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Mission to Mars' north poloar region Phoenix Mars Lander
news and features
Artist's depiction of the spacecraft fully deployed on the surface of Mars.NASA Finishes Listening for Phoenix Mars Lander
After nearly a month of daily checks to determine whether Martian NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander would be able to communicate again, the agency has stopped using its Mars orbiters to hail the lander and listen for its beep.
+ Read more (December 01)
Phoenix's robotic armPhoenix Mars Lander Team Wins Innovation Award
The University of Arizona has received an Arizona Governor's Innovator of the Year Award for leading NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander mission.
+ Univ. of Arizona release (November 19)
Artist's depiction of the spacecraft fully deployed on the surface of Mars.NASA Mars Lander Receives Award From Magazine
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has won recognition from Popular Science magazine as an innovation worthy of the publication's "Best of What's New" Grand Award in the aviation and space category.
+ Read more (November 13)
Phoenix's robotic armMars Phoenix Lander Finishes Successful Work on Red Planet
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has ceased communications after operating for more than five months.
+ Read more (November 10)
Artist concept of the Phoenix Mars LanderNASA Hearing Daily From Weak Phoenix Mars Lander (Nov. 3)
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has communicated with controllers daily since Oct. 30 through relays to Mars orbiters.
+ Read more (November 03)
Full-Circle Color Panorama of Phoenix Landing Site on Northern MarsPhoenix Mission Status Report
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander communicated with an orbiter Thursday. Engineers continue assessing the lander's status and steps needed for returning to science activities.
+ Read more (October 30)
Artist's depiction of the spacecraft fully deployed on the surface of Mars.Phoenix Mission Status Report
NASA'S Phoenix Mars Lander entered safe mode late yesterday in response to a low-power fault brought on by deteriorating weather conditions.
+ Read more (October 29)
Phoenix's robotic armNASA's Phoenix Mission Faces Survival Challenges
In a race against time and the elements, engineers with NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander mission hope to extend the lander's survival by gradually shutting down some of its instruments and heaters, starting today.
+ Read more (October 28)
National Space Club  Astronautics Engineer AwardNASA's Phoenix Mars Team Wins National Space Club Award
The National Space Club presented NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander mission team with its Astronautics Engineer Award last night in Huntsville, Ala.
+ Read more (October 23)
Soil on PhoenixPhoenix Lander Finishes Soil Delivery to Onboard Labs
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has finished scooping soil samples to deliver to its onboard laboratories, and is now preparing to analyze samples already obtained.
+ Read more (October 21)
Soil Fills Phoenix Laboratory CellPhoenix Gets Bonus Soil Sample
The Mars Phoenix Lander's robotic arm successfully delivered soil into oven six of the lander's thermal and evolved-gas analyzer (TEGA) on Monday, Oct. 13, or Martian day (sol) 137 of the mission.
+ Read more (October 17)
instrument waving in windPhoenix Braves Dust and Winds
High winds and dust devils blew through Phoenix's landing site last weekend. These two short videos show them in action.
+ Read more (October 15)
Phoenix's robotic armPhoenix Mars Mission Honored by Popular Mechanics
Three members of the Phoenix team were recognized for leading the successful mission to Mars: Barry Goldstein, the Phoenix project manager from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory; Peter Smith, the principal investigator from the University of Arizona, Tuscon;
+ Read more (October 15)
dust storm on MarsPhoenix Weathers Dust Storm
The Phoenix Lander over the weekend successfully weathered a regional dust storm that temporarily lowered its solar power, and the team is back investigating the Red Planet's northern plains.
+ Read more (October 14)
3D view of trenches on MarsPhoenix Digs Mars
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has been digging and excavating Martian soil with its nearly 8-foot-long robotic arm. New images, like this one in 3D, show the trenchwork taken on Oct. 7.
+ Full image and caption (October 10)
La Mancha trenchPhoenix Lander Digs and Analyzes Soil as Darkness Gathers
As fall approaches Mars' northern plains, NASA's Phoenix Lander is busy digging into the Red Planet's soil and scooping it into its onboard science laboratories for analysis.
+ Read more (October 08)
Martian SunriseNASA Mars Lander Sees Falling Snow, Soil Data Suggest Liquid Past
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has detected snow falling from Martian clouds.
+ Read more (September 29)
