also on families, cultural groups, communities and nations. Please see these websites for official submission guidelines as well as information on travel and joining ISTSS (Conference@istss.org; www.istss.org).

Web Site: www.istss.org
Email Contact: conference@istss.org

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November 6 - 7, 2005
Toronto, ON Canada

CITRM is devoted to research methods in the field of psychological trauma. CITRM is held annually at the same location as, and immediately preceding or following, the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS). The second annual CITRM, November 6-7, 2005, is scheduled contiguous with the close of the ISTSS 2005 meeting (November 2-5).

2005 Theme: Longitudinal Methods in Trauma Research

WHO SHOULD ATTEND? This yearly conference on trauma research methods is designed to meet the needs of researchers in the broad field of traumatic stress. Therefore, attendance by trauma researchers from the full spectrum of subspecialities is invited.

CITRM will offer sessions for researchers at all levels of experience, including:

  • Workshops or panel discussions on design, measurement, statistics, research ethics, research career planning, and publication strategies.
  • Methodological Think Tank: Experts develop a methodological solution to a trauma research dilemma
  • Dissection of Innovative Methods: Principal investigators of a study explain the application of a novel research technique.
  • Formal and informal networking opportunities.
  • Submitted oral and poster presentations click here.

Travel stipends, granted on a competitive basis, are available for underrepresented and minority novice researchers and scientists.

CITRM is funded by the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, National Center for PTSD, and the Massachusetts Veterans Epidemiology Research and Information Center (MAVERIC).

Administrative and logistical support is provided by the Boston VA Research Institute, Inc. (BVARI).

CITRM is an outgrowth of the Research Methodology Special Interest Group of ISTSS and is endorsed by the Executive Committee of ISTSS.

For more information, contact the Boston VA Research Institute, Inc., at the email listed below.

Web Site: www.citrm.org
Email Contact: Rita.Samper@med.va.gov

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NCTSN New Grantee Orientation
November 15 - 17, 2005
Baltimore, MD
Attention All FY 06 and FY 03 NCTSN Grantees!

Mark your calendar for two important meetings for ALL Network members:

New Grantee Orientation Meeting
When: November 15-17, 2005
Where: Wyndham Baltimore Inner Harbor Hotel
Baltimore, Maryland

Attendance is required. Within the next few weeks, you will receive a registration form to complete and return to the SAMHSA logistics planner, DTAC. Staff from DTAC will make your lodging and transportation arrangements.

All Network Meeting
March 14-17, 2006Site to be determined

Attendance is required. Additional information about the meeting logistics will follow soon.

Web Site: www.NCTSNet.org

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FFCMH Conference
November 16 - 20, 2005
FFCMH Conference

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January 2006

4th Annual Children in Trauma Conference: Frontiers of Trauma Treatment
January 13 - 14, 2006 (8:00 AM - 4:30 PM each day)
California State University, Chico campus - Bell Memorial Union Auditorium
Featuring Bessel van der Kolk MD, of Harvard Medical School Trauma Center and Boston University School of Medicine

Children in Trauma explores the multifaceted issues surrounding children who experience trauma in their lives. The 2006 conference is our fourth annual presentation, and we are pleased to feature Bessel van der Kolk, whose work leads the way in forging new frontiers of treatment and understanding of the impact of trauma.

Conference Description:Children in Trauma: Frontiers in Trauma Treatment will examine the effects of childhood trauma on development of the "self" and in relationships with others. During this past decade an enormous amount has been learned about the differences between memories of everyday experiences and those of overwhelming events. These memories are different, depending on the age at which the trauma occurs and the social support of the victims. Using both research studies and clinical examples, Dr. van der Kolk will present basic data on the nature of traumatic memories and examine the implications of this knowledge to clinical practice. He will also explore the effects of trauma on cognitive, psychological, and interpersonal functioning and review the research on the profound effects of trauma on cognition, affect regulation, and on the development of "self" and interactions with others.

Join us for Children in Trauma: New Frontiers in Trauma Treatment and you will:

  • Explore the various domains in which overwhelming experiences are stored in memory and the various ways in which those memories are retrieved into consciousness
  • Learn about the recent advances in the neurobiology of trauma
  • Examine how traumatized children process information
  • Understand the range of adaptations to trauma early in the life cycle
  • Know how to assess patients with Chronic PTSD and how to develop appropriate phase-oriented treatment plans

Who should attend

  • Psychologists
  • Social workers
  • Educators
  • Mediators
  • Child custody evaluators
  • Behavioral health professionals
  • Nurses
  • Physicians
  • Emergency responders
  • Children's advocates

Call for Conference ExhibitorsPublishers, public service agencies, and other resource providers will be on hand to help. Exhibits will be open from 7:30AM - 4:30 PM daily. You will discover a wide array of information and creative ideas to address the needs of children in trauma. If you would like to exhibit please call (530) 898-6105

Continuing Education CreditsParticipants may earn 14 hours of BBSE (Provider PCE 799), BRN (Provider 00656), MCEP (Provider CAL123), and MCLE continuing education credit.

SponsorsThis conference is sponsored in part by Superior Court of California Family Court Services, Butte County, and the Butte County Bar Association.

Early registration: On or before January 9, 2006

Fee if paid on or before January 6: $279 individual; $239 each for groups of four or more Fee if paid after January 6: $299 individual; $259 each for groups of four or more

Course Number: RCED944NFees include continental breakfast, lunch, and materials.

To enroll or for more information please call our office at (530) 898-6105

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APSAC Training Institutes
January 23 , 2006 (8:00 AM to 3:00 PM)
Town and Country Resort, San Diego, CA
Pre-Conference registration: 7:00-8:00 A.M.

APSAC Advanced Training Institutes:

  • Managing The Therapeutic Relationship: Empathy, Counter Transference, Various Trauma, and Ethics - John Conte, PhD
  • Advanced Training for Forensic Interviewers - Deborah Davies, Kee MacFarlane, Martin Henry, Katherine Eagleson
  • Basic Training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Anthony Mannarino, PhD & Judith Cohen, MD
  • Pediatric Sexual Abuse: Update on Medical Evaluation, 2006 - Joyce Adams, MD & Lori Fraser, MD

Register directly with APSAC

Email Contact: apsac@comcast.net

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20th Annual San Diego Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 23 - 27, 2006
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center, San Diego

  • Dates: January 23-27, 2006
  • Where: Town and Country Resort & Convention Center
  • Featured NCTSN Speakers Include:
  • Lucy Berliner
  • Barbara Bonner
  • Melissa Brymer
  • Connie Carnes
  • Mark Chaffin
  • Margaret Charlton
  • Judith Cohen
  • Michael deArellano
  • Alicia Gilbert
  • Donna Humbert
  • David Kolko
  • Cheryl Lanktree
  • Anthony Mannarino
  • Erna Olafson
  • Mark Rains
  • William Salzman
  • Benjamin Saunders
  • Nicole Taylor
  • Bessell van der Kolk, and
  • Charles Wilson

Registration Information

Tuition for the San Diego Conference includes entry to all the conference sessions*, conference manual and CD-ROM with speaker handouts and abstracts, daily continental breakfast and refreshment breaks, receptions on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, and the Certificate of Attendance.

Confirmation letters and receipts will be sent out to all individuals who register by January 7, 2006. Questions regarding registration should be directed to the Registration Coordinator Via Email

Online registration and credit card payment is available by clicking HERE Please note that you will not be able to sign up for the Daily Rate online.

. *Tuition does not include registration for the Monday Preconference Institutes. To register with APSAC or ISPCAN, please visit their web sites.

Cancellation Policy

Registration cancellations must be made in writing. Cancellation requests postmarked on or before December 31, 2005 will be refunded in full, less a $50 administrative fee. Cancellation requests postmarked between January 1 and January 15, 2006 will be refunded 50% of the registration fee. Refunds will NOT be made for cancellations postmarked after January 15, 2006 or for participants who register but do not attend. NO EXCEPTIONS. Transfer of registration fees to another person may be done without penalty upon notification to the Registration Coordinator.

Information about the Chadwick Center is Available Here

Linda Wilson
(858) 966-4972 Fax (858) 966-7524

Email Contact: sdconference@chsd.org

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February 2006

ISTSS Submission deadlines
February 1 - March 3, 2006
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)

"The Psychobiology of Trauma and Resilience Across the Lifespan"


Oral Proposal Submission Period:
February 1 - March 15, 2006 (midnight, EST - no exceptions)
Poster Proposal Submission Period:
February 1 - March 31, 2006 (midnight, EST - no exceptions)

For more information, contact:
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
60 Revere Drive, Suite 500
Northbrook, IL 60062 USA
(847) 480-9028 Fax (847) 480-9282

Web Site: www.istss.org
Email Contact: conference@istss.org

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19th Annual Research Conference: A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base
February 22 - 25, 2006
Tampa Marriott Waterside

This annual conference is a nationally recognized forum to explore contemporary, empirical research on systems of care that promote the emotional and behavioral well-being of children and their families. Innovative methods presented at prior conferences have been utilized in practice and policy, creating a framework of best practices to improve the way communities address the mental health needs of children and their families. This event is designed for researchers, evaluators, administrators, policy makers, advocates, and family members interested in applied practical systemsofcare research. Call for Papers Deadline is October 31,2005.

Email Contact: rtckids@fmhi.usf.edu

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Resilience in Children Conference
February 26 - 28, 2006
Crystal City Marriott at Reagan National Airport, Arlington, VA

Conference Description: This meeting will examine both the behavioral-psychosocial and neurobiological aspects of resilience and help move the field toward a model that integrates these two perspectives.

Who Should Attend: psychiatrists, psychologists, neurobiologists, pediatricians, mental health care providers and other health professionals who are involved in basic and clinical research in resilience.

This is a CME-accredited program. There is a call for poster abstracts.

For additional program and registration details, visit our website, or contact:

Ms. Renee Wilkerson
Meetings Coordinator
New York Academy of Sciences
2 East 63rd Street
New York, New York 10021
Telephone 212.838.0230 ext. 327
Fax 212.838.5640

Email Contact: rwilkerson@nyas.org

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March 2006

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Applications (PCIT-A)
March 22 - April 4, 2006
Cincinnati, OH

March 22, 23, 24, April 17, 18, 19, 2006: PCIT-A SESSION J

Sponsored by the Trauma Treatment Replication Center in Cincinnati, OH

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is an evidence-based treatment supported by over 20 years of research and practice by PCIT practitioners and researchers throughout the United States www.pcit.org. PCIT is a mastery-based therapy that averages 14 sessions. The intervention uses a two-stage approach aimed at relationship enhancement (Child Directed Interaction or CDI) and child behavior management (Parent DirectedInteraction or PDI). PCIT focuses on improving the caregiver child relationship and increasing children's positive behaviors. Parent-Child Interaction Therapy Applications (PCIT-A) is based on PCIT. PCIT-A was designed to increase flexibility for individual client populations.

Target Population

Originally, PCIT was developed for children aged 2 to 7 with disruptive behaviors and their caregivers. PCIT-A has been increasingly utilized with families in which children have been maltreated or exposed to domestic violence. PCIT-A training can be adapted for children aged 7-12 and for nonfamily caregivers such as foster parents, residential treatment center staff, Head Start teachers, and others.

Staff Selection and Training

PCIT-A training consists of 35 hours of classroom work delivered in two 3-day sessions that are separated by 3-4 weeks, followed by clinical consultation on initial cases. Consultation will be provided by trainers via teleconference at set times each month for any trainee who wants to participate. Consultation can also be provided through the review of session videotapes by trainers.


Attendees receive 35 Counselor or Social Worker CEUs through the Ohio Counselor, Social Worker and Marriage & Family Therapist Board or Ohio psychologists receive 30 CE credits from the Ohio Psychological Association.


March 22, 23, 24, April 17, 18, 19, 2006

Training Fee

$425 per trainee. (Trainees are responsible for lodging and incidentals).


Please contact Lacey Thieken By phone at (513) 636-0043 or via email at the address listed below. For registration information visit our website to download our training catalog and registration forms.

Email Contact: Lacey.Thieken@cchmc.org

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April 2006

April 24 - 28, 2006
Seattle, WA
APSAC, the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children, is pleased to announce the offering of three sessions of its week-long Child Forensic Interview Clinic. The Clinics provide an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases and are appropriate for those just beginning as well as those with some experience.

They include a balanced review of several prominent interview approaches and models, presentations and practice interview critiques from some of the most well-known national experts, videotaping of participant practice interviews, and a Mock Court experience to conclude the Clinic.

The WA State Criminal Justice Training Commission (CJTC)
19010 - 1st Avenue South
Burien, WA 98148
Is the location for the Seattle Clinics. If arriving by air, you should fly in to SeaTac International Airport, which is approximately three miles from CJTC. DO NOT, HOWEVER, make non-refundable travel arrangements until you receive a confirmation of your registration from APSAC (approximately 1 month prior to the start of the Clinic).

The Sea-Tac Comfort Inn and Suites:
19333 International Blvd.
SeaTac, WA 98188
The Sea-Tac Comfort Inn offers a special discounted room rate of $50 per night single or double (not including tax) for Clinic attendees, and they offer a free airport shuttle. You must call 800-826-7875 or 206-878-1100 and ask for the ?CJ rate" when making reservations.

The Comfort Inn will also shuttle Clinic registrants back and forth from CJTC to the hotel on request. Other area hotels are available at discounted rates. Please contact local Clinic organizer:
Patti Toth at 206-835-7293 for information about other hotels. You will, however, be responsible for arranging your own transportation ( rental car or taxi) back and forth from other hotels to CJTC (approximately 3 miles from most area hotels).

You can find a downloadable brochure Here

Email Contact: ptoth@cjtc.state.wa.us

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May 2006

Save the Date/Call for Presentations - 2006 Juvenile Justice National Symposium: Building Successful Alliances to Improve Outcomes
May 31 - June 6, 2006
Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport , San Francisco, California
The Child Welfare League of America invites you to attend the 2006 Juvenile Justice National Symposium: Joining Forces for Better Outcomes. The symposium will focus on multi-system alliances between juvenile justice and child welfare as a crucial piece of working to better serve our nation's children. Through the combined efforts of direct service practitioners, supervisors, senior management, executive leadership, board leaders, parents, and people like you we can ensure that America's children have the opportunity to succeed.

This National Symposium will provide a unique cross-system opportunity for information sharing, networking and collective learning. We welcome proposals focusing on juvenile justice and child welfare system integration and the connection between child maltreatment and juvenile delinquency. Priority will be given to those proposals that are practice-oriented and/or focus on integration and coordination between child welfare and juvenile justice systems.

All proposals must be received by 5:00 PM (ET) January 13, 2006.

For additional information please contact Dodd White or by phone at (202) 639-4959.

For additional information about the Hyatt Regency San Francisco Airport please visit their website

For more information and to submit a presentation proposal please visit us on-line at our website, listed below.

