47.076 SAI EXEMPT Sisseton Wahpeton Communit 99109Agency Village 109ROBERTS 4657262068906B0049000407771 005 0000130000 0000000000 200901302004061520090531052 4699109South Dakota Sisseton 57262068900Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Improving Instructional and Informational Technologies to Enhance STEM Education at SWC 102274321 490106 Old Agency Box 689 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Akron 01000Akron 153SUMMIT 3944325000106A1349000907871 000 0000012964 0000000000 200901222009020120100731042 3901000Ohio Akron 44325000113Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Lake Faunas Through Time: Tracking Clades onto Continents 045207552 490100 302 Buchtel Common 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Siena College 01000Albany 001ALBANY 3612211146225B2149000738937 002 0000092000 0000000000 200901072007060120100331042 3601000New York LOUDONVILLE 12211146221Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Undergraduate research on the properties and mechanistic studies of organic molecules assembled on monolayer protected clusters 080481351 490100 515 LOUDON ROAD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Albany 01000Albany 001ALBANY 3612222201006A2149000918491 000 0000014000 0000000000 200901292009020120100131042 3601000New York Albany 12222201021Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Conference: Grant to Support the 5th International Conference on Steroids and the Nervous System held in Torino, Italy 02-14-18, 2009 152652822 490100 1400 WASHINGTON AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of New Mexico 02000Albuquerque 001BERNALILLO 3587131000106B0149000852469 000 0000192727 0000000000 200901212007090120090831042 3502000New Mexico ALBUQUERQUE 87131000101Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Development of Distributed State Simulators: A Critical New Approach to Modeling Biological Reactor Systems 868853094 490100 1700 Lomas Blvd. NE Suite 2200, MSC01 1247,1 UNM 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of New Mexico 02000Albuquerque 001BERNALILLO 3587131000106B0149000649132 002 0000100000 0000000000 200901072007031520100228042 3502000New Mexico ALBUQUERQUE 87131000101Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Microengineered Materials 868853094 490100 1700 Lomas Blvd. NE Suite 2200, MSC01 1247,1 UNM 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of New Mexico 02000Albuquerque 001BERNALILLO 3587131000106B0149000345522 004 0000020000 0000000000 200901112005030120100228042 3502000New Mexico ALBUQUERQUE 87131000101Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: A Proposal for the Cosmic-Ray prOduced NUclide Systematics on Earth (CRONUS-Earth) Project 868853094 490100 1700 Lomas Blvd. NE Suite 2200, MSC01 1247,1 UNM 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Grand Valley State Univ 01340Allendale 139OTTAWA 2649401940106B0249000632263 004 0000037689 0000000000 200901152007021520100131042 2601340Michigan Allendale 49401940102Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia IPY: Collaborative Research: Study of arctic ecosystem changes in the IPY using the International Tundra Experiment 059692996 490100 1 Campus Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Novana 01696Alpharetta 121FULTON 1330022647523A0649000848524 000 0000494967 0000000000 200901052009011520101231042 1301696Georgia Alpharetta 30022647506Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: Self-Reinforced Composites Made of Immiscible Polymers from Recycled Products 626754910 490100 916 Stream Valley Trail 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Iowa State University 01855Ames 169STORY 1950011220706B0449000748616 001 0000115000 0000000000 200901052008020120100131042 1901855Iowa AMES 50011220704Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Conformationally Controllable Amphiphiles and Their Applications in Sensor Design 005309844 490100 1138 Pearson 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Iowa State University 01855Ames 169STORY 1950011220706B0449000446758 009 0000090740 0000000000 200901282005030120100228042 1901855Iowa AMES 50011220704Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Evolutionary Community Ecology in Plethodon Salamanders 005309844 490100 1138 Pearson 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Iowa State University 01855Ames 169STORY 1950011220706B0449000640932 007 0000089114 0000000000 200901052007031520100228042 1901855Iowa AMES 50011220704Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia LTREB: Long-term Research on Environmental Gender Determination in a Model System (Chrysemys): the Next Five Years 005309844 490100 1138 Pearson 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Iowa State University 01855Ames 169STORY 1950011220706A0449000846337 000 0000073179 0000000000 200901232009081520100731042 1901855Iowa AMES 50011220704Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Sculpting Electric Machines for Unidirectional Motion 005309844 490100 1138 Pearson 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT EndoMetric 01855Ames 169STORY 1950014450423B0449000740596 001 0000050000 0000000000 200901122008010120090630042 1901855Iowa Ames 50014450404Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase I:Video Analysis Techniques for Computer-Aided Quality Control for Colonoscopy 788239445 490100 3124 Greenwood Rd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Massachusetts Amherst 01290Amherst 015HAMPSHIRE 2501003924206B0149000447877 006 0000080000 0000000000 200901162005020120100131042 2501290Massachusetts AMHERST 01003924201Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Systems Support for Data Management in Mobile Devices 153926712 490100 Research Administration Building 70 Butterfield Terrace 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Massachusetts Amherst 01290Amherst 015HAMPSHIRE 2501003924206B0149000634412 007 0000611255 0000000000 200901292007030120100228042 2501290Massachusetts AMHERST 01003924201Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia BPC-A: Commonwealth Alliance for Information Technology Education 153926712 490100 Research Administration Building 70 Butterfield Terrace 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Massachusetts Amherst 01290Amherst 015HAMPSHIRE 2501003924206A0149000845855 000 0000102876 0000000000 200901272009020120100131042 2501290Massachusetts AMHERST 01003924201Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: A Robust Protocol Stack for Diverse Wireless Edge Networks 153926712 490100 Research Administration Building 70 Butterfield Terrace 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Massachusetts Amherst 01290Amherst 015HAMPSHIRE 2501003924206A0149000846457 000 0000076260 0000000000 200901232009020120100131042 2501290Massachusetts AMHERST 01003924201Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: New Computational Paradigms for Large-scale ab-initio Simulations of Emerging Electronic Materials and Devices 153926712 490100 Research Administration Building 70 Butterfield Terrace 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Massachusetts Amherst 01290Amherst 015HAMPSHIRE 2501003924206B0149000546666 004 0000111927 0000000000 200901062006031520100228042 2501290Massachusetts AMHERST 01003924201Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Towards a Self-Taught Vision System 153926712 490100 Research Administration Building 70 Butterfield Terrace 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Anchorage 03000Anchorage 020ANCHORAGE 0299508461406B0049000632184 002 0000097814 0000000000 200901122007021520100131042 0203000Alaska ANCHORAGE 99508461400Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia IPY: Collaborative Research: Study of arctic ecosystem changes in the IPY using the International Tundra Experiment 076664986 490100 3211 PROVIDENCE DRIVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Anchorage 03000Anchorage 020ANCHORAGE 0299508461406B0049000647672 002 0000092147 0000000000 200901092007021520100131042 0203000Alaska ANCHORAGE 99508461400Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Research Experiences in Ecology and Physiological Ecology in Alaska 076664986 490100 3211 PROVIDENCE DRIVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000802705 000 0000093036 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia GEM: Assessing the Storm-Time Magnetic Distortion in the Inner Magnetosphere 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000853648 000 0000300000 0000000000 200901262009060120120531042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Direct visualization of strain-induced yielding in colloidal gels 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106B1549000715527 003 0000238680 0000000000 200901142007010220100101042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106B1549000620153 003 0000006000 0000000000 200901282006090120090831042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Simplified Bidding and Solution Structures for Combinatorial Procurement Auctions 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000846256 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901142009011520131231042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nanoengineered Sensing Skins for Structural Health Monitoring - An Integrated Research and Education Career Experience 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000849145 000 0000040000 0000000000 200901062009011520100630042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Request for Participant Support for Fourth Triannual Conference on Foundations of Molecular Modeling and Simulation (FOMMS 2009); Washington State; J073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106B1549000454519 004 0000060000 0000000000 200901282005030120100228042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia LTREB : A Long-Term Study of Metacommunity Dynamics of Amphibians and Their Predators 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106B1549000640485 004 0000141517 0000000000 200901072007020120100131042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Genetic Basis of Pigmentation Evolution in Drosophila 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000901930 000 0000011400 0000000000 200901302009020120090731042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Workshop on Estimating Species Trees: Practical and Theoretical Aspects of a New Paradigm in Molecular Systematics, Winter, '08-'09 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000838127 000 0000106815 0000000000 200901082009011520091231042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CO2 Diffusion in Dry and Hydrous Haplobasaltic Melts 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000915091 000 0000127606 0000000000 200901092009010220100731042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106B1549000718128 005 0001000000 0000000000 200901142007020120120131042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Thixomat 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648108893723A1549000847198 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901142009011520101231042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48108893715Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: New Process for High Strength/Weight Net-Shape Auto and Aero components from Mg Sheet 199701699 490100 620 Technology Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000845156 000 0000139421 0000000000 200901272009030120100228042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Dissecting the Regulation of Ribosome Assembly by the Essential GTPase Bms1 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT University of Michigan 03000Ann Arbor 161WASHTENAW 2648109127106A1549000848568 000 0000073582 0000000000 200901162009060120100531042 2603000Michigan Ann Arbor 48109127115Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Uranium from Africa and the Power of Nuclear Things (Scholar's Award) 073133571 490100 3003 South State St. Room 1062 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.079 SAI EXEMPT U. S. Civilian R & D 03000Arlington 013ARLINGTON 5122209244712B0849009531011 053 0003066100 0000000000 200901141995090120090930052 5103000Virginia Arlington 22209244708Office of International Science & Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Funding Arrangement for the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation for the Independent States of the Former Soviet Union (CDRF) 929494532 490100 1530 Wilson Boulevard Suite 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Arlington 04000Arlington 439TARRANT 4876019900006A2449000845669 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901152009020120140131042 4804000Texas Arlington 76019900006Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nanoelectronic Microfluidic Biochip for Ultrasensitive Detection of Selective Protein Biomarkers 064234610 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Ohio University 02736Athens 009ATHENS 3945701297906A0649000837751 000 0000150000 0000000000 200901162009040120110331042 3902736Ohio ATHENS 45701297906Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia CCLI: Undergraduate Labs and Microanatomy in the Health Sciences 041077983 490106 108 CUTLER HL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Georgia Res Fdn Inc 03432Athens 059CLARKE 1330602741106B1249000545463 003 0000083000 0000000000 200901082006031520100228042 1303432Georgia ATHENS 30602741110Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia LTREB: Emergent Landscape Patterns in Stream Ecosystem Processes Resulting from Groundwater/Surface Water Interactions 004315578 490100 621-630 GRADUATE STUDIES 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Georgia Res Fdn Inc 03432Athens 059CLARKE 1330602741106B1249000643831 002 0000137436 0000000000 200901132007020120100131042 1303432Georgia ATHENS 30602741110Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Animal Migrations and Infectious Disease Dynamics: Monarch Butterfiles as a Global Case Study 004315578 490100 621-630 GRADUATE STUDIES 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Georgia Res Fdn Inc 03432Athens 059CLARKE 1330602741106A1249000855776 000 0000069999 0000000000 200901272009021520100131042 1303432Georgia ATHENS 30602741110Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia University of Georgia-Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources Proposal for Participation in the NSF Center for Advanced Forestry Systems 004315578 490100 621-630 GRADUATE STUDIES 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Georgia Res Fdn Inc 03432Athens 059CLARKE 1330602741106B1249000645485 002 0000167026 0000000000 200901222007030120100228042 1303432Georgia ATHENS 30602741110Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Modeling Ocean Particle Export Flux by Combining Particle Aggregation and Biogeochemical Models 004315578 490100 621-630 GRADUATE STUDIES 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Georgia Res Fdn Inc 03432Athens 059CLARKE 1330602741106A1249000850677 000 0000188413 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 1303432Georgia ATHENS 30602741110Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Photodegradation of Dissolved Organic Matter and its Contribution to Surface Water CO2 fluxes and the Carbon Cycle in a River004315578 490100 621-630 GRADUATE STUDIES 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ga State U Res Fdn, Inc. 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330303399906B0549000908018 000 0000092866 0000000000 200901062008091120090831042 1304000Georgia ATLANTA 30303399905Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia An Infrared Radial Velocity Search for Young Planets 837322494 490100 G-76 ALUMNI HALL 30 COURTLAND ST P. O. Box 3999 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT GA Tech Res Corp - GIT 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330332042006A0549000902717 000 0000200000 0000000000 200901082009011520101231042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30332042005Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: A Proposal For Research Into The Jacobians Of Graphs 097394084 490100 Office of Sponsored Programs 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT GA Tech Res Corp - GIT 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330332042006A0549000913075 000 0000076683 0000000000 200901162009020120100131042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30332042005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Workshop on Energy Manufacturing; Arlington, Virginia; March 24-25, 2009 097394084 490100 Office of Sponsored Programs 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT GA Tech Res Corp - GIT 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330332042006A0549000845939 000 0000094736 0000000000 200901072009010120091231042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30332042005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Molecular Analysis of Silica Biomineralization in Diatoms 097394084 490100 Office of Sponsored Programs 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT GA Tech Res Corp - GIT 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330332042006B0549000537251 002 0000012000 0000000000 200901212005100120090930042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30332042005Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Science Online: Learning Through Collaborative Writing of an Open-Content Scientific Encyclopedia 097394084 490106 Office of Sponsored Programs 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Spelman College 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330314434625A0549000850069 000 0000149461 0000000000 200901092009011520091231042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30314434605Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Spelman STEM Scholars (S3) Program 069174407 495176 350 Spelman Lane S W 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Inquus 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330308100023B0549000810633 003 0000050000 0000000000 200901272008070120090630042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30308100005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Social Marketplace for E-learning 804030364 490100 85 Fifth St NW Suite D, PMB #102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VQlink Incorporated 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330308103723A0549000848558 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901282009020120110131042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30308103705Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Use of No-Reference Measurements of Subjective Quality to Enhance Next Generation Systems for Video Distribution 800751880 490100 75 5th Street NW Suite 314 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT ProSpect 04000Atlanta 121FULTON 1330308103723A0549000848997 000 0000487850 0000000000 200901282009020120110131042 1304000Georgia Atlanta 30308103705Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Ultra-Compact, Low-Cost, and Robust Volume Holographic Spectrometers 801450649 490100 75 Fifth Street N.W. Suite 314 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Auburn University 03076Auburn 081LEE 0136849513106B0349000851960 000 0000323168 0000000000 200901062009051520120430042 0103076Alabama Auburn 36849513103Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site for Pervasive and Mobile Computing 066470972 490100 310 Samford Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Auburn University 03076Auburn 081LEE 0136849513106B0349000442928 003 0000029994 0000000000 200901222005040120090930042 0103076Alabama Auburn 36849513103Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia jGRASP: A Framework for Integrating Visualizations of Software 066470972 490106 310 Samford Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Auburn University 03076Auburn 081LEE 0136849513106B0349000917651 000 0000071355 0000000000 200901232008010120100630042 0103076Alabama Auburn 36849513103Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Melt Generation Below Continents in Diffuse Igneous Provinces 066470972 490100 310 Samford Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000638480 002 0000115700 0000000000 200901212007040120100331042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Storms and Substorms from Kinetic Plasma Theory Modeling 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000547252 003 0000081935 0000000000 200901292006030120100228042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Production of Therapeutic T Cells from Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells: A Bioengineering Approach 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606A1049000854345 000 0000350000 0000000000 200901302009060120120531042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Growth of Ultra Thin Metal Alloy Films 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000644530 002 0000115000 0000000000 200901072007041520100331042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Creating tools for the analysis of microbial glycosylation using chemical biology 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000645497 002 0000332948 0000000000 200901122007030120120229042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Methods for Calculating Molecular Dynamics over Long Time Scales 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000645563 002 0000103200 0000000000 200901072007041520100331042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Driving the Development of Functional Polymeric Materials with Innovative Chemical Synthesis: Creating New Opportunities in Research and Educ170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000749016 001 0000138000 0000000000 200901202008030120100228042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Phopshine Organocatalysis 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606A1049000847763 000 0000293000 0000000000 200901302009050120100430042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Luminescent Conducting Metallopolymers: Synthesis and Fundamental Studies Towards Optoelectronic Applications 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000847957 000 0000185000 0000000000 200901082009020120100131042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Synthesis and Characterization of Novel Dendrimer-Encapsulated Nanoparticles 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000905039 000 0000087888 0000000000 200901292008110120110531042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research on Risk Management in Supply Chains Using Market Information 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606A1049000844850 000 0000058918 0000000000 200901302009060120100531042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Opportunistic Middleware for Delay-Tolerant Networks 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000640512 002 0000154772 0000000000 200901162007020120100131042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Genetics of Speciation in Heliconius Butterflies 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000909805 000 0000040987 0000000000 200901302008110120090831042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research Study: Understanding Indian Enterprise Systems: Graduate Research Capability and Future Potential: A US-India Perspective 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606B1049000747822 002 0000095000 0000000000 200901042008030120100228042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Quantum Dynamics in Nanostructures by Design 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606A1049000845828 000 0000070929 0000000000 200901222009060120100531042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Highly-available Power Supply through Distributed Generation Technologies: Reliability Analysis Framework Based on Operation Under Critical170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Austin 05000Austin 453TRAVIS 4878713772606A1049000846313 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901152009030120140228042 4805000Texas Austin 78713772621Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nano-plasmonic Scanning Probe and Microsystems for Controlled Genetic Perturbation 170230239 490100 P.O Box 7726 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825B0749000648181 002 0000114678 0000000000 200901232007040120100331042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SHINE: Compound Solar Energetic Particle Events in the Heliosphere: Data Analysis and Modeling 001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825A0749000838142 000 0000444938 0000000000 200901162009011520121231042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: MSI--Mid-Latitude SuperDARN Radar Infrastructure for the Study of Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Atmospheric Processes on Gl001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of MD Baltimore 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421201153106B0749000747863 001 0000190000 0000000000 200901142008020120100131042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21201153107Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Iron Substitution and Oxidative Damage in Zinc Finger Proteins 188435911 490100 220 ARCH STREET, OFFICE LEVEL 2 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825A0749000840463 000 0000260000 0000000000 200901082009020120120131042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Purchase of a Research Grade MALDI-ToF Mass Spectrometer 001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825B0749000546648 003 0000089766 0000000000 200901222006021520100131042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Towards turnkey sensor networks for the Sciences: Software tools for designing and managing networks of sensors 001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825B0749000706021 001 0000130000 0000000000 200901262008010120091231042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Magnetic Probes of Elastic Energy, Dynamics, Interactions, and Shape Transitions of Anisotropic Colloids in Liquid Crystals 001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825B0749000748340 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901052008020120100131042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Controlling Neural Stem Cell State and Fate by Functional Nanofiber Cues 001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825B0749000847652 000 0000105000 0000000000 200901212009030120100228042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Broadband Microwave and THz Investigations of Correlated Electron and Nanostructure Systems 001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of MD Baltimore 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421201153106B0749000902332 000 0000036889 0000000000 200901072008081520090531042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21201153107Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Advanced Bayesian Approaches for Heterogeneous Temporal Genomic MetaData 188435911 490100 220 ARCH STREET, OFFICE LEVEL 2 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of MD Baltimore 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421201153106B0749000842636 000 0000176388 0000000000 200901142007083120090630042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21201153107Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Microbial Genome Sequencing: Genome Sequence of Prochloron didemni: An Obligate Cyanobacterial Symbiont 188435911 490100 220 ARCH STREET, OFFICE LEVEL 2 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Johns Hopkins University 04000Baltimore 510BALTIMORE CITY 2421218826825B0749000447739 004 0000090000 0000000000 200901122005020120100131042 2404000Maryland BALTIMORE 21218826807Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Recognition of Dynamic Activities in Unstructured Environments 001910777 490100 3400 N CHARLES ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT La St U & A&M Coll 05000Baton Rouge 033EAST BATON ROUGE 2270803270106B0649000737195 003 0000009073 0000000000 200901142007051420090513042 2205000Louisiana Baton Rouge 70803270106Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Integovernmental Mobility Assignment 075050765 490100 202 Himes Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT La St U & A&M Coll 05000Baton Rouge 033EAST BATON ROUGE 2270803270106A0649000847291 000 0000240000 0000000000 200901082009020120100131042 2205000Louisiana Baton Rouge 70803270106Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Development of a new SPM imaging mode for mapping and measuring the vibrational response of magnetic nanomaterials from the ferromagnetic to 075050765 490100 202 Himes Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT La St U & A&M Coll 05000Baton Rouge 033EAST BATON ROUGE 2270803270106A0649000902035 000 0000050000 0000000000 200901272009010120101231042 2205000Louisiana Baton Rouge 70803270106Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER -- Hurricanes Gustav & Ike: Relative Sustainability of Saline Wetlands in the Mississippi River Delta Complex 075050765 490100 202 Himes Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.080 SAI EXEMPT La St U & A&M Coll 05000Baton Rouge 033EAST BATON ROUGE 2270803270106A0649000913018 000 0000147524 0000000000 200901262009020120120131042 2205000Louisiana Baton Rouge 70803270106Office of Cyberinfrastructure National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Measurement and Modeling of Aerodynamic Interactions between Tree-Sway Motion and Turbulence in and above a Forest Canopy 075050765 490100 202 Himes Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT PRII 05256Bellefonte 027CENTRE 4216823844523B0549000810029 001 0000049998 0000000000 200901052008070120090630042 4205256Pennsylvania Bellefonte 16823844505Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Active Device for Reliable Cleaning of Feeding Tubes 791379030 490100 310 Rolling Ridge Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Cross Cut Media 05105Belmont 017MIDDLESEX 2502478246423A0749000847999 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901302009020120110131042 2505105Massachusetts Belmont 02478246407Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Applying Latent Group Models to Web Publishing 808605252 490100 63 Kilburn Rd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000752503 001 0000071934 0000000000 200901232008040120100331042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SHINE: Turbulence and Plasma Heating in the Solar Wind 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000752597 001 0000072862 0000000000 200901232008040120100331042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SHINE: Validating and Comparing Velocities Estimated from Magnetograms 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000617063 003 0000332000 0000000000 200901052006071520110630042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Directed Assembly of Molecular Cluster Magnets 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000742565 001 0000150000 0000000000 200901192008020120100131042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Asymmetric Synthesis of Amines 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006A0949000840505 000 0000308147 0000000000 200901092009020120120131042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Upgrade of Computational Facility for Research and Teaching 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006A0949000845076 000 0000084091 0000000000 200901282009030120100228042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Lagrangian Sensing in Large Scale Cyber-Physical Infrastructure Systems 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000639235 002 0000099885 0000000000 200901062007031520100228042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RCN: The FLUXNET Global Network Assessing Spatial-Temporal Variability of Carbon Dioxide, Water Vapor and Energy Fluxes Between the Terrestrial Biosp124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000640967 002 0000123362 0000000000 200901102007031520100228042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Comparative Biogeography of Sulawesi - Phylogenetic and Coalescent Analyses of Diversification in Frogs, Lizards, and Monkeys124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000705941 001 0000316000 0000000000 200901212007110120091031042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theoretical Solid State Physics 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006A0949000846648 000 0000315000 0000000000 200901122009030120120229042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Light-Matter Interactions in Low-Dimensional Graphitic Materials 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT J, Dick 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694720476821A0949000847616 000 0000080000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 0606000California Berkeley 94720476809Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia EAR-PF: Quantifying the Geochemical-Microbial Connection Using Thermodynamics and Environmental Data NR 490100 307 McCone Hall #4767 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000836754 001 0000150000 0000000000 200901052007083120100228042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Learning rules for map plasticity in somatosensory cortex 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006B0949000446385 004 0000193561 0000000000 200901212005020120100131042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Single Molecule Studies of Protein Folding 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006A0949000848412 000 0000004040 0000000000 200901142009020120100131042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Dissertation Award: Post-Industrial Engineering: Computer Science and the Organization of Work, 1950-1975 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Berkeley 06000Berkeley 001ALAMEDA 0694704594006A0949000849052 000 0000079419 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 0606000California BERKELEY 94704594009Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Scholars Award: Measure for Measure: Social Ontologies of Classification 124726725 490100 Sponsored Projects Office 2150 Shattuck Avenue, Room 313 