Bureau of Transportation Statistics (BTS)
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Table 10 - Tobit Models by Metropolitan Areas: 1996/97

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Variable Haifa Tel Aviv metropolitan area
Coefficient t statistic Coefficient t statistic
Regression intercept 3.00 36.84 3.04 68.47
8-13 0.62 3.69 0.46 5.03
14-17 1.53 8.93 0.85 9.14
18-29 1.02 8.83 0.76 12.14
30-64 1.07 12.10 0.68 14.20
65+ 0.00 0.00
Number of cars per household        
0 −1.20 −12.68 −1.07 −20.42
1 −0.52 −6.09 −0.47 −10.40
2+ 0.00 0.00
Drivers's license        
No license −1.08 −12.89 −0.97 −21.38
License 0.00 0.00
Not employed −1.36 −17.25 −1.27 −29.96
Employed 0.00 0.00
Household status        
Head (0 = no) −0.56 −7.42 −0.48 −11.66
Head (1 = yes) 0.00 0.00
0 years 0.50 4.21 0.21 3.14
1-8 years −0.77 −7.27 −0.60 −10.06
9-12 years −0.12 −1.34 −0.19 −4.21
13+ years 0.00 0.00
Standard error of U 2.85 2.67
Overall pseudo R 2* 0.23 0.21
Number of observations used 5,026 15,689
Log likelihood −9,060.98 −28,376.08
Log likelihood
constant only
−9,806.57 −30,515.70

* Pseudo R 2 is a measure of goodness of fit similar to R 2 in ordinary least squares. The residuals are calculated based on the maximum likelihood estimators. For details of its calculation see the EasyReg manual, available at http://econ.la.psu.edu/~hbierens/EasyRegTours/TOBIT_Tourfiles/TOBIT.PDF.

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