Email Contact: dwhite@cwla.org

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June 2006

APSAC's 14th Annual National Colloquium
June 2 - 24, 2006
Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, TN
Join your colleagues, and bring your family to exciting New Orleans for the most energizing professional training of your career!


Training submissions must be postmarked by August 9, 2005

Research submissions must be postmarked by January 14, 2006


All presentations should be designed for professionals in the field of child maltreatment and should be based upon the latest data in scientific research, legal research, and practice knowledge available. Presentations can be for either a research or practice audience. This may include original empirical studies, qualitative studies, legal and policy research or practice based research, educational objectives, and the proposed teaching methods to be used. Research presentations should include appropriate descriptions of the research question, methods, and results.

For further information, contact:
Jim Campbell
by e-mail
or by phone at (608) 772-0872.


Skills-building Seminars designed to teach professionals innovative and scientifically based practice skills (90 minutes).


Related presentations by several speakers on a single topic. Symposium presentations often present diverse points of view, or present several papers from large, major research projects (90 minutes).

POSTER PRESENTATION (Research or Practice):

Poster display of research, practice, or program innovations providing the opportunity for extended discussion with conference participants.


Oral presentations of previously unpublished results from an original research study (20-30 minutes).

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CWLA National Conference - Children 2007: Call for Papers
June 7 - July 7, 2006
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC
CWLA 2007 National Conference Call for Papers

To submit a proposal click here All proposals are due by Friday, July 28, 2006.

CWLA seeks proposals that highlight best and promising practices, enhance outcomes for children, families, and communities, and focus on collaborative work across systems. We will feature presentations that emphasize how our collective voices have been successful, how to substantiate this in our research, and how to work across systems to ensure that our voices are heard.

*Please Note: You should receive an e-mail confirmation after you submit your proposal. If you do not, please contact Naomi Goldman at Via email.

Email Contact: ngoldman@cwla.org

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17th Annual International Trauma Conference
June 15 - 17, 2006
Seaport World Trade Center, Boston, MA

Psychological Trauma:
Neuroscience, Attachment and Therapeutic Interventions

***All NCTSN members will receive a 25% discount off their registration (rounded up to the nearest dollar). Promotional Code = GONCTSN06***

CONFERENCE DIRECTOR: Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD
Medical Director, The Trauma Center

Thursday, June 15, 2006

  • Workshop I Trauma: Mind and Brain - An Exploration of the Implicationsof Neuroscience Research for Clinical Practice
  • Workshop II Mindfulness and the Body: Working with Dysregulation and Physical Action
  • Workshop III Core Components in the Treatment of Complex Trauma Intervention with Children & Adolescents
  • Workshop IV Children's Rights and the Judicial Process
  • Workshop V Facilitating Intimacy with One's Self
  • Workshop VI Acute Intervention with Victims of War and Terrorism
  • Workshop VII Pesso-Boyden Psychotherapy

Inaugural Poster Submission and Student Submission Contest

The Trauma Center is pleased to offer its inaugural poster submissionand student submission contest. This year Trauma Center is acceptingresearch posters from graduate students, interns, post-doctoral fellowsand junior investigators. Poster submissions from more seniorclinical practitioners describing assessment approaches, treatmentframeworks and program models also are welcome. Selected posterswill be prominently featured throughout Day 2 of the Conference,with a formal poster session beginning at 5 p.m. Posters will bedisplayed on 6- x 2-foot tables. Proposals that relate to this year'sprimary conference themes (neuroscience, attachment and/ortherapeutic interventions) will receive special consideration. Inaddition, all student, intern and fellow submissions will automaticallybe entered into a poster competition, with special prizes (medals andcash) awarded to the three strongest submissions. Prizes will be awardedduring the evening poster session/social hour.Proposals should be no more than 200 words in length, excludingproposal title, authors, author affiliations and contact informationemail/phone) of the lead author. Submissions should be submittedelectronically to the attention of Dr. Joseph Spinazzola, PhD, by May 1, 2006: jspinazzola@traumacenter.org All applicants must beregistered for the conference by the time proposals are reviewed. Applicants will be notified electronically of acceptance by May 15.

For online registration, please visit The meadows.org

To download a complete brochure with more detailed information on conference description, loding, accreditation, etc. please visit the website below:

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Advanced Training for Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
June 27 - 28, 2006
Cherry Hill, NJ

Esther Deblinger, PhD (co-developer of TF-CBT) is pleased to announce a two-day Advanced Training for Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) on June 27 - 28, 2006 at the Hilton Hotel in Cherry Hill, NJ, conveniently located just 6 miles from downtown Philadelphia. The training is co-sponsored by the National Child Traumatic Stress Network and the CARES Institute at UMDNJ-SOM.

Please review and complete the application packet by May 5, 2006. Individuals interested in attending the Advanced Training must complete the application form, provide a 2 page case summary (instructions and guided questions for the summary attached to the application form), and submit a certificate of completion for the web-based TF-CBT training available at http://tfcbt.musc.edu at the time of application form or no later than the first day of the advanced training.

Please submit these materials via email or by fax (856) 566-2778 by May 5th - space is limited.

Applicants will be notified by no later than May 19, 2006 of their acceptance to attend the training. Do not make non-refundable travel arrangements until receiving notice of acceptance to attend.

Please direct questions to Noelle Davis by phone at (856) 566-6732 or at the email listed below.

Email Contact: davisno@umdnj.edu

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July 2006

16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect - Call For Abstracts
July 5 - 31, 2006
Portland, OR

Call For Abstracts

The Children's Bureau's Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families is pleased to announce that the 16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect will be held April 16 - 21, 2007, in Portland, Oregon.

The Conference theme, Protecting Children, Promoting Healthy Families, and Preserving Communities, reflects our resolve to ensure that every child enjoys a healthy family life in a nurturing community. It emphasizes our need to create safe havens for our children, enabling them to thrive at home and in their neighborhood. Further, the theme promotes the idea of communities joining to establish collaborative relationships and strategies to prevent child maltreatment and provide responsive treatment and services.


All abstract submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three professionals in the field of child abuse and neglect. Acceptance for presentation will be based on the extent to which abstracts satisfy the following selection criteria:

  • The clarity of writing in the abstract, especially the ability to express ideas in a clear and concise manner;
  • The responsiveness and relevance of the abstract to the Conference theme and one of the Learning Clusters;
  • The degree of innovation and/or contribution to the field represented by the abstract;
  • The extent to which the proposed session creates or generates new knowledge, awareness, and approaches to practice; and
  • The empirical basis for the findings or initiative represented in the abstract.

The Office on Child Abuse and Neglect and the National Co-Sponsors encourage people of diverse backgrounds and communities to submit abstracts for presentations. For individuals unfamiliar with submitting a presentation abstract, coaching is available by contacting Kim Amos at (703) 528-0435 or by e-mail at kamos@pal-tech.com

Email Contact: 16conf@pal-tech.com

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Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Training
July 16 - 19, 2006
Omni William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, PA

On July 17th, 2006, TF-CBT co-developers Drs. Judy Cohen and Anthony Mannarino, and Dr. Laura Murray of Boston University and Allegheny General Hospital will present a half-day training workshop entitled "Empirically Valid Trauma-Focused Treatment for Children and Adolescents" at the 20th Annual Conference on Treatment Foster Care sponsored by the Foster Family-Based Treatment Association. For more information, go to the website below:

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NCTSN Intervention Teleconference Miniseries - North Shore University Hospital Staff
July 19 , 2006 (PDT 9:00-9:30 am / EDT 12 noon-12:30 pm)

Topic: Structured Psychotherapy for Adolescents Responding to Chronic Stress (SPARCS)

Dial-in Number: (866) 295-5950
Guest Code: 5318986

For more for more information contact Lisa Amaya-Jackson at amaya001@mc.duke.edu or Debbie Ling at the email listed below:

Email Contact: dling@mednet.ucla.edu

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NCTSN Intervention Teleconference Miniseries - Eric Vernberg
July 24 , 2006 (PDT 11:00-11:30 am / EDT 2 pm-2:30 pm)

Topic: Psychological First Aid

Dial-in Number: (866) 295-5950
Guest Code: 5318986

For more for more information contact Lisa Amaya-Jackson at amaya001@mc.duke.edu or Debbie Ling at the email listed below:

Email Contact: dling@mednet.ucla.edu

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Master Speaker Series Teleconference - Alicia Lieberman
July 27 , 2006 (PST-11:00 am - 12:30 pm/EST-2:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Topic: Impact of Trauma in Very Young Children

Register for call-in number and code.

Email Contact: dling@mednet.ucla.edu

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August 2006

7th National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention
August 9 - 11, 2006
Florence, AL

The Seventh National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention will be held August 9 - 11, 2006 in Florence, Alabama.

Attendees will learn about state-of-the-art prevention practices from those working in schools, communities, outreach with offenders, research, and public awareness campaigns. CEUs will be available. More on CEUs

There is no registration fee for the Seventh National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention. It is underwritten by a grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention of the U.S. Department of Justice obtained with the support of U.S. Congressman Robert E. "Bud" Cramer.

For workshops and faculty information click here. For logistical information on lodging and travel click here.

Email Contact: lwylie@nationalcac.org

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September 2006

Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Training
September 7 , 2006
Greensboro, NC

Shannon Dorsey, Ph.D. and Leila Keen, MSW of the Duke University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences will present two days of training on "Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Evidence-based Treatment for Children and Adolescents Exposed to Trauma." This training is sponsored by the Greensboro Area Health Education Center and Duke University Medical Center. For more information go to the website listed below:

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Master Speaker Series Teleconference - Robert Pynoos and Alessia Gottlieb
September 14 , 2006 (PST-11:00 am - 12:30 pm/EST-2:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Topic: Complexity of Trauma

Register for call-in number and code.

Email Contact: dling@mednet.ucla.edu

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11th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma
September 14 - 19, 2006
Town & Country Resort & Convention Center , San Diego, CA

Training is designed for Psychologists, Marriage and Family Therapists, Substance Abuse and other Counselors, Social Workers, Attorneys, Nurses, Law Enforcement/First Responders, Psychiatrists and other Physicians.

The conference covers all aspects of violence, abuse and traumaprevention, intervention, and research. Join us for multiculturaland multidisciplinary issues and perspectives.

Topics Include:

  • DV in Child Custody Evaluations
  • Turning Emotional Abusers into Compassionate Partners
  • Using Group Process to Enhance Batterer's Treatment
  • Foundations in Disaster Mental Health Course
  • Human Trafficking & Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
  • Elder Abuse

Speakers Include:

  • Seth Goldstein
  • Stephanie Dallam
  • Sol Gothard
  • Joyanna Silberg
  • Nora Baladerian
  • Michael Hertica
  • Ellen Lacter
  • Michael Levittan

REGISTER ONLINE! It is Fast and Easy! Click Here

For questions, or additional information, contact the Conference Department at:
(858) 623-2777 Ext. 427 or via email at the address listed below:

Email Contact: fvconf@alliant.edu

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National Center for Victims of Crime 2006 Training Institute
September 25 - 27, 2006
Seattle, Washington

The National Center for Victims of Crime is pleased to announce the 2006 Training Institute which offers the best in high quality training for victim service providers, law enforcement professionals, mental health professionals, youth workers, and others involved in supporting victims of crime.

The Training Institute has been approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors for continuing education units for professional counselors. Registration is $180 for National Center members and $235 for non-members. For more information and to register on-line, visit: www.ncvc.org

Co-sponsored by the United States Attorney's Office Western District of Washington. A special focus on trauma and victims of violent crime:

Lucy Berliner, MSW will present on Crime Victims and PTSD
Edward K. Rynearson, MD will present on Trauma and Resilience
Jon R. Conte, MSW, PhD will present on Vicarious Trauma

16 additional workshops on topics including:

  • Identity Theft
  • Human trafficking
  • Stalking
  • Communicating in Difficult Situations
  • Youth Dating Violence
  • Property and Financial Crime
  • Cultural Competence

If you have questions regarding the National Center Training Institute or registration contact Victoria Attfield at (202) 467-8700 or via email at the address listed below.

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Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy Training
September 28 , 2006
Greensboro, NC

Shannon Dorsey, Ph.D. and Leila Keen, MSW of the Duke University Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences will present two days of training on "Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Evidence-based Treatment for Children and Adolescents Exposed to Trauma." This training is sponsored by the Greensboro Area Health Education Center and Duke University Medical Center. For more information go to the website listed below:

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October 2006

National Center for Victims of Crime 2006 Training Institute
October 3 - 5, 2006
Cincinnati, Ohio

The National Center for Victims of Crime is pleased to announce the 2006 Training Institute which offers the best in high quality training for victim service providers, law enforcement professionals, mental health professionals, youth workers, and others involved in supporting victims of crime.

The Training Institute has been approved by the National Board of Certified Counselors for continuing education units for professional counselors. Registration is $180 for National Center members and $235 for non-members. For more information and to register on-line, visit: www.ncvc.org

Cordelia Anderson, MA will present on Normalization of Sexual Harm: The Process, Impact and Action Needed
Rallying Youth Organizers Together Against Rape Youth Ensemble will present a Sociodrama: Educational Theatre for Social Change
Michael Kaiser and Mitru Ciarlante will present Building a Framework for Understanding Teen Victims

16 additional workshops on topics including:

  • Child Victims' Rights in the Criminal and Juvenile Justice Systems
  • Effective Advocacy for Children and Teens
  • Stalking, and Stalking and Technology.

If you have questions regarding the National Center Training Institute or registration contact Victoria Attfield at (202) 467-8700 or via email at the address listed below.

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Creating Sanctuary: Treating Trauma in Children, Adults, Organizations and Society
October 5 , 2006 (8:30 am - 5:00 pm)
Andrus Children's Center , Yonkers, NY

A Symposium


Dr. Bessel van der Kolk and Dr. Sandra Bloom

Creating a trauma-sensitive culture means achieving a shared understanding of the effects of trauma on ourselves, the way we run our agencies and our larger community. The Andrus Center for Learning and Innovation will host a full day symposium dedicated to illuminating our understanding of how the recovery process begins for children, adults, organizations and society

Click here to learn more and to register.

Who Should Attend

  • Child Advocates
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Social Workers
  • Educators and School
  • Policymakers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Hospital Staff and Administrators
  • Juvenile Justice Professionals
  • Substance Abuse Counselors and Administrators
  • Domestic Violence Counselors and Administrators
  • Foster Care Professionals
  • Senior Administrators are highlyencouraged to attend

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APA's 58th Institute on Psychiatric Services
October 5 - 8, 2006
Marriott Marquis NYC, NY
Conference Highlights and Advance Registration

"Trauma and Violence in Our Communities"

Register early and...