Rock moved by Mars landerMars Lander Moves Rock to Study What's Beneath
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander slid a rock into a nearby trench Monday to gain access to the soil under the rock.
+ Full image and caption (September 23)
rock nicknamed HeadlessNASA's Phoenix Lander Might Peek Under a Rock
If the robotic arm on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander can nudge a rock aside today, scientists on the Phoenix team would like to see what's underneath.
+ Read more (September 22)
Morning frost in trenchMorning Frost in Martian Trench
A Sept. 18 false-color image from NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander shows morning frost and subsurface ice in a trench where the lander was working.
+ Full image and caption (September 19)
crumpled heat shieldPhoenix Images Discarded Heat Shield
A new color high-resolution image from the Phoenix Mars Lander shows its crumpled heat shield about 150 meters away from the spacecraft.
+ Full image and caption (September 17)
More soil delivered to Phoenix labMore Soil Delivered to Phoenix Lab
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has successfully delivered more soil to its Wet Chemistry Laboratory.
+ Full image and caption (September 16)
Martian dust devilNASA's Phoenix Lander Sees, Feels Martian Whirlwinds in Action
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has photographed several dust devils dancing across the arctic plain this week and sensed a dip in air pressure as one passed near the lander.
+ Read more (September 11)
'Snow White' trenchNext Mars Soil Scoop Slated for Last of Lander's Wet Lab Cells
The next soil sample that NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander will deliver to its deck instruments will go to the fourth of the four cells of Phoenix's wet chemistry laboratory, according to the Phoenix team's current plans.
+ Read more (September 09)
Clumps on leg strut beneath PhoenixPhoenix Monitors Frosty Clumps on its Struts
The latest look underneath NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander shows growth of clumps that are adhering to a leg strut.
+ Full image and caption (September 08)
fork-like conductivity probe on PhoenixSpiky Probe on NASA Mars Lander Raises Vapor Quandary
A fork-like conductivity probe has sensed humidity rising and falling beside Phoenix, but when stuck into the ground, its measurements so far indicate soil that is thoroughly and perplexingly dry.
+ Read more (September 04)
Ice Clouds in Martian Arctic (Accelerated Movie)Analysis Begins on Deepest Soil Sample
Scientists have begun to analyze a sample of soil delivered to NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's wet chemistry experiment from the deepest trench dug so far in the Martian arctic plains.
+ Read more (September 01)
Picking up Clues from the Discard PileNASA Phoenix Mission Conducting Extended Activities on Mars
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, having completed its 90-day primary mission, is continuing its science collection activities.
+ Read more (August 29)
trench on marsDigs Deeper As Third Month Nears End
The next sample of Martian soil being grabbed for analysis is coming from a trench about three times deeper than any other trench NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has dug.
+ Read more (August 25)
Mid-Level Soil Sample for Oven Number SevenMid-Depth Soil Collected for Lab Test On NASA's Mars Lander
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has scooped up a soil sample from an intermediate depth between the ground surface and a subsurface icy layer.
+ Read more (August 21)
Phoenix's workspacePhoenix Mars Lander Explores Site by Trenching
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander scientists and engineers are continuing to dig into the area around the lander with the spacecraft's robotic arm, looking for new materials to analyze and examining the soil and ice subsurface structure.
+ Read more (August 20)
3D map showing martian particlePhoenix Microscope Takes First Image of Martian Dust Particle
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has taken the first-ever image of a single particle of Mars' ubiquitous dust, using its atomic force microscope.
+ Read more (August 14)
sample delivered through gap in ovenSoil Studies Continue at Site of Phoenix Mars Lander
Vibration of the screen above a laboratory oven on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander on Saturday got enough soil into the oven begin analysis of the sample.
+ Read more (August 09)
Snow White trenchPhoenix Mars Team Opens Window on Scientific Process
Mission scientists today discussed their current investigation into percholate salts detected in Martian soil. The salts are neither good nor bad for life, said one scientist, but do make us reassess how we think about life on Mars.
+ View release (August 05)
Phoenix's robotic armNASA Spacecraft Analyzing Martian Soil Data