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Binghamton 06607Binghamton 007BROOME 3613902600006A2249000845947 000 0000100494 0000000000 200901302009060120100531042 3606607New York BINGHAMTON 13902600022Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Adaptive Power Management for Multiprocessor System-on-Chip 090189965 490100 4400 VESTAL PKWY E 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Binghamton 06607Binghamton 007BROOME 3613902600006B2249000742016 001 0000080000 0000000000 200901212008040120100331042 3606607New York BINGHAMTON 13902600022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Development and Application of a New Method for Epitaxial Growth of Metals, Alloys and Multilayer Structures by Surface Limited Redox Replace090189965 490100 4400 VESTAL PKWY E 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Alabama Birmingham 07000Birmingham 073JEFFERSON 0135294011106A0749000848489 000 0000375000 0000000000 200901302009040120120331042 0107000Alabama Birmingham 35294011107Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Development of a new photolabile protecting group toolbox 063690705 490100 AB 1170 1530 3rd Ave S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Alabama Birmingham 07000Birmingham 073JEFFERSON 0135294011106B0749000646842 002 0000068000 0000000000 200901072007031520100228042 0107000Alabama Birmingham 35294011107Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Regional Initiative to Promote Undergraduate Participation in Experimental and Computational Materials Research 063690705 490100 AB 1170 1530 3rd Ave S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Alabama Birmingham 07000Birmingham 073JEFFERSON 0135294011106B0749000744471 002 0000200000 0000000000 200901262008030120100228042 0107000Alabama Birmingham 35294011107Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Role of Sec7 Domain Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors in Membrane Traffic 063690705 490100 AB 1170 1530 3rd Ave S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006A0949000817751 000 0000120000 0000000000 200901272009020120100131042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia NSWP: A New Empirical Model for Prediction of Ground-Level Geomagnetic Perturbations 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006A0949000838219 000 0001928271 0000000000 200901162009011520121231042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: MSI--Mid-Latitude SuperDARN Radar Infrastructure for the Study of Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Atmospheric Processes on Gl003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949000625015 002 0000072358 0000000000 200901112007021520100131042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Effect of Bulk Viscosity on High-Speed Separation 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949000827246 001 0000009750 0000000000 200901302008081520110731042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Gellation in Nanoparticle/Clay Suspensions: Mechanisms and Applications 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949000852942 001 0000074053 0000000000 200901232008090120100131042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Antibiotic Resistance Genes (ARG) as Emerging Pollutants in Our Water: Pathways, Mitigation, and Treatment 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949000900147 000 0000286948 0000000000 200901212008090120101031042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Advancing Genome-Enabled Tools: Guiding Inoculum Design for Sulfate-Reducing Mine Drainage Treatment Systems 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949000809036 003 0000070000 0000000000 200901132008030120100228042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia I/UCRC: WICAT@VT 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949000812868 002 0000177606 0000000000 200901272008011420100113042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 003137015 490106 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949000752915 001 0000014365 0000000000 200901292007100120090930042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Global Competency in Engineering Education: Emergence, Strategies, and the Problem of Scale Workshop at the National Academy of Engineering 003137015 490106 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006B0949009731677 037 0000001548 0000000000 200901121998081520090131052 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia ERC: Center for Power Electronics Systems 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006A0949000855983 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Wood-Based Composites Center 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VA Polytechnic Inst & St U 07784Blacksburg 121MONTGOMERY 5124060000006A0949000856032 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 5107784Virginia BLACKSBURG 24060000009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: I/UCRC Planning Grant - Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems (CEHMS) 003137015 490100 1880 Pratt Drive Suite 2006 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Indiana University 05860Bloomington 105MONROE 1847402184706B0949000748648 001 0000230000 0000000000 200901052008030120100228042 1805860Indiana Bloomington 47402184709Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Homogenous, Rapid, and Highly Sensitive Detection of Cellular RNAs 006046700 490100 P O Box 1847 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Indiana University 05860Bloomington 105MONROE 1847402184706B0949000749386 000 0000241000 0000000000 200901132009020120100131042 1805860Indiana Bloomington 47402184709Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Control of Reactivity of Electron-poor, Electron-rich, and Radical Metal Complexes 006046700 490100 P O Box 1847 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Indiana University 05860Bloomington 105MONROE 1847402184706A0949000847642 000 0000251150 0000000000 200901082009020120100131042 1805860Indiana Bloomington 47402184709Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Gated Conical Nanopores 006046700 490100 P O Box 1847 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Indiana University 05860Bloomington 105MONROE 1847402184706A0949000901200 000 0000064115 0000000000 200901262009070120120630042 1805860Indiana Bloomington 47402184709Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia MidWest Dynamical Systems Seminar, 2009 - 2012 006046700 490100 P O Box 1847 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Indiana University 05860Bloomington 105MONROE 1847402184706A0949000843026 000 0000170000 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 1805860Indiana Bloomington 47402184709Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia High Resolution Structural and Functional Mapping on Mediator of Transcriptional Regulation 006046700 490100 P O Box 1847 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Indiana University 05860Bloomington 105MONROE 1847402184706B0949000758018 001 0002200000 0000000000 200901292008071520091231042 1805860Indiana Bloomington 47402184709Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Studies in Nuclear Physics and Fundamental Interactions at Indiana University 006046700 490100 P O Box 1847 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Boise State University 08700Boise 001ADA 1683725113506B0249000746107 001 0000011174 0000000000 200901062008031520100228042 1608700Idaho Boise 83725113502Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia "Collaborative Research: Atmospheric Dust as an Archive and Agent of Climate Change During the Late Paleozoic Icehouse" 072995848 490100 1910 University Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Boise State University 08700Boise 001ADA 1683725113506B0249000746318 001 0000146658 0000000000 200901062008020120100131042 1608700Idaho Boise 83725113502Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Carboniferous-Permian Paleoclimate Data System 072995848 490100 1910 University Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Boise State University 08700Boise 001ADA 1683725113506A0249000856024 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 1608700Idaho Boise 83725113502Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Planning Grant: I/UCRC-Center for Advanced Radioactive Materials Processing 072995848 490100 1910 University Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Lumeras 07470Bonny Doon 087SANTA CRUZ 0695060000023A9049000848526 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901302009020120110131042 0607470California Santa Cruz 95060000017Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Ultraviolet Laser for Ultra-high-resolution Photoemission Spectroscopy 808489566 490100 207-A McPherson St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Appalachian State Univ 07080Boone 189WATAUGA 3728608206806A0549000838294 000 0000114034 0000000000 200901232009030120100228042 3707080North Carolina Boone 28608206805Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI: The Frazier Mountain Paleoseismic Site: Evaluation of Fault Behavior Models with Geologic Data from the Big Bend Section of the San Andreas Faul781866264 490100 P.O. Box 32068 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Boston University 07000Boston 025SUFFOLK 2502215513025B0849000750309 001 0000143000 0000000000 200901072008020120100131042 2507000Massachusetts BOSTON 02215513008Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Probing the principles of dynamics and energy transfer in proteins 049435266 490100 881 COMMONWEALTH AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Boston University 07000Boston 025SUFFOLK 2502215513025B0849000640759 004 0000132412 0000000000 200901162007030120100228042 2507000Massachusetts BOSTON 02215513008Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Multilocus Analyses of Speciation, Hybridization, and Population Structure in Brood Parasitic Indigobirds 049435266 490100 881 COMMONWEALTH AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT WGBH Educational Fdn 07000Boston 025SUFFOLK 2502135201612A0849000840302 000 0000074997 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 2507000Massachusetts Boston 02135201608Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia The Children's Sustainability Project Planning 043412295 490106 One Guest Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Boston University 07000Boston 025SUFFOLK 2502215513025B0849000643178 003 0000080231 0000000000 200901052007030120100228042 2507000Massachusetts BOSTON 02215513008Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Photonic Integration of Silicon Nanoelectromechanical Systems 049435266 490100 881 COMMONWEALTH AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Boston University 07000Boston 025SUFFOLK 2502215513025A0849000855971 000 0000009999 0000000000 200901282009030120100228042 2507000Massachusetts BOSTON 02215513008Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Center for Biophotonic Sensors and Systems 049435266 490100 881 COMMONWEALTH AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Northeastern University 07000Boston 025SUFFOLK 2502115500525B0849000843603 000 0000410178 0000000000 200901122009010120111231042 2507000Massachusetts BOSTON 02115500508Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Are Enzyme Active Sites Built in Multiple Layers? 001423631 490100 360 HUNTINGTON AVE 405 Lake Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Boston University 07000Boston 025SUFFOLK 2502215513025A0849000850503 000 0000393950 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 2507000Massachusetts BOSTON 02215513008Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Seismic Slip in Oceanic Lithosphere 049435266 490100 881 COMMONWEALTH AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000632187 002 0000064724 0000000000 200901052007031520100228042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: IPY: Cloud Properties Across the Arctic Basin from Surface and Satellite Measurements - An Existing Arctic Observing Networ007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT UCAR 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880305560225B0249000808853 001 0000164896 0000000000 200901092008021520100131042 0807850Colorado BOULDER 80305560202Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Bering Ecosystem Study Data Management Support 078339587 490100 1850 TABLE MESA DR 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Space Science Institute 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880301253223B0249000544749 002 0000085224 0000000000 200901082006111520091031042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80301253202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Mesosphere-Thermosphere Science from Microwave Observations 861478675 490100 4750 Walnut Street Suite 205 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT CSWR 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880305560323B0249000734001 001 0000025015 0000000000 200901262008021520130131052 0807850Colorado Boulder 80305560302Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Doppler On Wheels Mobile Radar Network 130990158 490100 1945 Vassar Circle 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000819963 000 0000120966 0000000000 200901132009011520111231042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia NSWP: Geosynchronous High Energy Electron Specification and Storm-Time Analysis at Constant Mu 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000824160 000 0000243890 0000000000 200901262009020120110131042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Development of Unmanned Aircraft System for Research in a Severe Storm Environment and Deployment within the VORTEX 2 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000842388 000 0000095912 0000000000 200901272009040120100331042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acceleration of Radiation Belt Electrons: In Situ Heating vs. Inward Radial Transport 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000852216 000 0000075964 0000000000 200901262009030120100228042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SHINE: Electron Pitch-Angle Scattering during Solar Electron Bursts 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000910424 000 0000040638 0000000000 200901292009020120100731042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: SGER--Measurements of Particle Size and Fall Velocity Distributions within Supercell Thunderstorms 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT UCAR 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880305560225A0249000915289 000 0001413869 0000000000 200901122008100120130930052 0807850Colorado BOULDER 80305560202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia NCAR Scientific Support from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), 2008-2013 078339587 490100 1850 TABLE MESA DR 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000541119 005 0000053999 0000000000 200901082006050120090430042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Enhancing Productivity and Protein Quality in Perfusion Cultures 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000809987 001 0000325000 0000000000 200901122008081520110731042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Multidimensional Femtosecond Studies of Chemical Reaction Dynamics 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000847053 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901152009011520131231042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Robust Computational and Experimental Simulation of Mechanical Systems under Extreme Events 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000707432 002 0000448920 0000000000 200901142006120120111130042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000744520 001 0000086421 0000000000 200901052008030120100228042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia LTREB: Evaluating the Role of Metacommunity Dynamics in the Assembly of Vernal Pool Communities 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000847390 000 0000095167 0000000000 200901072009040120100331042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Multi-Structured Hydrogels to Control Biochemical and Biomechanical Cues to MSCs: An Integrative Plan to Promote Diversity 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000847782 000 0000120000 0000000000 200901132009011520091231042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Electrically- and Optically-Controlled Self-Assembly in Liquid Crystals 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000837388 000 0000144359 0000000000 200901212009020120110131042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia An Atmospheric Science Laboratory for Undergraduate Education 007431505 495176 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000739081 001 0000106299 0000000000 200901282008030120100228042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Deformation, Fragmentation and Seismic Hazards on the Western Edge of India 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Geological Soc. of America 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880301118012B0249000751341 001 0000188100 0000000000 200901122008010120091231042 0807850Colorado BOULDER 80301118002Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Geoscience Graduate Research Grants 075757716 490100 3300 PENROSE PL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000842351 000 0000105671 0000000000 200901082009020120100131042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Upgrade of Research Equipment: Refurbishing the Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometer at the University of Colorado, Boulder 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206A0249000844097 000 0000234830 0000000000 200901022009010120111231042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Anisotropy From Seismic Ambient Noise Data Observed on EarthScope/USArray 007431505 490100 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Colorado Boulder 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880309057206B0249000649293 002 0000073535 0000000000 200901132007031520100228042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80309057202Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: An Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Research Experience in Solar and Space Physics: The University of Colorado and Its Consortium Partners 007431505 490106 3100 Marine Street, Room 481 572 UCB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT EndoShape 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880301152723A0249000848626 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901092009011520101231042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80301152702Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Novel SMP-based TCD Devices 788545692 490100 2450 Central Avenue, Suite I 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Cool Energy 07850Boulder 013BOULDER 0880301287623A0249000848689 000 0000499976 0000000000 200901122009011520101231042 0807850Colorado Boulder 80301287602Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Solar Thermal Stirling Engine Combined Heat and Power System 782851039 490100 5541 Central Avenue Suite 172 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Montana State University 08950Bozeman 031GALLATIN 3059717247006B0049000635920 002 0000062261 0000000000 200901082007020120100131042 3008950Montana BOZEMAN 59717247000Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Earthquake Dynamics and Frictional-Plastic Coupling at Hypocentral Depths: Insights From Pseudotachylyte Systems 625447982 490100 309 MONTANA HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Montana State University 08950Bozeman 031GALLATIN 3059717247006B0049000648694 002 0000072277 0000000000 200901142007030120100228042 3008950Montana BOZEMAN 59717247000Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Wireless communications for rural and remote areas 625447982 490106 309 MONTANA HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Bridger Photonics 08950Bozeman 031GALLATIN 3059715565223B0049000810778 001 0000025000 0000000000 200901222008070120091231042 3008950Montana Bozeman 59715565200Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase I: Compact Aberration Compensated Focus and Scan Control for Biomedical Sensors 788293244 490100 112 E. Lincoln 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Fordham University 08510Bronx 005BRONX 3610458514925B0149000552630 003 0000082270 0000000000 200901092006030120100228042 3608510New York Bronx 10458514916Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: The Calder Center Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Ecology and Field Biology 071011019 490100 441 E.Fordham Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT South Dakota State Univ 07580Brookings 011BROOKINGS 4657007199806B0049000914691 000 0000171960 0000000000 200901302008121820100831042 4607580South Dakota Brookings 57007199800Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RIG: Regulated Intramembrane Proteolytic Activation of Membrane-anchored Transcription Factors in Anabaena 929929743 490100 Administration Lane Box 2201, SAD 124 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Digital Assembly 10022Brooklyn 047KINGS 3611201384023B0149000822980 001 0000070000 0000000000 200901132008090120100831042 3610022New York Brooklyn 11201384010Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: Next Generation Digital Data Recovery System 610534757 490100 BEST 6 Metrotech Center 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Buffalo 11000Buffalo 029ERIE 3614260000006B2649000752848 001 0000011740 0000000000 200901232008080120090731042 3611000New York Buffalo 14260000032Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Sensitivity of the Greenland Ice Sheet to Climate Change: Reconstructing the Response of the Jakobshavn Isbrae During the Little Ice Age and Holo038633251 490100 501 Capen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Buffalo 11000Buffalo 029ERIE 3614260000006A2649000907747 000 0000014960 0000000000 200901162009031520100228042 3611000New York Buffalo 14260000032Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Doctoral Dissertation Research: Colonization and Social Interaction in Early Medieval Southeastern Austria 038633251 490100 501 Capen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Buffalo 11000Buffalo 029ERIE 3614260000006A2649000913170 000 0000246788 0000000000 200901092009010520100104042 3611000New York Buffalo 14260000032Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 038633251 490100 501 Capen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Buffalo 11000Buffalo 029ERIE 3614260000006B2649000747209 002 0000089999 0000000000 200901222008020120100131042 3611000New York Buffalo 14260000032Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: An In-Network Collaboration and Coordination Framework for Wireless Sensor Actor Networks 038633251 490100 501 Capen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Col Buffalo 11000Buffalo 029ERIE 3614222100406B3249000751558 003 0000014821 0000000000 200901092007082020090819042 3611000New York Buffalo 14222100427Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 612724732 490106 1300 Elmwood Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Buffalo 11000Buffalo 029ERIE 3614260000006A2649000850252 000 0000113500 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 3611000New York Buffalo 14260000032Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Realizing UB's Readiness, Innovation and Commitment to STEM Student Support 038633251 495176 501 Capen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Buffalo 11000Buffalo 029ERIE 3614260000006A2649000848911 000 0000090072 0000000000 200901142009071520100630042 3611000New York Buffalo 14260000032Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Professional Development Fellowship: Ethics and Values of Ecosystem Restoration 038633251 490100 501 Capen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Vermont & St Agr Coll 10675Burlington 007CHITTENDEN 5005405016006B0049000635523 002 0000045453 0000000000 200901062007010120091231042 5010675Vermont BURLINGTON 05405016000Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Experimental Determination of Iron (Fe) Isotope Fractionations in Sulfide Minerals 066811191 490100 85 SO. PROSPECT ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625B0849000635548 002 0000233705 0000000000 200901092007030120100228042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Abundance and Seasonal Variability of Tropospheric Ozone and Its Precursors Over China 082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625B0849000754332 001 0000131284 0000000000 200901272008040120100331042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Westerly Wind Burst Modulation by the Sea-Surface Temperature (SST): from Understanding to El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000640097 002 0000160000 0000000000 200901132007041520100331042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Computational Models and Physiological Studies of Feedback in Visual Object Recognition Tasks 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000749821 001 0000218000 0000000000 200901152008021520100131042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Pure Electronic Rydberg Spectroscopy: The Use of Chirped-Pulse Millimeter-Wave and Time-Domain TeraHertz Spectroscopies to Reveal the Mechanisms of E001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725A0849000846554 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901062009020120140131042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: New Algorithmic Approaches to Computationally Challenging Stochastic Supply Chain and Revenue Management Models 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725A0849000910903 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901142009050120100430042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Student Travel to 53rd International Conference on Electron, Ion and Photon-Beam Technology and Nanofabrication; held in Marco Island Beach, May 26-2001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000708375 001 0000248873 0000000000 200901052008031520100228042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CRI: CRD Development of Longitudinal Home Activity Datasets as a Shared Resource 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000644282 001 0000204048 0000000000 200901142007120120091130042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Comparative Genomics and Biological Signal Discovery in the Human Genome 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000754662 001 0000045000 0000000000 200901142008031520100228042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: IDBR: VoxNet- A Deployable Bioacoustic Sensor Network 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725A0849000845287 000 0000105000 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Exploration of Novel Quantum Phenomena and Relativistic-Like Quantum Dynamics in Graphene Nanoelectronic Devices 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000807476 001 0000041973 0000000000 200901262008081520100731042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Siberian Traps and the end-Permian Extinction: Coincidence and Causality 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000807585 001 0000351493 0000000000 200901212008081520100731042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Siberian Traps and the end-Permian Extinction: Coincidence and Causality 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725A0849000841161 000 0000368600 0000000000 200901152009011520101231042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of an Electron Microprobe for the MIT User Community 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625A0849000920947 000 0000105147 0000000000 200901162009011520091231042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Defining the Earthquake Potential of the Puente Hills Blind-Thrust Fault, Los Angeles, California with Deep Borehole Data 082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625A0849000846684 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901232009020120140131042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nanoscale Opto-Mechanical Systems 082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000645960 005 0002000000 0000000000 200901092006081520110731042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000447800 004 0000100000 0000000000 200901102005030120100228042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: End-user Programming for Web Automation and Visualization 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625B0849000546408 003 0000092183 0000000000 200901122006020120100131042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Foundations for Ubiquitous Image-Based Appearance Capture 082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625B0849000713273 002 0000009864 0000000000 200901092007091520100831042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia SEI: Collaborative Research: Discovering Unexpected Planets and Other Astronomical Oddities 082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725B0849000647446 001 0000026646 0000000000 200901132007030120100228042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Spatial and Temporal Variability of Pb, Fe, Zn, and their Stable Isotope Ratios in the Tropical and Subtropical Atlantic and Pacific Oceans 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT MIT 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502139430725A0849000910306 000 0000030000 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02139430708Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia IAPSO 2009 Travel Grant 001425594 490100 77 MASSACHUSETTS AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625B0849000448289 005 0000138300 0000000000 200901062005021520100131042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: A Biophysical Approach to Thermotaxis, a Complex Experience-Dependent Behavior in C. elegans 082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Harvard University 11000Cambridge 017MIDDLESEX 2502138384625B0849000757924 001 0001525000 0000000000 200901072008050120091231042 2511000Massachusetts Cambridge 02138384608Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Production and Study of Cold Antihydrogen 082359691 490100 1350 MASSACHUSETTS AVE Holyoke Center Suite 600 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Vue Logic 13016Canton Plaza 067COBB 1330066871923B0649000810561 001 0000050000 0000000000 200901282008070120090630042 1313016Georgia Marietta 30066871906Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Predicting Behavior in Electronic Commerce Environments 805568651 490100 3622 Woodshire Chase 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Southern Ill U Carbondale 11163Carbondale 077JACKSON 1762901470906B1249000748676 001 0000213000 0000000000 200901072008020120100131042 1711163Illinois Carbondale 62901470912Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Programmable active lithography using nanotube arrays 939007555 490100 Research Development and Admin. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Leech Lake Tribal College 10252Cass Lake 021CASS 2756633000001B0849000503520 007 0000500000 0000000000 200901302005100120100930052 2710252Minnesota Cass Lake 56633000008Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Ezhichigeyeg Anishinaabemag Mii Ge-ondaadiziyeg. What We Can Do to Help Our People Prosper. 