  • Earn up to 40 CME PRA credits
  • Save on registration fees
  • Network with colleagues and meet new friends
  • Interact with experts in small group settings
  • Acquire new skills to improve patient care
  • Assess and evaluate all aspects of recovery
  • Treat victims of trauma and violence in the community
  • Examine how the current health care system affects patient care

Opening Session and Awards Ceremony
Thursday, October 5, 200612:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Kick-off the Conference with the APA President. Don't missthis opportunity to hear the APA President, and guest lecturer,Suzanne Vogel-Scibilia, M.D., President, National Alliance onMental Illness, and congratulate your colleagues at the awardsceremony.

Email Contact: njohnson@psych.org

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Master Speaker Series Teleconference - Esther Deblinger
October 19 , 2006 (PST-11:00 am - 12:30 pm/EST-2:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Topic: TF-CBT: The Cognitive Processing Component

Register for call-in number and code.

Email Contact: dling@mednet.ucla.edu

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Children Exposed to Domestic Violence
October 25 , 2006 (2:00 PM - 3:00 PM ET )
Assisting Children Exposed to Domestic Violence

In recognition of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, OVC has partnered with OVW and OJJDP to bring you an OVC Web Forum Guest Host session on assisting children exposed to domestic violence. Dr. David Finkelhor and Betsy McAlister-Groves will co-host the live discussion.

Guest host sessions will begin promptly at 2 pm and end at 3 pm (eastern time). No registration required.

For Information oh how to participate, please check OVC's HELP for Victim Service Providers message board for assistance on:

  • Participating in a Guest Host session
  • Navigating the forum
  • Replying to an ongoing discussion
  • Starting a new discussion
  • Suggesting a new discussion topic
  • Additional tips for participants

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November 2006

ISTSS 22nd Annual Meeting
November 4 - 7, 2006
Renaissance Hollywood Hotel - Hollywood, California, USA
22nd Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)

"The Psychobiology of Trauma and Resilience Across the Lifespan"


Oral Proposal Submission Period:
February 1 - March 15, 2006 (midnight, EST - no exceptions)
Poster Proposal Submission Period:
February 1 - March 31, 2006 (midnight, EST - no exceptions)

For more information, contact:
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies
60 Revere Drive, Suite 500
Northbrook, IL 60062 USA
(847) 480-9028 Fax (847) 480-9282

The theme of this meeting, "THE PSYCHOBIOLOGY OF TRAUMA AND RESILIENCE ACROSS THE LIFESPAN," will highlight three important areas of shared concern among scientists and practitioners:

  • 1-A lifespan perspective regarding the risk of trauma and its consequences;
  • 2-Perspectives on resilience and trauma, given exposure to potentially traumatic events; and
  • 3-The relationships among genetic, biological and psychosocial factors predicting traumatic stress, resilience and treatment of trauma-related problems.

Another goal of the conference is to encourage presenters who work in these various areas to communicate with one another and integrate these important threads in traumatic stress studies in order to move the field forward.

Web Site: www.istss.org
Email Contact: conference@istss.org

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Master Speaker Series Teleconference - Michael De Arellano
November 9 , 2006 (PST-11:00 am - 12:30 pm/EST-2:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Topic: Trauma and Culture

Register for call-in number and code.

Email Contact: dling@mednet.ucla.edu

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CWLA 2006 Finding Better Ways Conference: Addressing the Needs of LGBTQ Children, Youth, Adults and Families
November 12 - 15, 2006
Opryland Hotel, Nashville, TN

For the first time in its 86-year history, the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) has dedicated its entire annual Finding Better Ways Conference to an exploration of the needs, challenges, and strengths of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth, adults, families, and staff involved with the child welfare system. Never before has a national conference been convened for the sole purpose of increasing the nation's child welfare system's capacity to serve LGBTQ youth, adults, families, and their allies. We are thrilled to be able to provide a forum through which participants from across the country can come together in a collective effort to examine the challenges and resilience of LGBTQ youth in care and the systems designed to support their healthy development.

Registration Instructions

  • Submit a separate registration for each person attending the conference.
  • CWLA encourages early registration and payment in advance. If registering on site, registration must be accompanied by a check, credit card, or signed purchase order authorizing conference registration payment.
  • Early registration (reduced registration fee) ends on 10/2/2006.
  • Advance registration ends on 10/30/2006. Advance registration fees apply only if your registration and payment are received by that date. After 10/30/2006, you may register onsite at the conference.
  • Cancellations must be received in writing by 10/30/2006. A $100 service fee will apply. No-shows will be charged the full registration fee. Cancellations received after 10/30/2006, and special event and guest tickets, are not refundable. Credit card refunds will be issued to your credit card. Check refunds will be issued to the payor.
  • No hotel charges are included in the registration fee. Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel (Hotel Info)
  • Room availability and special rates are guaranteed until 10/20/2006 or until space is filled.
  • CWLA reserves the right to cancel any workshop at any time.
  • CEUs will be available. More details shown below.
  • Please be familiar with the schedule and fees before registering.
  • If your registration is received before 10/30/2006, a confirmation letter will be sent to the address you provide. If you do not receive a confirmation letter, please contact the conference registrar at (202) 942-0305.
  • Register Now on our secure webpage.

For questions concerning program content, please contact: Naomi Goldman
By phone at (617)769-4003
Or via email at the address listed below:

Email Contact: ngoldman@cwla.org

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19th Annual Conference on Child Abuse and Family Violence: JOINING FORCES
November 13 - 15, 2006
Salt Lake City Marriott City Center

Prevent Child Abuse Utah presents JOINING FORCES: Prevention,Investigation, Prosecution, Treatment, the 19th Annual Conference onChild Abuse and Family Violence.

This year's program offers outstanding presentations from leading childabuse and family violence experts from around the country. The clinicaltrack is again sponsored by the Child Trauma Treatment Network-Intermountain West of Primary Children's Center for Safe and HealthyFamilies.

The goal of JOINING FORCES is to prevent child abuse and familyviolence by providing professionals with practical instruction, currentinformation, up-to-date research and the most successful interventionstrategies in the areas of prevention, investigation, prosecution and treatment.The conference is in downtown Salt Lake City at the beautiful Salt LakeCity Marriott City Center Hotel, located at 220 South State Street.

Many great training opportunities will be available. We are pleased to have John Briere, PhD, and Cheryl Lanktree, PhD, at this year's conference. Some workshops, which are relevant to therapists and social workers include, but are not limited to:

  • Evidence-based treatment for abused children and Adolescents in varied settings
  • Assessment for Complex Trauma Effects in Children and Adolescents
  • Parent Child Interaction Therapy
  • Abuse focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
  • Forensic versus Therapeutic Roles: Best Practice for Mental Health Therapists
  • Case Studies In Family Prostitution of Children
  • Courtroom Psychology: How To Be a Good Witness And Survive in the Courtroom
  • How Not to Help the Defense Attorney in Child Abuse Cases

If you need additional information about the conference or more brochures, please do not hesitate to contact the PCAU staff at (801) 393-3366. To register, or for more information please visit their website Thank you in advance for your support of this effort.

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December 2006

APSAC Child Forensic Interview Clinic - Portsmouth, VA
December 4 - 8, 2006
Renaissance Portsmouth Hotel and Waterfront Conference Center

APSAC's Clinic provides an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases. APSAC led the way in pioneering training such as this - the curriculum was developed and is presented by leading national experts. APSAC's curriculum emphasizes state-of-the-art principles of forensically sound interviewing with a balanced review of several prominent interview approaches and models.

Each Clinic provides presentations and practice interview critiques from some of the most well-known national experts, videotaping of participant practice interviews, and a Mock Court experience. In addition to the Clinic notebook, participants receive a resource CD containing a wealth of resource material and all of the past APSAC Advisor articles related to child interviewing, as well as four excellent books that will enhance any interviewer's knowledge and ability to defend the interview in court. APSAC's Forensic Interview Clinics are appropriate for professionals just beginning to conduct investigative interviews, as well as for those with some experience.

Certificates of completion will be provided to those who complete the entire week of the Clinic (a total of 40 hours of training).

For more information and to register online, visit the APSAC website.

Lori Ley
APSAC Forensic Interview Clinic Coordinator
Phone/Fax (425) 483-8250

Web Site: www.apsac.org
Email Contact: apsacclinic@verizon.net

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Master Speaker Series Teleconference - David Pelcovitz
December 7 , 2006 (PST-11:00 am - 12:30 pm/EST-2:00 pm - 3:30 pm)
Topic: Trauma and Adolescence

Register for call-in number and code.

Email Contact: dling@mednet.ucla.edu

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January 2007

APSAC's San Diego Institutes
January 22 , 2007
Town and Country Resort, San Diego, CA

Don't miss APSAC's San Diego Institutes, January 22nd, 2007 San Diego, California.

Training Topics Include:

  • Child Sexual Abuse Medical Evaluation: How Well DoYou Agree With The Experts On Interpretation Of Cases? - Joyce Adams, M.D &Lori Frasier, M.D.
  • Everything You Need To Know About Serious Physical Abuse, Homicide AndNeglect Of Children. - Rob Parrish, JD
  • Basic Training In Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. - Anthony P.Mannarino, PH.D & Judith A. Cohen, M.D.

For more information, please click on the website below:

Web Site: www.apsac.org

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January 22 - 26, 2007
San Diego Town and Country Resort & Convention Center

The Chadwick Center for Children and Families at Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego is a large, comprehensive, multidisciplinary agency serving families throughout the United States and around the world. The organization possesses expertise in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of child maltreatment, including the effects of domestic violence and substance abuse. Since 1976, the Chadwick Center has led the field in promoting Best Practices. We proudly present the 21st Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment.


A multidisciplinary audience from the fields of medicine, mental health, interviewing, child welfare, advocacy, law, law enforcement, education, family support, public policy and research.


Our distinguished international faculty of more than 230 invited subject matter experts will present BEST PRACTICE SKILL-BUILDING workshops. Registrants will have opportunities to network informally with the faculty and with their colleagues.

Intensive Emphasis

Ethics workshops to satisfy re-licensure requirements

Cultural Issues
Co-Occurrence of Maltreatment and Substance Abuse

Child Exploitation and the Internet


Children's Hospital-San Diego is an accredited sponsor of continuing education activities. By attending a Pre-Conference Institute,one may earn additional CEUs.

Event Description

The Chadwick Center for Children and Families, Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego present the 21st Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. The conference is directed to a multidisciplinary audience from the fields of medicine, mental health, interviewing, child welfare, advocacy, law, law enforcement, education, family support, public policy and research. We feature over 225 experts from around the globe providing the latest research, practical experience, and skill building workshops on evidence-based practices. Workshop programs focus on research or evidence-based practice, ensuring quality practice and programs, substance abuse promising and best programs, ethical practice, cultural issues and LGBTQ youth, the Internet and child maltreatment.

Featured speakers:

  • Sharon Cooper - Chapel Hill
  • Chris Hansen - Dateline NBC
  • Richard Gelles - Philadelphia
  • Richard Krugman - Denver
  • Carolyn Webster-Stratton - Seattle
  • Sheila Eyberg - Gainesville
  • John Myers - Sacramento
For more information about the conference, please visit Chadwick's website or email them at the address below or by phone at (858) 966-4972
Email Contact: sdconference@chsd.org

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February 2007

NCTSN Culture and Trauma Series Teleconference
February 22 , 2007 (11am-12:30pm PST (2pm-3:30pm EST)

Organizational Assessment and Staff Training in Cultural Competence

Invited speakers:

  • Ernestine Briggs-King, Ph.D.
  • Vivian Jackson, ACSW, LCSW

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CWLA 2007 National Conference
February 26 - 28, 2007
Marriott Wardman Park, Washington, DC

Children 2007: Raising Our Voices for Children

This year's National Conference, Children 2007 :Raising Our Voices for Children, will offer you-our member agencies and other child advocates-the chance to meet face-to-face, to initiate discussions and collaborations, to showcase best-practice models, and to vocalize your concerns about issues affecting children and families in one on-one meetings with lawmakers. By raising our voices collectively, we can make the world a better place for our nation's most vulnerable children.

What better place to amplify our voices than in the Nation's Capital? The Hill visits and state caucuses that take center stage on the second day of every CWLA National Conference are one important facet of our work. They are advocacy in action. The plenary sessions, workshops, meetings of task forces and working groups, and informal networking that goes on around the conference are equally essential.

In this time of heightened competition for ever-scarcer resources, when America's struggling children and families most need us, it is more important than ever that we learn from and inspire each other. Lifting up proven practices is one of the things that CWLA does best. But even first-rate programs are ineffective without broad-based, continuing support. To sustain our efforts, we depend on good policy, good partners, and strong voices.

  • CWLA encourages early registration and payment in advance. If registering on site, registration must be accompanied by a check, credit card, or signed purchase order authorizing conference registration payment.
  • Early registration (reduced registration fee) ends on 1/12/2007.
  • Advance registration ends on 2/9/2007. Advance registration fees apply only if your registration and payment are received by that date. After 2/9/2007, you may register onsite at the conference.
  • Cancellations must be received in writing by 2/9/2007 A $100 service fee will apply. No-shows will be charged the full registration fee. Cancellations received after 2/9/2007, and special event and guest tickets, are not refundable. Credit card refunds will be issued to your credit card. Check refunds will be issued to the payor.
  • No hotel charges are included in the registration fee. Hotel reservations must be made directly with the hotel.
  • Room availability and special rates are guaranteed until 2/6/2007 or until space is filled.
  • CWLA reserves the right to cancel any workshop at any time.
  • CEUs will be available. More details shown below.
  • Please be familiar with the schedule and fees shown below before registering.
For questions concerning program content, please contact:
CWLA 2007 National Conference-Barbara Roos
bBy phone at (202)942-0305 or (202) 942-0308, or at the email below.
Email Contact: broos@cwla.org

Back To Top

March 2007

2008 San Diego Conference Call For Papers
March 1 - 16, 2007 (January 2008)
San Diego, CA

Dear Colleagues, The Chadwick Center for Children and Families at Rady Children's Hospital - San Diego invites you to submit proposals for workshop presentations at the 22nd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, which is planned for January 28- February 1, 2008.

Traditionally, the San Diego conference has relied largely on an invited faculty from a range of disciplines, but we also want to consider new ideas and presenters. To support this goal, we are supplementing our traditional invitation process with this call for abstracts. Topic areas include: mental health, interviewing, offenders, LGBTQI, rural focus, native american focus and medical research.

Submission Deadline: March 16, 2007
Notification: April 4, 2007

Lead presenters will be informed of the results of the review process. Please note that there are limited workshop slots available and that we will not be able to accept all proposals. If a proposal is accepted for presentation at the 2008 conference, the Chadwick Center will waive the registration fee and cover travel, lodging, and meal expenses for the lead presenter only. Additional presenters will be responsible for their own expenses, but will receive a reduced registration rate.