Scientists are analyzing results from soil samples delivered several weeks ago to science instruments on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander to understand the landing site's soil chemistry and mineralogy.
+ View release (August 04)
panoramic view shoing Phoenix on MarsNASA Spacecraft Confirms Martian Water, Mission Extended
Laboratory tests aboard NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have identified water in a soil sample.
+ Full story (July 31)
Animated GIF of Snow QueenClose-Up Images of 'Snow Queen' Show Changes
A distinctive hard-surface feature called "Snow Queen" beneath NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander visibly changed sometime between mid-June and mid-July, close-up images from the Robotic Arm Camera show.
+ Read more (July 29)
Phoenix's Oven Doors Fully OpenNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Working With Sticky Soil
Scientists and engineers on NASA's Phoenix Mars Mission spent the weekend examining how the icy soil on Mars interacts with the scoop on the lander's robotic arm, while trying different techniques to deliver a sample to one of the instruments.
+ Read more (July 28)
Phoenix's robotic armPhoenix Revises Method to Deliver Icy Sample
Phoenix's robotic arm will use a revised collection-and-delivery sequence overnight Sunday with the goal of depositing an icy soil sample in the lander's oven.
+ Read more (July 27)
After Rasping in 'Snow White' on Sol 60Lander Collects Icy Soil But Needs to Work on Delivery
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's robotic arm collected a more than adequate amount of icy soil for baking in one of the lander's ovens but will need to adjust how it delivers samples.
+ Read more (July 26)
Doors Fully Open on Phoenix's Next OvenPhoenix Scoop Ready for Sampling
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's robotic arm scoop is primed and ready to collect a soil sample from the northern region of Mars to analyze for the presence of water and other possible ingredients.
+ Read more (July 25)
'Snow White' Trench After ScrapingTrench on Mars Ready for Next Sampling by NASA Lander
Phoenix Mars Lander has groomed the bottom of a shallow trench to prepare for collecting a sample to be analyzed from a hard subsurface layer where the soil may contain frozen water.
+ Read more (July 24)
panorama image of marsNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Prepares for Next Sample Analysis
The latest activities of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander have moved the mission closer to analyzing a sample of material, possibly icy soil, from a hard layer at the bottom of a shallow trench beside the lander.
+ Read more (July 23)
Before and after animation of a trench on MarsPhoenix Completes Longest Work Shift
Phoenix early Tuesday finished its longest work shift of the mission.
+ Read more (July 22)
Doors Fully Open on Phoenix's Next OvenNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Works Through the Night
To coordinate with observations made by an orbiter flying repeatedly overhead, NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is working a schedule Monday that includes staying awake all night for the first time.
+ Read more (July 21)
Phoenix Scoop Inverted Showing RaspNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Continues Tests with Rasp
The team operating NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander plans to tell the lander today to do a second, larger test of using a motorized rasp to produce and gather shavings of frozen ground.
+ Read more (July 18)
Martian surface seen in 3-D3-D Views Posted From NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander
NASA's Phoenix Mars Mission has released stereo images of the Martian surface near the Phoenix lander.
+ Read more (July 17)
Rasping in 'Snow White'Phoenix Rasps Frozen Layer, Collects Sample
A powered rasp on the back of the robotic arm scoop of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander successfully drilled into the frozen soil and loosened material that was collected in the lander's scoop.
+ View release (July 16)
scoop is inverted and the rasp is pointing upNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander to Begin Rasping Frozen Layer
A powered rasp on the back of the robotic arm scoop of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is being tested for the first time on Mars in gathering sample shavings of ice.
+ View release (July 15)
Trench on MarsNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Extending Trench
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is using its Robotic Arm to enlarge an exposure of hard subsurface material expected to yield a sample of ice-rich soil for analysis in one of the lander's ovens.
+ Read more (July 14)
spikes on Phoenix insrument inserted into soilNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Uses Soil Probe and Swiss Scope
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has touched Martian soil with a fork-like probe for the first time and begun using a microscope that examines shapes of tiny particles by touching them.