124673919 490106 PO Box 180 6945 Little Wolf Road NW 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000737656 001 0000103608 0000000000 200901132008010120091231042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CEDAR: Mesospheric Dynamics with Airglow Imaging, Photometry and Meteor Radar 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606A1549000833828 000 0000416663 0000000000 200901082009010120091231042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Investigations of Mesoscale and Microscale Processes in Extratropical Cyclones and Mesoscale Convective Systems 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606A1549000910772 000 0000041259 0000000000 200901292009020120100731042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: SGER--Measurements of Particle Size and Fall Velocity Distributions within Supercell Thunderstorms 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000743119 001 0000125569 0000000000 200901052008030120100228042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Psychological Reactions to Foreign Cultures: Effects of Simultaneous Activation of Cultures 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606A1549000846964 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901232009020120140131042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Systems biology and engineering of Clostridium beijerinckii for enhance butanol production 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000535640 004 0000030000 0000000000 200901092005090120090831042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Cyberinfrastructure and Research Facilities: Tools for Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics and Simulation Analysis 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000552008 004 0000336000 0000000000 200901212006021520110131042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia A Biosynthetic Approach Toward Biomimetic Studies of Metalloproteins Involved in Long-range Electron Transfer 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000642413 002 0000153000 0000000000 200901202007030120100228042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia 2D Molecular Grids Made to Order 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000844670 000 0000202892 0000000000 200901122009011520091231042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Evolution of Translation: Structure, Function, and Folding of RNA/Protein Complexes 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000800208 002 0000060000 0000000000 200901122008050120110430042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia A Computational/Experimental Multiscale Approach to the Analysis of Structures Containing Mechanical Joints 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606A1549000846624 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901152009011520131231042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: First-Principles Modeling of Titanium-Oxygen-Solute Intreaction: Materials Design for Improved Energy Efficiency 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606A1549000906361 000 0000092847 0000000000 200901062009011520091231042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Fabrication and Characterization of Asymmetric Nanoscale Surface Structures 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000553417 007 0000072515 0000000000 200901222005100120090831042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Comparative Genomics of Papaya Chromosomes 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000644674 002 0000100000 0000000000 200901272007021520100131042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Tuning Transport in Nanostructures 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606B1549000748834 001 0000172108 0000000000 200901072008020120100131042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Development of Conjugated Polymer-Drug Nanoparticulate Delivery Vehicles 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606A1549000843611 000 0000150000 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Origins and Evolution of tRNA Synthetase Fidelity Modules 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Ill Urbana-Champaign 12385Champaign 019CHAMPAIGN 1761820740606A1549000849436 000 0000045829 0000000000 200901142009030120100228042 1712385Illinois CHAMPAIGN 61820740615Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Illinois Biology and Politics Summer Institute 041544081 490100 SUITE A 1901 SOUTH FIRST ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of NC Chapel Hill 11800Chapel Hill 135ORANGE 3727599135006A0449000846701 000 0000120000 0000000000 200901302009050120100430042 3711800North Carolina CHAPEL HILL 27599135004Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Physico-Chemical Modeling of Filopodia Initiation, Dynamics, and Spatio-Temporal Regulation 608195277 490100 104 AIRPORT DR STE 2200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT College of Charleston 13330Charleston 019CHARLESTON 4529424000106B0149000546622 004 0000074505 0000000000 200901082006020120100131042 4513330South Carolina CHARLESTON 29424000101Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Updating Problems in Information Retrieval and a Mathematical Dissection Lab 073723322 490100 66 GEORGE ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Eastern Illinois Univ 12567Charleston 029COLES 1761920309906A1549000841653 000 0000064881 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 1712567Illinois Charleston 61920309915Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI- Whole Genome Analysis of Hepatic Gene Silencing 624847984 490100 600 Lincoln Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT K,Phillips 12000Charlotte 119MECKLENBURG 3728213 21B0949000854938 001 0000001000 0000000000 200901232008100120130930042 3712000North Carolina Charlotte 28213 09Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 490106 6133 King George Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of NC Charlotte 12000Charlotte 119MECKLENBURG 3728223000106B1249000813549 001 0000189334 0000000000 200901092008010720100106042 3712000North Carolina CHARLOTTE 28223000112Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Personnel Agreement 066300096 490100 9201 University City Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of NC Charlotte 12000Charlotte 119MECKLENBURG 3728223000106B1249000622677 001 0000050400 0000000000 200901142006090120110831042 3712000North Carolina CHARLOTTE 28223000112Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Sudden Oak Death: Feedback Between a Generalist Pathogen, Hosts, and Heterogeneous Environments at Multiple Spatial and T066300096 490100 9201 University City Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Dot Metrics 12000Charlotte 119MECKLENBURG 3728223000123A1249000848759 000 0000491578 0000000000 200901282009020120110131042 3712000North Carolina CHARLOTTE 28223000100Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Ultraviolet Germicidal Optical Flow Cell 133696018 490100 9201 University City Blvd. Grigg Bldg. Rm 235 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Virginia 14968Charlottesville 540**CHARLOTTESVILLE 5122904419506B0549000645587 002 0000330000 0000000000 200901152007020120120131042 5114968Virginia CHARLOTTESVILLE 22904419505Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Carbon nanotube modified microelectrodes for insect neurotransmitter detection 065391526 490100 P.O. BOX 400195 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Tennessee Chattanooga 14000Chattanooga 065HAMILTON 4737403250406A0349000841659 000 0000210000 0000000000 200901282009020120120131042 4714000Tennessee Chattanooga 37403250403Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI: Two- and Three-Dimensional Coordination Polymers Self-Assembled from Platinum Group Metal Thiacrown Complexes 003501095 490100 615 Mccallie Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT LA Univs Marine Consortium 14520Chauvin 109TERREBONNE 2270344211000B0349000504987 012 0000110810 0000000000 200901262005030120100228052 2214520Louisiana Chauvin 70344211003Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Ship Operations 050955228 490100 8124 Hwy 56 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Boston College 45560Chestnut Hill 017MIDDLESEX 2502467380025B0449000643887 002 0000097584 0000000000 200901162007010120091231042 2545560Massachusetts Chestnut Hill 02467380004Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Ground Truth Dataset and Benchmarks for Mid-Level Vision 045896339 490100 140 Commonwealth Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Illinois Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760612720506B0749000649447 003 0000004000 0000000000 200901062007040120100331042 1714000Illinois CHICAGO 60612720501Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Demographic Management on an Archaic State Frontier: Wari at Cerro Mejia 098987217 490100 809 S MARSHFIELD RM 608 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Field Mus of Natural Hist 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760605249612A0749000841110 000 0000079449 0000000000 200901082009060120100531042 1714000Illinois CHICAGO 60605249607Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Household and Social Change in Ancient Puerto Rico 042072157 490100 1400 S LAKE SHORE DR 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT University of Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760637541825A0149000904057 000 0000125000 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 1714000Illinois Chicago 60637541801Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia In and Out of China: Customs Inspection and Shipping Culture at the Port of Fuzhou 005421136 490100 5801 South Ellis Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760637541825B0149000644888 002 0000360000 0000000000 200901302007020120120131042 1714000Illinois Chicago 60637541801Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Direct Determination of Two-electron Reduced Density Matrices for Many-electron Atoms and Molecules 005421136 490100 5801 South Ellis Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Illinois Inst of Tech 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760616379325A0149000847030 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901162009090120140831042 1714000Illinois Chicago 60616379301Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Multi-functional Materials for Electrochemical Energy Conversion 042084434 490100 3300 South Federal Street Main Building Room 301 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Illinois Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760612720506B0749000703916 003 0000165743 0000000000 200901292007021520100131042 1714000Illinois CHICAGO 60612720501Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Towards Life-like Computer Interfaces that Learn 098987217 490100 809 S MARSHFIELD RM 608 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Illinois Inst of Tech 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760616379325B0149000514344 005 0000040500 0000000000 200901062005011520091231042 1714000Illinois Chicago 60616379301Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 042084434 490106 3300 South Federal Street Main Building Room 301 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Illinois Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760612720506A0749000846784 000 0000080000 0000000000 200901282009060120100531042 1714000Illinois CHICAGO 60612720501Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Atomic-Resolution Study of Electron-Spin Interaction in Strongly-Correlated Mixed-Valence Cobalt Oxide Nano-Structures 098987217 490100 809 S MARSHFIELD RM 608 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760637541825A0149000847535 000 0000130000 0000000000 200901132009020120100131042 1714000Illinois Chicago 60637541801Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Functional Nano-Composit Materials: Synthetic Methodology and Applications 005421136 490100 5801 South Ellis Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Illinois Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760612720506B0749000755115 003 0000106106 0000000000 200901152008040120100331042 1714000Illinois CHICAGO 60612720501Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site in Novel Advanced Materials and Processing with Applications in Biomedical, Electrical and Chemical Engineering 098987217 490106 809 S MARSHFIELD RM 608 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Nat Opinion Research Ctr 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760637274512B0149000452279 019 0000016350 0000000000 200901072005100120100930042 1714000Illinois Chicago 60637274501Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia A Proposal to Continue "A National Data Program for the Social Sciences" 069512291 490100 1155 E. 60th Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT University of Chicago 14000Chicago 031COOK 1760637541825B0149000752200 001 0000056275 0000000000 200901152008030120100228042 1714000Illinois Chicago 60637541801Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Optimal Contracts with Private Monitoring 005421136 490100 5801 South Ellis Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cincinnati 15000Cincinnati 061HAMILTON 3945221022206B0149000749790 001 0000130001 0000000000 200901092008030120100228042 3915000Ohio Cincinnati 45221022201Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Strategies for Tailoring the Redox Properties of d6/d8-Electron Platinum and Palladium Complexes 041064767 490100 University Hall, Suite 530 51 Goodman Dr. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cincinnati 15000Cincinnati 061HAMILTON 3945221022206A0149000845002 000 0000142687 0000000000 200901262009030120100228042 3915000Ohio Cincinnati 45221022201Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Multiscale investigations of micromechanics of cytoskeletal protofilaments 041064767 490100 University Hall, Suite 530 51 Goodman Dr. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Harvey Mudd College 13756Claremont 037LOS ANGELES 0691711590125A2649000846541 000 0000085485 0000000000 200901232009070120100630042 0613756California CLAREMONT 91711590126Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Tailoring Free Volume in Nanocomposite Gas Separation Membranes 066691130 490100 301 Platt Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Clemson University 14950Clemson 077PICKENS 4529634570206B0349000640641 003 0000064190 0000000000 200901272007041520100331042 4514950South Carolina CLEMSON 29634570203Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: CEDAR--Experimental and Modeling Study of Mesoscale Ion-Neutral Coupling in the Auroral Thermosphere 042629816 490100 300 BRACKETT HALL BOX 345702 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Clemson Univ Res Fdn 14950Clemson 077PICKENS 4529633094606A0349000856046 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 4514950South Carolina Clemson 29633094603Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: I/URC Planning Grant - Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems (CEHMS) 159952407 490100 P. O. Box 946 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Case Western Reserve 16000Cleveland 035CUYAHOGA 3944106490125A1149000846331 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009021520140131042 3916000Ohio CLEVELAND 44106490111Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: A Unified Framework for the VLSI Design of Algebraic Soft-decision Reed-Solomon Decoder 077758407 490100 Sears Library, 6th Floor 10900 Euclid Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Cleveland Clinic Fdn 16000Cleveland 035CUYAHOGA 3944195000112B1149000755263 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901052008030120100228042 3916000Ohio Cleveland 44195000111Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Undergraduate Engineering in Medical Research 017730458 490100 9500 Euclid Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Case Western Reserve 16000Cleveland 035CUYAHOGA 3944106490125B1149000521737 002 0000004945 0000000000 200901132005100120090331042 3916000Ohio CLEVELAND 44106490111Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Inventing an International Culture of Change: 1870-1930 077758407 490100 Sears Library, 6th Floor 10900 Euclid Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Presbyterian College 15295Clinton 059LAURENS 4529325299825B0349000852748 000 0000200249 0000000000 200901302008081020090430042 4515295South Carolina Clinton 29325299803Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Scale-independent Measures and Prediction of Space Weather 078059870 490100 South Broad Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Hamilton College 16419Clinton 065ONEIDA 3613323121825B2449000832571 001 0000105000 0000000000 200901072008033120091231042 3616419New York Clinton 13323121824Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Molecular Recognition and Biological Function at Water-Bilayer Interfaces: Bridging Structure, Dynamics, and Function in Antimicrobial Peptid002253540 490100 198 College Hill Rd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Cold Spring Harbor Lab 16947Cold Spring Harbor 103SUFFOLK 3611724422012A0349000904373 000 0000015000 0000000000 200901222009020120100131042 3616947New York COLD SPRING HARBOR 11724422002Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CSHL Conference: Engineering Principles for Biological Sciences, December 10-13, 2008 in Cold Springs Harbor Laboratory, New York. 065968786 490100 P.O. Box 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Fairbanks 16750College 090FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 0299709370506B0049000632160 002 0000146421 0000000000 200901212007031520100228042 0216750Alaska Fairbanks 99709370500Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia IPY: Collaborative Research: A Prototype Network for Measuring Arctic Winter Precipitation and Snowcover (Snow-Net) 615245164 490100 Adm Svcs Ctr Rm 109 3295 College Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Fairbanks 16750College 090FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 0299709370506A0049000811132 000 0000012000 0000000000 200901132009020120100131042 0216750Alaska Fairbanks 99709370500Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Doctoral Dissertation Research: Artistic Production and Oral Tradition in a Yup'ik Community: The Scammon Bay "Fireball Story" 615245164 490100 Adm Svcs Ctr Rm 109 3295 College Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Fairbanks 16750College 090FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 0299709370506B0049000816805 001 0000066298 0000000000 200901092008021520100131042 0216750Alaska Fairbanks 99709370500Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia BEST: Assessment of mesozooplankton population and biomass in the eastern Bering Sea for spring and summer of 2008, 2009 and 2010 615245164 490100 Adm Svcs Ctr Rm 109 3295 College Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Fairbanks 16750College 090FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 0299709370506B0049000514103 004 0000138407 0000000000 200901072006011520091231042 0216750Alaska Fairbanks 99709370500Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Auroral Thermosphere with Nitrogen-Ion (N2+) Lidar and Advanced Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR) 615245164 490100 Adm Svcs Ctr Rm 109 3295 College Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Fairbanks 16750College 090FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 0299709370506A0049000838270 000 0001788056 0000000000 200901162009011520121231042 0216750Alaska Fairbanks 99709370500Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: MSI--Mid-Latitude SuperDARN Radar Infrastructure for the Study of Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Atmospheric Processes on Gl615245164 490100 Adm Svcs Ctr Rm 109 3295 College Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Alaska Fairbanks 16750College 090FAIRBANKS NORTH STAR 0299709370506B0049000634540 003 0000179442 0000000000 200901282007010120091231042 0216750Alaska Fairbanks 99709370500Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Encouraging Alaska Native Participation in Computing 615245164 490100 Adm Svcs Ctr Rm 109 3295 College Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000845754 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901162009020120140131042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Engineering Cellular Mechanotransduction 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000846320 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901302009030120140228042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Development and Application of Compact Helicon Sources 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006B0549000750334 001 0000074679 0000000000 200901072008030120100228042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Role of the Substrate Surface State and Molecular Configuration in Porous Honeycomb Networks of Quinones 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000841557 000 0000145000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Biomolecular Computational Thermodynamics: Strategies for Improved Efficiency 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000848110 000 0000145000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Beyond Born-Oppenheimer: Chemical Dynamics on Multiple Potential Energy Surfaces 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006B0549000913857 000 0000055280 0000000000 200901052009010120100831042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Sensor Fusion for Comprehensive Health Monitoring of Complex Infrastructure Systems - An International Testbed Opportunity 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006B0549000444886 006 0000026820 0000000000 200901122005030120100228042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Genomic Analysis of Dimorphism in Stalk-Eyed Flies (Diopsidae) 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006B0549000738992 001 0000124679 0000000000 200901122008011520091231042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Problems in Ore Metal Partitioning: Melt-Vapor-Brine Equilibria 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000836740 000 0000017553 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Experimental Study of H, S, Cl, and F Partitioning Between Apatite, Fluid(s), and Melts: Applications to Magma Evolution and790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000842205 000 0000068864 0000000000 200901152009020120100131042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of a New TZM Experimental System, and Upgrade of the Hydrothermal Laboratory for the Study of High-Temperature Magmatic-Hydrothermal Syst790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000846494 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009021520140131042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Coherent Interactions Between Photons and Quantum Dots Using Photonic Crystals 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006B0549000546136 003 0000098225 0000000000 200901122006010120091231042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: MauveDB: Model-Based User Views over Sensor Data 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006B0549000802127 003 0000016043 0000000000 200901142007102220090531042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006A0549000757966 000 0000025000 0000000000 200901082009010120091231042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Frontier Challenges in Neutrino Cosmology, Dark Energy and Dark Matter 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of MD College Park 18750College Park 033PRINCE GEORGE'S 2420742251006B0549000851726 000 0000091000 0000000000 200901122009040120100331042 2418750Maryland COLLEGE PARK 20742251005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Site - Training and Research Experiences in Nonlinear Dynamics (TREND) 790934285 490100 3112 LEE BLDG 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Texas Engineering Exp Sta 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877843300006A3149000914382 000 0000040708 0000000000 200901122009011520091231042 4815976Texas College Station 77843300008Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Combustion Synthesis of Nanostructured Metallic Foams: Reactant Composition and Antibacterial Properties 847205572 490100 TEES State Headquarters Bldg. 3000 TAMU 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M Research Fdn 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877845000006B1749000646916 002 0000128000 0000000000 200901092007030120100228042 4815976Texas College Station 77845000017Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Cationic boranes - Synthesis, reduction, and generation of radicals 078592789 490100 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, S Suite 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M Research Fdn 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877845000006B1749000750193 001 0000142000 0000000000 200901202008030120100228042 4815976Texas College Station 77845000017Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Texas Two-step Approach to Priviledged Chirons 078592789 490100 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, S Suite 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Texas Agricul Exp Sta 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877845300006B1749000855466 000 0000180955 0000000000 200901302008081820090831042 4815976Texas COLLEGE STATION 77845300017Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Examining inter- and Intra-Continental Biogeographic Patterns and Processes in the Old World Using a Diverse Avian Subfamily as a Model System 847205713 490100 2147 TAMU 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M Research Fdn 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877845000006A1749000845645 000 0000080000 0000000000 200901082009010120091231042 4815976Texas College Station 77845000017Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Ultrafast Electronic, Magnetic and Coherent Lattice Dynamics and the Dynamic Structure-Property Relationship in Nanocrystalline Transition Me078592789 490100 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, S Suite 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Texas Engineering Exp Sta 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877843300006A3149000846504 000 0000080000 0000000000 200901282009060120100531042 4815976Texas College Station 77843300008Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Novel Ceramic Nanocomposites with Smart Interface Design 847205572 490100 TEES State Headquarters Bldg. 3000 TAMU 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M Research Fdn 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877845000006A1749000834176 000 0000033731 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 4815976Texas College Station 77845000017Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CBMS Regional Conference in the Mathematical Sciences - Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential Equations; Spring 2009, College Stat078592789 490100 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, S Suite 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Texas Engineering Exp Sta 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877843300006A3149000846865 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901232009040120140331042 4815976Texas College Station 77843300008Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER:Biologically Inspired Concepts for Reconfigurable Antennas and Multifunctional Smart Skins 847205572 490100 TEES State Headquarters Bldg. 3000 TAMU 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Texas Engineering Exp Sta 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877843300006B3149000649142 002 0000127861 0000000000 200901072007030120100228042 4815976Texas College Station 77843300008Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia REU SITE: Electrical Engineering Research Applications in Homeland Security 847205572 490100 TEES State Headquarters Bldg. 3000 TAMU 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M Research Fdn 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877845000006A1749000843399 000 0000180000 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 4815976Texas College Station 77845000017Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Structure, Function and Evolution of the TelomeraseRNA Subunit in Plants 078592789 490100 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, S Suite 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M Research Fdn 15976College Station 041BRAZOS 4877845000006A1749000851860 000 0000084960 0000000000 200901142009040120100331042 4815976Texas College Station 77845000017Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Research Experience in Marine Science and Marine Biology in the Gulf of Mexico and other Coastal Oceans at Texas A&M University at Galveston (TAMUG-R078592789 490100 400 Harvey Mitchell Parkway, S Suite 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Missouri Columbia 15670Columbia 019BOONE 2965211123006B0949000908030 000 0000111620 0000000000 200901272008083120100228042 2915670Missouri COLUMBIA 65211123009Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Mitigating Disaster and Terrorism Impacts to Critical Infrastructure 153890272 490100 310 JESSE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Missouri Columbia 15670Columbia 019BOONE 2965211123006A0949000907645 000 0000048760 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 2915670Missouri COLUMBIA 65211123009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Workshop: Second US-China NSF Workshop and Summer Institute of Bio- and Nano-Mechanics and Applications (UCWSI2009); Dalian University of Technology153890272 490100 310 JESSE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Missouri Columbia 15670Columbia 019BOONE 2965211123006A0949000836738 000 0000143987 0000000000 200901162009011520100831042 2915670Missouri COLUMBIA 65211123009Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Curriculum-wide Project Based Learning by Refining Capstone Projects 153890272 495176 310 JESSE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Missouri Columbia 15670Columbia 019BOONE 2965211123006B0949000409589 002 0000081245 0000000000 200901082007021520100131042 2915670Missouri COLUMBIA 65211123009Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Deep Structure of the Northeast Tibetan Collision Zone- INDEPTH IV 153890272 490100 310 JESSE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Missouri Columbia 15670Columbia 019BOONE 2965211123006A0949000846960 000 0000091063 0000000000 200901232009070120100630042 2915670Missouri COLUMBIA 65211123009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Ultra-sensitive Real-time Acoustic Resonant Liquid Mass Sensor for Tag-free Disease Diagnostic Screening 153890272 490100 310 JESSE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT USC Research Foundation 16000Columbia 079RICHLAND 4529208000112B0649000748690 001 0000115000 0000000000 200901072008020120100131042 4516000South Carolina Columbia 29208000106Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Development of Hierarchical Plant Virus Assemblies for Probing Cell-Matrix Interactions 111310249 490100 901 Sumter Street Suite 510 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT USC Research Foundation 16000Columbia 079RICHLAND 4529208000112A0649000845788 000 0000452510 0000000000 200901082009010120111231042 4516000South Carolina Columbia 29208000106Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Oxide-supported Bimetallic Au-Pt Clusters as Catalysts for Epoxidation and Oxidation Reactions 111310249 490100 901 Sumter Street Suite 510 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT USC Research Foundation 16000Columbia 079RICHLAND 4529208000112B0649000545913 001 0000068163 0000000000 200901212006020120100131042 4516000South Carolina Columbia 29208000106Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Power Aware Scheduling for Real-Time Embedded Systems 111310249 490100 901 Sumter Street Suite 510 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT USC Research Foundation 16000Columbia 079RICHLAND 4529208000112A0649000850208 000 0000082500 0000000000 200901142009011520091231042 4516000South Carolina Columbia 29208000106Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia SC Graduate Steps to STEM 111310249 495176 901 Sumter Street Suite 510 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT USC Research Foundation 16000Columbia 079RICHLAND 4529208000112A0649000846898 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009020120140131042 4516000South Carolina Columbia 29208000106Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: InN nanowire based multifunctional nanocantilever sensors 111310249 490100 901 Sumter Street Suite 510 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT USC Research Foundation 16000Columbia 079RICHLAND 4529208000112A0649000850425 000 0000440929 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 4516000South Carolina Columbia 29208000106Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Persistence and Fate of Domoic Acid in the Santa Barbara Basin 111310249 490100 901 Sumter Street Suite 510 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT USC Research Foundation 16000Columbia 079RICHLAND 4529208000112A0649000850653 000 0000253787 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 4516000South Carolina Columbia 29208000106Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Photodegradation of Dissolved Organic Matter and its Contribution to Surface Water CO2 fluxes and the Carbon Cycle in a River111310249 490100 901 Sumter Street Suite 510 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000752175 001 0000044617 0000000000 200901122008031520100831042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Glacier Recession and Livelihood Vulnerability in the Peruvian Andes 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000546668 003 0000080985 0000000000 200901292005121520091130042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Algorithm Design for Optimization Problems in Network Over-Provisioning 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000743258 001 0000200000 0000000000 200901052008021520100131042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Ultrafast time-resolved studies of reactive intermediates 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000748448 001 0000120000 0000000000 200901082008010120091231042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Characterization of excited electronic states of DNA using novel algorithms based on time-dependent density functional theory 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000749807 001 0000130000 0000000000 200901202008031520100228042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Interfacial water structure and lipid head group solvation 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000750004 001 0000134000 0000000000 200901052008020120100131042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Self-Assembly of Peptide-Dendron Hybrids 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606A1549000840455 000 0000472600 0000000000 200901082009020120120131042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CRIF:MU: Acquisition of Laser Instrumentation for Ultrafast Raman Measurements 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000848242 000 0000146265 0000000000 200901302009070120100630042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theoretical Studies of Spectroscopic and Dynamic Implications of Large Amplitude Vibrations 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000917952 000 0000236136 0000000000 200901212008122220110731042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Mixed-Integer Optimization for Multi-Item Multi-Echelon Production and Distribution Planning 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606A1549000842219 000 0000226946 0000000000 200901212009011520111231042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Inferring Species Phylogenies Under the Coalescent Model with Hybridization 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000822215 001 0000172500 0000000000 200901072008020120130131042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 071650709 490106 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000711256 001 0000074523 0000000000 200901052008030120100228042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Towards a Quaternary Spatial and Temporal Deformation History at the Central Andean Thrust Front 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000745808 001 0000089234 0000000000 200901282008030120100228042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: The protein-mineral bond 