The link for the Call for Papers is listed below:

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Providing Culturally Competent Services to Victims of Crime
March 6 - 8, 2007
Denver, Colorado

This workshop provides an interactive exploration of issues in providing culturally competent services to victims of crime. Through a series of activities and case studies, the training explores the challenges and benefits of providing culturally competent care for victims and how services can be more effective when they are delivered within the most relevant and meaningful cultural, gender-specific, and age-appropriate context. Also included is a review of provider competencies (i.e., knowledge, skills, attitudes, interpersonal decision-making) that are critical to effectively serving victims of crime from diverse populations. Key topics include:

  • What is cultural competence?
  • Stereotyping; cross-cultural communication; and language and interpreter bias.
  • Barriers to effective victim assistance.
  • Envisioning a culturally competent victim service program.
Tentative Training Times:
March 6, 2007 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
March 7, 2007 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
March 8, 2007 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

For Registration Information: Please Contact OVC TTAC
By Telephone: (866) 682-8822
Or at the email below:

Email Contact: ttac@ovcttac.org

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OVC Web Forum, Best Practices for Coping With Vicarious Trauma
March 14 , 2007 (2:00pm-3:00pm ET )
Online Event

Join Guest Host Barbara Rubel, Executive Director of Griefwork Center, Inc., for an OVC Web Forum discussion on vicarious trauma and compassion fatigue and their effects in the workplace. Ms. Rubel is a bereavement specialist, author, and consultant. She has provided wellness training on compassion fatigue, stress management, and burnout prevention.

Office for Victims of Crime Resource Center
Phone: (800) 851-3420

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8th All-Ohio Institute on Community Psychiatry
March 16 - 17, 2007
Hilton Cleveland East, Beachwood, Ohio

Dollar & Sense: The Business Case for Community Mental Health Services

Summary Cost
The 8th All-Ohio Institute on Community Psychiatry co-sponsored by the Department of Psychiatry Case Western Reserve University and the Ohio Department of Mental Health will be held March 16-17, 2007. The focus will be "Dollars & Sense: the Business Case for Community Mental Health Services." The CME- CEU-accredited event will feature more than 35 workshops, plenary sessions and a poster competition. A Friday night Advocacy dinner is also planned. The programming typically covers topics of interest to practitioners who treat children, adolescents and adults with serious and persistent mental illnesses. Full program for physicians $135; Physicians one day only $95; Full program for non-physicians $95; Non-physicians one day only $65; Full program for residents/students $50; Friday dinner program only $35 PLEASE NOTE: THESE ARE THE CORRECT FEES. UNFORTUNATELY THERE WAS A PRINTING ERROR IN THE BROCHURE.
Program Director(s) Credits
Robert Ronis, MD, MPH Up to 11.5 credits
Who Should Participate? Contact
Physicians, psychologists, nurses, social workers, counselors, case managers and other mental health professionals CME Registrar Phone:
(216) 844-5050 or (800) 274-8263 medcme@case.edu

Email Contact: medcme@case.edu

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Sexual Assault Advocate/Counselor Training
March 20 - 21, 2007
Spokane, Washington

This training is intended primarily for sexual assault advocates, counselors, volunteers, or staff at rape crisis centers. However, nurses, including sexual assault nurse examiners (SANEs), physicians, law enforcement officers, and mental health practitioners who assist sexual assault victims may also benefit from this training. With a focus on crisis intervention rather than long-term counseling, this training helps you deepen your understanding of the problem of sexual assault and the major roles of an advocate/counselor. Through case studies, role-playing, and other interactive exercises, participants will gain real-world skills to assist sexual assault victims effectively and sensitively. Participants will:

  • Examine the physical and emotional impact of sexual assault.
  • Learn how to respond to a crisis call reporting recent sexual assault.
  • Develop a "toolkit" of crisis intervention techniques to support recovery from sexual assault.
  • Learn to identify possible cases of drug-facilitated sexual assault.
  • Formulate a personalized self-care plan to prevent burnout.
Tentative Training Times:
March 20, 2007 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
March 21, 2007 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

For more information contact: OVC TTAC
By phone: (866) 682-8822 or at the email listed below

Email Contact: ttac@ovcttac.org

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23rd National Symposium on Child Abuse
March 20 - 23, 2007
Huntsville, Alabama

You are invited to attend the 23rd National Symposium on Child Abuse, sponsored by The National Children's Advocacy Center in Huntsville, Alabama. This year our theme is "It's All About The Children." We hope you can join us for this outstanding event!

More than 150 state-of-the-art workshops will be offered to professionals working in Law Enforcement, Mental Health/Treatment, Medical, Child Protective Service, Administration, Legal, Prevention, and Victim Advocacy. CEUs and CMEs will be offered.

Evening activities will provide networking opportunities. Registration fee includes Tuesday evening U.S. Space & Rocket Center Dinner, Tour, IMAX Movie & Registration; Continental Breakfast & Lunch Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday; Wednesday evening Tour of the National Children's Advocacy Center; Thursday evening Band Party; Resource materials; and Transportation between official Symposium hotels and all Symposium venues.

Optional Pre-Conference Workshops are available Tuesday, March 20, 2007, 9:00 am - 4:00 pm, for an additional fee.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:00 PM - Friday, March 23, 2007 1:00 PM
Von Braun Center
700 Monroe Street
Huntsville, AL 35801
Symposium Registration
Registration Fee $379.00 (until Nov. 20, 2006)
($479.00 original price)
Registration Fee - po/mo $479.00
Click Here to View Event Summary
Click Here to Register

For general Symposium information, please contact:
Marilyn Grundy at (256) 327-3863 or via email at: mgrundy@nationalcac.org

Email Contact: ablalock@nationalcac.org

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NCTSN Culture and Trauma Series Teleconference
March 22 , 2007 (11am-12:30pm PST (2pm-3:30pm EST)

Trauma among Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Youth

Invited speakers:

  • Al Killen-Harvey, LCSW
  • Heidi Stern-Ellis, LCSW

Click here to register for this call

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April 2007

Forensic Interviewing of Children Training
April 2 - 6, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL

This training is specifically designed for child interviewers who have responsibility for initial investigative/forensic interviews of children. It is appropriate for professionals from the fields of child protective services, law enforcement, and those affiliated with a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) with less than one year of full-time experience. The National CAC Academy has provided child interviewing training since 1999.

In this course, the attendee will experience immersion in the latest research-based information on interviewing techniques, taught by nationally recognized trainers; opportunities to develop and refine interviewing skills during a videotaped child interviewing exercise with a "real kid" from our community; the chance to observe and participate in a mock court scenario, which will demonstrate concepts related to providing effective testimony in child abuse cases. Additional topics to be covered are the NCAC Forensic Interview Structure, forensic questioning, developmental issues, interview strategies, memory and suggestibility, interviewing tools, fantastic statements, and expert witnesses. Each participant will receive a notebook of resource materials, a copy of his/her videotaped child interview practicum, and the opportunity to network with colleagues from across the country.

This training will be held in Huntsville, AL at the National Children's Advocacy Center's Training Center. The faculty for this training session will be announced at a later date.

The fee for each week of training is $899. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). Early registration is encouraged. CEUs will be available. More about CEUs

Register Early: Slots are limited and classes often fill early!

Please confirm your registration before making your travel arrangements.

For more information, contact Ericka Pollitt, at epollitt@nationalcac.org or by phone at (256) 327-3746.

Hotel Information

Cancellation Policy: Written cancellations received at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the training session will be refunded less a $100 administrative fee. Registration is transferable. No refunds will be made if cancellation is received within 30 days of the training session.

Email Contact: epollitt@nationalcac.org

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Family & Victim Advocacy 101
April 10 - 12, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL

The criminal justice system was designed for adults and can be confusing and frightening for children. Children and their families involved in an investigation of child abuse often have a host of concerns and needs. Family & Victim Advocates are uniquely positioned to provide information and support to children and families throughout the process. This training will concentrate on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to successfully do this important job. This training is specifically designed for Family or Victim Advocates that work with children who are victims of crime and/or non-offending caregivers. An overview of the Family Advocate Program will also be provided.

The major components of this training include:

  • Dynamics of non-offending caregivers
  • Building community acceptance
  • Program description and operation
  • Integrating the program with existing services
  • Working with the multidisciplinary investigative team
  • Rapport building and bonding with clients
  • Implementing a support group for caregivers
  • Accessing community services
  • Tools and techniques for intervening with caregivers

This training will be held in Huntsville, AL at the National Children's Advocacy Center's Training Center. The lead faculty for this training session will be announced at a later date.

The fee for each training session is $499. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). Early registration is encouraged.

Register Early: Slots are limited and classes often fill early!

Please confirm your registration before making your travel arrangements.

For more information, please contact Pamelia Wales at pwales@nationalcac.org or at 256-327-3786.

Hotel Information

Cancellation Policy: Written cancellations received at least 30 days prior to the beginning of the training session will be refunded less a $100 administrative fee. Registration is transferable. No refunds will be made if cancellation is received within 30 days of the training session.

Email Contact: pwales@nationalcac.org

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NCTSN Culture and Trauma Series Teleconference
April 11 , 2007 (11am-12:30pm PST (2pm-3:30pm EST)

Addressing the Trauma Treatment Needs of Children Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing and the Hearing Children of Deaf Parents

Invited speakers:

  • Ric Durity, M.A.
  • Karen Mallah, Ph.D.

Click here to register for this call

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SAMHSA FY2007 National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative Applicant Inquiry Conference Call
April 12 , 2007 (April 12th - 2:00 pm EST)
Conference Call
Please join JEAN PLASCHKE for the SAMHSA FY2007 National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative Applicant Inquiry Conference Call. This call is for applicants with questions about the Community Treatment Service (CTS) Center announcement. The conference call will be held on Thursday April 12, 2007 at 2:00 PM EASTERN TIME. The conference call information (dial-in number and passcode) is provided below.

Please RSVP your attendance using the WEB RSVP Participant Access information and the URL provided below.

URL:RSVP here!
Conference Number: 6745391

To register for this event:
1. Go to the URL listed above and choose Web RSVP under Join Events.
2. Enter the conference number and passcode.
3. Provide your information for the event leader and then click submit

Audio Participant Access:
CALL DATE: APR-12-2007 (Thursday)


DURATION: 1 hour


DIAL-IN NUMBERS: 888-730-9137

For security reasons, the passcode and the leader's name will be required to join your call.

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25th Annual "Protecting Our Children" National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
April 15 - 18, 2007
Sheraton Oklahoma City Hotel - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Reconciliation in Child Welfare: Touchstones of Hope for Indigenous Children, Youth, and Families

Reservations: 1-800-325-3535, or 405-235-2780 (local)
Rates (Registration for this event is not yet open)
Early-bird: 360.00
On-site: 425.00
Presenters: 100.00


About This Year's Conference

In the Fall of 2005, leaders in child welfare gathered in Niagara Falls for the first conference on reconciliation, entitled Reconciliation: Looking Back, Reaching Forward - Indigenous Peoples and Child Welfare. The 200 participants in attendance looked at the characteristics of child welfare that worked for, and against, the well-being of Indigenous children and youth. Both Indigenous and non-Indigenous participants spoke openly to one another about the history and path of child welfare and identified the touchstones necessary to build a foundation for an improved child welfare system. This year's conference will be dedicated to sharing and exploring the Touchstones of Hope for Indigenous Children, Youth, and Families and will highlight successful strategies for advancing reconciliation in child welfare. Tribal leaders; ICW workers; and state, federal, and provincial governments share an important responsibility in carrying out this work. Please join us as we gather in beautiful Oklahoma City, Oklahoma to learn from each other and build collaborative relationships that will keep our traditions and family systems intact.

Conference Goals

  • To highlight successful strategies for advancing reconciliation in child welfare
  • To protect our children and preserve our culture through advocacy and action
  • To explore the role of standard-setting organizations in assuring the quality of child welfare services
  • To showcase successful collaborative relationships in Indian child welfare service delivery
  • To demonstrate strategies for effective ICWA advocacy and compliance
  • To examine the role of research and data in advocacy and collaboration

Workshop Track Description

Advocacy, Collaboration, ICWA Compliance, and Data and Research comprise the four different workshop tracks we have created to meet the needs of our broadening national audience. Additionally, as a comprehensive source of information on American Indian child welfare, NICWA understands the critical role that tribal leadership plays in advocacy. While describing your workshop, please include how your presentation will address the vital role of tribal leadership.


Understanding the impact of national/local policy, strategies for influencing national/local policy, restorative justice approaches in child welfare, and the role of standard-setting organizations.


Promising practices in building alliances (e.g., urban-tribal, tribal-state, tribal-county, and inter-agency collaborations; engaging youth in care; elders; tribal leaders; and community members)

ICWA Compliance

Promising practices for ICWA training, monitoring compliance, tribal CASA partnerships, innovative strategies for meeting placement preferences, and tracking active efforts

Data and Research

Current child welfare research, promising practices in information technology, gathering and utilizing data for program improvement, data and funding issues, and sharing data across systems

For general conference questions, e-mail Isla Dane
or call (503) 222-4044, ext. 144

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16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
April 16 - 21, 2007
Oregon Convention Center - Portland, OR

The Children's Bureau's Office on Child Abuse and Neglect (OCAN) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration on Children, Youth and Families is pleased to announce that the 16th National Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect will be held April 16-21, 2007, in Portland,Oregon. The Conference theme, Protecting Children, Promoting Healthy Families, and Preserving Communities, reflects our resolve to ensure that every child enjoys a healthy family life in a nurturing community. It emphasizes our need to create safe havens for our children, enabling them to thrive at home and in their neighborhood. Further, the theme promotes the idea of communities joining to establish collaborative relationships and strategies to prevent child maltreatment and provide responsive treatment and services.

Goals of the Conference

The goals of the 16th National Conference include:

  • Disseminating state-of-the-art information on research, practice, policy,and system reform
  • Facilitating the exchange of information across disciplines and among individuals, groups, and institutions
  • Reaching out to strengthen and sustain collaboration
  • Highlighting the positive contribution of research to practice
Who Should Attend

The 16th National Conference is designed for child protection workers and administrators, social workers, educators, law enforcement professionals, health care practitioners, researchers, child advocates, members of the clergy, parents, volunteers, and others committed to ensuring the protection of children. Plan to join the Office on Child Abuse and Neglect and our more than 40 National Co-Sponsors in Portland to forge new partnerships, exchange cutting-edge information on research, review model programs, and learn innovative techniques that hold promise for mobilizing communities on behalf of children and families.

Email Contact: 16conf@pal-tech.co

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2007 Regional Child Welfare Conference
April 27 - 28, 2007
Reno - Sparks Convention Center, Nevada
Making a Difference: One Child at a Time.

Regional Child Welfare Conference

Registration Fee: $100 for both (postmarked by March 15 th)

$65 for 1 day
$55 students w/ID both days
$35 CASA's (preregistered)
$30 Appreciation/Youth Scholarship DinnerTickets

(Foster Parents are hosted for dinner)

Licensed Nevada Foster Families from Washoe County and Rural Nevada may attend all workshops and dinner at no cost. All other licensed foster parents are just $35 inclusive.