+ Read more (July 10)
current sample scraping areaSample-Collection Tests by NASA's Phoenix Lander Continue
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's science and engineering teams are testing methods to get an icy sample into the Robotic Arm scoop for delivery to the Thermal and Evolved Gas Analyzer (TEGA).
+ Read more (July 08)
Robotic Arm scoop positioned over the Wet Chemistry LabNASA's Phoenix Lander Delivers Soil-Chemistry Sample
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander used its Robotic Arm to deliver a second sample of soil for analysis by the spacecraft's wet chemistry laboratory, data received from Phoenix on Sunday night confirmed.
+ Read more (July 07)
trench on MarsPhoenix to Bake Ice-Rich Sample Next Week
The next sample delivered to NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander's Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer will be ice-rich.
+ Read more (July 02)
trench on MarsPhoenix Scrapes 'Almost Perfect' Icy Soil for Analysis
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander enlarged the "Snow White" trench and scraped up little piles of icy soil on Saturday, June 28, the 33rd Martian day, or sol, of the mission.
+ Read more (July 01)
Snow White trenches and scrapingPhoenix Scrapes to Icy Soil in Wonderland
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander scraped to icy soil in the "Wonderland" area on Thursday, June 26, confirming that surface soil, subsurface soil and icy soil can be sampled at a single trench.
+ Read more (June 27)
microscopic view of contents of scoopPhoenix Returns Treasure Trove for Science
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander performed its first wet chemistry experiment on Martian soil flawlessly yesterday, returning a wealth of data that for Phoenix scientists was like winning the lottery.
+ View release (June 26)
Phoenix Poised to Deliver Sample for Wet ChemistryNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Puts Soil in Chemistry Lab, Team Discusses Next Steps
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander placed a sample of Martian soil in the spacecraft's wet chemistry laboratory today for the first time.
+ Read more (June 25)
Phoenix Poised to Deliver Sample for Wet ChemistryPhoenix Poised to Deliver Sample for Wet Chemistry
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander repositioned its robotic arm slightly today and is now poised to deliver Martian soil to its wet chemistry laboratory.
+ Read more (June 24)
Phoenix's robotic arm carries soil samplePhoenix Lander Prepares for Microscopy, Wet Chemistry on Mars
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has delivered a scoop of Martian soil from the "Snow White" trenches to the optical microscope for analysis tomorrow, June 24, the 29th Martian day of the mission, or Sol 29.
+ Read more (June 23)
Phoenix's robotic arm carries soil sampleNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Delivers Soil Sample to Microscope
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Saturday beamed back images showing that Phoenix's Robotic Arm successfully sprinkled soil onto the delivery port of the lander's Optical Microscope.
+ Read more (June 21)
Disappearing Ice In ColorNASA Phoenix Mars Lander Confirms Frozen Water
Scientists relishing confirmation of water ice near the surface beside NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander anticipate even bigger discoveries from the robotic mission in the weeks ahead.
+ Read more (June 20)
sublimation of iceBright Chunks at Phoenix Lander's Mars Site Must Have Been Ice
Dice-size crumbs of bright material have vanished from inside a trench where they were photographed by NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander four days ago, convincing scientists that the material was frozen water that vaporized after digging exposed it.
+ Read more (June 19)
Phoenix's robotic arm carries soil sample NASA Mars Lander to Dig; Team Probes Flash Memory
NASA's Phoenix Mars Mission generated an unusually high volume of spacecraft housekeeping data on Tuesday causing the loss of some non-critical science data.
+ Read more (June 18)
new trench, dubbed 'Snow White'Phoenix Makes First Trench in Science Preserve
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander began digging in an area called "Wonderland" early Tuesday, taking its first scoop of soil from a polygonal surface feature within the "national park" region that mission scientists have been preserving for science.
+ Read more (June 17)
color-coded elevation mapNASA Phoenix Lander Bakes Sample, Arm Digs Deeper
One of the ovens on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander continued baking its first sample of Martian soil over the weekend, while the Robotic Arm dug deeper into the soil to learn more about white material first revealed on June 3.
+ Read more (June 16)
Phoenix's robotic arm carries soil sampleNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Inspects Delivered Soil Samples