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606B1549000749644 002 0000110136 0000000000 200901122008030120100228042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Myosin Light Chain Regulation of Muscle Contraction: A Phylogenetic/Comparative Approach 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606A1549000840996 000 0000168000 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Studies of Translation Initiation in Bacteria 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Ohio State Univ Res Fdn 18000Columbus 049FRANKLIN 3943210101606A1549000843543 000 0000206875 0000000000 200901222009021520100131042 3918000Ohio Columbus 43210101615Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Dissecting Functional Cooperation among Subunits in a Catalytic Ribonucleoprotein 071650709 490100 1960 KENNY RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M University 16240Commerce 231HUNT 4875429301106A0149000837526 000 0000181192 0000000000 200901212009060120120531042 4816240Texas Commerce 75429301104Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Achieving Student Mastery of Chromatographic and Spectroscopic Methods in Organic Chemistry through a University/Community College Partnership 073131419 490106 Graduate Studies & Research P.O. Box 3011 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000739766 001 0000296067 0000000000 200901222008030120100228042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change: The WAIS Divide Ice Core Record 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706A0549000841165 000 0000091041 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Photochemical Aging of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons on Asian Particulate Matter 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000547394 002 0000006329 0000000000 200901282006070120110630042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: New Methods for Predicting Fatigue Failures in Extrinsically Toughened Materials 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706A0549000903748 000 0000052603 0000000000 200901212009011520101231042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Rapid Response to California Wildfires: Effect of Fire on Delivery of Organic Carbon to the Fluvial System 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000748671 001 0000103436 0000000000 200901212008040120100331042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Charge Carrier Dynamics in Organic Semiconductors: from Macroscopic to Microscopic Level 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000804167 001 0000159362 0000000000 200901162008030120100228042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Mixed-Valent Transition Metal Oxides 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000805372 001 0000010000 0000000000 200901282008071520090630042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Novel Dielectrics for Transparent Electronics 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000635987 002 0000095314 0000000000 200901262007020120100131042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Earthquake Geology of the Pakistani Himalaya: Characterizing Slip Rates and Recurrence of Potentially Devastating Earth053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706A0549000838169 000 0000045402 0000000000 200901162009011520101231042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Geomagnetic Field as Recorded on Iceland and Jan Mayen: Key to Field Structure at High Northern Latitudes 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706A0549000838421 000 0000076352 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Timescales of Crystal Residence and Magma Mixing at Mount Hood, Oregon 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706A0549000855888 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Wood-Based Composites Center 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000725605 001 0000021507 0000000000 200901132007091520110831042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Monitoring inflation at Axial Seamount 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706B0549000725957 002 0000063160 0000000000 200901272007041520100331042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Support for U.S. Scientific Parfticipation in PICES 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Oregon State University 15800Corvallis 003BENTON 4197331850706A0549000850931 000 0000444971 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 4115800Oregon Corvallis 97331850705Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Stress Transfer Between the Cascadia Megathrust and the Northern San Andreas Fault 053599908 490100 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Bowdoin College 15640Cundys Harbor 005CUMBERLAND 2304011184525B0149000904050 000 0000047291 0000000000 200901272008093020090630042 2315640Maine Brunswick 04011184501Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: RUI: Landscape-level Controls on Terrestrial, Aquatic, and Wetland Responses to Climate Change in the Southern Canadian Arcti071749923 490100 6000 COLLEGE STA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT P2SI 21000Dayton 113MONTGOMERY 3945459481223A0349000848645 000 0000499960 0000000000 200901092009011520101231042 3921000Ohio Centerville 45459481203Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Advanced Polymer Matrix Composites Based on Nanofiber Fused Microfiber Architecture 119128051 490100 91 Westpark Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Northern Illinois Univ 19161De Kalb 037DE KALB 1760115286006B1449000649343 002 0000087989 0000000000 200901212007041520100331042 1719161Illinois De Kalb 60115286014Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Climatological and Event-Based Radar Delineation of UHI Convection for Urban Corridors Within the Southeastern U.S. 001745512 490100 301 Lowden Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ohio Wesleyan University 21434Delaware 041DELAWARE 3943015237025B1249000648751 002 0000073432 0000000000 200901262007051520100430042 3921434Ohio Delaware 43015237012Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Interdisciplinary Scientific Computation at Ohio Wesleyan University 055352140 490100 61 S. Sandusky Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of North Texas 19972Denton 121DENTON 4876203525006B2649000431818 006 0000020000 0000000000 200901132004091520090831042 4819972Texas DENTON 76203525026Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia A Project- and Design-Oriented Innovative Electrical Engineering Program 614168995 490100 1501 CHESTNUT AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Wayne State University 22000Detroit 163WAYNE 2648202362206B1349000547794 003 0000080000 0000000000 200901122006030120100228042 2622000Michigan Detroit 48202362213Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: An Integrated Research and Education Program in Physics of Heavy Hadrons 001962224 490100 5057 Woodward 6th Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota Duluth 17000Duluth 137ST LOUIS 2755812301106B0849000641285 003 0000106621 0000000000 200901072007020120100131042 2717000Minnesota Duluth 55812301108Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI - Testing of the Evolutionary Potential of Polyploids in the Context of Climate Change 071508873 490100 1049 University Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of New Hampshire 19700Durham 017STRAFFORD 3303824358506A0149000913620 000 0000040500 0000000000 200901062009010120131231042 3319700New Hampshire Durham 03824358501Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 111089470 490106 Service Bldg., Room 111 51 College Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Xintek 19000Durham 063DURHAM 3727709378823A0449000848749 000 0000466611 0000000000 200901132009011520101231042 3719000North Carolina Research Triangle Park 27709378804Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Efficient Production of High Quality Carbon Nanotube Field Emitters 017945192 490100 7020 Kit Creek Rd Suite 200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Duke University 19000Durham 135ORANGE 3727705401025B0449000635000 002 0000099313 0000000000 200901292007031520100228042 3719000North Carolina Durham 27705401004Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Rsearch: Large-Scale Analysis of Sensor Based Geometric Data 044387793 490100 2200 W. Main St, Suite 710 Erwin Square 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Duke University 19000Durham 135ORANGE 3727705401025A0449000841521 000 0000200000 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 3719000North Carolina Durham 27705401004Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Genetics and Evolution of Reproductive Character Displacement in Phlox drumondii 044387793 490100 2200 W. Main St, Suite 710 Erwin Square 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Michigan State University 24120East Lansing 065INGHAM 2648824104606B0849000800103 001 0000026303 0000000000 200901142008081520110731042 2624120Michigan EAST LANSING 48824104608Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Protocols for Wireless Networking and Multi-application Data Handling for Freeway Traffic Safety Applications 193247145 490100 CONTRACT AND GRANT ADMINISTRATIO 301 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Michigan State University 24120East Lansing 065INGHAM 2648824104606A0849000846547 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901142009011520131231042 2624120Michigan EAST LANSING 48824104608Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Multi-Agent Systems and Gaussian Processes: Applications in Environmental Sciences 193247145 490100 CONTRACT AND GRANT ADMINISTRATIO 301 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Michigan State University 24120East Lansing 065INGHAM 2648824104606B0849000743609 001 0000180000 0000000000 200901122008020120110131042 2624120Michigan EAST LANSING 48824104608Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia LTREB: Woody Seedling Dynamics in a Wet Tropical Forest: Mechanisms of Species Co-existence 193247145 490100 CONTRACT AND GRANT ADMINISTRATIO 301 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Michigan State University 24120East Lansing 065INGHAM 2648824104606A0849000837185 000 0000199471 0000000000 200901072009011520101231042 2624120Michigan EAST LANSING 48824104608Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Investigation of alternative conceptions about Plate Tectonics across the expert-novice continuum: When a well-known theory isn't so well known 193247145 490106 CONTRACT AND GRANT ADMINISTRATIO 301 ADMINISTRATION BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Pan American 22660Edinburg 215HIDALGO 4878541299906A1549000837779 000 0000199974 0000000000 200901222009070120120630042 4822660Texas Edinburg 78541299915Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Multimodal Modules for Inquiry-Based Statics and Dynamics Curriculum 069444511 495176 1201 West University Dr 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006A0149000851552 000 0000299950 0000000000 200901232009100120120930042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Sphere-Sphere and Sphere-Surface Interactions in Viscoelastic Fluids 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006B0149000600766 003 0000012000 0000000000 200901142006091520090831042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Computational Simulation of Stochastic Soils 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006A0149000844778 000 0000110157 0000000000 200901212009011520091231042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Spatial Heterogeneity and Ecosystem Function in an Urban Landscape: An Integrated Research, Teaching, and Community Engagement Program 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006A0149000810291 000 0000087213 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Scales of mantle heterogeneity from 3D numerical models of mixing 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006A0149000838389 000 0000058424 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Timescales of Crystal Residence and Magma Mixing at Mount Hood, Oregon 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006B0149000622770 002 0000027056 0000000000 200901142006090120110831042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Sudden Oak Death: Feedback Between a Generalist Pathogen, Hosts, and Heterogeneous Environments at Multiple Spatial and T047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006A0149000856086 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901282009030120100228042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Center for Biophotonic Sensors and Systems 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006B0149000550703 003 0000116269 0000000000 200901152007020120100131042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Accomplishment Based Renewal: Experimental Verification of Stable Isotope and Trace Metal Incorporation in Living Planktonic Foraminifera 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Davis 22104El Macero 113YOLO 0695618000006A0149000851420 000 0000012000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 0622104California Davis 95618000001Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Doctoral Dissertation Research: Child Maltreatment: Eyewitness Memory and Executive Function 047120084 490100 OR/Sponsored Programs 1850 Research Park Dr., Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas El Paso 24000El Paso 141EL PASO 4879968058706B1649000748913 001 0000190000 0000000000 200901092008020120100131042 4824000Texas ElPaso 79968058716Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Metal-mediated Supramolecular Materials in Water: Towards Programmable Molecular Complexity with DNA-delivery Functions 132051285 490100 ADMIN BLDG RM 209 500 West University 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas El Paso 24000El Paso 141EL PASO 4879968058706A1649000840525 000 0000286500 0000000000 200901092009020120120131042 4824000Texas ElPaso 79968058716Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of a Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometer for Research and Teaching at a Large Minority Serving Institution 132051285 490100 ADMIN BLDG RM 209 500 West University 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas El Paso 24000El Paso 141EL PASO 4879968058706A1649000838252 000 0000230773 0000000000 200901082009011520111231042 4824000Texas ElPaso 79968058716Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Integrating Geologic, Geodetic, and Coastal Tide Gauge Observations with 100-year Vertical Deformation Models of California Earthquake History 132051285 490100 ADMIN BLDG RM 209 500 West University 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas El Paso 24000El Paso 141EL PASO 4879968058706A1649000847499 000 0000501048 0000000000 200901082009060120140531042 4824000Texas ElPaso 79968058716Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: An Integrated Geologic, Geodetic, and Paleoseismic Study of Plate Boundary Stress Evolution and Geoscience Education Utilizing the EarthScop132051285 490100 ADMIN BLDG RM 209 500 West University 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Central Washington Univ 21240Ellensburg 037KITTITAS 5398926750006A0449000839851 000 0000135500 0000000000 200901082009010120101231042 5321240Washington Ellensburg 98926750004Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI: Do Dimethyl Sulfide (DMS) and Isoprene Control Iron Bioavailability in Marine Aerosols? 055484950 490100 400 E. University Way 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Central Washington Univ 21240Ellensburg 037KITTITAS 5398926750006A0449000838146 000 0000097135 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 5321240Washington Ellensburg 98926750004Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Testing Channel-flow Models Using Mid-crustal Rocks of North Himalayan Gneiss Domes 055484950 490100 400 E. University Way 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Emory University 99089Emory University 089DE KALB 1330322162025B0449000848233 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901302009040120120331042 1399089Georgia ATLANTA 30322162004Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theoretical and Computational Studies of Molecular Dynamics 066469933 490100 1599 Clifton Rd NE, 4th Floor 1599-001-1BA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Emory University 99089Emory University 089DE KALB 1330322162025B0449000907936 000 0000111031 0000000000 200901072008090120090131042 1399089Georgia ATLANTA 30322162004Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia New Advances in Rhodium Carbenoid Chemistry 066469933 490100 1599 Clifton Rd NE, 4th Floor 1599-001-1BA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Emory University 99089Emory University 089DE KALB 1330322162025A0449000917796 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901292009021520090430042 1399089Georgia ATLANTA 30322162004Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CONF: Vole Workshop 2009 to be held in Atlanta, GA on February 28, 2009 066469933 490100 1599 Clifton Rd NE, 4th Floor 1599-001-1BA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Emory University 99089Emory University 089DE KALB 1330322162025B0449000749620 001 0000150000 0000000000 200901212008030120100228042 1399089Georgia ATLANTA 30322162004Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Nab2, Molecular Recognition of Polyadenosine RNA by a Zinc Finger Protein 066469933 490100 1599 Clifton Rd NE, 4th Floor 1599-001-1BA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Emory University 99089Emory University 089DE KALB 1330322162025A0449000848235 000 0000139289 0000000000 200901082009050120110430042 1399089Georgia ATLANTA 30322162004Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia En Bancs in the U.S. Courts of Appeals 066469933 490100 1599 Clifton Rd NE, 4th Floor 1599-001-1BA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Oregon Eugene 23850Eugene 039LANE 4197403312006B0449000647252 002 0000134000 0000000000 200901192007030120100228042 4123850Oregon EUGENE 97403312004Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Aromatic Metallacycles: Syntheses, Structures, and Properties 948117312 490100 5219 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Oregon Eugene 23850Eugene 039LANE 4197403312006A0449000840478 000 0000275000 0000000000 200901092009020120120131042 4123850Oregon EUGENE 97403312004Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Upgrade and Cyber-Access of Magnetic Resonance Facilities at the University of Oregon 948117312 490100 5219 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Oregon Eugene 23850Eugene 039LANE 4197403312006B0449000746038 001 0000092723 0000000000 200901052008020120100131042 4123850Oregon EUGENE 97403312004Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Bio-Membrane Mediated Colloidal Assembly 948117312 490100 5219 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Oregon Eugene 23850Eugene 039LANE 4197403312006B0449000808931 001 0000240000 0000000000 200901222008100120100930042 4123850Oregon EUGENE 97403312004Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: PICASSO: Program to Investigate Convective Alboran Sea System Overturn 948117312 490100 5219 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Oregon Eugene 23850Eugene 039LANE 4197403312006B0449000547926 006 0000115340 0000000000 200901232006030120100228042 4123850Oregon EUGENE 97403312004Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Continuous Measurements of Quantum Dynamical Systems 948117312 490100 5219 UNIVERSITY OF OREGON 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Northwestern University 24582Evanston 031COOK 1760208111025B0949000843832 000 0000410766 0000000000 200901302009020120120131042 1724582Illinois EVANSTON 60208111009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theory and computation for self-assembly in soft matter 160079455 490100 633 CLARK ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Northwestern University 24582Evanston 031COOK 1760208111025B0949000546305 004 0000077923 0000000000 200901212006030120100228042 1724582Illinois EVANSTON 60208111009Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Thermal-Aware Synthesis of Embedded Processors 160079455 490100 633 CLARK ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Northwestern University 24582Evanston 031COOK 1760208111025B0949000449933 004 0000115408 0000000000 200901132005020120100131042 1724582Illinois EVANSTON 60208111009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nanoscale Composition Control and Characterization of One-Dimensional Semiconductor Nanostructures 160079455 490100 633 CLARK ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Northwestern University 24582Evanston 031COOK 1760208111025B0949000824162 001 0001000000 0000000000 200901092008021520130131042 1724582Illinois EVANSTON 60208111009Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 160079455 490100 633 CLARK ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Northwestern University 24582Evanston 031COOK 1760208111025B0949000643752 002 0000093021 0000000000 200901012007010120091231042 1724582Illinois EVANSTON 60208111009Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Making music documents accessible in musical terms 160079455 490100 633 CLARK ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT George Mason University 26496Fairfax 600**FAIRFAX 5122030444406B1149000747654 001 0000178033 0000000000 200901092008021520100131042 5126496Virginia FAIRFAX 22030444411Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Understanding the Evolution and Nature of Shocks and Sheets in Space Physics 077817450 490100 4400 UNIVERSITY DR 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT George Mason University 26496Fairfax 600**FAIRFAX 5122030444406B1149000748003 001 0000088994 0000000000 200901082008030120100228042 5126496Virginia FAIRFAX 22030444411Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Comprehensive Study of Initiation and Evolution of Solar Energetic Phenomena 077817450 490100 4400 UNIVERSITY DR 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Marine Biological Lab 23070Falmouth 001BARNSTABLE 2502543101512B1049000632139 002 0000334184 0000000000 200901222007031520100228042 2523070Massachusetts WOODS HOLE 02543101510Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia IPY: Collaborative Research on Carbon, Water, and Energy Balance of the Arctic Landscape at Flagship Observatories and in a PanArctic Network 001933779 490100 7 M B L ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Woods Hole Ocean Inst 23070Falmouth 001BARNSTABLE 2502543104125B1049000732382 003 0000026994 0000000000 200901162007091520090831042 2523070Massachusetts WOODS HOLE 02543104110Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: BEST: Mesozooplankton-microbial food web interactions in a climatically changing sea ice environment 001766682 490100 183 OYSTER POND ROAD FENNO HOUSE MS#39 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Woods Hole Ocean Inst 23070Falmouth 001BARNSTABLE 2502543104125B1049000242117 004 0000057726 0000000000 200901132003090120090831042 2523070Massachusetts WOODS HOLE 02543104110Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Oceanic Transform Faulting: Foreshocks, Seismic and Aseismic Slip on the Quebrada, Discovery and Gofar Transforms 001766682 490100 183 OYSTER POND ROAD FENNO HOUSE MS#39 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Woods Hole Ocean Inst 23070Falmouth 001BARNSTABLE 2502543104125B1049000647899 002 0000010061 0000000000 200901142007040120100331042 2523070Massachusetts WOODS HOLE 02543104110Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Culturing Deep-sea Benthic Foraminifera - Multi-temperature Proxy Calibration, and Substrate and Food Experiments 001766682 490100 183 OYSTER POND ROAD FENNO HOUSE MS#39 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Woods Hole Ocean Inst 23070Falmouth 001BARNSTABLE 2502543104125B1049000751554 001 0000162767 0000000000 200901132008040120100331042 2523070Massachusetts WOODS HOLE 02543104110Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia From Rivers to the Ocean: The Dynamics of Freshwater Export from Hudson Strait 001766682 490100 183 OYSTER POND ROAD FENNO HOUSE MS#39 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Woods Hole Ocean Inst 23070Falmouth 001BARNSTABLE 2502543104125A1049000850421 000 0000747360 0000000000 200901272009050120120430042 2523070Massachusetts WOODS HOLE 02543104110Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Nutritional, environmental, and genetic regulation of toxicity and growth in Dinophysis 001766682 490100 183 OYSTER POND ROAD FENNO HOUSE MS#39 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Arkansas 23290Fayetteville 143WASHINGTON 0572701140306B0349000538135 003 0000038053 0000000000 200901212006010120091231042 0523290Arkansas FAYETTEVILLE 72701140303Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: An integrated GPS and Structural Study of the Cocos-Caribbean Boundary in Nicaragua and El Salvador 191429745 490100 120 Ozark Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Arkansas 23290Fayetteville 143WASHINGTON 0572701140306A0349000841227 000 0000188892 0000000000 200901122009070120100630042 0523290Arkansas FAYETTEVILLE 72701140303Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Intrinsic Tilt of Transmembrane Helices 191429745 490100 120 Ozark Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Northern Arizona Univ 23620Flagstaff 005COCONINO 0486011413006A0149000838596 000 0000070430 0000000000 200901282009030120100228042 0423620Arizona Flagstaff 86011413001Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: High-resolution Basin Analysis of a Large-offset Extensional System, Lake Mead Domain, East-Central Basin and Range Province 806345542 490100 ARD Building #56, Suite 240 1501 South Knoles Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of South Florida 22685Fletcher 057HILLSBOROUGH 1233612944606B1149000905020 000 0000034747 0000000000 200901282008100620090731042 1222685Florida Tampa 33612944611Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Development and Application of Proteomics-based Research in Archaeological Residue Analysis 069687242 490100 3650 Spectrum Blvd Suite 160 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of South Florida 22685Fletcher 057HILLSBOROUGH 1233612944606B1149000701362 002 0000099696 0000000000 200901142006110120111031042 1222685Florida Tampa 33612944611Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 069687242 490106 3650 Spectrum Blvd Suite 160 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of South Florida 22685Fletcher 057HILLSBOROUGH 1233612944606B1149000645574 002 0000092000 0000000000 200901152007020120100131042 1222685Florida Tampa 33612944611Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Responsive, Surface-Attached Networks with Built-in Logic - An Integrated Research and Education Plan 069687242 490100 3650 Spectrum Blvd Suite 160 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of South Florida 22685Fletcher 057HILLSBOROUGH 1233612944606B1149000640133 003 0000006000 0000000000 200901212007050120100430042 1222685Florida Tampa 33612944611Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Function and Evolution of the Hammerhead Shark Cephalofoil. 069687242 490100 3650 Spectrum Blvd Suite 160 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT MIT 23760Fletcher 089HENDERSON 3728732932823B1149000808990 001 0000049844 0000000000 200901122008070120090630042 3723760North Carolina Fletcher 28732932811Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Natural Fiber-Reinforced Bio-Based Thermoset Resin Composites 186976846 490100 320 Rutledge Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT CUNY Queens College 26396Flushing 081QUEENS 3611367157501A0949000846899 000 0000120000 0000000000 200901302009050120100430042 3626396New York Flushing 11367157509Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Synergistic theory development and computational modeling of the energy flow dynamics in soft optoelctronic molecules 064932676 490100 65 30 Kissena Blvd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106B0449000632133 002 0000095000 0000000000 200901072007031520100228042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia IPY: Collaborative Research: A Prototype Network for Measuring Arctic Winter Precipitation and Snow Cover (Snow-Net) 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106B0449000745337 001 0000119022 0000000000 200901092008030120100228042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia VOCALS: Cloud Chemistry Measurements in the Southeast Pacific 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106A0449000756633 000 0000255260 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Asymmetric Catalysis by Chiral-Polymer-Induced and Stabilized, Chiral-Surface Nanoclusters 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106A0449000844882 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901162009030120140228042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: From Biomass to Liquid Fuels: Ab initio Molecular Dynamics Investigation of Glucose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfurl Conversion 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106A0449000847016 000 0000073955 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Towards Rational Design of "Smart" Surfaces from Two-Component Polymer Brushes 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106B0449000746693 002 0000071431 0000000000 200901182008021520100131042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Parallelization using Inspector/Executor Strategies (PIES) 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106A0449000829465 000 0000260000 0000000000 200901082009010120101231042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Shortgrass Steppe Field Station 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106A0449000846175 000 0000143077 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in Adaptive Evolution 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106C0449000846175 000 -0000143077 0000000000 200901222009020120100131042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: The Role of Phenotypic Plasticity in Adaptive Evolution 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106B0449000902173 000 0000136803 0000000000 200901222008093020090831042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Phenotypic Constraints and Community Structure: Linking Intraspecific and Interspecific Tradeoffs 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106B0449000920991 000 0000035000 0000000000 200901232008080120090630042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Effects of Melt Depletion on Mantle Density and Velocity 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106A0449000909268 000 0000168940 0000000000 200901092009010520100104042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Colorado State University 27425Fort Collins 069LARIMER 0880523000106A0449000843073 000 0000159786 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 0827425Colorado Fort Collins 80523000104Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Transcriptional Regulation During Oxidative Stress 785979618 490100 601 S Howes St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206A0649000912200 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901142009020120100131042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia ACES 2008 Conference Support 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206A0649000854005 000 0000300001 0000000000 200901282009030120120229042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Development and Validation of Particle-Phase Stress Constitutive Models for Non-Spherical Particles 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206A0649000844448 000 0000120000 0000000000 200901302009040120100331042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Quantum Chemistry of Macromolecules 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206A0649000845868 000 0000240000 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Towards Room Temperature Formability in Magnesium Alloys 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206A0649000845722 000 0000081014 0000000000 200901302009050120100430042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: ACOustic Underwater Sensor NETwork (ACOUSNET) -- Multi-Level Adaptations 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206B0649000648969 003 0000076346 0000000000 200901092007021520100131042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Undergraduate Research Training Program in Marine Biosciences at the Whitney Laboratory 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206B0649000649198 003 0000082059 0000000000 200901092007030120100228042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Fueling a Microbiology Research Training Network from the University of Florida 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206B0649000801114 001 0000035302 0000000000 200901212008040120100331042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Forcing Idealized 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206B0649000824729 001 0000109085 0000000000 200901222008090120100831042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of an X-ray Diffractometer for Mineralogical and Sedimentological Studies 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206A0649000838476 000 0000050714 0000000000 200901232009020120100131042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Mid-crustal Strain during Extension: A Field-based Investigation of Rheological Transitions, Doming, and Vertical Coupling 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206A0649000846563 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009020120140131042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: QMHP: A Multiphenomena Simulator toward New Functionalities of All-Graphene Devices 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206B0649000519579 007 0000006000 0000000000 200901122005090120090831042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Paracrine Control of Fish Gill Function 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Florida 25175Gainesville 