Late Registration: After March 15th add $25

CEU's and Training Credits Are Available Be sure to ask at check-in!

To Register: Download forms and pay online(*) or mail them in with a check/moneyorder/MC/VISA to:

SAFF Conference
PO Box 11112
Reno, Nevada 89510

Email Contact: BLopez@washoecounty.us

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May 2007

APSAC Child Forensic Interview Clinic - Seattle, WA
May 7 - 11, 2007
Washington State Criminal Justice Training Commission

APSAC's Clinic provides an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases. APSAC led the way in pioneering training such as this - the curriculum was developed and is presented by leading national experts. APSAC's curriculum emphasizes state-of-the-art principles of forensically sound interviewing with a balanced review of several prominent interview approaches and models.

Each Clinic provides presentations and practice interview critiques from some of the most well-known national experts, videotaping of participant practice interviews, and a Mock Court experience. In addition to the Clinic notebook, participants receive a resource CD containing a wealth of resource material and all of the past APSAC Advisor articles related to child interviewing, as well as four excellent books that will enhance any interviewer's knowledge and ability to defend the interview in court. APSAC's Forensic Interview Clinics are appropriate for professionals just beginning to conduct investigative interviews, as well as for those with some experience.

Certificates of completion will be provided to those who complete the entire week of the Clinic (a total of 40 hours of training).

For more information and to register online, visit the APSAC website.

Lori Ley
APSAC Forensic Interview Clinic Coordinator
Phone/Fax (425) 483-8250

Web Site: www.apsac.org
Email Contact: apsacclinic@verizon.net

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The Ultimate Trainer
May 8 - 10, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana

This course is designed for victim service providers and allied professionals who develop and deliver training but do not have a formal background or extensive experience in adult education or instructional design. This interactive training helps participants build the knowledge and practical skills they need to plan, develop, implement, and evaluate quality-training programs. During the training, participants will apply new concepts and skills by developing a lesson plan for a training for their agency. In this training, participants will:

  • Learn the basic principles of adult learning.
  • Explore a range of training techniques and activities that meet the needs of those with different learning styles.
  • Prepare a lesson plan for a one-day training course that includes goals, objectives, a content outline, and an outline of activities.
  • Hone presentation skills by learning how to organize lectures and apply five principles of effective communication.
  • Examine ways to facilitate training, create a positive learning environment, and ensure productive group activities.

Tentative Training Times:
May 8, 2007 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
May 9, 2007 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
May 10, 2007 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

For more information contact: OVC TTAC
By Phone: (866) 682-8822 or at the email listed below.

Email Contact: ttac@ovcttac.org

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2007 APA Annual Meeting
May 19 - 24, 2007
San Diego, CA

American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting Information

For information aboout online registration, curricula, CEU's, accomodations, transportaitions, etc, please visit the meeting's website here

Course Brochure

Staff Contact List

Email Contact: program@psych.org

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May 21 - 24, 2007
The Hague - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

"Symposium for Enforcing the Human Rights of Orphaned and Abandoned Children"
"Applying ACTION to our PROMISES"

This international conference, meant for Government Decision-makers, relevant NGO's and Researchers, will provide an open forum for communication and will identify new approaches and model practical solutions. The 4-day event will host up to 100 countries, represented by officials, NGO's and scientists.

A wide range of distinguished speakers, children's advocates and experts in various fields will discuss the long needed reforms in Child Welfare Policies. Among them, five members of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child, including Chairman Prof. Mr. Jacob Doek will be participating in major discussions, workshops and presentations.

This event will also be the official launch of the World Council, the new and very unique practical partnership between UN-Governments, NGO's and the Academical world.Separate workshops will be organized in the fields of Reunification and Child Soldiers, Foster care and Kinship care, Adoption and Residential / Institutional care. Legal bottlenecks will be discussed as well as World Orphan Month 2007 / 2008.

After receiving your registration we will contact you with detailed information about the program, the venue. Registration fee is in Euros 875.00 (does not include flight and hotel). Grants are not available and participation is very limited per country!

If you are interested in attending and participating in this unique event, please ask for a registration form: Email: registration@wiorphans.org
or Fax: +31 70 345 3134.
World Initiative for Orphans
Global Partnership for Children without Parental Care
Maarten G.H. Brekelmans, CEO
Prinsessegracht 3
2514 AN Den Haag
The Netherlands
For more information, please visit our website:

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Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training
May 21 - 24, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL

This training is specifically designed for child interviewers who have responsibility for initial investigative/forensic interviews of children. It is appropriate for professionals from the fields of child protective services, law enforcement, and those affiliated with a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) with less than one year of full-time experience. The National CAC Academy has provided child interviewing training since 1999.

This training will be held in Huntsville, AL at the National Children's Advocacy Center's Training Center. The faculty for this training session will be announced at a later date.

The fee for each week of training is $899. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). Early registration is encouraged. CEUs will be available. More about CEUs

For more information, contact Ericka Pollitt, at epollitt@nationalcac.org or by phone at (256) 327-3746.

Hotel Information

Email Contact: pwales@nationalcac.org

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Compassion Fatigue/Vicarious Trauma
May 22 - 23, 2007
Portland, Maine

This workshop provides an overview of the definitions and symptoms of Compassion Fatigue, Burnout, Vicarious Trauma, and Secondary Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The training will include an interactive exploration of self-care techniques, strategies for recognizing symptoms of compassion fatigue, and strategies managers can use to ensure balance and self care for those they supervise.

Tentative Training Times:
May 22, 2007 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
May 23, 2007 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

For more information contact: OVC TTAC
By Phone: (866) 682-8822 or at the email listed below:

Email Contact: ttac@ovcttac.org

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NCTSN Culture and Trauma Series Teleconference
May 24 , 2007 (11am-12:30pm PST (2pm-3:30pm EST)

Working with Homeless and Runaway Youth

Invited speaker(s):

  • Arlene Schneir, M.P.H.

Click here to register for this call

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June 2007

Forensic Interviewing of Children Training
June 4 - 8, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL

This training is specifically designed for child interviewers who have responsibility for initial investigative/forensic interviews of children. It is appropriate for professionals from the fields of child protective services, law enforcement, and those affiliated with a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) with less than one year of full-time experience. The National CAC Academy has provided child interviewing training since 1999.

This training will be held in Huntsville, AL at the National Children's Advocacy Center's Training Center. The faculty for this training session will be announced at a later date.

The fee for each week of training is $899. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). Early registration is encouraged. CEUs will be available. More about CEUs

For more information, contact Ericka Pollitt, at epollitt@nationalcac.org or by phone at (256) 327-3746.

Hotel Information

Email Contact: epollitt@nationalcac.org

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Long-Term Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment: Successful Prevention Strategies and Treatment Interventions
June 8 , 2007
Turner Auditorium, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland

Co-sponsored by Kennedy Krieger Family Center and Johns Hopkins Department of Pediatrics

Course Description
The number of children exposed to abuse, neglect, and violence is estimated at over 3 million, annually (National Child Traumatic Stress Network Progress Report, 2005). Childhood Traumatic Stress is a public health concern and has been shown to impair cognitive, affective, behavioral, and biological systems. Adverse Childhood Experiences are also related to health problems (e.g. obesity, alcoholism, heart disease in adulthood (Felitti, 2002). In efforts to reduce negative impacts, it is critical for professionals in both the pediatric/adult health and mental health arenas to be equipped with the knowledge and skills that will allow them to prevent, identify, understand the impact of, and treat children exposed to trauma with proven strategies.

Who Should Attend:
This activity is intended for Pediatricians, Child Psychiatrists, Internists, Psychologists, Social Workers, and Licensed Professional Counselors.

This activity has been planned and implemented in accordance with the Essential Areas and policies of the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education through joint sponsorship of The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine and Kennedy Krieger Institute Family Center.

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine is accredited by the ACCME to provide continuing medical education for physicians. The Johns Hopkins University has approved this course for 6.25 Continuing Education Units (CEUs) (6.25 contact hours) for non-physicians. Certificates will be awarded upon completion.

To Register or For Further Information
Register online at www.hopkinscme.net
Register by Phone: (410) 955-2959
Register by Fax : (410) 955-0807
To e-mail the Office of CME, use the email address below.

Email Contact: cmenet@jhmi.edu

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18th Annual International Trauma Conference
June 20 - 23, 2007
World Trade Center Boston, Massachusetts

PSYCHOLOGICAL TRAUMA: Neuroscience, Attachment and Therapeutic Interventions

CONFERENCE DIRECTOR: Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD,
Medical Director, Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute
Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine

To register, please visit : www.themeadows.org

Download a copy of the Brochure here

Email Contact: events@themeadows.org

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2007 National School-Based Health Care Convention
June 27 - 30, 2007
The Renaissance Hotel - Washington, DC

Featuring Plenary Speakers:

Marian Wright Edelman
Founder and president, Children's defense Fund

David J. Schonfeld, MD
Director, Division of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics
Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

All meetings will be held in the Renaissance Hotel. Convention sleeping room rates are available through June 3, 2007. NASBHC cannot guarantee room availability; room block may be filled before cut-off date. Ask for National Assembly on School-Based Health Care.

The Renaissance Hotel
999 9th St., NW
Washington, DC 20001
Voice/Reservations: (800) HOTELS 1

Before May 26 After May 26
General Registration $425 $475
Presenter $325 $375
Student $300 $350
CEUs $35 $35
CMEs $55 $55
Evening Event (Thurs, June 28) $50 $50
Morning Seminar I (Wed, June 27) $50 $50
Afternoon Seminar II (Wed, June 27) $50 $50
Register for Seminar I and II and save $25 $75 $75

* Convention fees include breakfast (Thurs/Fri/Sat), lunch (Thurs/Fri), breaks (Thurs/Fri/Sat), reception (Friday evening). All attendees will receive CD with audio recordings and handouts for every authorized session.


If you would like to exhibit at the convention, or know of a company or organization that would benefit from exhibiting, contact Barbara Bienkowski at (202) 624-1775

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NCTSN Culture and Trauma Series Teleconference
June 28 , 2007 (11am-12:30pm PST (2pm-3:30pm EST)

The Traumatic Experiences of Border and Immigrant Youth

Invited speaker(s):

  • Luis Flores, M.A.

Click here to register for this call

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July 2007

TF-CBT Training to be Offered at APSAC Conference
July 11 - 14, 2007
Boston Marriott Copely - Boston, MA

The annual colloquium of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) will be held in Boston, July 11-14, 2007, and will feature several training opportunities in TF-CBT. TF-CBT co-developers Drs. Judith Cohen and Anthony Mannarino will conduct a pre-conference training institute on "Basic Training in Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy" on July 11, 2007.

During the conference, TF-CBT co-developer Dr. Esther Deblinger will present a workshop on on the importance of including parents in trauma-focused treatment. Dr. Rochelle Hanson of the National Crime Victims Resarch and Treatment Center at the Medical University of South Carolina will conduct a workshop on issues in the dissemination and implementation of trauma-focused treatments. Dr. Shannon Dorsey of the National Center on Child Traumatic Stress and the Center on Child and Family Health at Duke University will present an adaptation of of TF-CBT for use with children in foster care. Dr. Laura Murray of Boston University and Allegheny General Hospital will present an adaptation of TF-CBT for HIV-affected, sexually abused children in Zambia.

For more information about the APSAC Colloquium go to the APSAC website: www.apsac.org,
or contact the APSAC office at 843-764-2905 or at the email listed below.

Email Contact: apsac@comcast.net

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Forensic Interviewing of Children Training
July 16 - 20, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL

This training is specifically designed for child interviewers who have responsibility for initial investigative/forensic interviews of children. It is appropriate for professionals from the fields of child protective services, law enforcement, and those affiliated with a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) with less than one year of full-time experience. The National CAC Academy has provided child interviewing training since 1999.

This training will be held in Huntsville, AL at the National Children's Advocacy Center's Training Center. The faculty for this training session will be announced at a later date.

The fee for each week of training is $899. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). Early registration is encouraged. CEUs will be available. More about CEUs

For more information, contact Ericka Pollitt, at epollitt@nationalcac.org or by phone at (256) 327-3746.

Hotel Information

Email Contact: epollitt@nationalcac.org

Back To Top

July 16 - September 9, 2007
Marriott Waterfront Hotel, Baltimore, Maryland

The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center is pleased to announce the Parent-Child-Interaction Therapy (PCIT) Training Program for professionals working in communitybased family resource and support services, child guidance, mental health, preventionservices and education.

PCIT is an empirically supported treatment for preschool children (ages 2-7) withdisruptive behavior. PCIT emphasizes changing the parent-child interactions toimprove the nature of the parent-child relationship. Parents who participate inPCIT with their children are taught specific skills to develop a strong, positiverelationship with their child while increasing the child's prosocial behavior andreducing the child's undesirable behaviors. PCIT also has been shown to be aneffective treatment for children age 4 to 12 with a history of physical abuse orneglect and their families and children with prenatal substance exposure. Applications ofPCIT with these populations as well as children with domestic violence exposure and NativeAmerican children will also be discussed in this training.

The training program consists of:

  • A weeklong workshop (July 16-20, 2007) in which participants will become familiarwith all aspects of PCIT, with emphasis on mastering the skills involved in the firstphase of treatment, Child Directed Interaction (CDI), including skills for coachingparents.
  • A two-day follow-up workshop, approximately 10 weeks later, in which participantswill work to refine their CDI and coaching skills and begin to master the skills involvedin the second phase of treatment, Parent Directed Interaction (PDI).
  • Weekly phone consultation for six months following the workshop will be providedwith participants expected to be present on 80% of the calls

For Questions Regarding Registration Contact:
Child Study Center/Department of Behavioral and Developmental Pediatrics
Attn: Elizabeth Altshuler
1100 N.E. 13th Street;
Oklahoma City, OK 73117
FAX# (405) 271-8835

If you have any questions, please contact Elizabeth Altshuler
By phone at (405) 271-6824, ext. 45103
Via email Elizabeth-altshuler@ouhsc.edu

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August 2007

Mental Health Service Delivery for Youth in Detention/Corrections
August 21 - 23, 2007
The Westin Galleria Houston, TX

The Mental Health Service Delivery for Youth in Detention/Corrections prepares participants to effectively respond to the mental health needs of youth in custody. OJJDP has recognized the scope and importance of this issue and is taking a lead role in providing necessary research, information, and training in this area. This workshop's curriculum primarily focuses on screening, assessment, treatment and system integration.

Registration Deadline:The deadline to register is August 19th or when we reach our capacity of 100 whichever comes first.