New observations from Phoenix provide the most magnified view ever seen of Martian soil, showing particles clumping together even at the smallest visible scale.
+ View release (June 13)
Martian soil sprinkled into sample wheel of microscopeNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Delivers Soil Sample to Microscope
Phoenix sprinkled a spoonful of Martian soil Wednesday onto the sample wheel of the spacecraft's robotic microscope station, images received early Thursday confirmed.
+ Read more (June 12)
two trenches dug by Phoenix's Robotic ArmNASA's Phoenix Lander Has An Oven Full Of Martian Soil
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has filled its first oven with Martian soil.
+ Read more (June 11)
sequence of four images from the spacecraft's Surface Stereo ImagerNASA Lander Will Sprinkle Martian Soil for Microscope to View
The team operating NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander plans to instruct the spacecraft in the next few days to use its Robotic Arm to sprinkle a spoonful of Martian soil onto a wheel that will rotate the sample into place for viewing by the spacecraft's Optical M
+ Read more (June 10)
Martian soil resting on a screenNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Testing Sprinkle Technique
Engineers are testing a revised method for delivering soil samples to laboratory instruments on Phoenix's deck now that researchers appreciate how clumpy the soil is at the landing site.
+ Read more (June 09)
raw image of Mars from PhoenixPhoenix Sifts for Samples, Continues Imaging Landing Site
On Sunday, mechanical shakers inside the Thermal and Evolved-Gas Analyzer on Phoenix will attempt to loosen clumped soils on the device's screens to allow material to fall into the oven for analysis later in the week.
+ Read more (June 08)
Robotic Arm of NASA's Phoenix Mars LanderNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Checking Soil Properties
The arm of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander released a handful of clumpy Martian soil onto a screened opening of a laboratory instrument on the spacecraft Friday, but the instrument did not confirm that any of the sample passed through the screen.
+ View release (June 07)
Robotic Arm scoop with a soil sampleNASA Mars Lander Scoops First Soil Sample for Laboratory Analysis
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander made its first dig into Martian soil for science studies and is poised to deliver the scoopful to a laboratory instrument on the lander deck.
+ View release (June 06)
microscopic image of dust and sand on MarsHighest Resolution View Ever From Mars Comes From NASA Lander
A microscope on NASA's Mars Phoenix Lander has taken images of dust and sand particles with the greatest resolution ever returned from another planet.
+ View release (June 05)
Martian soil near Phoenix landerNASA's Phoenix Mars Lander Ready to Gather Samples
Two practice rounds of digging and dumping the clumpy soil at the Martian arctic site this week gave scientists and engineers gathered at the University of Arizona confidence to begin using Phoenix's Robotic Arm to deliver soil samples to instruments on t
+ Read more (June 04)
Martian soil near Phoenix landerNASA's Phoenix Retesting Release of Martian Soil
Engineers and scientists operating NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander decided early today to repeat a practice test of releasing Martian soil from the scoop on the lander's Robotic Arm.
+ Read more (June 03)
impression on the surface of MarsNASA's Phoenix Scoops Up Martian Soil
One week after landing on far-northern Mars, NASA Phoenix spacecraft lifted its first scoop of Martian soil as a test of the lander's Robotic Arm.
+ Read more (June 02)
Phoenix's impression on MarsNASA's Phoenix Lander Makes an Impression on Mars
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander reached out and touched the Martian soil for the first time on Saturday, May 31, the first step in a series of actions expected to bring soil and ice to the lander's experiments.
+ Read more (June 01)
View under PhoenixCamera on Arm Looks Beneath NASA Mars Lander
A view of the ground underneath NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander adds to evidence that descent thrusters dispersed overlying soil and exposed a harder substrate that may be ice.
+ Read more (May 31)
Mars surface under PhoenixNASA'S Phoenix Lander Robotic Arm Camera Sees Possible Ice
TUCSON, Ariz.-- Scientists have discovered what may be ice that was exposed when soil was blown away as NASA's Phoenix spacecraft landed on Mars last Sunday, May 25.
+ View release (May 30)
Phoenix on MarsNASA Phoenix Mars Lander Puts Arm and Other Tools to Work
NASA's Mars lander is returning more detailed images from the Martian surface and is now preparing its instruments for science operations.
+ View release (May 29)
on left, robotic arm elbow joint stowed and on right, the same area after commandsNASA's Phoenix Spacecraft Commanded to Unstow Arm