001ALACHUA 1232611200206B0649000649224 003 0000094430 0000000000 200901212007040120100331042 1225175Florida GAINESVILLE 32611200206Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia International REU site for Gravitational Physics 969663814 490100 1 UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Sustainable Innovations 31170Glastonbury 003HARTFORD 0906033170923A0249000848366 000 0000499617 0000000000 200901272009020120110131042 0931170Connecticut Glastonbury 06033170901Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Development of Hydrogen/Halogen Fuel Cell Technology for Renewables Based Energy Storage 795426746 490100 114 Harvest Lane 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Chicago Botanic Garden 29652Glencoe 031COOK 1760022040001B1049000545072 008 0000044110 0000000000 200901282006040120100331042 1729652Illinois Glencoe 60022040010Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: LTREB: The Interplay of Genetic and Numerical Dynamics in Severely Fragmented Prairie Populations of Echinacea Angustifolia 068477231 490100 1000 Lake Cook Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT William & Mary Marine Inst 31616Gloucester Point 073GLOUCESTER 5123062134606A0149000841096 000 0000163843 0000000000 200901132009011520091231042 5131616Virginia Gloucester Point 23062134601Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Towards Integration and Synthesis of MARGINS S2S Research in PNG and NZ Focus Areas 169516213 490100 P.O. Box 1346 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT William & Mary Marine Inst 31616Gloucester Point 073GLOUCESTER 5123062134606A0149000850910 000 0000461284 0000000000 200901272009040120120331042 5131616Virginia Gloucester Point 23062134601Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Experimental investigations of the giant colonies of Phaeocystis globosa in China 169516213 490100 P.O. Box 1346 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Colorado School of Mines 30835Golden 059JEFFERSON 0880401188706B0549000826323 001 0000010000 0000000000 200901142008090120110831042 0830835Colorado Golden 80401188707Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia High Throughput Manufacturing of Nanolaminates 010628170 490100 1500 Illinois 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Colorado School of Mines 30835Golden 059JEFFERSON 0880401188706A0549000846858 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901142009020120140131042 0830835Colorado Golden 80401188707Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Structural Helicity in Ultra-Thin Alloy Nanowires 010628170 490100 1500 Illinois 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Colorado School of Mines 30835Golden 059JEFFERSON 0880401188706B0549000809351 001 0000156598 0000000000 200901092008010720100106042 0830835Colorado Golden 80401188707Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Integovernmental Mobility Assignment 010628170 490100 1500 Illinois 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Colorado School of Mines 30835Golden 059JEFFERSON 0880401188706B0549000547845 006 0000083075 0000000000 200901072006010120091231042 0830835Colorado Golden 80401188707Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Quantum Many Body Physics in Ultracold Atomic and Molecular Gases 010628170 490100 1500 Illinois 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Granger Eng 28800Granger 141ST JOSEPH 1846530847123B0249000548663 003 0000174991 0000000000 200901222006100120090930042 1828800Indiana Granger 46530847102Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: Variable Diameter Fiber Reinforced Biopolymers for Minimally Invasive Orthopedic Implants 611517074 490100 PO Box 845 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT P,Kamenski 31175Greenfield 079MILWAUKEE 5553220 21B0449000836693 001 0000001000 0000000000 200901302008080120130731042 5531175Wisconsin Greenfield 53220 04Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 490106 4933 West Colonial Court 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT East Carolina University 28080Greenville 147PITT 3727858435306A0349000840191 000 0000255537 0000000000 200901262009020120120131042 3728080North Carolina Greenville 27858435303Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Measurement and Modeling of Aerodynamic Interactions between Tree-Sway Motion and Turbulence in and above a Forest Canopy 607579018 490100 Office of Sponsored Programs Greenville Centre, Room 2906 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Colgate University 31709Hamilton 053MADISON 3613346139825B2349000725380 001 0000016868 0000000000 200901292007090120090831042 3631709New York Hamilton 13346139823Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Undergraduate ALFALFA Team 002253615 490100 13 Oak Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Dartmouth College 33780Hanover 009GRAFTON 3303755140425B0249000538495 002 0000112016 0000000000 200901052007020120100131042 3333780New Hampshire HANOVER 03755140402Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Norwegian-United States IPY Scientific Traverse: Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica 041027822 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROJECTS 11 ROPE FERRY RD #6210 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Dartmouth College 33780Hanover 009GRAFTON 3303755140425B0249000547151 003 0000082500 0000000000 200901302006020120100131042 3333780New Hampshire HANOVER 03755140402Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Electric Fields in Space Plasmas--Aurora and Charging 041027822 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROJECTS 11 ROPE FERRY RD #6210 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Dartmouth College 33780Hanover 009GRAFTON 3303755140425A0249000838356 000 0001910776 0000000000 200901162009011520121231042 3333780New Hampshire HANOVER 03755140402Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: MSI--Mid-Latitude SuperDARN Radar Infrastructure for the Study of Ionospheric Electrodynamics and Atmospheric Processes on Gl041027822 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROJECTS 11 ROPE FERRY RD #6210 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Dartmouth College 33780Hanover 009GRAFTON 3303755140425A0249000853482 000 0000045611 0000000000 200901142009011520090630042 3333780New Hampshire HANOVER 03755140402Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Magnetically-Triggered Joining Using Nanocrystalline Fe-Al Powders 041027822 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROJECTS 11 ROPE FERRY RD #6210 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT James Madison University 35624Harrisonburg 660**HARRISONBURG 5122807700006A0649000906707 000 0000008070 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 5135624Virginia HARRISONBURG 22807700000Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Unpacking a Crisis: Transparency and Accountability in China's Dairy Corporations 879325355 490100 MSC 5728 800 South Main Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Southern Mississippi 31020Hattiesburg 035FORREST 2839406515706A0449000840390 000 0000434911 0000000000 200901302009030120120229042 2831020Mississippi HATTIESBURG 39406515705Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of a Cyber-accessible 400 MHz NMR at the University of Southern Mississippi 623335775 490100 2609 WEST 4TH ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Protelix 33000Hayward 001ALAMEDA 0694545373223A1349000848867 000 0000499825 0000000000 200901142009011520101231042 0633000California Hayward 94545373213Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Bioinformatics knowledge-based, universal library design for a non-immunoglobulin, protein-scaffold 614769151 490100 26118 Research Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Stevens Inst of Technology 32250Hoboken 017HUDSON 3407030599125B1349000752893 001 0000158122 0000000000 200901212008040120100331042 3432250New Jersey HOBOKEN 07030599113Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Properties of Mixed Phase- and Ice Clouds in the Arctic Using a Tethered Balloon System Deployed in Support of the International Polar Year (IPY)064271570 490100 CASTLE POINT ON HUDSON 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Hawaii 17000Honolulu 003HONOLULU 1596822230306B0149000647995 002 0000183953 0000000000 200901082007030120100228042 1517000Hawaii HONOLULU 96822230301Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Dynamics and Moist Thermodynamics of the Boreal Summer Intraseasonal Oscillation 965088057 490100 2530 Dole Street ORS, Sakamaki D-200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Hawaii 17000Honolulu 003HONOLULU 1596822230306B0149000745368 001 0000196606 0000000000 200901132008030120100228042 1517000Hawaii HONOLULU 96822230301Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia VOCALS: Airborne Measurements of Aerosol Dynamics and Evolution 965088057 490100 2530 Dole Street ORS, Sakamaki D-200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Hawaii 17000Honolulu 003HONOLULU 1596822230306B0149000808970 001 0000113497 0000000000 200901092008010720100706042 1517000Hawaii HONOLULU 96822230301Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 965088057 490100 2530 Dole Street ORS, Sakamaki D-200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Hawaii 17000Honolulu 003HONOLULU 1596822230306B0149000711530 001 0000048021 0000000000 200901152008030120100228042 1517000Hawaii HONOLULU 96822230301Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Towards a Quaternary Spatial and Temporal Deformation History at the Central Andean Thrust Front 965088057 490100 2530 Dole Street ORS, Sakamaki D-200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Hawaii 17000Honolulu 003HONOLULU 1596822230306A0149000838271 000 0000297682 0000000000 200901232009011520111231042 1517000Hawaii HONOLULU 96822230301Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Rates, Sources and Magmagenesis of Alkalic Lavas at the Edge of an Intraplate Hotspot: A Multi-tracer Study of the Youngest Volcanics on Oahu, Hawaii965088057 490100 2530 Dole Street ORS, Sakamaki D-200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Hawaii 17000Honolulu 003HONOLULU 1596822230306A0149000846172 000 0000137788 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 1517000Hawaii HONOLULU 96822230301Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: High Fidelity Haptic Interaction using Large Range of Motion Magnetic Levitation Systems for Medical Applications 965088057 490100 2530 Dole Street ORS, Sakamaki D-200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Mich Technological Univ 39360Houghton 061HOUGHTON 2649931129506A0149000904459 000 0000099994 0000000000 200901082009011520091231042 2639360Michigan Houghton 49931129501Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Environmentally Benign Iron Manufacture with Renewable Reductants 065453268 490100 1400 Townsend Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Houston 35000Houston 201HARRIS 4877204201506B1849000706072 001 0000144761 0000000000 200901162008010120091231042 4835000Texas Houston 77204201518Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Metal-Oxide Organic Frameworks: Multifunctional Materials 036837920 490100 4800 Calhoun Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Houston 35000Houston 201HARRIS 4877204201506B1849000448542 005 0000103147 0000000000 200901292005011520091231042 4835000Texas Houston 77204201518Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Advancing the Theory and Practice of Meta-Learning with Applications in Physics 036837920 490100 4800 Calhoun Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Houston 35000Houston 201HARRIS 4877204201506A1849000843726 000 0000145000 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 4835000Texas Houston 77204201518Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Mesoscopic Aggregation of Folded Proteins 036837920 490100 4800 Calhoun Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT William Marsh Rice Univ 35000Houston 201HARRIS 4877005182725A0749000758158 000 0000025000 0000000000 200901072008110120091031042 4835000Texas HOUSTON 77005182707Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Cosmic Ray Ion and Electron Production at Relativistic Shocks in Gamma-Ray Bursts 050299031 490100 6100 MAIN ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Alabama Huntsville 37000Huntsville 089MADISON 0135805191106A0549000833995 000 0000137982 0000000000 200901082009010120091231042 0137000Alabama Huntsville 35805191105Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Investigations of Mesoscale and Microscale Processes in Extratropical Cyclones and Mesoscale Convective Systems 949687123 490100 301 Sparkman Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Alabama Huntsville 37000Huntsville 089MADISON 0135805191106B0549000728830 001 0000015000 0000000000 200901282008040120100331042 0137000Alabama Huntsville 35805191105Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Graph Orientation Structures and Their Applications 949687123 490100 301 Sparkman Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT SeaLane 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952245331423A0249000852443 000 0000039663 0000000000 200901082009010120091231042 1938595Iowa Iowa City 52245331402Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Small Grant Exploratory Reseearch on Chorus Electrostatic Bursts 142724405 490100 1508 Glendale Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT University of Iowa 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952242132006B0249000751615 001 0000055084 0000000000 200901022008031520100831042 1938595Iowa IOWA CITY 52242132002Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Impact of State and Local Taxes on Growth Using Improved Tax Measures 062761671 490100 2 GILMORE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Iowa 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952242132006B0249000853411 000 0000238592 0000000000 200901212009040120120331042 1938595Iowa IOWA CITY 52242132002Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Epoxy-Acrylate Hybrid Resin Systems: Photopolymerizations Outside the (Controlled Atmosphere) Box 062761671 490100 2 GILMORE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Iowa 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952242132006B0249000715448 001 0000065932 0000000000 200901072007081520110731042 1938595Iowa IOWA CITY 52242132002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Protein dynamics and hydrogen tunneling in enzyme catalysis 062761671 490100 2 GILMORE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Iowa 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952242132006B0249000749850 001 0000130000 0000000000 200901202008030120100228042 1938595Iowa IOWA CITY 52242132002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Asymmetric Radical Addition Reactions 062761671 490100 2 GILMORE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Iowa 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952242132006A0249000840371 000 0000512460 0000000000 200901052009020120120131042 1938595Iowa IOWA CITY 52242132002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CRIF:MU: Acquisition of a Cyber Enabled 500 MHz Solid State NMR Spectrometer 062761671 490100 2 GILMORE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Iowa 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952242132006A0249000840862 000 0000148828 0000000000 200901272009020120110131042 1938595Iowa IOWA CITY 52242132002Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia MARGINS: Mariana Forearc Geology and Early Arc Volcanism 062761671 490100 2 GILMORE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT University of Iowa 38595Iowa City 103JOHNSON 1952242132006B0249000643390 002 0000091563 0000000000 200901102007011520091231042 1938595Iowa IOWA CITY 52242132002Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Modeling the effect of operators' adaptive behavior on system safety 062761671 490100 2 GILMORE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Irvine 36770Irvine 059ORANGE 0692697700006B4849000641169 002 0000125264 0000000000 200901072007021520100131042 0636770California IRVINE 92697700000Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Chemical Sensors Based upon Electrodeposited Metal Nanowires 046705849 490100 4199 Campus Dr Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Irvine 36770Irvine 059ORANGE 0692697700006B4849000748912 001 0000200000 0000000000 200901162008020120100131042 0636770California IRVINE 92697700000Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: A fundamental study of biological/inorganic interfaces: Understanding mechanisms for probing biomolecular interactions using nanostructures 046705849 490100 4199 Campus Dr Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Irvine 36770Irvine 059ORANGE 0692697700006A4849000846129 000 0000074539 0000000000 200901292009060120100531042 0636770California IRVINE 92697700000Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: System Synthesis for Self-adaptive Reconfigurable Embedded Systems 046705849 490100 4199 Campus Dr Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Irvine 36770Irvine 059ORANGE 0692697700006B4849000748810 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901062008020120100131042 0636770California IRVINE 92697700000Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nonlinear Magnetization Dynamics Excited by Spin Transfer Torque 046705849 490100 4199 Campus Dr Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Irvine 36770Irvine 059ORANGE 0692697700006B4849000644424 002 0000106961 0000000000 200901122007011520091231042 0636770California IRVINE 92697700000Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Tools for Analyzing, Modeling, and Comparing Protein-Protein Interaction Networks 046705849 490100 4199 Campus Dr Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Irvine 36770Irvine 059ORANGE 0692697700006A4849000904089 000 0000011714 0000000000 200901232009011520091231042 0636770California IRVINE 92697700000Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Symposium: Sensory Biomechanics, Winter, '09, Westin Waterfront Hotel in Boston, MA. 046705849 490100 4199 Campus Dr Ste 300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000551107 002 0000170036 0000000000 200901082006111520091031042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Wind and Wave Patterns in the Earth's Ionosphere 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000749997 001 0000130000 0000000000 200901132008020120100131042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Conformational Dynamics and Hole-hopping in Metalloprotein Electron Transfer 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University State 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850248825B2849000644111 002 0000128685 0000000000 200901212007030120100228042 3638077New York Ithica 14850248822Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Models of Evolution and Discovery of Functional Elements in Mammals and Drosophila 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University State 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850248825B2849000742998 001 0000171790 0000000000 200901162008021520100131042 3638077New York Ithica 14850248822Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REVSYS: Phylogeny and Systematics of the Megachilid Bees 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000225180 017 0002125000 0000000000 200901132003040120090331052 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Operation of the Cornell High Energy Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory (CHESS) 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000547976 004 0000083850 0000000000 200901072006021520100131042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nonspherical, Active, and "Inverted" Bases for Optimized Photonic Crystal Design 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000547976 005 0000054873 0000000000 200901302006021520100131042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nonspherical, Active, and "Inverted" Bases for Optimized Photonic Crystal Design 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025A2849000845212 000 0000185948 0000000000 200901152009010120101231042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Synthesis, Characterization, and Application of Gel-Grown, Polymer-Reinforced Single Crystals 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Novomer 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850571423B2849000620438 002 0000500000 0000000000 200901122006090120100831042 3638077New York Ithaca 14850571422Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Novel Polycarbonate Synthesis 171217313 490100 950 Danby Road, Suite 198 South Hill Business Campus 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000641582 003 0000132300 0000000000 200901212007020120100131042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Establishing the Thermodynamic and Kinetic Thresholds for Bacterial Protein Secretion via the Type 3 Secretion System 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000202078 021 0002000000 0000000000 200901162003040120090331052 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Support of the Cornell Electron Storage Ring (CESR) Facility 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000734867 003 0005000000 0000000000 200901072008031520100228042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Cesr Conversion 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Cornell University 38077Ithaca 109TOMPKINS 3614850282025B2849000849885 000 0000098000 0000000000 200901152009030120100228042 3638077New York ITHACA 14850282022Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Accelerator Physics and Synchrotron Radiation Science 872612445 490100 373 Pine Tree Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT ALCES 40120Jackson 039TETON 5683001947223B0049000620566 001 0000499917 0000000000 200901122006091520100831042 5640120Wyoming JACKSON 83001947200Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: High-Speed, Low-Cost Maskless Lithography 137198862 490100 650 West Elk Ave #8 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Jackson State University 36000Jackson 049HINDS 2839217000206A0249000851646 000 0000319989 0000000000 200901072009011520111231042 2836000Mississippi Jackson 39217000202Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Undergraduate Research Program in Wireless Ad hoc Networks and Sensor Networks 044507085 490100 1400 J R LYNCH ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT CUNY York College 38231Jamaica 081QUEENS 3611451000201A0649000845077 000 0000095166 0000000000 200901082009060120100531042 3638231New York Jamaica 11451000206Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Integrating Education and Research in NMR Structure-Function Studies of Mechanically Strained Elastin 620128822 490100 94-20 Guy R. Brewer Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Vision Dynamics 40222Jeffersontown 111JEFFERSON 2140299220223A0349000848825 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901122009011520101231042 2140222Kentucky Louisville 40299220203Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Lens-forming nanocomposites for high strength, clear ophthalmic lenses 800433331 490100 10100 Bluegrass Parkway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT WE Upjohn Inst for Emp Re 42160Kalamazoo 077KALAMAZOO 2649007463012B0649000751609 001 0000018746 0000000000 200901052008031520100228042 2642160Michigan Kalamazoo 49007463006Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Impact of State and Local Taxes on Growth Using Improved Tax Measures 020893707 490100 300 South Westnedge Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Western Michigan Univ 42160Kalamazoo 077KALAMAZOO 2649008520006B0649000552517 003 0000104713 0000000000 200901092006030120100228042 2642160Michigan Kalamazoo 49008520006Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Interdisciplinary Research in Environmental Signal Transduction 622364479 490100 1903 West Michigan Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Antioch-New England Grad 39300Keene 005CHESHIRE 3303431385701B0249000912608 000 0000038057 0000000000 200901272008100820090630042 3339300New Hampshire Keene 03431385702Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Components of Floral Attraction in a Functionally Specialized but Ecologically Generalized Flower Guild 041969544 490100 40 Avon Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Kent State University 39872Kent 133PORTAGE 3944242000106A1749000852233 000 0000088363 0000000000 200901162009020120100131042 3939872Ohio KENT 44242000117Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Understanding Late to Terminal Classic Political and Economic Transformations: Archaeological Investigations at Xuenkal, Yucatán, Mexico 041071101 490100 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PO BOX 5190 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Kent State University 39872Kent 133PORTAGE 3944242000106A1749000755318 000 0000200108 0000000000 200901052008121520111130042 3939872Ohio KENT 44242000117Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site at Kent State University: Applications and Ramifications of Linear Algebra 041071101 490100 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PO BOX 5190 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Miami Sch Mar&Atmos 36300Key Biscayne 086DADE 1233149109825B1849000745470 001 0000104887 0000000000 200901132008020120100131042 1236300Florida KEY BISCAYNE 33149109817Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia VOCALS: Cloud Remote Sensing in Support of VOCAL-REx: Linking Cloud Optical Properties to Aerosol and Precipitation Variability 152764007 490100 4600 RICKENBACKER CSWY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Miami Sch Mar&Atmos 36300Key Biscayne 086DADE 1233149109825B1849000754341 001 0000075462 0000000000 200901282008040120100331042 1236300Florida KEY BISCAYNE 33149109817Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Westerly Wind Burst Modulation by the Sea-Surface Temperature (SST): from Understanding to El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO152764007 490100 4600 RICKENBACKER CSWY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Miami Sch Mar&Atmos 36300Key Biscayne 086DADE 1233149109825A1849000838493 000 0000231470 0000000000 200901162009011520111231042 1236300Florida KEY BISCAYNE 33149109817Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: An integrated seismic-geodetic study of active magmatic processes at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos Islands 152764007 490100 4600 RICKENBACKER CSWY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Miami Sch Mar&Atmos 36300Key Biscayne 086DADE 1233149109825A1849000752972 000 0000947362 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 1236300Florida KEY BISCAYNE 33149109817Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer Measurements, 2009-2014 152764007 490100 4600 RICKENBACKER CSWY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Texas A&M Univ-Kingsville 39352Kingsville 273KLEBERG 4878363020106B1549000449014 007 0000082541 0000000000 200901072005030120100228042 4839352Texas Kingsville 78363020127Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Effects of Particle Aggregation/Disaggregation and Precipitation on Sediment and Contaminant Transport in River Systems 868154089 490100 Campus Box 201 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Tennessee Knoxville 40000Knoxville 093KNOX 4737996000306A0249000845390 000 0000076130 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 4740000Tennessee KNOXVILLE 37996000302Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Coordinated Power and Thermal Management for Virtualized Data Centers: Algorithms, Framework, and Middleware 003387891 490100 1 CIRCLE PARK 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin La Crosse 40775La Crosse 063LA CROSSE 5554601374206B0349000649167 002 0000081777 0000000000 200901122007020120100131042 5540775Wisconsin La Crosse 54601374203Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Summer Undergraduate Research Program in Biomolecular Sciences 068191097 490100 1725 State Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Archbold Biological Statn 38625Lake Placid 055HIGHLANDS 1233852205712A1649000855879 000 0000050000 0000000000 200901162009011520091231042 1238625Florida Lake Placid 33852205716Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Episodic Disease and Host Population Dynamics: Immediate Response to Emerging Epidemic in a Well-studied Organism 010818920 490100 P.O.Box 2057 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Franklin & Marshall Col 41216Lancaster 071LANCASTER 4217604300325A1649000829308 000 0000024788 0000000000 200901232009011520101231042 4241216Pennsylvania Lancaster 17604300316Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Planning Grant for Program and Facility Enhancement at Lacawac Sanctuary 069773646 490100 Office of the Provost PO Box 3003 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Wyoming 45050Laramie 001ALBANY 5682071100006B0049000742110 001 0000097151 0000000000 200901242008020120100131042 5645050Wyoming LARAMIE 82071100000Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Airborne Radar Investigation of Mountain Waves and Rotors 069690956 490100 1000 E. University Avenue Department 3355 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Wyoming 45050Laramie 001ALBANY 5682071100006B0049000745986 001 0000150927 0000000000 200901082008040120100331042 5645050Wyoming LARAMIE 82071100000Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia VOCALS: Comprehensive Studies of Marine Stratocumulus during VOCALS-REx Using Airborne Radar, Lidar, and In Situ Measurements 069690956 490100 1000 E. University Avenue Department 3355 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT University of Wyoming 45050Laramie 001ALBANY 5682071100006B0049000744315 002 0000081000 0000000000 200901142007080120120731042 5645050Wyoming LARAMIE 82071100000Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 069690956 490106 1000 E. University Avenue Department 3355 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Nevada Las Vegas 40000Las Vegas 003CLARK 3289154105506B0149000719551 002 0000006000 0000000000 200901122007081520100731042 3240000Nevada LAS VEGAS 89154105501Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Energetic Homeostasis During Metamorphosis 098377336 490100 4505 MARYLAND PARKWAY OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Kansas Ctr for Res In 38900Lawrence 045DOUGLAS 2066045756306A0349000854967 000 0000220022 0000000000 200901212009010120091231042 2038900Kansas LAWRENCE 66045756303Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Excellence Empowered by a Diverse Academic Workforce: Chemists, Chemical Engineers and Materials Scientists with Disabilities 076248616 490100 2385 IRVING HILL RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Kansas Ctr for Res In 38900Lawrence 045DOUGLAS 2066045756306B0349000640737 002 0000077432 0000000000 200901102007031520100228042 2038900Kansas LAWRENCE 66045756303Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Comparative Biogeography of Sulawesi - Phylogenetic and Coalescent Analyses of Diversification in Frogs, Lizards, and Monkeys076248616 490100 2385 IRVING HILL RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Kansas Ctr for Res In 38900Lawrence 045DOUGLAS 2066045756306B0349000522222 006 0000039190 0000000000 200901152005091520100228042 2038900Kansas LAWRENCE 66045756303Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Project: Facility Support: EarthChem - Advancing Data Management in Solid Earth Geochemistry 076248616 490100 2385 IRVING HILL RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Kansas Ctr for Res In 38900Lawrence 045DOUGLAS 2066045756306B0349000310689 016 0000002446 0000000000 200901132003090120090228052 2038900Kansas LAWRENCE 66045756303Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis 076248616 490100 2385 IRVING HILL RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Kansas Ctr for Res In 38900Lawrence 045DOUGLAS 2066045756306B0349000757194 001 0000080000 0000000000 200901072008030120100228042 2038900Kansas LAWRENCE 66045756303Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theory of Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Processes 076248616 490100 2385 IRVING HILL RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT NTM Ltd 42952Lewis Center 041DELAWARE 3943035942323A1249000848877 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901122009011520101231042 3942952Ohio LEWIS CENTER 43035942312Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Catalyst for Biomass Gasification Processes 927606251 490100 404 ENTERPRISE DR 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Direct i2i 46000Lexington 067FAYETTE 2140515000023B0649000740449 002 0000049983 0000000000 200901282008010120090630042 2146000Kentucky Lexington 40515000004Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase I: Eye-Gaze Correction for more Effective Telepresence 800346228 490100 4609 Braxton Ct 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Kentucky Res Fdn 46000Lexington 067FAYETTE 2140506005706B0649000448185 005 0000100000 0000000000 200901102005031520100228042 2146000Kentucky Lexington 40506005700Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: The Light Portal: 3D Reconstruction and Visualization Over Space and Time 939017877 490100 201 Kinkead Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Kentucky Res Fdn 46000Lexington 067FAYETTE 2140506005706B0649000843551 000 0000159035 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 2146000Kentucky Lexington 40506005700Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Calmodulin Mediated Disorder-to-order Transitions: Calcineurin as a Model System 939017877 490100 201 Kinkead Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Hood College 46850Lime Kiln 021FREDERICK 2421701857525A0649000836771 000 0000137000 0000000000 200901222009020120120131042 2446850Maryland Frederick 21701857506Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Increasing Student Understanding of Separation Science Through Addition of LC/MS into the Chemistry Curriculum 