Register Online Now


  • Please use the above link to go to register for this training. Changing the address in any way could result in your being registered for the wrong training session.
  • Please make sure all data is entered correctly, and in the correct format. Please note that any errors in your e-mail address will prevent your confirmation e-mail from being sent to you.

If all information is entered correctly, click the "Submit" button. You should get a page with your confirmation number. If you cannot or do not see this page, you have not been officially registered and will need to re-register or contact Kimberly Brown at the email listed below.

Email Contact: kbrown@icfi.com

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September 2007

12th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma
September 15 - 20, 2007
Town & Country Resort & Convention Center - San Diego, California

12th International Conference Registration Refund Opportunity!

Dear Conference Attendee:
The 12th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma scheduled for September 15-20, 2007 at the Town and Country Resort and Convention Center in San Diego, California is fast approaching. This year we are offering you the opportunity to invite your colleagues and friends to join us who have not already registered in order to increase our attendance even more. If a colleague registers by September 10th, listing you as the referral while registering, you will receive a $100 refund from your conference fees after the conference. Your friend has to register for the conference itself, plus whatever other activities they may want to attend (e.g., pre- or post-conference, Affiliated trainings, CEs. etc.). You can share the refund or keep it all for yourself. It's up to you! This only applies to those of you who have paid and registered for the conference itself.

If you have any questions, please contact Lori Morrison, Conference Coordinator at ivatcc@alliant.edu
Or by phone at (858)623-2777 Ext. 403

Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!


Robert Geffner, PhD
President, Institute on Violence, Abuse & Trauma (IVAT)
At Alliant International University
6160 Cornerstone Court East, San Diego, CA 92121
Via Phone (858) 623-2777 X405
Via Fax(858) 646-0761
Via bgeffner@pacbell.net

Email Contact: ivatcc@alliant.edu

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Forensic Interviewing of Children Training
September 17 - 21, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL

This training is specifically designed for child interviewers who have responsibility for initial investigative/forensic interviews of children. It is appropriate for professionals from the fields of child protective services, law enforcement, and those affiliated with a Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) with less than one year of full-time experience. The National CAC Academy has provided child interviewing training since 1999.

This training will be held in Huntsville, AL at the National Children's Advocacy Center's Training Center. The faculty for this training session will be announced at a later date.

The fee for each week of training is $899. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). Early registration is encouraged. CEUs will be available. More about CEUs

For more information, contact Ericka Pollitt, at epollitt@nationalcac.org or by phone at (256) 327-3746.

Hotel Information

Email Contact: epollitt@nationalcac.org

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The Eighth National Conference on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Prevention
September 19 - 21, 2007
New Orleans, Louisiana

Call for Papers are now being accepted through March 30, 2007. Click here for the Call for Papers Application!

New Orleans Marriott at the Convention Center
Take a virtual tour!
859 Convention Center Boulevard
New Orleans, Louisiana 70130 USA
Phone: 1-504-613-2888
Fax: 1-504-613-2890
Toll-free: 1-800-305-6342

Room Rates: $102.00 Single / Double

Conference Fees are still being determined at this time. Online registration will be available soon. Please continue to check the website for updates.

For more information, please contact:
Emily Donaldson by email or at (256) 327-3747

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Advanced Forensic Interviewing Training:
September 24 - 27, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL

Facilitating Children's Disclosures: Active Disclosers & Reluctant Disclosers

This training is specifically designed for experienced professionals who have responsibility for initial forensic interviews of children. It is recommended that the interviewer have at least two years of interviewing experience and have attended a recognized basic training in Investigative/Forensic Interviewing (i.e. National CAC Training, APSAC, APRI, CornerHouse, etc.). Participants are asked to bring one copy of a videotaped forensic interview, which he/she conducted, for peer review.

Faculty for this training include:

  • Linda Cordisco Steele, M.Ed, LPC: Senior Trainer and Curriculum Chair, The National Children's Advocacy Center
  • Kathleen Coulborn Faller, Ph.D., A.C.S.W.: Marion Elizabeth Blue Professor of Children and Families, Director, Family Assessment Clinic, School of Social Work, University of Michigan
  • Implementing a support group for caregivers
  • Erna Olafson, PhD, PsyD: Associate Professor, The Childhood Trust, Department of Psychiatry, University of Cincinnati Medical School, Cincinnati, Ohio

The fee for each session is $899. Each participant will receive a notebook of resource materials. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). CEUs will be available.More about CEUs

Early registration is encouraged.

For more information, please contact Pamelia Wales at pwales@nationalcac.org or at (256) 327-3786.

Hotel Information

Email Contact: pwales@nationalcac.org

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October 2007

Annual Mid-Atlantic Conference on Child Abuse & Neglect
October 9 - 12, 2007
Sheraton North Batltimore, MD

Co-Sponsored by: Maryland Children's Alliance, Children's Justice Act Committee, National Children's Alliance, National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, North East Regional Child Advocacy Center, Southern Regional Child Advocacy Center, U.S. Attorney's Office Distric of MD

Registration fees:
Prior to Sept 1, 2007 - $245
Sept 1 - Oct 8, 2007 - $275
On site Oct 9-12 $295
Luncheons $11 each day

Special Events:
Thursday luncheon with Mark Lunsford $40
Thursday Evening Fundraiser - a Benefit Dinner Dance featuring guest speaker Mark Lunsford - $75

With over 65 workshops this year's conference will draw professionals and citizens from both the private and public sector who work in fields related to preventing, investigating and treating victims of child abuse and neglect. A special luncheon and dinner will feature Mark Lunsford, President of the Jessica Marie Lunsford Foundation.

For more information please contact LaurieMeyers
By Phone: (410) 877-5376

Download Event Brochure HERE:

Email Contact: lmeyers@mdcha.org

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Family & Victim Advocacy 101
October 16 - 18, 2007
Holiday Inn - Huntsville, AL
The criminal justice system was designed for adults and can be confusing and frightening for children. Children and their families involved in an investigation of child abuse often have a host of concerns and needs. Family & Victim Advocates are uniquely positioned to provide information and support to children and families throughout the process. This training will concentrate on the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed to successfully do this important job. This training is specifically designed for Family or Victim Advocates that work with children who are victims of crime and/or non-offending caregivers. An overview of the Family Advocate Program will also be provided.

This training will be held in Huntsville, AL at the National Children's Advocacy Center's Training Center. The lead faculty for this training session will be announced at a later date.

The fee for each training session is $499. Participants are responsible for all transportation, lodging and some meals (lunches will be provided). Early registration is encouraged.

For more information, please contact Pamelia Wales at pwales@nationalcac.org or at (256) 327-3786.

Hotel Information

Email Contact: pwales@nationalcac.org

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Double Jeopardy: Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Young People
October 18 , 2007 (8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. ET)
The Zena and Michael A. Wiener Conference Center

  • Do kids who smoke marijuana have a greater risk of developing psychiatric disorders?
  • Does having a learning disability place a child at higher risk for substance abuse and vice versa?
  • Does a family history of psychiatric illness put a child at higher risk for substance abuse?
  • Are antisocial behavioral disorders more common among kids who abuse alcohol, tobacco, prescription and illegal drugs?

If any of these questions concern you, register now online or by mail for the CASACONFERENCE, "Double Jeopardy: Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorders in Young People."

This CASACONFERENCE will take place on Thursday, October 18, 2007
From 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Zena and Michael A. Wiener Conference Center:
633 Third Avenue, New York City.

This CASACONFERENCE will bring together the leading researchers and practitioners at the intersection of mental health disorders and substance abuse to explore the issue in detail. Since this conference is intended to be multi- and cross-disciplinary in nature, it will assemble leading researchers, physicians, policymakers, educators, administrators, influential members of the press, executives of foundations and corporations, and persons in recovery and engage them in interactive panel discussions designed to get at the root of the problem of the comorbidity of substance abuse and mental health disorders in young people. The conference hopes to spark suggestions so that practitioners, healthcare providers and communities can combat this massive and pervasive problem in our nation -- a problem with staggering financial and emotional costs to families, children and our nation.

For more information, please call Director of CASACONFERENCES
William Coyle at (212) 841-5277.

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November 2007

The Trauma Center at JRI's 25th Anniversary Gala
November 7 , 2007 (6:00- 9:30 P.M.)
John F. Kennedy Presidential Library

Keynote Speaker, Bessel van der Kolk, M.D.

Please join us for an evening of live music, food and cocktails. Honorary Lifetime Achiement Awards will be presented to individuals who have helped the lives of those affected by trauma through their efforts in Policy, Clinical Practice and the Arts.

Schedule of Events

Individual Tickets ($150 per seat) Buy Online

Group Tickets ($1500 per table of 8)Buy Online

You may also purchase your tickets by check. Please make all checks out to "The Trauma Center at JRI" and send them to:

The Trauma Center at JRI
Attn: Sara Moore
1269 Beacon St, 1st Fl.
Brookline, MA 02446

If you can not attend but, would like to make a donation to the Trauma Center click below


Contact Sara Moore at (617) 232-1303 x201 for more information.

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Conference On Innovations In Trauma Research Methods
November 13 - 14, 2007
Baltimore, MD
CITRM 2007 Conference Theme: Research Methods for Studying Violence and Trauma in Children, Intimate Partners, and FamiliesCITRM is devoted to research methods in the field of psychological trauma. CITRM is held annually at the same location as, and immediately preceding or following, the annual meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS).

The fourth annual CITRM will be held in Baltimore on November 13-14, 2007, at the Tremont Grand-Tremont Plaza Hotels.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This yearly conference on trauma research methods is designed to meet the needs of researchers in the broad field of traumatic stress. Therefore, attendance by trauma researchers from the full spectrum of subspecialities is invited.


Email Contact: Lauren.McSweeney@va.gov

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ISTSS 23rd Annual Meeting
November 14 - 17, 2007
Baltimore Marriott Waterfront, Baltimore, MD

"Preventing Trauma and its Effects: A Collaborative Agenda for Scientists, Practitioners, Advocates and Policy Makers"

This conference will highlight the advancement and exchange of knowledge about the prevention of traumatic events and maladaptive trauma-related reactions.

Our goal is to foster communication between presenters and participants about science, practice, policy and advocacy related to: (1) preventing trauma exposure itself; (2) preventing trauma-related adverse mental health outcomes once exposed to severe stress; and (3) preventing the recurrence of trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other trauma-related sequelae. By sharing multi-disciplinary knowledge about prevention from multiple perspectives, cultures, countries, and stakeholders, information that can foster effective prevention programs will be enhanced. As always, science and practice related to tertiary prevention (clinical treatment to reduce impairment) will be considered. Proposals that promote the exchange of new knowledge or information will be given priority.

Who Should Attend:

The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies was founded in 1985 for professionals to share information about the effects of trauma.

ISTSS is dedicated to the discovery and dissemination of knowledge about policy, program and service initiatives that seek to reduce traumatic stressors and their immediate and long-term consequences.

ISTSS provides a forum for the sharing of research, clinical strategies, public policy concerns and theoretical formulations on trauma in the United States and around the world. We are the premier society for the exchange of professional knowledge and expertise in the field.

Members of ISTSS include psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, nurses, counselors, researchers, administrators, advocates, journalists, clergy and others with an interest in the study and treatment of traumatic stress.

ISTSS members come from a variety of clinical and non-clinical settings around the world, including public and private health facilities, private practice, universities, non-university research foundations and many others.

For questions about the program, see the ISTSS Web site at www.istss.org or the ISTSS Annual Meeting Home Page at http://www.istss.org/meetings/index.cfm

Web Site: www.istss.org

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January 2008

22nd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 28 - February 2, 2008
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network is participating in the 22nd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment, sponsored by the Chadwick Center for Children & Families. NCTSN members will be able to partake of some FREE pre-conference sessions organized and conducted by the National Center for Child Traumatic Stress. This unique opportunity will enable NCTSN members to network with other NCTSN sites, get some direction on how to achieve success with the NCTSN Core Data Set, and receive training in the popular Psychological First Aid (PFA) intervention. NCTSN members will enjoy participating in some breakout sessions (to be determined shortly) that will enable them to further connect to the Network and engage peer NCTSN members.

With some 30 NCTSN members participating as presenters at this conference, this event will truly help you acclimate to the NCTSN. Below is information and registration details for the FREE NCTSN pre-conference sessions.

NCTSN Sessions:
Click here for full descriptions of the NCTSN Core Data Set and Psychological First Aid pre-conference sessions.

Click here to register for the Core Data Set and Psychological First Aid sessions
You will need to login into the NCTSN Portal Team Web Site using your unique login and password.

Contact/Questions:Please contact Nick Tise, Network Liaison, at the email listed below:

Email Contact: nicholas.tise@duke.edu

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March 2008

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Child Forensic Interview Clinic
March 10 - 14, 2008
Turtle Cay Resort Virginia Beach, VA

Sponsoring Organization(s):
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Additional Information:
A week-long Child Forensic Interview Clinic that provides an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases. Appropriate for those just beginning as well as those with some experience. The APSAC Clinics present a balanced review of several prominent interview models and bring some of the most well-known national experts together to teach and facilitate practice interviews which are critiqued and videotaped. The Clinic culminates with a Mock Court experience for attendees.

Participants include: law enforcement investigators, child interviewers, CPS investigators, social workers, and any other professional responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected child abuse cases

Event Contact:
Patti Toth
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Email Contact: ptoth@cjtc.state.wa.us

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Eastern Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Treatment
March 26 - 28, 2008
Crystal Gateway Marriott Arlington, VA

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is proud to announce the 7th Annual Eastern Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Treatment. The goal of the conference is to provide a wide range of information on the latest developments and treatment methods and to suggest improved ways of dealing with the day-to-day challenges that occur in working with child sexual abuse. Therapists, child protection workers, attorneys, law enforcement officers, medical professionals, and anyone with a need to know more about child sexual abuse treatment will benefit from the conference.

Event Contact:
Jim Campbell
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Email Contact: jcampbell@dcs.wisc.edu

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April 2008

26th Annual "Protecting Our Children" National American Indian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect
April 20 - 23, 2008
Sheraton Bloomington Hotel - Minneapolis, Minnesota

Reservations, Fees
Reservations: 1-800-325-3535
(952) 835-7800 (Local)
Early-bird: $360 (Before March 28, 2008)
On-site: $425
Presenters: $100

Isla Dane email
Event Manager
(503) 222-4044, ext. 144

About the Conference
With the passage of the Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) almost 30 years ago, tribal sovereignty began to be recognized not only on tribal lands, but also in state offices and courts. Congress began to accept the important role that tribal governments play in ensuring the well-being of their children and families, and ICWA provided the opportunity to make those tribal resources available. While ICWA is well-known for the role it plays in helping individual Indian children and families, what is not always recognized is the role it plays in strengthening tribal communities. ICWA has sparked countless grassroots efforts in tribal communities across the country and continues to be a catalyst for the resurgence of traditional methods of protecting and nurturing Indian children. Tribal governments have also experienced increased opportunities to pursue agreements with and better services from state and private agencies that serve Indian children and families. As a result of ICWA, promising practice and relevant policies continue to emerge from related services, including juvenile courts, mental health and substance abuse treatment, juvenile justice, and resource and training centers. This year's conference will focus on the future of Indian child welfare and how each of us?tribal leaders, ICW workers, and other stakeholders?share the important responsibility in continuing this work. Workshops and presentations will feature innovative strategies to effectively meet the needs of our children and families through strong, collaborative partnerships. Please join us as we gather in beautiful Minneapolis, Minnesota, to learn from each other and build positive outcomes for Indian children and families.