Scientists leading NASA's Phoenix Mars mission from the University of Arizona in Tucson sent commands to unstow its robotic arm and take more images of its landing site early today.
+ Read more (May 28)
Phoenix on MarsOrbiter Relays Second-Day Information From NASA Mars Lander
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter successfully received information from the Phoenix Mars Lander Tuesday evening and relayed the information to Earth.
+ Read more (May 27)
The butterfly-like object in this picture is NASA's Phoenix Mars LanderNASA Mars Lander Prepares to Move Arm
NASA's Phoenix Lander is ready to begin moving its robotic arm, first unlatching its wrist and then flexing its elbow.
+ View release (May 27)
NASA's Mars Phoenix Lander can be seen parachuting down to MarsCamera on Mars Orbiter Snaps Phoenix During Landing
A telescopic camera in orbit around Mars caught a view of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander suspended from its parachute during the lander's successful arrival at Mars Sunday evening, May 25.
+ View release (May 26)
Phoenix Project Manager Barry Goldstein and Principal Investigator Peter SmithNASA's Phoenix Spacecraft Reports Good Health After Mars Landing
A NASA spacecraft today sent pictures showing itself in good condition after making the first successful landing in a polar region of Mars.
+ View release (May 25)
Phoenix on MarsNASA's Phoenix Spacecraft Lands at Martian Arctic Site
PASADENA, Calif. -- NASA's Phoenix spacecraft landed in the northern polar region of Mars today to begin three months of examining a site chosen for its likelihood of having frozen water within reach of the lander's robotic arm.
+ Read more (May 25)
Phoenix in SpaceMars Pulls Phoenix in
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander sped on Sunday morning toward its arrival at Mars, as the tug of the Red Planet's gravity accelerated the craft during the final day of its trip from Earth to Mars.
+ Read more (May 25)
montage of Phoenix landing on MarsNo Final Nudge Needed for Phoenix
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander will reach Mars this evening with no further adjustments to its flight path.
+ Read more (May 25)
montage of Phoenix landing on MarsPhoenix Lander Update: No Saturday Night Maneuver
Mission controllers for NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander decided Saturday afternoon, May 24, to forgo the second-to-last opportunity for adjusting the spacecraft's flight path.
+ Read update (May 24)
simulation of Phoenix landingPhoenix Preview: Guided Tour of Mars Landing
Catch this guided tour with Rob Manning, chief engineer for JPL's Mars Program, as he describes a simulation of the Mars Phoenix landing, scheduled for Sunday, May 25.
+ Play video (May 23)
artist montage showing Phoenix landing eventsPhoenix Spacecraft on Course for May 25 Mars Landing
With three days and 3 million miles left to fly before arriving at Mars, NASA's Phoenix spacecraft is on track for its destination in the Martian arctic.
+ View release (May 22)
Phoenix landing blogFollow Events on Phoenix Mars Landing Blog
Phoenix mission members are now updating our blog as landing day approaches. We will be blogging from JPL's mission control on Sunday, May 25, as the spacecraft touches down on Mars.
+ Read blog, post your comments (May 19)
Facebook and Twitter LogosMars Phoenix on Facebook and Twitter
JPL has a page on social-networking site Facebook and is also using micro-blogging site Twitter.
+ Read more (May 19)
artist concept of Phoenix in space and landingDestination Mars: Entry, Descent and Landing
It will be a real nail-biter on May 25, 2008, for engineers, as the Phoenix spacecraft performs a series of challenging maneuvers right before it lands on Mars.
+ Play video (May 16)
artist concept of Phoenix in spaceClosing in on Mars: Course Slightly Adjusted
Phoenix successfully performed a maneuver on May 17 to adjust its course slightly toward the center of the approved landing area.
+ Read more (May 19)
artist concept of Phoenix landing on MarsNASA Briefings and TV Coverage Schedule for Phoenix Mars Landing
NASA news briefings, live commentary and updates before and after the scheduled Sunday, May 25 arrival of the agency's Phoenix Mars Lander will be available on NASA Television and on the Web.
+ Read more (May 16)
artist concept of Phoenix landing on MarsPhoenix Landing Events Schedule
This is a list of events during and around the Phoenix landing on Mars.
+ Read more (May 14)
map showing Phoenix and other Mars lander locationsNASA Phoenix Mission Ready For Mars Landing
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander is preparing to end its long journey and begin a three-month mission to taste and sniff fistfuls of Martian soil and buried ice.
+ Read more (May 13)
artist concept of Phoenix in spacePhoenix Flying True Enough to Skip One Scheduled Adjustment
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander continues on course for its May 25 arrival at Mars.
+ Read more (May 09)
engineer inspects scoop on robotic arm of PhoenixIntense Testing Paved Phoenix Road to Mars
When NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander descends to the surface of the Red Planet on May 25, few will be watching as closely as those who have spent years planning, analyzing and conducting tests to prepare for the dramatic and nerve-wracking event.
+ View feature (May 09)
location of dust devil near Phoenix landing siteMars Orbiter Eyes Dust Devils at Phoenix Landing Site
NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has captured an image of dust devils -- swirling dust storms -- near the landing site for the Mars Phoenix lander on the northern Martian plains.
+ Read more (May 06)
artist concept of Phoenix in spaceNASA Spacecraft Fine Tunes Course for Mars Landing
NASA engineers have adjusted the flight path of the Phoenix Mars Lander, setting the spacecraft on course for its May 25 landing on the Red Planet.
+ View release (April 10)
artist concept of Phoenix landing on MarsSpacecraft at Mars Prepare to Welcome New Kid on the Block
Three Mars spacecraft are adjusting their orbits to be over the right place at the right time to listen to NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander as it enters the Martian atmosphere on May 25.
+ View release (February 28)
artist concept of Phoenix in space.Phoenix:Tasks En Route to Mars Include Course Tweak, Gear Checks
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, launched on Aug. 4 and headed to Mars, fired its four trajectory correction thrusters Wednesday for only the second time.
+ View release (October 30)
Phoenix robotic arm took this photo on Sept. 6, 2007Mars-Bound Phoenix Returns First Photo from Trip
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander spacecraft, launched Aug. 4, is testing its hardware and software as it flies to Mars. A camera mounted on the craft's robotic arm took this test photo showing the scoop at the end of the arm, verifying that the camera works.
+ Read more (September 07)
Artist concept of Phoenix in space. Image credit: NASA/JPL.Phoenix Mars Lander Status Report: Radar and Other Gear Pass Checkouts
Two crucial tools for a successful landing of America's latest mission to Mars, the radar and UHF radio on NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, have passed in-flight checkouts.
+ View release (September 04)
artist concept of Phoenix in spaceNASA's Mars-Bound Phoenix Adjusts Course Successfully
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander today accomplished the first and largest of six course corrections planned during the spacecraft's flight from Earth to Mars.
+ View release (August 10)
launch of PhoenixNASA Spacecraft Heads for Polar Region of Mars
NASA's Phoenix Mars Mission blasted off Saturday, aiming for a May 25, 2008, arrival at the Red Planet and a close-up examination of the surface of the northern polar region.
+ View release (August 04)
planned landing region for PhoenixNext Departure for Mars Stands Ready to Fly
A NASA robotic explorer equipped to dig up and analyze icy soil on Mars sits atop a 13-story tall stack of rocket engines prepared for liftoff before sunup on Saturday.
+ View release (August 02)
first half of the fairing is installed around the Phoenix spacecraftNASA Postpones Phoenix Launch
Friday's launch of NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has been postponed 24 hours.
+ View release (July 31)
artist concept of Phoenix lander on MarsNASA Readies Mars Lander for August Launch to Icy Site
NASA's next Mars mission will look beneath a frigid arctic landscape for conditions favorable to past or present life.
+ View release (July 09)
Artist's concept of Phoenix spacecraftNASA's Next Mars Spacecraft Crosses the Mississippi
A U.S. Air Force C-17 cargo aircraft carried NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander spacecraft Monday, May 7, from Colorado to Florida, where Phoenix will start a much longer trip in August.
+ View release (May 08)
artist concept of Phoenix lander on MarsAct Soon to Send Your Name to Mars
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander will carry a DVD with names of people from around the world. About 200,000 names have been enrolled so far, and the deadline to get your name on board is Feb. 12. Phoenix will launch in August 2007 and reach Mars in May 2008.
+ Sign up to send your name (February 05)
Phoenix spacecraft artist's conceptPieces of NASA's Next Mars Mission are Coming Together
NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander, the next mission to the surface of Mars, is beginning a new phase in preparation for a launch in August 2007.
+ View release (April 26)





Related Links
› NASA Phoenix site

› University of Arizona Phoenix site

› JPL on Facebook and Twitter

› Landing Press Kit (3Mb - PDF)

› Launch Press Kit (6.5Mb - PDF)

› Mission Fact Sheet (244Kb - PDF)

› NASA Mars Exploration site

› NASA/JPL Landing Blog

Other Missions at Mars
› Mars Exploration Rovers

› JPL's Rover News and Image

› Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter

› Mars Odyssey

› Mars Express

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