069382778 490106 Rosemont Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Nebraska-Lincoln 28000Lincoln 109LANCASTER 3168588043006A0149000800763 000 0000074624 0000000000 200901232009020120110131042 3128000Nebraska LINCOLN 68588043001Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Development of Unmanned Aircraft System and Its Use in Investigating the Impact of Pre-Existing Airmass Boundaries on Supercell Rotation 555456995 490100 312 N 14TH STREET ALEXANDER BLDG. WEST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Nebraska-Lincoln 28000Lincoln 109LANCASTER 3168588043006A0149000846329 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901222009021520140131042 3128000Nebraska LINCOLN 68588043001Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Chiral Nanostructure Hybrid Materials for Applications in Terahertz Resonator and Magnetic Storage Devices 555456995 490100 312 N 14TH STREET ALEXANDER BLDG. WEST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Utah State University 45860Logan 005CACHE 4984322141506B0149000737698 001 0000084386 0000000000 200901072008010120091231042 4945860Utah Logan 84322141501Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CEDAR: Quantifying Mesospheric Gravity Waves and Associated Temperature Variability Over the Andes 072983455 490100 Sponsored Programs Office 1415 Old Main Hill ~ Room 64 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Utah State University 45860Logan 005CACHE 4984322141506A0149000848858 000 0000150000 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 4945860Utah Logan 84322141501Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Synthetic and Mechanistic Investigations of CO-releasing Divalent Metal Acireductone and Flavonolate Complexes 072983455 490100 Sponsored Programs Office 1415 Old Main Hill ~ Room 64 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Utah State University 45860Logan 005CACHE 4984322141506A0149000856480 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 4945860Utah Logan 84322141501Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Planning Grant: I/UCRC-Center for Advanced Radioactive Materials Processing 072983455 490100 Sponsored Programs Office 1415 Old Main Hill ~ Room 64 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606B3049000646233 002 0000125000 0000000000 200901072007020120100131042 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Triggered Large-scale Auroral Disturbances and Poleward Boundary Intensifications (PBIs): Polar Lonospheric Convection Evolution and Structure 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606B3049000730761 001 0000039584 0000000000 200901052008020120100131042 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Evaluation of Suggestions to Geoengineer the Climate System Using Stratospheric Aerosols and Sun Shading 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606A3049000819864 000 0000130000 0000000000 200901272009020120100131042 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia NSWP: Formation and Characteristics of the Harang Reversal and Relations to Substorms: Simulations with the Rice Convection Model 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606A3049000853500 000 0000505004 0000000000 200901302009040120120331042 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Plasmonic Photothermal Surgery on Fragile Living Cells 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606B3049000645793 002 0000220000 0000000000 200901272007020120120131042 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: EFFICIENT CHEMICAL REACTIONS TO PATTERN AND ARRAY PROTEINS AT THE MICRON AND NANOSCALE 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606A3049000840531 000 0000468073 0000000000 200901132009020120120131042 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of a Cyber Enabled X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer for Chemistry Research Education and Training 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Southern California 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690089114725B3349000748284 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901142008051520130430042 0644000California Los Angeles 90089114733Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: The Kinematics of Localized Failure and Flow in Granular Materials 072933393 490100 University Park 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Southern California 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690089114725A3349000844103 000 0000192837 0000000000 200901022009010120111231042 0644000California Los Angeles 90089114733Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Bimaterial Interfaces, Damage Zones, Earthquake Directivities and Signatures of Rupture Opening in the Parkfield Section of the San Andreas Fault 072933393 490100 University Park 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606A3049000847088 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009040120140331042 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Area-and-Power-Minimized Many-Channel Neural-Spike DSP 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Centar 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690077140623A3049000848285 000 0000499555 0000000000 200901292009020120110131042 0644000California Los Angeles 90077140630Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: A New Class of Fast Fourier Transforms 804714848 490100 2027 Linda Flora Dr 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Southern California 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690089114725B3349000641660 003 0000140000 0000000000 200901212007031520100228042 0644000California Los Angeles 90089114733Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Regulation of Neuromuscular Synapse Development by Novel Cytoskeletal Interactions 072933393 490100 University Park 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Southern California 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690089114725B3349000836400 000 0000197088 0000000000 200901142009040120100331042 0644000California Los Angeles 90089114733Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Structure Function Correlation of G-Proteins 072933393 490100 University Park 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Los Angeles 44000Los Angeles 037LOS ANGELES 0690095140606B3049000612805 004 0004000000 0000000000 200901222007010120111231052 0644000California LOS ANGELES 90095140630Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia U.S. CMS Operations at the LHC 092530369 490100 11000 Kinross Avenue Suite 102 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Louisville Res Fdn 48000Louisville 111JEFFERSON 2140208183806B0349000749965 001 0000128000 0000000000 200901282008021520100131042 2148000Kentucky Louisville 40208183803Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Oxygen Sensitivity and Functional Models of Nitrile Hydratase 057588857 490100 2301 S. Third St. Jouett Hall, Room 204 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Texas Tech University 45000Lubbock 303LUBBOCK 4879409103506A1949000840493 000 0000525325 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 4845000Texas Lubbock 79409103519Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia A Cluster for Cyber-Enabled Research and Education in Computational Chemistry 041367053 490100 203 Holden Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Western Illinois Univ 45889Macomb 109MCDONOUGH 1761455139006A1749000900891 000 0000019699 0000000000 200901132009011520091231042 1745889Illinois Macomb 61455139017Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Resiliency of Agricultural Communities after the 2008 Mississippi Floods 006328769 490100 1 University Circle 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Madison 48000Madison 025DANE 5553715121806B0249000729898 001 0000124796 0000000000 200901232008020120100131042 5548000Wisconsin MADISON 53715121802Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Numerical Study of the Riming Growth of Graupel 161202122 490100 21 North Park Street Suite 6401 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Madison 48000Madison 025DANE 5553715121806B0249000750290 001 0000130000 0000000000 200901262008021520100131042 5548000Wisconsin MADISON 53715121802Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Rapid Kinetics by Stopped-Flow NMR 161202122 490100 21 North Park Street Suite 6401 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Madison 48000Madison 025DANE 5553715121806B0249000824294 001 0000222371 0000000000 200901272008021920100218042 5548000Wisconsin MADISON 53715121802Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 161202122 490100 21 North Park Street Suite 6401 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Madison 48000Madison 025DANE 5553715121806B0249000217533 015 0000061829 0000000000 200901222002110120091031042 5548000Wisconsin MADISON 53715121802Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia LTER: Comparative Study of a Suite of Lakes in Wisconsin 161202122 490100 21 North Park Street Suite 6401 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Madison 48000Madison 025DANE 5553715121806B0249000635593 002 0000050111 0000000000 200901122007010120091231042 5548000Wisconsin MADISON 53715121802Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Experimental Determination of Iron (Fe) Isotope Fractionations in Sulfide Minerals 161202122 490100 21 North Park Street Suite 6401 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Madison 48000Madison 025DANE 5553715121806B0249000402549 007 0000502583 0000000000 200901302004110120091031052 5548000Wisconsin MADISON 53715121802Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Wisconsin Alliance for Minority Participation 161202122 490106 21 North Park Street Suite 6401 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Madison 48000Madison 025DANE 5553715121806B0249000711887 003 0000012000 0000000000 200901282007081520100731042 5548000Wisconsin MADISON 53715121802Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia RI: Text-to-Picture Synthesis 161202122 490100 21 North Park Street Suite 6401 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Kansas State University 44250Manhattan 161RILEY 2066506110306A0249000846781 000 0000079626 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 2044250Kansas MANHATTAN 66506110302Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Toward the Rational Design of Multifunctional Nanomaterials: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Metal-Organic Frameworks 929773554 490100 2 FAIRCHILD HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Kansas State University 44250Manhattan 161RILEY 2066506110306B0249000836610 002 0000010000 0000000000 200901162008090120090831042 2044250Kansas MANHATTAN 66506110302Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Exploratory Research on Solid Carriers for Manufacturing Algae Biofuels in the Ocean 929773554 490100 2 FAIRCHILD HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Kansas State University 44250Manhattan 161RILEY 2066506110306B0249000750823 002 0000040500 0000000000 200901142007091520120831042 2044250Kansas MANHATTAN 66506110302Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 929773554 490106 2 FAIRCHILD HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Lake Land College 47553Mattoon 029COLES 1761938936606B1549000849843 000 0000142792 0000000000 200901142009011520091231042 1747553Illinois Mattoon 61938936615Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia BOOST: Building Occupational Opportunities in Science and Technology 075598359 495176 5001 Lake Land Blvd. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Tufts University 39835Medford 017MIDDLESEX 2502155581125B0749000750140 001 0000130000 0000000000 200901142008030120100228042 2539835Massachusetts Medford 02155581107Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Mechanisms of nitrogen and phosphorus activation and functionalization 073134835 490100 20 Professors Row 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Tufts University 39835Medford 017MIDDLESEX 2502155581125A0749000844343 000 0000280952 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 2539835Massachusetts Medford 02155581107Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Investigating and Controlling Molecular Rotation on Surfaces 073134835 490100 20 Professors Row 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Tufts University 39835Medford 017MIDDLESEX 2502155581125B0749000649190 002 0000101299 0000000000 200901092007020120100131042 2539835Massachusetts Medford 02155581107Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Integrative Approaches to Studying Recognition Systems in Cells, Organisms and Populations. 073134835 490100 20 Professors Row 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Tufts University 39835Medford 017MIDDLESEX 2502155581125B0749000650258 001 0000211965 0000000000 200901192008011520091231042 2539835Massachusetts Medford 02155581107Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia PFI: Whatever Happened to Long Term Bridge Design? 073134835 490100 20 Professors Row 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Tufts University 39835Medford 017MIDDLESEX 2502155581125B0749000447166 005 0000061520 0000000000 200901052005021520100131042 2539835Massachusetts Medford 02155581107Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Virtual communities of learning and care: multi-user virtual environments that promote positive youth development 073134835 490100 20 Professors Row 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Florida Institute of Tech 43975Melbourne 009BREVARD 1232901697525B1549000552798 003 0000119545 0000000000 200901262006041520100331042 1243975Florida MELBOURNE 32901697515Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Southeastern Association for Research in Astronomy REU Site Program 053396669 490100 150 W UNIVERSITY BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Florida Institute of Tech 43975Melbourne 009BREVARD 1232901697525A1549000838867 000 0000079823 0000000000 200901082009011520091231042 1243975Florida MELBOURNE 32901697515Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Lightning Initiation by Streamer Emission from Thundercloud Hydrometeors 053396669 490100 150 W UNIVERSITY BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Florida Institute of Tech 43975Melbourne 009BREVARD 1232901697525B1549000827537 001 0000005000 0000000000 200901302008080120090731042 1243975Florida MELBOURNE 32901697515Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative: Analysis of Mechanical Properties and Thermal Effects of Cornea Following Femtosecond Laser Intrastromal Refractive Surgery 053396669 490100 150 W UNIVERSITY BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT University of Memphis 48000Memphis 157SHELBY 4738152337006B0949000720322 001 0000018414 0000000000 200901212007090120100831042 4748000Tennessee Memphis 38152337009Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Action Dynamics as an Index of Learning and Generalization 055688857 490100 Administration 315 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT SRI International 46870Menlo Park 081SAN MATEO 0694025349312B1449000836152 000 0002494839 0000000000 200901222009010120130930052 0646870California MENLO PARK 94025349314Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Sondrestrom Upper Atmospheric Research Facility: Research, Operation and Coordination 009232752 490100 333 RAVENSWOOD AVE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal - Merced 04940Merced 047MERCED 0695343500106A0449000854537 000 0000263653 0000000000 200901302009020120120131042 0604940California Merced 95343500118Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Rationally design bimetallic nanocatalysts for 1D nanomaterial synthesis 113645084 490100 5200 North Lake Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Rasmussen Systems LLC 50150Mesa 077MESA 0881643026723A0349000823794 000 0000013275 0000000000 200901262009020120110131042 0850150Colorado Mesa 81643026703Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Development of Unmanned Aircraft System for Research in a Severe Storm Environment and Deployment within the VORTEX 2 805640989 490100 50742 Bear Run Drive PO Box 267 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Florida International Univ 45000Miami 086DADE 1233199000106B2149000632277 002 0000116810 0000000000 200901232007021520100131042 1245000Florida Miami 33199000121Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia IPY: Collaborative Research: Study of arctic ecosystem changes in the IPY using the International Tundra Experiment 071298814 490100 11200 SW 8TH ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Florida International Univ 45000Miami 086DADE 1233199000106A2149000846811 000 0000400219 0000000000 200901162009020120140131042 1245000Florida Miami 33199000121Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Multi-Scale Computational Evaluation of Wind Load on Buildings 071298814 490100 11200 SW 8TH ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Florida International Univ 45000Miami 086DADE 1233199000106B2149000836408 001 0000059382 0000000000 200901052008051520100228042 1245000Florida Miami 33199000121Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Immersive Large-Scale Network Simulations 071298814 490100 11200 SW 8TH ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Dendritech, Inc 53780Midland 111MIDLAND 2648642694423A0449000848490 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901122009011520101231042 2653780Michigan MIDLAND 48642694404Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Ultra-Low k Interlayer Dielectrics for 22 nm Technology Node and Beyond 112223404 490100 3110 SCHUETTE RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Millersville University 49728Millersville 071LANCASTER 4217551030206B1649000649122 003 0000081514 0000000000 200901092007030120100228042 4249728Pennsylvania Millersville 17551030216Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site At The Millersville University Center For Environmental Sciences: Watersheds, From River To Estuary 796901205 490100 PO Box 1002 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT AER 53000Milwaukee 079MILWAUKEE 5553217266712A0549000848986 000 0000468494 0000000000 200901122009011520101231042 5553000Wisconsin Milwaukee 53217266705Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Develop an Autonomic-Healing Hot Mix Asphalt 601092880 490100 425 W. Willow Ct., Suite 248 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Milwaukee 53000Milwaukee 079MILWAUKEE 5553201034006B0449000648797 002 0000095915 0000000000 200901212007040120100331042 5553000Wisconsin Milwaukee 53201034004Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU: Research Experience for Undergraduates at the Center for Great Lakes Studies 627906399 490100 P O BOX 340 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota-Twin Cities 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755455520006A0549000846274 000 0000242144 0000000000 200901232009090120120831042 2743000Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS 55455520005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Design and Characterization of Aptamer-Amphiphiles for Selective Binding 555917996 490100 200 OAK ST SE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota-Twin Cities 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755455520006A0549000855863 000 0000200000 0000000000 200901262009090120110831042 2743000Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS 55455520005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Reaction-Separation Processes for Production of Hydroxymethylfurfural from Fructose using Molecular Sieves 555917996 490100 200 OAK ST SE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota-Twin Cities 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755455520006A0549000842654 000 0000134000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 2743000Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS 55455520005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Renewable Resource Polymers: Catalyst Design and Materials Development 555917996 490100 200 OAK ST SE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota-Twin Cities 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755455520006B0549000443945 013 0000010000 0000000000 200901052004081520110731042 2743000Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS 55455520005Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: I/UCRC: Safety Security Rescue Research Center (SSR-RC) 555917996 490100 200 OAK ST SE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota-Twin Cities 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755455520006B0549000643505 002 0000080000 0000000000 200901082007010120091231042 2743000Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS 55455520005Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Self-Managing Resource Allocation in Unsupervised Distributed Systems 555917996 490100 200 OAK ST SE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota-Twin Cities 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755455520006A0549000845994 000 0000087961 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 2743000Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS 55455520005Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Energy Synchronized Computing in Sustainable Sensor Networks 555917996 490100 200 OAK ST SE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Minnesota-Twin Cities 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755455520006B0549000544970 003 0000049558 0000000000 200901282006040120100331042 2743000Minnesota MINNEAPOLIS 55455520005Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: LTREB: The Interplay of Genetic and Numerical Dynamics in Severely Fragmented Prairie Populations of Echinacea Angustifolia 555917996 490100 200 OAK ST SE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Mytek 43000Minneapolis 053HENNEPIN 2755447208123A0349000849006 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901062009011520101231042 2743000Minnesota Plymouth 55447208103Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Integrated Lens-Laser Packaging Approach 148034387 490100 15350 25th Ave N, Suite 110 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of South Alabama 50000Mobile 097MOBILE 0136688000206A0149000846680 000 0000625000 0000000000 200901302009060120140531042 0150000Alabama Mobile 36688000201Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Exploring the Structures and Materials Applications of Lanthanide Cyanometallates 172750234 490100 307 University Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Naval Postgraduate School 48872Monterey 053MONTEREY 0693943500025B1749000547650 003 0000110667 0000000000 200901212006030120100228042 0648872California Monterey 93943500017Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Fluxes and Structures in Double-Diffusive Convection 190171467 490100 1 University Circle 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Minnesota St Unv Moorhead 43864Moorhead 027CLAY 2756563000106B0749000642190 002 0000061044 0000000000 200901132007041520100331042 2743864Minnesota Moorhead 56563000107Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI: Pyruvate,Phosphate Dikinase Regulatory Protein in C3 Plants 807197330 490100 1104 7th Avenue South 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT WV Univ Research Corp 55756Morgantown 061MONONGALIA 5426506684512A0149000908199 000 0000087472 0000000000 200901142009011520100630042 5455756West Virginia Morgantown 26506684501Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Material and Structural Response of Historic Hakka Rammed Earth Structures 191510239 490100 P.O. Box 6845 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT University of Idaho 54550Moscow 057LATAH 1683844302006B0149000632177 002 0000065970 0000000000 200901052007031520100228042 1654550Idaho MOSCOW 83844302001Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH: IPY: Cloud properties across the Arctic Basin from surface and satellite measurements - An exisiting Arctic Observing Network075746271 490100 Office of Sponsored Programs PO Box 443020 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Idaho 54550Moscow 057LATAH 1683844302006A0149000838461 000 0000075038 0000000000 200901162009011520111231042 1654550Idaho MOSCOW 83844302001Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: An integrated seismic-geodetic study of active magmatic processes at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos Islands 075746271 490100 Office of Sponsored Programs PO Box 443020 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT University of Idaho 54550Moscow 057LATAH 1683844302006B0149000648202 002 0000091604 0000000000 200901142007030120100228042 1654550Idaho MOSCOW 83844302001Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Summer Computational Neuroscience and Technology Research Experience for Undergraduates 075746271 490106 Office of Sponsored Programs PO Box 443020 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Central Michigan U 56020Mount Pleasant 073ISABELLA 2648859900006B1049000719822 001 0000015449 0000000000 200901012008010120091231042 2656020Michigan MOUNT PLEASANT 48859900010Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Evolution of Extremely Acid Lakes and Groundwaters in Western Australia 624134037 490100 103 WARRINER HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Central Michigan U 56020Mount Pleasant 073ISABELLA 2648859900006B1049000719822 002 0000010613 0000000000 200901152008010120091231042 2656020Michigan MOUNT PLEASANT 48859900010Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Evolution of Extremely Acid Lakes and Groundwaters in Western Australia 624134037 490100 103 WARRINER HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Vanderbilt University 52000Nashville 037DAVIDSON 4737235774925B0549000908075 000 0000002797 0000000000 200901272008081020090430042 4752000Tennessee NASHVILLE 37235774905Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Political Violence, Globalization, and Transnational Activism 965717143 490100 Division of Sponsored Research Station B # 357749 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Vanderbilt University 52000Nashville 037DAVIDSON 4737235774925B0549000643488 002 0000079919 0000000000 200901052007010120091231042 4752000Tennessee NASHVILLE 37235774905Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Achieving Self-Tunability of Peer-to-Peer Streaming Service through User-Level QoS Inference 965717143 490100 Division of Sponsored Research Station B # 357749 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Vanderbilt University 52000Nashville 037DAVIDSON 4737235774925A0549000805295 000 0000069999 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 4752000Tennessee NASHVILLE 37235774905Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Influence of Stacking Fault Energy on the Phase Transformations and Deformation Mechanisms in Iron-Manganese Alloys 965717143 490100 Division of Sponsored Research Station B # 357749 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Vanderbilt U Med Ctr 99037Nashville 037DAVIDSON 4737203686925B0549000907993 000 0000095041 0000000000 200901262008100120090430042 4799037Tennessee NASHVILLE 37203686905Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Effects of RFID Technologies on Organizational Dynamics in Hospitals 004413456 490100 3319 WEST END AVENUE SUITE 100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Central CT State U 50440New Britain 003HARTFORD 0906053243906A0549000834134 000 0000033525 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 0950440Connecticut New Britain 06053243905Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CBMS Regional Conference in the Mathematical Sciences - "Families of Riemann surfaces and Weil-Petersson Geometry'' - Summer 2009; New Britain, CT 168558364 490100 1615 Stanley Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers Univ New Brunswick 51210New Brunswick 023MIDDLESEX 3408901855906B0649000856095 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901142008073020110731042 3451210New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK 08901855906Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia GOALI: Safety-Preserved Estimation and Control of Tire/Road Interaction 001912864 490100 3 RUTGERS PLAZA ASB III, 2nd floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers Univ New Brunswick 51210New Brunswick 023MIDDLESEX 3408901855906B0649000448062 004 0000080856 0000000000 200901222005020120100131042 3451210New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK 08901855906Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Unified Probabilistic Localization for Sensor Networks: Theoretic and Practical Foundations 001912864 490100 3 RUTGERS PLAZA ASB III, 2nd floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers Univ New Brunswick 51210New Brunswick 023MIDDLESEX 3408901855906B0649000541911 004 0000129368 0000000000 200901282006030120100228042 3451210New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK 08901855906Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Transition Metal Oxides with Correlated Electronic Properties: Synthesis and Characterization 001912864 490100 3 RUTGERS PLAZA ASB III, 2nd floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers Univ New Brunswick 51210New Brunswick 023MIDDLESEX 3408901855906B0649000744709 002 0000150000 0000000000 200901132008040120100331042 3451210New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK 08901855906Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Functional Analysis of Metacaspases in Plant Development and Cell Death. 