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GES DISC DAAC News Archive
07.20.06 - Tropical Storm Beryl
On the morning of July 18, the low pressure area, few hundred miles east of the North Carolina coast, was designated the second tropical cyclone of the season, ending more than a month of inactivity in the Atlantic Basin.
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07.10.06 - 2005 Past Hurricane Archive active
Images and animations of images for parameters on MODIS, TRMM, MLS and OMI from the 2005 hurricane season were added to the Past Hurricane Archive.
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07.10.06 - Animations added to the Hurricane Archive
Animations of images for parameters on MODIS, TRMM, MLS and OMI from the 2005 hurricane season added to the Past Hurricane Archive. Animations were created of the images that were generated over the life cycle of each hurricane during the 2005 season. TRMM parameters include the 3 hour Rainfall...
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07.06.06 - 3-hour rainfall total and accumulated rainfall images
More animations and images were added to the Image gallery. You can now view animations for the 3-hour rainfall total and accumulated rainfall TRMM products of the following regions: Atlantic, Florida-Bahamas, Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, Puerto Rico, West Africa, Central USA and East USA.
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06.30.06 - New data mining system replaces NADM
S4PM-Data Mining Edition (S4PM-DME) is a new and improved data mining system that replaces the old Near Archive Data Mining (NADM) system at the GES DISC. S4PM-DME is a system that allows users to upload data mining algorithms through a simple Web interface and run them against data in the GES ...
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06.29.06 - NASA's S4PM 5.13.0 has just been released to the open source community
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.13.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge and from the GSFC Open Source Software site.
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06.20.06 - OMI OMDOAO3 and OMCLDO2 Products Available
The OMI Total Column Ozone Product 'OMDOAO3' ( based on DOAS algorithm), and the Cloud Product 'OMCLDO2' (based on O2 absorption) are now available. For more information about these data products please see these links: OMDOAO3, OMCLDO3
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06.10.06 - Hurricane Season Starts with Alberto
Tropical Storm Alberto was the first tropical storm to kick off the hurricane season in the Atlantic region.
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05.31.06 - NASA's S4PM 5.12.0 has just been released to the open source community
The Simple, Scalable, Script-Based, Science Processor for Measurements (S4PM) version 5.12.0 is now available to the open source community from SourceForge and from the GSFC Open Source Software site.
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05.31.06 - The GES DISC Mourns the Loss of Dr. Yoram Kaufman
It is with the deepest sadness that we learned of the loss of our dear friend this week, Dr. Yoram Kaufman. Dr. Kaufman was a dedicated colleague and a wonderful person with great charisma and charm. We will miss him and the great energy he brought into our lives.
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  • Last updated: November 16, 2007 12:19:06 UTC