Conference Goals

  • To explore the role ICWA plays in protecting our children and preserving our culture
  • To highlight successful strategies for effective ICWA advocacy
  • To reveal the latest and most innovative approaches to child welfare service delivery
  • To examine the responsibility of key stakeholders in assuring the quality of child welfare services
  • To showcase successful collaborative relationships in Indian child welfare service delivery
  • To investigate the role of research and data in advocacy and collaboration

Workshop Track Description
Advocacy, Collaboration, ICWA Compliance, and Data and Research comprise the four different workshop tracks we have created to meet the needs of our broadening national audience. Additionally, as a comprehensive source of information on American Indian child welfare, NICWA understands the critical role that tribal leadership plays in advocacy. While describing your workshop, please include how your presentation will address the vital role of tribal leadership.

Exhibitor Registration
Deadline: February 15, 2008

Email Contact: isla@nicwa.org

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May 2008

Delaware Conference on Child Traumatic Stress
May 21 , 2008

Sponsoring Organization:
Division of Child Mental Health Services, Delaware Children's Department

Additional Information:
This day-long event includes a mixture of lectures and workshops on child traumatic stress and features such topics as trauma and the juvenile justice systems; parents' roles in helping children deal with traumatic stress; and screening and treatment issues.

Event Contact:
Marcia Roe
Division of Child Mental Health Services
(302) 633-2706

Email Contact: Marcia.roe@state.de.us

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June 2008

The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Child Forensic Interview Clinic
June 2 - 6, 2008
WA State Criminal Justic Training Commission

Sponsoring Organization(s):
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Additional Information:
A week-long Child Forensic Interview Clinic that provides an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases. Appropriate for those just beginning as well as those with some experience. The APSAC Clinics present a balanced review of several prominent interview models and bring some of the most well-known national experts together to teach and facilitate practice interviews which are critiqued and videotaped. The Clinic culminates with a Mock Court experience for attendees.

Participants include: law enforcement investigators, child interviewers, CPS investigators, social workers, and any other professional responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected child abuse cases

Event Contact:
Patti Toth
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Email Contact: ptoth@cjtc.state.wa.us

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In Harm's Way 2008: The Fatherhood Solution
June 12 , 2008
Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, CA

Sponsoring Organization(s):
Children's Institute Inc.

Additional Information
Every child deserves to live in a safe, permanent and caring family with a loving father and mother. Unfortunately, the dramatic increase in the number of children living without fathers means that for millions of children, this is not the case. Theresult is that countless children are growing up without the stability they need to thrive.

In Harm's Way 2008: The Fatherhood Solution is bringing together professionals from across the broad spectrum of child and family services to learn the latest research, policies and practices aimed at increasing the involvement of fathers in the lives and upbringing of their children.

The sixth in a series of national forums produced by Children's Institute, Inc. the 2008 Forum will feature cutting-edge programs, evidence-based practices, and many of the country's leading authorities on this issue.

Event Contact
Conference Coordinator
Children's Institute, Inc.
(213) 385-5100

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ISTSS One-Day Symposium
June 16 , 2008
Royal College of Physicians - London, UK

Sponsoring Organization:
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

Additional Information: ISTSS will hold a one-day symposium on 16 June 2008 at the Royal College of Physicians in central London, U.K. This meeting, open to all ISTSS members as well as others working in the field, will provide an expert update on interventions for traumatised populations.

ISTSS is pleased to report that it will be collaborating with the European Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ESTSS) and EMDR-Europe to provide four days of meetings in London from 13-16 June 2008. Initial details are also available at http://www.emdr2008.org/ and http://www.estss.org/.

Event Contact:
Diane Rutherford, Administrative Director

Web Site: www.istss.org
Email Contact: drutherford@istss.org

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16th Annual APSAC Colloquium
June 18 - 21, 2008
Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort - Phoenix, AZ

Seminars have been designed primarily for professionals in mental health, medicine and nursing, law, law enforcement, education, prevention, research, advocacy, child protection services, and allied fields. All aspects of child maltreatment will be addressed including prevention, assessment, intervention and treatment with victims, perpetrators and families affected by physical, sexual and psychological abuse and neglect. Cultural considerations will also be addressed.

Event Contact:
Jim Campbell
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Email Contact: apsac@apsac.org

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19th Annual International Trauma Conference: Psychological Trauma: Neuroscience, Attachment, and Therapeutic Interventions
June 25 - 28, 2008
Seaport World Trade Center Boston, Massachusetts

Sponsoring organization:
The Meadows
The Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute
Conference Director: Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD

The study of psychological trauma has been accompanied by an explosion of knowledge about how experience shapes the central nervous system and the formation of the self. Developments in the neurosciences, developmental psychopathology, and information processing have contributed to our understanding of how brain function is shaped by experience, and the belief that life itself can continually transform perception and biology. Within the disciplines of psychiatry and psychology, the study of trauma has probablybeen the single most fertile area in developing a deeper understanding of the relationship among the emotional, cognitive, social, and biological forces that shape human development.

Click here for Conference Brochure (PDF)

Event Contact

Email Contact: events@themeadows.com

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Posttraumatic Stress in Preschool Children: Assessment and Evidence-Based Treatment.
June 27 - 28, 2008
Tulane University, New Orleans

Sponsoring Organization(s):
Tulane University, New Orleans

Additional Information:
Details and an on-line brochure are available at http://www.cme.tulane.edu/

Scroll down to "PTSD and Children."
Click on "View Brochure."

Event Contact:
Michael Scheeringa
Associate Professor
Department of Psychiatry and Neurology
Tulane University School of Medicine

Email Contact: mscheer@tulane.edu

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July 2008

Trauma and Resilience: Theory and Practice from the Israeli Experience
July 1 - 14, 2008
July 1 - July 14; optional additional week: July 15 - July 21
Rothberg International School, Hebrew University,
Mount Scopus Campus
Jerusalem, Israel

Sponsoring Organization:
Rothberg International School

Additional Information:
This program aims to give participants a broad picture of the latest developments in the trauma field. Theories and research concerning the consequences of trauma, healthy coping processes, and possible pathological consequences will be presented. Students will learn about risks of developing posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), related distress and potential protective factors. Guiding principles for clinical programs treating posttraumatic disorders will be discussed. An optional third week of clinical training will be conducted for advanced clinicians who are interested in adapting their clinical skills to the trauma field.

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The 2nd Biennial Conference on Brain Development and Learning: Making Sense of the Science
July 12 - 15, 2008
Vancouver, British Columbia

Additional Information
This interdisciplinary conference is devoted to improving children's lives by making cutting-edge research in neuroscience, child psychology, and medicine understandable and applicable to those who work with children on a daily basis.

This conference is approved for CME credit for both US and Canadian psychiatrists.

Email Contact: devcogneuro@gmail.com

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Trauma Systems Therapy Program Leadership Institute
July 22 - 23, 2008
Boston, MA

Sponsoring Organization:
Children's Hospital

Additional Information:
Trauma Systems Therapy is both a clinical model for treating traumatized children and an organizational model. The goal for this training is to provide attendees with the necessary skills to effectively implement TST within their respective sites. Some of these skills include:

  • training of staff in the TST model
  • oversight of the operations of TST team
  • monitoring of fidelity to TST within the team and supervision process
  • forming of strategic partnerships to get the four TST service elements represented on the TST team
  • working with senior management toward supporting the TST program
  • evaluation of your TST program

Event Contacts:
Glenn.Saxe@childrens.harvard.edu or Heidi.Ellis@childrens.harvard.edu

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August 2008

The Treatment of Traumatized Children: Engaging Children and Families in Effective Recovery
August 19 , 2008
Marriott Riverside, 1510 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

Sponsoring Organization:
Childhelp, Inc.

Eliana Gil, PhD

Additional Information:
This program will discuss the rationale for expanding one's clinical repertoire to adjust to the child's needs. We will review the evidence-based practices for children, discuss best practices and explore a range of directive and non-directive strategies, including play therapy, that encourage children's expression and intervene with problems and concerns.

Event Contact:
Denice Brough
Childhelp, Inc.
(602) 635-1435

Email Contact: training@childhelp.org

Back To Top

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Traumatized Children and their Families
August 20 , 2008
Marriott Riverside, 1510 University Ave, Riverside, CA 92507

Sponsoring Organization:
Childhelp, Inc.

Shannon Dorsey, Phd

Additional Information:
Learn about cognitive-behavioral therapy for traumatized children and their families, including strategies to intervene with children and their parents. The rationale for this treatment model is presented and along with a description of the treatment procedures, which are stress management, psycho-education, gradual exposure, cognitive processing, and parental interventions.

Event Contact:
Denice Brough
Childhelp, Inc.
(602) 635-1435

Email Contact: training@childhelp.org

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The Treatment of Traumatized Children: Engaging Children and Families in Effective Recovery
August 25 , 2008
Westin Tysons Corner 7801 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, Virginia 22043

Sponsoring Organization:
Childhelp, Inc.

Eliana Gil, PhD

Additional Information:
This program will discuss the rationale for expanding one's clinical repertoire to adjust to the child's needs. We will review the evidence-based practices for children, discuss best practices and explore a range of directive and non-directive strategies, including play therapy, that encourage children's expression and intervene with problems and concerns.

Event Contact:
Denice Brough
Childhelp, Inc.
(602) 635-1435

Email Contact: training@childhelp.org

Back To Top

Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Traumatized Children and their Families
August 26 , 2008
Westin Tysons Corner 7801 Leesburg Pike
Falls Church, Virginia 22043

Sponsoring Organization:
Childhelp, Inc.

Monica Fitzgerald, PhD

Additional Information:
Learn about cognitive-behavioral therapy for traumatized children and their families, including strategies to intervene with children and their parents. The rationale for this treatment model is presented and along with a description of the treatment procedures, which are stress management, psycho-education, gradual exposure, cognitive processing, and parental interventions.

Event Contact:
Denice Brough
Childhelp, Inc.
(602) 635-1435

Email Contact: training@childhelp.org

Back To Top

September 2008

13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma
September 12 - 17, 2008
Town & Country Resort and Convention Center, San Diego, CA

Sponsoring Organization:
Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma. Alliant University

Additional Information:
This conference is a unique forum for people from all disciplines and philosophies to gather together to exchange current information on what we know and do not yet know, and discuss differences and similarities in what we do and how we do it. The conference covers all aspects of violence, abuse and trauma prevention, intervention, and research. This includes intimate partner violence, child maltreatment, youth violence, judicial issues, sexual assault, disabilities, treatment of victims and offenders, elder abuse, trauma, and more.


Email Contact: IVATconf@alliant.edu

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October 2008

Healing Invisible Wounds: A Cultural Conference on the Shared Legacy of Trauma across Ethnicities
October 20 - 21, 2008
Colony Hotel, Kennebunkport, ME

Sponsoring Organizations:
Thrive Initiative, Caring Across Communities (a project of the Portland Public Schools), The Children's Initiative Community Counseling, and the Office of Minority Health.


Back To Top

Many Faces of Trauma: Community Engaged Trauma Research
October 20 - 21, 2008
Renaissance Hotel Tampa, Florida

Sponsoring Organization:
University of South Florida/Community Trauma Research Group

Additional Information:
Trauma brings lifelong impact for individuals and serious consequences for communities. Research suggests that effects of exposure to trauma cross multiple domains, including attachment, biology, affect regulation, dissociation, behavioral regulation, cognition, and self-concept. For communities, large-scale traumatic events strain health and social services.

The long term, systemic effects of trauma require an interdisciplinary research and practice agenda, grounded in resilience and recovery. Such an agenda should be derived from—and accountable to—partnerships among researchers, providers, survivors, and policy makers. The Many Faces of Trauma: Community Engaged Trauma Research conference is designed to facilitate development of partnerships and approaches that can remediate the impacts of trauma.

Conference objectives:

  • Disseminate state-of-the art information on trauma assessment, intervention and community and system responses to trauma.
  • Ensure trauma-informed policy and practice to increase the well-being of Florida's citizens across the lifespan.
  • Create opportunities for community-engaged trauma research partnerships

Proposals for presentation of papers, panel discussions, and intensive workshops will be accepted until June 30, 2008. Applications are available on the Faces of Trauma website.


Email Contact: dollard@fmhi.usf.edu

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UC Davis National Child Abuse and Neglect Conference
October 27 - 29, 2008
October 30; post-conference PCIT Institute
Sacramento, California

Sponsoring Organization:
University of California at Davis

Additional Information:
The Twenty-seventh Annual UC Davis National Child Abuse and Neglect Conference and accompanying institutes are designed for professionals involved in the investigation, evaluation, and treatment of abused and neglected children and triers of fact. The conference is planned to advance knowledge and practice standards of professionals in the fields of medicine, nursing, social work, mental health, and criminal and juvenile justice.

The post-conference PCIT [Parent-Child Interaction Therapy] Institute is designed for professionals working with at-risk families and providing PCIT services. Participants should have knowledge about PCIT theory, PCIT protocol/procedure, and the model.

Event Contact:

Email Contact: info@canconference.com

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November 2008

International Bullying Prevention Association 5th Annual Conference
November 6 - 7, 2008
Indianapolis, Indiana

Sponsoring Organization:
International Bullying Prevention Association

Additional Information:
This conference is designed for school guidance counselors, administrators, teachers, school health educators, school social workers, school psychologists, school safety specialists, Safe and Drug-Free coordinators, school resource officers (SRO's), school attorneys, and law enforcement working with youth, student service directors, PTA/PTO members, children and family mental health counselors, school nurses, school board members, parents, extended day/after school staff, prevention specialists, etc. This conference also welcomes college students.

Event Contact:
Clarissa Snapp

Email Contact: csnapp@doe.in.gov

Back To Top

ISTSS 24th Annual Meeting
November 13 - 15, 2008
The Palmer House Hilton - Chicago, Illinois USA

Sponsoring Organization:
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

Additional Information:
Terror connotes both a state of extreme fear and the fact that there is usually a perpetrator using violence to intimidate or oppress. In this meeting, we hope to explore the way people respond to terror in diverse settings, and to explore some of the interfaces between basic science, clinical practice and social policy.