001912864 490100 3 RUTGERS PLAZA ASB III, 2nd floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers Univ New Brunswick 51210New Brunswick 023MIDDLESEX 3408901855906A0649000842491 000 0000252453 0000000000 200901222009020120100131042 3451210New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK 08901855906Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Structural and Dynamic NMR Studies of RNA Polymerase 001912864 490100 3 RUTGERS PLAZA ASB III, 2nd floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers Univ New Brunswick 51210New Brunswick 023MIDDLESEX 3408901855906B0649000623256 004 0000006050 0000000000 200901132006090120100228042 3451210New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK 08901855906Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Late Eocene through Oligocene thermal and cryospheric evolution: Testing latitudinal SSTs and deepwater temperature vs. ice-volume changes 001912864 490100 3 RUTGERS PLAZA ASB III, 2nd floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers Univ New Brunswick 51210New Brunswick 023MIDDLESEX 3408901855906B0649000730719 001 0000010001 0000000000 200901142007091520090831042 3451210New Jersey NEW BRUNSWICK 08901855906Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Proposal: COSEE Center - Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence - Networked Ocean World (COSEE-NOW) 001912864 490100 3 RUTGERS PLAZA ASB III, 2nd floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Yale University 52000New Haven 009NEW HAVEN 0906520833725B0349000809856 001 0000150000 0000000000 200901222008081520100131042 0952000Connecticut NEW HAVEN 06520833703Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Spectroscopic Probes of Molecule Structure and Dynamics 043207562 490100 P.O. Box 208337 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Yale University 52000New Haven 009NEW HAVEN 0906520833725B0349000537599 003 0000042309 0000000000 200901232006031520100228042 0952000Connecticut NEW HAVEN 06520833703Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Two-Phase Damage Theory and the Generation of Plate Tectonics 043207562 490100 P.O. Box 208337 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Yale University 52000New Haven 009NEW HAVEN 0906520833725A0349000846919 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901222009030120140228042 0952000Connecticut NEW HAVEN 06520833703Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Silicon Optomechanics - Harnessing Light Force in Integrated Silicon Photonics 043207562 490100 P.O. Box 208337 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Yale University 52000New Haven 009NEW HAVEN 0906520833725B0349000545891 003 0000120000 0000000000 200901162006030120100228042 0952000Connecticut NEW HAVEN 06520833703Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Molecular Analysis of Midline Crossing in Vertebrates 043207562 490100 P.O. Box 208337 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Tulane University 55000New Orleans 071ORLEANS 2270118569825A0149000846395 000 0000079052 0000000000 200901162009070120100630042 2255000Louisiana NEW ORLEANS 70118569802Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Modeling and Applications of Expression-targeted Gene Delivery 053785812 490100 6823 ST CHARLES AVENUE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.080 SAI EXEMPT Tulane University 55000New Orleans 071ORLEANS 2270118569825A0149000845829 000 0000570000 0000000000 200901302009070120140630042 2255000Louisiana NEW ORLEANS 70118569802Office of Cyberinfrastructure National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Studies of Catalytic Carbon Dioxide Reduction, Metallodithiolene Chemistry and Community Outreach to Build the Chemical Workforce 053785812 490100 6823 ST CHARLES AVENUE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225B1549000806509 001 0000022582 0000000000 200901092008020120100131042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: NYC International Polar Weekend 2008-2009 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225B1549000839843 000 0000165322 0000000000 200901082009011520091231042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Idealized Modelling of Stratospheric Impacts on Weather and Climate 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT New York University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610012101925B0649000449560 004 0000070247 0000000000 200901092005030120100228042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10012101908Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Phonotactics and Articulatory Coordination in Foreign Language Acquisition and Loan Phonology 041968306 490100 70 WASHINGTON SQUARE S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT CUNY City College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610031000006A1549000854210 000 0000204120 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 3651000New York New York 10031000015Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Multi-Scale Investigation of the Role of Surface-Active Agents in Gas Hydrate Formation Kinetics 603503991 490100 Convent Ave at 138th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225A1549000840451 000 0000599425 0000000000 200901292009020120120131042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of a 400 MHz Cyber-Enabled Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectrometer for Teaching and Research 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT New York University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610012101925B0649000452836 004 0000089173 0000000000 200901092005030120100228042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10012101908Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site in Neural Science 041968306 490100 70 WASHINGTON SQUARE S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT CUNY Graduate School 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610016430901B1449000343352 008 0000007500 0000000000 200901142003091520090831042 3651000New York New York 10016430914Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 064932676 490106 365 Fifth Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Weill Med Coll of Cornell 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610065000025B1449000549706 003 0000052066 0000000000 200901062005091520100831042 3651000New York New York 10065000014Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 060217502 490106 1300 York Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT CUNY City College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610031000006B1549000451605 006 0000160000 0000000000 200901132005011520091231042 3651000New York New York 10031000015Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Spectroscopic and Local Magnetic Measurements in High-Spin Molecular Nanomagnets 603503991 490100 Convent Ave at 138th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT CUNY City College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610031000006A1549000854902 000 0000015000 0000000000 200901222009030120100228042 3651000New York New York 10031000015Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Finitely presented groups at The City College of New York, Spring 2009 conference 603503991 490100 Convent Ave at 138th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT New York University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610012101925B0649000901992 000 0000015465 0000000000 200901152008060120090531042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10012101908Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The impact of topology on variational problems between manifolds 041968306 490100 70 WASHINGTON SQUARE S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT CUNY Baruch College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610010552601B1449000902550 000 0000024000 0000000000 200901292009090120100831042 3651000New York New York 10010552614Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Mid-Atlantic Mathematical Logic Seminar (MAMLS) 064932676 490100 One Bernard Baruch Way Box J-1010 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225B1549000345835 004 0000108061 0000000000 200901292005030120100228042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: A Proposal for the Cosmic-Ray prOduced NUclide Systematics on Earth (CRONUS-Earth) Project 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Amer Museum of Nat Hist 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610024519212A0849000836741 000 0000044000 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 3651000New York New York 10024519208Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Experimental Study of H, S, Cl, and F Partitioning Between Apatite, Fluid(s), and Melts: Applications to Magma Evolution and 061202768 490100 Central Park West at 79th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT CUNY City College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610031000006B1549000854957 000 0000281353 0000000000 200901142008063020090531042 3651000New York New York 10031000015Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Humans Transforming the Water Cycle: Community-Based Activities in Hydrologic Synthesis 603503991 490100 Convent Ave at 138th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225B1549000644656 004 0000080000 0000000000 200901262007021520100131042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Advanced Devices and Testing using Organic Field Effect Transistors 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT New York University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610012101925B0649000643846 002 0000111435 0000000000 200901102007020120100131042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10012101908Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Towards a Text-Centric Database Management System 041968306 490100 70 WASHINGTON SQUARE S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT New York University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610012101925B0649000643847 002 0000121998 0000000000 200901052007020120100131042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10012101908Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Identifying and Measuring the Economic Value of Information on the Internet 041968306 490100 70 WASHINGTON SQUARE S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT CUNY City College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610031000006B1549000843627 000 0000198061 0000000000 200901142009011520091231042 3651000New York New York 10031000015Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Molecular Structure and Biomechanics of Plant Cuticular Membranes 603503991 490100 Convent Ave at 138th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT CUNY City College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610031000006B1549000741914 001 0000103813 0000000000 200901022008030120100228042 3651000New York New York 10031000015Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RCN: Emerging Methodologies for Molecular Structure Determination in Biological Solids 603503991 490100 Convent Ave at 138th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT CUNY City College 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610031000006A1549000843141 000 0000211260 0000000000 200901122009030120100228042 3651000New York New York 10031000015Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Structure/Dynamics/Function Correlations in the Cystoviral Polymerase Complex 603503991 490100 Convent Ave at 138th St 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225B1549000726093 001 0000029064 0000000000 200901212007091520110831042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Monitoring inflation at Axial Seamount 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225A1549000752980 000 0001739125 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer Measurements, 2009-2014 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.080 SAI EXEMPT Soc Sci Res Council 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610019581812B0649000715775 004 0000003750 0000000000 200901092007010820090707042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10019581814Office of Cyberinfrastructure National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 052815099 490100 810 7TH AVE FL 31 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225B1549000612811 004 0004500000 0000000000 200901292007020120120131052 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia US ATLAS Operations: Empowering US Universities for Discoveries at the Energy Frontier 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT New York University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610012101925B0649000701451 001 0000103572 0000000000 200901292007121520091130042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10012101908Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theoretical Particle Physics, Astrophysics and Cosmology 041968306 490100 70 WASHINGTON SQUARE S 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225A1549000847182 000 0000100000 0000000000 200901132009050120100430042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Multimessenger astronomy through gravitational-waves: a student centered approach 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Columbia University 51000New York 061NEW YORK 3610027690225A1549000849193 000 0000127035 0000000000 200901092009060120110531042 3651000New York NEW YORK 10027690215Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Administrative Justice in Public Welfare Bureaucracies 049179401 490100 2960 Broadway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT University of Delaware 50670Newark 003NEW CASTLE 1019716255306B0049000822827 003 0000125000 0000000000 200901132008081520100731042 1050670Delaware Newark 19716255300Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Shipboard Scientific Support Equipment 059007500 490100 210 Hullihen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Delaware 50670Newark 003NEW CASTLE 1019716255306B0049000752135 001 0000103901 0000000000 200901082008030120100228042 1050670Delaware Newark 19716255300Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SHINE: Coronal and Interplanetary Magnetic Field: Structure, Topology, Flux Tubes, Transport of Energetic Particles 059007500 490100 210 Hullihen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Delaware 50670Newark 003NEW CASTLE 1019716255306A0049000840401 000 0000270200 0000000000 200901052009020120120131042 1050670Delaware Newark 19716255300Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CRIF:MU Cryprobe Upgrade of a NMR Spectrometer 059007500 490100 210 Hullihen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Delaware 50670Newark 003NEW CASTLE 1019716255306B0049000848589 000 0000435000 0000000000 200901302009030120120229042 1050670Delaware Newark 19716255300Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theoretical Studies of Intermolecular Forces 059007500 490100 210 Hullihen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Delaware 50670Newark 003NEW CASTLE 1019716255306B0049000913283 001 0000092544 0000000000 200901142008090120100228042 1050670Delaware Newark 19716255300Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Multiphase Sediment Transport Modeling Framework 059007500 490100 210 Hullihen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT University of Delaware 50670Newark 003NEW CASTLE 1019716255306B0049000825182 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901272008100120110930042 1050670Delaware Newark 19716255300Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Project IBORC: Interaction between Building and Occupant Responses during Collapse 059007500 490100 210 Hullihen Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT NJIT 51000Newark 013ESSEX 3407102198206B1349000745744 001 0000305476 0000000000 200901132008040120100331042 3451000New Jersey Newark 07102198210Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia High Resolution Studies of Solar Activity with New Solar Telescope 075162990 490100 323 DOCTOR MARTIN LUTHER 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT NJIT 51000Newark 013ESSEX 3407102198206A1349000849453 000 0000097973 0000000000 200901232009030120100228042 3451000New Jersey Newark 07102198210Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SHINE: Digitization of 27 Years of Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO) Films and Application in Statistical Study of Filaments and Flares 075162990 490100 323 DOCTOR MARTIN LUTHER 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Rutgers U Newark 51000Newark 013ESSEX 3407102189606B1349000750201 001 0000115000 0000000000 200901072008021520100131042 3451000New Jersey Newark 07102189610Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia A Sensitive Molecular Detection Platform Based on Self-Assembled Conducting Polymer Nanojunctions in a Carbon Nanotube Network 130029205 490100 Blumenthal Hall, Suite 206 249 University Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Education Development Ctr 45560Newton 017MIDDLESEX 2502458106012A0449000917823 000 0000092697 0000000000 200901092009010520100104042 2545560Massachusetts NEWTON 02458106004Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 076583830 490106 55 CHAPEL ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506B0449000547882 003 0000138135 0000000000 200901272006030120100228042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Development of an Innovative Laboratory for Research and Education in Urban Meteorology 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506B0449000637148 003 0000102790 0000000000 200901132007011520101231042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Radar Studies of Severe Convective Storms and Tornadoes 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506B0449000638572 002 0000064974 0000000000 200901212007011520091231042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Data Assimilation Analysis of the Boundary Layer and Convection Initiation During International H2O Project (IHOP) 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506B0449000648566 002 0000162087 0000000000 200901272007031520100228042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Real-World Research Experiences at the National Weather Center 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506A0449000823663 000 0000044041 0000000000 200901262009020120110131042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Development of Unmanned Aircraft System for Research in a Severe Storm Environment and Deployment within the VORTEX 2 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506A0449000840911 000 0000398020 0000000000 200901082009010120121231042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RCN-UBE: Preparing to Prepare the 21st Century Biology Student: Using Scientific Societies as Change Agents for the Introductory Biology Experience 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506A0449000847758 000 0000097124 0000000000 200901082009020120100131042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Genetically Modifiable Shape-Tunable Protein Nanotubes as Templates for Controlled Nano-Synthesis and Assembly 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506B0449000746042 001 0000140000 0000000000 200901062008031520100228042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Atmospheric Dust as an Archive and Agent of Climate Change During the Late Paleozoic Icehouse 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Oklahoma 52500Norman 027CLEVELAND 4073019211506B0449000755011 001 0000099310 0000000000 200901142008030120100228042 4052500Oklahoma NORMAN 73019211504Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Sensors and Metrology for Manufacturing and Newer Enterprises 848348348 490100 731 ELM AVENUE, ROOM 134 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Univ of Mass, Dartmouth 47450North Dartmouth 005BRISTOL 2502747230006A0449000851092 000 0000392928 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 2547450Massachusetts North Dartmouth 02747230004Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Nitrogen Isotope and N2/Ar Biogeochemistry of the Peru Suboxic Zone 799477427 490100 285 Old Westport Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT CSN 51800North Las Vegas 003CLARK 3289030429606B0149000603458 005 0000205862 0000000000 200901132006080120090731042 3251800Nevada North Las Vegas 89030429601Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Nevada Information Technology Education (NVITE) 945580843 490106 3200 East Cheyenne Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT North Dakota State U Fargo 58120North River 017CASS 3858102340006B0049000444860 008 0000006000 0000000000 200901052005040120100331042 3858120North Dakota FARGO 58102340000Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Extrapituitary effects of somatostatins on growth 803882299 490100 1301 12TH AVE N 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Univ Corp, Northridge Fdn 52176Northridge 037LOS ANGELES 0691330830906B2749000548260 003 0000072189 0000000000 200901052006021520100131042 0652176California Northridge 91330830927Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Magnetic Tomography of Emerging Sunspots (MATES) 055752331 490100 18111 Nordhoff Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Univ Corp, Northridge Fdn 52176Northridge 037LOS ANGELES 0691330830906B2749000635929 002 0000074142 0000000000 200901262007020120100131042 0652176California Northridge 91330830927Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Earthquake Geology of the Pakistani Himalaya: Characterizing Slip Rates and Recurrence of Potentially Devastating Earth055752331 490100 18111 Nordhoff Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225A0249000854324 000 0000371938 0000000000 200901022009011520111231042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Catalytic Nanodiode 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225A0249000845736 000 0000113236 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Computational Studies of Water Dynamics at DNA Interfaces 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225B0249000800356 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901292008080120110731042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia RC Bearing Walls Subjected to Elevated Temperatures 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225B0249000453325 007 0000089800 0000000000 200901092005030120100228042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site in Integrative Cellular and Molecular Biology 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225B0249000645698 002 0000115860 0000000000 200901262007040120100331042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Dielectric Engineering of Quantum Wire Solids: Fundamentals to Applications 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225A0249000902504 000 0000020000 0000000000 200901262009021520100131042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Workshop for Model Reduction in Reactive Flows; Spring 2009; Notre Dame, IN 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225A0249000846631 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901222009020120140131042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Scalable and Optimal Co-Design of Control and Communication Protocols in Cyber-physical Systems 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225A0249000846910 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901222009020120140131042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Graphene and Graphene Nanoribbon Optoelectronic Properties and Devices 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Notre Dame 99141Notre Dame 141ST JOSEPH 1846556560225B0249000448298 005 0000140000 0000000000 200901132005020120100131042 1899141Indiana NOTRE DAME 46556560203Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Assembly and Dynamics of Class I Peptide/MHC Complexes 824910376 490100 511 MAIN BUILDING 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Central Florida 53000Orlando 095ORANGE 1232816800506B2449000746600 001 0000080000 0000000000 200901022008020120100131042 1253000Florida ORLANDO 32816800524Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Algebraic Approach to the Design of Novel Quantum Algorithms 150805653 490100 4000 CNTRL FLORIDA BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Central Florida 53000Orlando 095ORANGE 1232816800506B2449000703927 003 0000201238 0000000000 200901292007021520100131042 1253000Florida ORLANDO 32816800524Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Towards Life-like Computer Interfaces that Learn 150805653 490100 4000 CNTRL FLORIDA BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Central Florida 53000Orlando 095ORANGE 1232816800506B2449000747587 002 0000015000 0000000000 200901302008020120100131042 1253000Florida ORLANDO 32816800524Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Investigation of the Quantum Dynamics of High-Spin States of Single-Molecule Magnets: Decoherence and Spin Manipulation 150805653 490100 4000 CNTRL FLORIDA BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT University of Maine 55565Orono 019PENOBSCOT 2304469571706B0249000538422 003 0000077608 0000000000 200901272007020120100131042 2355565Maine ORONO 04469571702Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Norwegian-United States IPY Scientific Traverse: Climate Variability and Glaciology in East Antarctica 186875787 490100 5717 Corbett Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT University of Maine 55565Orono 019PENOBSCOT 2304469571706B0249000754951 001 0000099984 0000000000 200901142008021520100131042 2355565Maine ORONO 04469571702Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Supercomputing Undergraduate Program in Maine (SuperMe) 186875787 490106 5717 Corbett Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Miami Univ 59234Oxford 017BUTLER 3945056000006A0849000839233 000 0000326625 0000000000 200901052009020120120131042 3959234Ohio Oxford 45056000008Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of a MALDI-TOF/TOF MS Spectrometer 041065129 490100 500 E High Street Roudebush Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Miami Univ 59234Oxford 017BUTLER 3945056000006B0849000622267 002 0000079997 0000000000 200901222007011520091231042 3959234Ohio Oxford 45056000008Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Technician Support: Management of Thermal Ionization Mass Spectrometry and Isotope Geochemistry Clean Labs 041065129 490100 500 E High Street Roudebush Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Salish Kootenai Coll 56350Pablo 047LAKE 3059855007025B0049000703729 002 0000078837 0000000000 200901072007090120090831042 3056350Montana pablo 59855007000Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia New Baccalaureate Degrees and STEM Program Improvement at Salish Kootenai College 113488399 490106 P O BOX 70 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325A1449000806575 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Dogrib Language Documentation and Revitalization in Yellowknife, Northwest Territories 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000807458 001 0000110647 0000000000 200901212008070120100630042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Cosmological Applications of Gravitational Lensing 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000551174 002 0000109065 0000000000 200901302006111520091031042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Very Low Frequency (VLF) Remote Sensing of the Lower Ionosphere and Electron Precipitation from the Radiation Belts 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000917705 000 0000050000 0000000000 200901082009010120090630042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Programming dynamic cellular response and logical processing with RNA sensors 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000641402 002 0000085056 0000000000 200901142007020120100131042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Fundamental Geometric Algorithms 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000645891 002 0000165000 0000000000 200901202007020120100131042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia GOALI: Macromolecular Design with Organocatalysis 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325A1449000847073 000 0000130177 0000000000 200901132009020120100131042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Identification of Dominant Paths for Biochemical Reaction Networks from Incomplete Data 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325A1449000846014 000 0000074394 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Visibility as a Wireless Sensor Network Design Principle 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000449385 004 0000131617 0000000000 200901262005020120100131042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Using Plasmons to Characterize Molecular Structure for Nanoscale Electronics 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000645488 002 0000122299 0000000000 200901062007020120100131042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Micro-structure and Electrical Properties in Thin Films of Semicrystalline Conjugated Polymers 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000917686 000 0000119586 0000000000 200901302008070120090630042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Number Theory Problems Over Local Fields and Function Fields 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000807377 001 0000071910 0000000000 200901262008081520100731042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Siberian Traps and the end-Permian Extinction: Coincidence and Causality 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000645962 006 0002000000 0000000000 200901092006081520110731042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Stanford University 55282Palo Alto 085SANTA CLARA 0694305620325B1449000620577 001 0000014397 0000000000 200901132006080120090731042 0655282California STANFORD 94305620314Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research on Advocacy Group Activity and Legislative Change Concerning the Environment 009214214 490100 340 Panama Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT California Inst of Tech 56000Pasadena 037LOS ANGELES 0691125060025B2949000747672 001 0000080209 0000000000 200901302008031520100228042 0656000California PASADENA 91125060029Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Morphing Surfaces for Flow Control 009584210 490100 1200 E California Blvd Mail Code 201-15 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT California Inst of Tech 56000Pasadena 037LOS ANGELES 0691125060025B2949000448835 004 0000077889 0000000000 200901022005031520100228042 0656000California PASADENA 91125060029Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Engineering Nucleic Acid Devices 009584210 490100 1200 E California Blvd Mail Code 201-15 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT California Inst of Tech 56000Pasadena 037LOS ANGELES 0691125060025B2949000645502 002 0000123794 0000000000 200901282007030120100228042 0656000California PASADENA 91125060029Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: The Biogeochemical Controls on Hydrogen-Isotope (D/H) Fractionations in Lipids 009584210 490100 1200 E California Blvd Mail Code 201-15 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT TransMemBios 56000Pasadena 037LOS ANGELES 0691107337623B2249000810597 001 0000050000 0000000000 200901062008070120090630042 0656000California Pasadena 91107337629Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Development of a Eukaryotic Membrane Protein Overexpression System 011114167 490100 145 N. Sierra Madre Blvd. Suite #5 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Drexel University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104273725B0249000627227 004 0000525268 0000000000 200901112007010120091231042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104273702Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Pacific Atmospheric Sulfur Experiment 002604817 490100 3201 Arch Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Temple University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219122609925A0149000846351 000 0000091897 0000000000 200901162009060120100531042 4260000Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA 19122609902Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Closed Loop Modeling for Brain Machine Interface Design 057123192 490100 1601 N. Broad Street 406 USB, 083-45 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Drexel University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104273725A0249000846464 000 0000240000 0000000000 200901232009060120120531042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104273702Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Interfaces and Their Effect on Charge Transfer in Extremely Thin Absorber Solar Cells 002604817 490100 3201 Arch Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Soc Indus&Appl Math(SIAM) 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104268812A0249000902084 000 0000015000 0000000000 200901022009011520090630042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104268802Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Student Travel Support for SODA 2009 048611867 490100 unknown 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Pennsylvania 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104620525A0249000840438 000 0000226854 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104620502Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Purchase of an X-ray Diffractometer 042250712 490100 Research Services 3451 Walnut St, P221 Franklin 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Drexel University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104273725A0249000846591 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901162009090120140831042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104273702Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Structural Identification to Support Infrastructure Decision-Making 002604817 490100 3201 Arch Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Pennsylvania 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104620525A0249000845552 000 0000090605 0000000000 200901292009060120100531042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104620502Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Towards a Unified Declarative Platform for Composable Verifiable Networks 042250712 490100 Research Services 3451 Walnut St, P221 Franklin 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Drexel University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104273725B0249000343358 006 0000304750 0000000000 200901142003090120090831042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104273702Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowships Program 002604817 490106 3201 Arch Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Pennsylvania 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104620525A0249000847646 000 0000112993 0000000000 200901122009010120091231042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104620502Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Composite Materials of Functional Block-copolymers and Nanoparticles: Understanding the Assembly Processes and Structure-property Relationshi042250712 490100 Research Services 3451 Walnut St, P221 Franklin 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Pennsylvania 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104620525B0249000754741 001 0000100139 0000000000 200901152008050120100430042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104620502Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia REU: SUMMER UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCH IN SENSOR TECHNOLOGIES (SUNFEST) 042250712 490100 Research Services 3451 Walnut St, P221 Franklin 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Temple University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219122609925A0149000855881 000 0000099000 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 4260000Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA 19122609902Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: I/UCRC - Water and Environmental Technology (WET) Center 057123192 490100 1601 N. Broad Street 406 USB, 083-45 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Pennsylvania 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104620525A0249000842814 000 0000235729 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104620502Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Confined Protein Hydration & Dynamics 042250712 490100 Research Services 3451 Walnut St, P221 Franklin 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Drexel University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219104273725B0249000748544 001 0000123888 0000000000 200901122008030120100228042 4260000Pennsylvania Philadelphia 19104273702Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Enhancing the Precision of the Double Chooz Experiment 002604817 490100 3201 Arch Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Temple University 60000Philadelphia 101PHILADELPHIA 4219122609925B0149000914387 000 0000088633 0000000000 200901262008121520100228042 4260000Pennsylvania PHILADELPHIA 19122609902Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Digital Universe and Web 2.0: Proposal for Studying the Construction of Synergistic Expert/Non Expert Knowledge Networks for Human Rights 057123192 490100 1601 N. Broad Street 406 USB, 083-45 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT APP 60008Philipsburg 033CLEARFIELD 4216866317423A0549000848712 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901022009011520101231042 4260008Pennsylvania Philipsburg 16866317405Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: A Lithographic Gelcasting Process using Nanoparticulates: An Enabling Technology for Mass Production of Microdevices with Nanoscale F806810581 490100 301 Enterprise Dr 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Carnegie Mellon University 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215213389025A1449000842617 000 0000012000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15213389014Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Conference Support for the 36th Carnegie Mellon Symposium on Cognition "Expertise and Skill Acquisition: The Impact of William G. Chase" 052184116 490100 5000 Forbes Avenue WH 405 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Carnegie Mellon University 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215213389025A1449000853963 000 0000104018 0000000000 200901072009040120100331042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15213389014Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Magnetic Control and Optical Imaging of Nanoparticles for Biosensing 052184116 490100 5000 Forbes Avenue WH 405 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Pittsburgh 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215260000125A1449000909276 000 0000010000 0000000000 200901222009011520090630042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15260000114Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia WORKSHOP: Support for the 15th International Symposium on High-Performance Computer Architecture (HPCA-15), 2009, Feb. 14-18, 2009 004514360 490100 350 THACKERAY HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Pittsburgh 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215260000125B1449000645623 002 0000330000 0000000000 200901072007020120120131042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15260000114Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Voltammetric Ion-Selective Electrode for Biological Polyions and Beyond 004514360 490100 350 THACKERAY HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Pittsburgh 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215260000125B1449000852473 001 0000008940 0000000000 200901142008090120090831042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15260000114Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 004514360 490100 350 THACKERAY HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Carnegie Mellon University 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215213389025A1449000903845 000 0000015000 0000000000 200901282009100120100930042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15213389014Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Appalachian Set Theory 052184116 490100 5000 Forbes Avenue WH 405 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Pittsburgh 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215260000125B1449000647387 002 0000105563 0000000000 200901302007021520100131042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15260000114Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Sustainable Design 004514360 490100 350 THACKERAY HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT M&P 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215238136823B1449000620528 002 0000183369 0000000000 200901222006090120090831042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15238136804Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: An Engineered Diffusion Barrier for Preparation of Pd Membranes on Tubular Porous Stainless Steel Substrate 802071662 490100 1155 WILLIAM PITT WAY 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Carnegie Mellon University 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215213389025B1449000546547 003 0000104138 0000000000 200901272006020120100131042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15213389014Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Geometrically Coherent Image Interpretation 052184116 490100 5000 Forbes Avenue WH 405 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Pittsburgh 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215260000125A1449000845216 000 0000139704 0000000000 200901122009020120100131042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15260000114Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER - Flexibility vs. Preorganization: Atomistic Simulations of Partner Recognition by Natively Unfolded Peptides 004514360 490100 350 THACKERAY HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Pittsburgh 61000Pittsburgh 003ALEGHENY 4215260000125A1449000850448 000 0000133541 0000000000 200901302009070120100630042 4261000Pennsylvania PITTSBURGH 15260000114Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Efficient Analysis of Non-Linear and Non-Gaussian State-Space Representations 004514360 490100 350 THACKERAY HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT G3i 58354Pittsford 055MONROE 3614534133023C2949000838612 000 -0000099715 0000000000 200901072009010120090228042 3658354New York Pittsford 14534133029Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Eliminating the use of Fluorochemicals in Textile Applications: Superhydrophobic Surfaces via Surface Modified Nanoparticles. 