ISTSS represents a focal point for trauma specialists and scientists, each bringing their own different perspective, to meet together in one forum. We want to encourage inter-disciplinary, scientific and practice, dialogue. Sessions which encourage conversations among presenters, especially those of differing backgrounds, and between presenters and participants will be very welcome.

Event Contact:
Shalini D'Souza, Registration Coordinator

Web Site: www.istss.org
Email Contact: conference@istss.org

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January 2009

23rd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment NCTSN Child Traumatic Stress Track
January 26 - 30, 2009
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center - San Diego, CA

Event Description
The National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) in partnership with the Chadwick Center for Children and Families, is offering a new track at the conference entirely focused on child traumatic stress. The track will highlight successes in the NCTSN through 14 workshops and a free preconference. All speakers are affiliated with NCTSN centers and were selected through a competitive process.

In addition to formal workshops, the National Center will coordinate "off hour" (during breakfast, lunch, and early evening) events for NCTSN attendees and others. These events will include face-to-face collaborative group meetings, topical discussions on current issues, and social gatherings.

NCTSN Child Traumatic Stress Track information and preregistration:
Click Here

NCTSN Event Contact
Nick Tise, Managing Director Training and Implementation Program
Phone: (919) 682-1552 x260

Email Contact: Nicholas.Tise@duke.edu

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Attachment, Trauma, and the Body
January 26 - 27, 2009
Manchester, NH

Sponsoring Agency
The Trauma Center at Justice Resource Institute

Event Description
In this workshop, we will address the impact of trauma on attachment behavior, explore the effects of sub-optimal attachment experiences on mind and body, consider the effects of traumatic attachment on the therapeutic relationship, and delve into interventions for both the somatic and relational legacies of trauma.

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23rd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment
January 26 - 30, 2009
Town and Country Resort & Convention Center - San Diego, CA

Sponsoring Agency
The Chadwick Center for Children and Families, Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego

Event Description
The Chadwick Center for Children and Families, Rady Children's Hospital-San Diego present the 23rd Annual San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment. The conference is directed to a multidisciplinary audience from the fields of medicine, mental health, interviewing, child welfare, advocacy, law, investigations, education, family support, administration, public policy and research. It features over 200 experts from around the globe providing the latest research, practical experience, and skill building workshops on evidence-based practices. Workshop programs focus on research and evidence-based practice, ensuring quality practice and programs.

For more information and registration:
(858) 966-4972

Email Contact: sdconference@rchsd.org

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International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Webinar with Janina Fisher, PhD.
January 28 , 2009 (12:00 PM EST, 9:00AM PST)
International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation (ISSTD) Webinar with Janina Fisher, PhD. Treating the Addicted Survivor of Trauma: A Somatic Perspective, January 28, 2009 at 12:00 PM EST, 11:00 AM CST, 10:00 AM MST, 9:00 AM PST. In this 90-minute webinar, join us as we explore an integrated approach to the treatment of trauma and addictive disorders rooted in a neurobiological understanding of traumatic stress, along with practical strategies and interventions for managing high-risk consequences of addiction. For more information on registering for this event please visit
Web Site: www.isst-d.org

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February 2009

Healing the Generations: The First Annual Family Violence and Trauma Conference
February 5 - 6, 2009
Foxwoods Resort Casino Ledyard, CT

Sponsoring Agencies
Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Clifford Beers Clinic

Event Description
This annual conference is co-sponsored by the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and Clifford Beers Clinic, who recognize the powerful health implications violence and trauma exposure have on children and their families. We are also convinced that it is in our families and communities that we find hope and connection, which are powerful antidotes to adverse childhood experiences. The Healing the Generations conference offers consumers (parents, teens, and siblings) and professionals from child and family service agencies, state and local community partners, schools, universities and colleges the opportunity to share trauma-related educational programming and resources. Presentations on applied research and collaborative strategies will focus on the effects of violence and trauma on children and families

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National Conference of the Child Welfare League of America (Children Today...America's Future!)
February 23 - 25, 2009
Marriott Wardman Park Hotel - Washington, DC

Sponsoring Agency
Child Welfare League of America

Event Description
CWLA is heading in exciting new directions that will improve children's lives. Our national conference, Children Today... America's Future! will set the stage for the important work to be done in 2009 to make the well-being of our children a top priority ?among both policy makers, and the general public.

Since 1920 CWLA has lead the child welfare field in practice excellence, advocacy, research, and program development, as well as providing award-winning professional publications. At this critical juncture, we have decided to expand the focus of this conference to include advancing our priorities within the context of a new economic environment---to lead change through public-private collaboration, data-driven decision-making, evidence-based practice, expanded use of technology, and a broad-based approach to advocacy and building public will.

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National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) 2009 Annual Convention
February 24 - 28, 2009
Boston, MA

Event Description
Expand your knowledge, improve your skills, and connect with colleagues in educational and social settings. Join NASP in Boston for the 2009 convention and develop knowledge and skills from renowned experts on important topics such as school mental health and linguistically and culturally responsive practice.

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March 2009

22nd Annual Research Conference: A System of Care for Children's Mental Health: Expanding the Research Base
March 1 - 4, 2009
Tampa, FL

Sponsoring Agency
Research and Training Center for Children's Mental Health

Event Description
Times of change bring both challenge and opportunity. With a change in administration at the federal level, and the severe economic crisis, the challenge is for the children's mental health field to demonstrate the economy and effectiveness of systems-wide and community-wide approaches to serving children and youth with mental health challenges and their families. The 22nd Annual Research Conference offers the opportunity to share findings, suggest solutions, and identify strategies for promoting positive child, family, and community outcomes through implementing effective systems of care.

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Where are the Fathers? Relational Approaches for Domestic Violence Exposure in Early Childhood
March 6 , 2009
Culver City, CA

Sponsoring Agency
Westside Infant-Family Network (WIN)

Event Description
Dr. Alicia Lieberman of the University of California-San Francisco and the Child Trauma Research Program of San Francisco General Hospital is the trainer for this session on domestic violence in very young children. In this day-long seminar, participants will

  • Become familiar with a range of possible infant mental health interventions for children exposed to domestic violence, including Dr. Lieberman's innovative "Co-Parenting" model.
  • Clarify steps for assessing which approaches are indicated, with a focus on safety of the intervener and the family.
  • Explore how involvement of both partners is actualized (parallel dyadic and triadic engagement and engagement strategies).
  • Learn strategies to help parents view their relationship in context of its impact on the child, and in context to their parenting goals with the child.
  • Investigate strategies to help the child contextualize-but not justify parental violence.

Event Contact
Rachel Ford
Westside Infant-Family Network
(310) 846-4100 x6131

Email Contact: RachelF@winla.org

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The American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) Child Forensic Interview Clinic
March 9 - 13, 2009
Turtle Cay Resort Virginia Beach, VA

Sponsoring Agency
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children

Additional Information
A week-long Child Forensic Interview Clinic that provides an unparalleled intensive training opportunity for professionals responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected abuse cases. Appropriate for those just beginning as well as those with some experience. The APSAC Clinics present a balanced review of several prominent interview models and bring some of the most well-known national experts together to teach and facilitate practice interviews which are critiqued and videotaped. The Clinic culminates with a Mock Court experience for attendees.

Participants include: law enforcement investigators, child interviewers, CPS investigators, social workers, and any other professional responsible for investigative interviews with children in suspected child abuse cases

Event Contact
Dee Dee Bandy
American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children
Phone: (630) 941-1235

Email Contact: dbandy@apsac.org

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25th National Symposium on Child Abuse
March 23 - 26, 2009
Hunstville, AL

Sponsoring Agency
National Children's Advocacy Center

Event Description
This symposium is a multidisciplinary training conference offering numerous networking opportunities and more than 130 workshops. Workshop tracks are designed specifically for administration, child protective services, interviewing, law enforcement, legal, medical, mental health/treatment, prevention, victim advocates, and wellness. Many workshops are of interest to anyone in the child maltreatment field.

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Trauma, Chemical Use and Addiction
March 24 , 2009
St. Joseph Mercy Hospital, Ypsilanti, MI

Sponsoring Agency
Dawn Farm

Event Description
This workshop will be presented by Dr. Tana Bridge, Ph.D., LMSW; Associate Professor, School of Social Work, Eastern Michigan University. The latest research highlights the relationship between chemical use, addition and trauma. This presentation will review events involved with trauma exposure, trauma specific symptomology, the impact trauma has on the brain and on coping and subsequent substance use, and how to aid individuals struggling with trauma and addiction.

This event is free, and registration is not required.

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Eastern Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Treatment
March 25 - 27, 2009
Crystal Gateway Marriott Arlington, VA

The University of Wisconsin-Madison is proud to announce the 7th Annual Eastern Conference on Child Sexual Abuse Treatment. The goal of the conference is to provide a wide range of information on the latest developments and treatment methods and to suggest improved ways of dealing with the day-to-day challenges that occur in working with child sexual abuse. Therapists, child protection workers, attorneys, law enforcement officers, medical professionals, and anyone with a need to know more about child sexual abuse treatment will benefit from the conference.

Event Contact
Jim Campbell
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Phone: (608) 262-2352

Email Contact: jcampbell@dcs.wisc.edu

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Preventing, Assessing & Treating Child, Adolescent and Adult Trauma
March 31 - April 4, 2009
Ala Moana Hotel, Honolulu, Hi

Sponsoring Agency
Institute on Violence, Abuse, and Trauma

Event Description
The goals of this conference are to present the latest research, prevention, assessment, and intervention techniques concerning various aspects of child, adolescent and adult trauma and maltreatment and the long-term effects if they go untreated. Plenary and breakout sessions discuss the types of child, adolescent and adult trauma, the dynamics of maltreatment and trauma at home or in the community, and the effects on children, adolescents, and adults psychologically, behaviorally and neurodevelopmentally. Nationally and internationally recognized presenters and local practitioners come together to discuss the latest research, assessment methods, interventions, and prevention strategies for children, adolescents and adults who have been traumatized, abused, and/or victimized. Applying current research information and providing practical techniques are emphasized throughout this conference.

For more information and registration:
(858) 527-1860 x4030

Email Contact: IVATConf@alliant.edu

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April 2009

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Children & Their Families
April 2 - 3, 2009
George J. Magovern, M.D. Conference Center Allegheny General Hospital Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Sponsoring Agency
Department of Psychiatry Allegheny General HospitalPittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Event Description
Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT), developed by Judith Cohen, Anthony Mannarino, and Esther Deblinger, is an empirically supported treatment for children and families exposed to traumatic life events. This two-day training will provide an intensive review of all of the TF-CBT treatment components, with a specific focus on clinical implementation strategies. It would be beneficial for participants to have completed the TF-CBT online training course at www.musc.edu/tfcbt prior to the live training.

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Fourth Annual Conference on Hope and Healing - Dedicated to the Prevention of Child Maltreatment
April 23 - 24, 2009
Pittsburgh, PA

Sponsoring Agency
The Child Advocacy Center at Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC

Event Description
The fourth annual conference, dedicated to the prevention of child maltreatment, promises two days of informational sessions and networking. Thursday will feature the plenary session "The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But the Truth: Challenges in the Field of Child Protection" by Cindy Christian, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, along with special addresses by Attorney General Tom Corbett and the Honorable David N. Wecht. Afternoon workshops include medical evaluation of child abuse, vicarious traumatization, addressing the needs of LGBTQ youth in the child welfare system, child pornography offenders, and parenting styles vs. children's temperaments. Friday will feature the opportunity to attend one of several all-day, skill-building institutes. A wide variety of continuing educational credits, including social work and LPC CEU's, PA CLE's, CME's and psychologist CE's, are offered.

Email Contact: rob.wittman@chp.edu

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Critical Intersections: Strengthening the Future of Traumatized Children During an Economic Crisis
April 29 , 2009
Yonkers, NY

Sponsoring Agency
Andrus Children's Center

Event Description
The Andrus Children's Center is committed to achieving a shared understanding of the effects of trauma, adversity and chronic stress on individuals, organizations, and our larger community. The Andrus Center for Learning and Innovation will host this symposium to discuss how traumatized children can thrive in tough economic times. Dr. Robert Anda will present the ACE Study, analyzing the relationship between multiple categories of childhood trauma and health and behavioral outcomes in adulthood. In this special presentation Dr. Anda will be joined by an expert panel to discuss the intersection between poverty and trauma in children.

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May 2009

NCTSN Terrorism, Disaster, and Children Speaker Series Event: Lessons Learned from the New York Area Child and Adolescent Trauma Treatment and Services (CATS) Program after 9/11
May 4 , 2009 (12:00 p.m. PST / 3:00 p.m. EST)
NCTSN Learning Center

Event Description
Join Juliet Vogel, PhD and Peter D'Amico, PhD of North Shore University Hospital as they discuss challenges encountered and lessons learned in providing mental health services to children and adolescents in the aftermath of 9/11. This online presentation is part of a series on providing trauma treatment to children affected by terrorism and disaster.

To register for this free online event, please visit the NCTSN Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma. If you are new to the Learning Center, you must create an account (click on "Create new account" in the upper right corner), and you must enroll in the Terrorism, Disaster, and Children Speaker Series course, under Continuing Education. Continuing Education Credits (CEs) are available for this course.

Series Flier

Email Contact: help@nctsn.org

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NCTSN Child Traumatic Grief Speaker Series Event: Childhood Traumatic Grief: Issues and Interventions Related to Military Children
May 6 , 2009 (10:30 a.m. PST / 1:30 p.m. EST)
NCTSN Learning Center

Event Description
Both in times of peace and in times of conflict, children with parents in the military must cope with unique stressors. Heather Campagna, EdS, CT, Director of the Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) Good Grief Camp and Network member Robin F. Goodman, PhD, ATR-BC will provide an overview of issues specific to military culture and family life, describe two specific models for treating bereaved military children, and offer suggestions for families, educators, and medical providers. This online presentation is part of a series on traumatic grief in children and adolescents.

To register for this free online event, please visit the NCTSN Learning Center for Child and Adolescent Trauma. If you are new to the Learning Center, you must create an account (click on "Create new account" in the upper right corner), and you must enroll in the Child Traumatic Grief Speaker Series course, under Continuing Education. Continuing Education Credits (CEs) are available for this course.

Series Flier

Email Contact: help@nctsn.org

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Teaching Traumatized Children: Creating Trauma-Informed Schools
May 7 - 8, 2009
Milwaukee, WI

Sponsoring Agency
School of Continuing Education, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee

Event Description
Some of the most difficult learning and behavior problems that schools face can be linked to children's exposure to trauma. Research now shows that trauma from exposure to family violence, crime, disaster, accident, abuse and other adverse experiences can undermine children's ability to learn, form relationships, and function appropriately in the classroom. Discover the impact trauma has on learning, behavior, and relationships at school, and understand the framework that any school can use to create an environment responsive to the needs of all children who experience emotional barriers that prevent them from being successful learners.

Email Contact: sce@uwm.edu

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