618962547 490100 3800 Monroe Avenue Suite 19C 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Wisconsin Platteville 63250Platteville 043GRANT 5553818000006A0349000837530 000 0000149979 0000000000 200901162009030120110831042 5563250Wisconsin platteville 53818000003Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Infrastructure at the Forefront: Development and Assessment of Two Pilot Courses 627573603 495176 1 University Plaza 2507 Ullsvik Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Idaho State University 64090Pocatello 005BANNOCK 1683209804606A0249000838425 000 0000040111 0000000000 200901232009020120110131042 1664090Idaho pocatello 83209804600Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Mid-crustal Strain during Extension: A Field-based Investigation of Rheological Transitions, Doming, and Vertical Coupling 078341468 490100 921 South 8th Ave., Stop 8046 309 Fine Arts Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Univ of Southern Maine 60545Portland 005CUMBERLAND 2304104930006B0149000615525 004 0000010000 0000000000 200901292006081520090731042 2360545Maine Portland 04104930001Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Initiation of Metamorphosis in Manduca Sexta 077469567 490100 96 Falmouth St P.O. Box 9300 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Portland State University 59000Portland 051MULTNOMAH 4197207000006B0149000630457 001 0000092228 0000000000 200901302007010120101231042 4159000Oregon portland 97207000003Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Portland State Unversity-Beaverton School District Partnership for Science Teacher Preparation 052226800 490106 2121 SW Fourth Ave. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Clarkson University 59564Potsdam 089ST LAWRENCE 3613699563025A2349000855492 000 0000015000 0000000000 200901062009060120090831042 3659564New York Potsdam 13699563026Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Bridging the Gap Between the Industry and Academia Thermal Stresses Community: The 8th International Congress on Thermal Stresses 2009; held at U. of041590993 490100 8 Clarkson Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Clarkson University 59564Potsdam 089ST LAWRENCE 3613699563025B2349000836640 001 0000020000 0000000000 200901132008090120100831042 3659564New York Potsdam 13699563026Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia NUE: Overcoming the Geographic/Infrastructure Disadvantage of a Remote Small Research/Teaching Institution in Nano/micro-scale Engineering Education 041590993 490100 8 Clarkson Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Princeton University 60900Princeton 021MERCER 3408544003625B1249000845292 000 0000080000 0000000000 200901292009060120100531042 3460900New Jersey Princeton 08544003612Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Analysis of quantum many body systems 002484665 490100 Off. of Research & Proj. Admin. 4 New South Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Space Env. Corp. 62360Providence 005CACHE 4984332979123B0149000745714 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901302008021520100131042 4962360Utah Providence 84332979101Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Studies of the Low-Latitude Ionosphere and Electrodynamics Using Data from the LISN Distributed Observatory 624134995 490100 221 N. Spring Creek Parkway Suite A 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Brown University 59000Providence 007PROVIDENCE 4402912192925A0149000840930 000 0000235064 0000000000 200901232009030120120630042 4459000Rhode Island Providence 02912192901Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Landscape Succession in Lowland Maya Archaeology 001785542 490100 BOX 1929 164 ANGELL ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Brown University 59000Providence 007PROVIDENCE 4402912192925B0149000547060 008 0000082621 0000000000 200901162006020120100131042 4459000Rhode Island Providence 02912192901Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Axon Guidance by Multiple Cues 001785542 490100 BOX 1929 164 ANGELL ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Brown University 59000Providence 007PROVIDENCE 4402912192925A0149000850143 000 0000080660 0000000000 200901132009011520091231042 4459000Rhode Island Providence 02912192901Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Long coring in the Eastern Equatorial Pacific to address key questions of tropical and global climate change 001785542 490100 BOX 1929 164 ANGELL ST. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Brigham Young University 62470Provo 049UTAH 4984602123125A0349000910714 000 0000018000 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 4962470Utah Provo 84602123103Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate workshop on zeta functions, L-functions and their applications; Summer 2009, Orem, UT 009094012 490100 A-285 ASB Campus Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Cosmas 62470Provo 049UTAH 4984604000023B0349000740125 001 0000025000 0000000000 200901082008010120090630042 4962470Utah Provo 84604000003Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase I: A Simple and Innovative Approach to the Synthesis of Metal, Alloy, Metal Oxide, and Mixed-Metal Oxide Nanoparticles 780418369 490100 1431 Oakcrest Ln. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Brigham Young University 62470Provo 049UTAH 4984602123125B0349000852074 000 0000126703 0000000000 200901152009050120100430042 4962470Utah Provo 84602123103Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Physics Research at Brigham Young University 009094012 490100 A-285 ASB Campus Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Washington State Univ 56625Pullman 075WHITMAN 5399164314006A0549000846446 000 0000400189 0000000000 200901262009081520140731042 5356625Washington PULLMAN 99164314005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Fundamental Understanding of Mercury Cycling in Lakes and Use of Reservation-Based Research to Recruit American Indians into Environmental En041485301 490100 NEILL HALL, ROOM 423 PO BOX 643140 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Washington State Univ 56625Pullman 075WHITMAN 5399164314006B0549000721927 002 0000006000 0000000000 200901092007071520090630042 5356625Washington PULLMAN 99164314005Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: CPATH CB: Exploring Studio-Based Instructional Models for Computing Education 041485301 490100 NEILL HALL, ROOM 423 PO BOX 643140 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Washington State Univ 56625Pullman 075WHITMAN 5399164314006A0549000837496 000 0000149774 0000000000 200901162009011520101231042 5356625Washington PULLMAN 99164314005Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Inquiry Based Learning Modules for Atmospheric Science Using Student-Accessible Modeling Tools 041485301 490106 NEILL HALL, ROOM 423 PO BOX 643140 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Washington State Univ 56625Pullman 075WHITMAN 5399164314006A0549000837828 000 0000149968 0000000000 200901222009020120110131042 5356625Washington PULLMAN 99164314005Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Visualization Software for Improved Learning in Material/Energy Balance Classes 041485301 495176 NEILL HALL, ROOM 423 PO BOX 643140 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Washington State Univ 56625Pullman 075WHITMAN 5399164314006B0549000744393 001 0000040000 0000000000 200901142008020120100131042 5356625Washington PULLMAN 99164314005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Technician Support (Years 4 and 5) for Radiogenic Isotope and Geochronology Facility, Washington State University. 041485301 490100 NEILL HALL, ROOM 423 PO BOX 643140 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Washington State Univ 56625Pullman 075WHITMAN 5399164314006A0549000810306 000 0000102395 0000000000 200901162009011520091231042 5356625Washington PULLMAN 99164314005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Caldera Collapse and Subsequent Evolution of Long-lived Silicic Supervolcanoes: A Case Study of the Tshirege Member, Bandelie041485301 490100 NEILL HALL, ROOM 423 PO BOX 643140 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Washington State Univ 56625Pullman 075WHITMAN 5399164314006A0549000845849 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901162009051520140430042 5356625Washington PULLMAN 99164314005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER:Body-enabled Design Paradigm: A New Pathway for Next Generation Battery-free Wireless Sensor Nodes Powered by Sustainable Energy Sources 041485301 490100 NEILL HALL, ROOM 423 PO BOX 643140 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Radford University 65392Radford 750**RADFORD 5124142692606A0949000849642 000 0000074397 0000000000 200901092009011520091231042 5165392Virginia Radford 24142692609Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Bridges and Pipelines to Success and Leadership in STEM 159697002 495176 Box 6926 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT North Carolina State U 55000Raleigh 183WAKE 3727695751406B0449000644865 002 0000110000 0000000000 200901072007020120120131042 3755000North Carolina RALEIGH 27695751404Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Amplification-by-Polymerization in DNA Biosensing 042092122 490100 CAMPUS BOX 7514 2701 Sullivan Drive, Suite 240 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT North Carolina State U 55000Raleigh 183WAKE 3727695751406A0449000837612 000 0000149998 0000000000 200901222009020120110131042 3755000North Carolina RALEIGH 27695751404Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Integration of Sensor Technologies into the Civil Engineering Curriculum 042092122 495176 CAMPUS BOX 7514 2701 Sullivan Drive, Suite 240 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Valencell 55000Raleigh 183WAKE 3727606521923A0449000848943 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901122009011520101231042 3755000North Carolina raleigh 27606521902Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: Monolithic Multiwavelength Blue-to-IR LED for Biomedical Diagnostics 784437100 490100 920 Main Campus Drive Suite 101 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT SD Sch of Mines and Tech 52980Rapid City 103PENNINGTON 4657701399506B0049000825338 001 0000012000 0000000000 200901132009010120101231042 4652980South Dakota Rapid City 57701399500Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Structural Mechanics of Steel Columns and Beam-Columns Under Fire Loading 929928018 490100 501 East Saint Joseph Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT NorthWest Res Assoc Inc 57535Redmond 033KING 5398052516423B0149000435789 005 0000138725 0000000000 200901132005010120091231042 5357535Washington Redmond 98052516408Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Development and Applications of Embedded Spectral-Element and Fourier-Ray Codes for High-Resolution Dynamics Studies within Whole Atmosphere Communit151471349 490100 4118 148th Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Nevada Reno 60600Reno 031WASHOE 3289557032506B0249000645365 002 0000185000 0000000000 200901192007020120120131042 3260600Nevada Reno 89557032502Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Water-Soluble Phosphine Ligands and Catalysis 146515460 490100 1664 North Virginia Street Sponsored Projects / MS 325 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Nevada Reno 60600Reno 031WASHOE 3289557032506B0249000709625 001 0000012100 0000000000 200901282007081520100731042 3260600Nevada Reno 89557032502Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Knot concordance and Heegaard Floer homology 146515460 490100 1664 North Virginia Street Sponsored Projects / MS 325 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Dallas 61796Richardson 113DALLAS 4875083068806B3249000536868 003 0000100301 0000000000 200901072006030120100228042 4861796Texas Richardson 75083068832Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Global Electrodynamics of the Aurora during Northward Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) and Associated Ionosphere-Magnetosphere Interactions 800188161 490100 P O Box 830688 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Dallas 61796Richardson 113DALLAS 4875083068806A3249000854059 000 0000288050 0000000000 200901162009030120120229042 4861796Texas Richardson 75083068832Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia TiO2 Nanotube-Quantum Dot Composites for Photocatalysis 800188161 490100 P O Box 830688 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Dallas 61796Richardson 113DALLAS 4875083068806A3249000845803 000 0000080000 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 4861796Texas Richardson 75083068832Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: An Integrated Approach For Efficient Privacy Preserving Distributed Data Analytics 800188161 490100 P O Box 830688 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Photodigm 61796Richardson 113DALLAS 4875081230423A3249000848649 000 0000499957 0000000000 200901262009020120110131042 4861796Texas Richardson 75081230432Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: High Performance Single Frequency Lasers 159060313 490100 1155 E COLLINS BLVD 200 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Texas Dallas 61796Richardson 113DALLAS 4875083068806A3249000855891 000 0000009945 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 4861796Texas Richardson 75083068832Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems (CEHMS) 800188161 490100 P O Box 830688 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Virginia Commonwealth Univ 67000Richmond 760**RICHMOND 5123298056806B0349000744556 001 0000080744 0000000000 200901232008021520100131042 5167000Virginia RICHMOND 23298056803Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Propagation systems for generation of chromosomally stable human embryonic stem cells 105300446 490100 P.O. Box 980568 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Virginia Commonwealth Univ 67000Richmond 760**RICHMOND 5123298056806B0349000645494 002 0000315000 0000000000 200901072007020120120131042 5167000Virginia RICHMOND 23298056803Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: New Strategies for Electrochemical Detection in Microfluidic Systems 105300446 490100 P.O. Box 980568 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Virginia Commonwealth Univ 67000Richmond 760**RICHMOND 5123298056806B0349000648716 002 0000003509 0000000000 200901282007040120090331042 5167000Virginia RICHMOND 23298056803Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: New Routes for the Preparation and Characterization of Functionally-Grade and Mesoporous Silica Thin Films 105300446 490100 P.O. Box 980568 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Virginia Commonwealth Univ 67000Richmond 760**RICHMOND 5123298056806B0349000638588 008 0000049971 0000000000 200901092006061620110331042 5167000Virginia RICHMOND 23298056803Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: NSF-I/UCRC on Precision Forming (CPF) 105300446 490100 P.O. Box 980568 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Riverside 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692521100006B4449000749949 001 0000070000 0000000000 200901072008030120100228042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92521100044Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Role of the Substrate Surface State and Molecular Configuration in Porous Honeycomb Networks of Quinones 627797426 490100 Office of Research 200 University Office Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Riverside 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692521100006B4449000841428 000 0000175000 0000000000 200901092009010120091231042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92521100044Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Chemistry with Carborane Anions 627797426 490100 Office of Research 200 University Office Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Riverside 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692521100006B4449000813967 001 0000122500 0000000000 200901092008010120121231042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92521100044Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 627797426 490106 Office of Research 200 University Office Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Riverside 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692521100006B4449000748910 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901272008020120100131042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92521100044Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Quantum Transport of Charges in Graphene 627797426 490100 Office of Research 200 University Office Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Riverside 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692521100006B4449000808949 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901222007090120100430042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92521100044Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia NANOWIRE CROSSBAR SWITCH ESD PROTECTION MECHANISM AND CIRCUIT 627797426 490100 Office of Research 200 University Office Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT ISCA Tech 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692507205223B4449000725388 005 0000038000 0000000000 200901052007090120090831042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92507205244Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Sensory System for Autonomous Area-Wide Disease and Agriterror Detection and Reporting 960774941 490100 2060 CHICAGO AVE SUITE C2 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Riverside 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692521100006B4449000750811 001 0000344547 0000000000 200901232008030120110228042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92521100044Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Profiling Translated mRNAs from the Organ to Specific Cell Level for Modeling Mechanisms of Gene Regulation and Response to Hypoxia 627797426 490100 Office of Research 200 University Office Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Riverside 62000Riverside 065RIVERSIDE 0692521100006B4449000448488 004 0000150000 0000000000 200901052005041520100331042 0662000California RIVERSIDE 92521100044Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Core Promoter-Selective Transcription by RNA Polymerase II 627797426 490100 Office of Research 200 University Office Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Rochester 63000Rochester 055MONROE 3614627014025A2849000838185 000 0000091797 0000000000 200901082009011520091231042 3663000New York ROCHESTER 14627014028Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Iron Age (300-1800 AD) Geomagnetic Paleointensity of Southern Africa 041294109 490100 515 HYLAN, RIVER CAMPUSBOX 27014 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Rochester 63000Rochester 055MONROE 3614627014025A2849000838467 000 0000233186 0000000000 200901162009011520111231042 3663000New York ROCHESTER 14627014028Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: An integrated seismic-geodetic study of active magmatic processes at Sierra Negra volcano, Galapagos Islands 041294109 490100 515 HYLAN, RIVER CAMPUSBOX 27014 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT TRANSMAT 63000Rochester 055MONROE 3614650172023B2849000917415 000 0000099715 0000000000 200901072009010120090630042 3663000New York Rochester 14650172028Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Eliminating the use of Fluorochemicals in Textile Applications: Superhydrophobic Surfaces via Surface Modified Nanoparticles. 828749759 490100 1699 Lake Ave Bldg. 59, R204, MC 01720 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Rochester 63000Rochester 055MONROE 3614627014025B2849000449708 005 0000080000 0000000000 200901072005010120091231042 3663000New York ROCHESTER 14627014028Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Efficient Ray-Based Methods for Modeling Wave Propagation 041294109 490100 515 HYLAN, RIVER CAMPUSBOX 27014 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Missouri S&T 62912Rolla 161PHELPS 2965409133006A0849000846486 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901222009070120140630042 2962912Missouri Rolla 65409133008Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Joint Power-Allocation and Diversity (JPAD) Optimization for Networked Underwater Acoustic Transceivers 804883767 490100 300 W 12th Street 202 University Center 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Northeastern Ohio C of M 68364Rootstown 133PORTAGE 3944272969806B1749000745543 001 0000094650 0000000000 200901122008021520100131042 3968364Ohio Rootstown 44272969817Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Feeding and Diet at the Origin of Whales: Evolution, Function, and Development 077779882 490100 4209 State Route 44 PO Box 95 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Mt Desert Island Biol Lab 65410Salsbury Cove 009HANCOCK 2304672003512B0249000453391 004 0000096480 0000000000 200901092005030120100228042 2365410Maine Salsbury Cove 04672003502Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Research Experiences in Marine Comparative Functional Genomics 077470003 490100 PO Box 35 Old Bar Harbor Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006B0249000627937 002 0000133590 0000000000 200901232007020120100131042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Mechanisms of Intermountain Cold Front Evolution 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006B0249000735118 001 0000062775 0000000000 200901302008010120091231042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Physics of Stratocumulus Top (POST) 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006B0249000642615 002 0000219998 0000000000 200901122007020120120131042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Surface-Modified Nanoporous Opal Films and Membranes 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006B0249000748473 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901072008021520100131042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Tracking single charges in organic semiconductors by surface enhanced Raman scattering 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006B0249000749506 001 0000127000 0000000000 200901192008021520100131042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Developing Asymmetric Catalysts Using Modular Ligands 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006A0249000844764 000 0000279150 0000000000 200901072009010120091231042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Designer Plasmonic Materials as Tunable Sensing and Spectroscopy Platforms 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006B0249000746486 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901032008030120100228042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Rare Earth Oxide-based Diluted Magnetic Dielectrics 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006A0249000846298 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901302009050120140430042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: High-Rate Wireless Data Links for Biomedical Implants 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT University of Utah 67000Salt Lake City 035SALT LAKE 4984112893006B0249000326999 011 0000014536 0000000000 200901142004010120091231042 4967000Utah SALT LAKE CITY 84112893002Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Effect of Anthropogenic Disturbance on the Dynamics of Sin Nombre 009095365 490100 75 S 2000 E Second Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal SD Scripps Inst 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093021006B5349000820336 001 0000140344 0000000000 200901272008010720100106042 0666000California LA JOLLA 92093021053Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Intergovernmental Mobility Assignment 175104595 490100 8602 La Jolla Shores Dr Univ of California-San Diego 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal SD Scripps Inst 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093021006B5349000744636 001 0000139226 0000000000 200901082008021520100131042 0666000California LA JOLLA 92093021053Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia VOCALS: Measurements of Organic Aerosol Composition to Improve Aerosol-Cloud Characterization 175104595 490100 8602 La Jolla Shores Dr Univ of California-San Diego 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000746285 001 0000077995 0000000000 200901302008031520100228042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nonlinear and Nonlocal Phenomena in Biological Hydrodynamics 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000643880 005 0000006000 0000000000 200901162007040120100331042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Niche-based Systems: Uniform Abstractions for Non-uniform Hardware 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000616279 003 0000374000 0000000000 200901052006080120110731042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Ultrafast Inorganic Ground States as Dynamical Probes and Molecular Devices 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000742801 001 0000172000 0000000000 200901072008020120100131042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Hydrogen Bonds, Conformations, Reactivity, and Solvation 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406A5349000848502 000 0000130000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Chemical Dynamics of Gas Adsorption and Desorption on Organic Sensor Films 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000729483 003 0000005800 0000000000 200901292006070120090731042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Substructure Damage Characterization for Performance-Based Earthquake Engineering 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000641037 001 0000308105 0000000000 200901212007120120091130042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Biochemical Pathways Workbench 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406A5349000825686 000 0000100000 0000000000 200901072009030120100228042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia IGMS: Dynamic Models in Synthetic Biology 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406A5349000852534 000 0000048197 0000000000 200901222009070120120630042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Southern California Analysis and Partial Differential Equation Conference Series 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT San Diego State Univ Fdn 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692182219006A5349000837162 000 0000149903 0000000000 200901162009020120110131042 0666000California San Diego 92182219053Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Accessibility of Materials Laboratory Experience for Engineering Undergraduates 073371346 495176 5250 Campanile Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal SD Scripps Inst 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093021006A5349000838257 000 0000129651 0000000000 200901162009011520091231042 0666000California LA JOLLA 92093021053Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Geomagnetic Field as Recorded on Iceland and Jan Mayen: Key to Field Structure at High Northern Latitudes 175104595 490100 8602 La Jolla Shores Dr Univ of California-San Diego 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal SD Scripps Inst 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093021006A5349000843878 000 0000057143 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 0666000California LA JOLLA 92093021053Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Seismic Noise and Episodic Tremor: Improving Models for External Sources to Improve Detection of Internal Ones 175104595 490100 8602 La Jolla Shores Dr Univ of California-San Diego 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406A5349000844274 000 0000075000 0000000000 200901162009021520100131042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Reactive Solar Concentrators 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000849069 001 0000149999 0000000000 200901082008070120100131042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Auxin Signaling in the Early Diverged Land Plant Physcomitrella Patens 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000448010 004 0000150000 0000000000 200901212005020120100131042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Pre-mRNA Splicing and the Coordinated Network of Gene Expression Machineries 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT San Diego State Univ Fdn 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692182219006B5349000842770 000 0000159999 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 0666000California San Diego 92182219053Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RNA Polymerase-Specific Transcription Complex Assembly on snRNA Genes: Structural and Functional Relationships 073371346 490100 5250 Campanile Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406A5349000845099 000 0000143697 0000000000 200901122009011520091231042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Theoretical Approaches to Single-molecule Biophysics 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal SD Scripps Inst 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093021006B5349000730485 001 0000222487 0000000000 200901082007100120100930042 0666000California LA JOLLA 92093021053Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Centers for Ocean Sciences Education Excellence -- California 175104595 490100 8602 La Jolla Shores Dr Univ of California-San Diego 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal SD Scripps Inst 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093021006A5349000752970 000 0000944723 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 0666000California LA JOLLA 92093021053Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Global Ocean Repeat Hydrography, Carbon, and Tracer Measurements, 2009-2014 175104595 490100 8602 La Jolla Shores Dr Univ of California-San Diego 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406B5349000819506 001 0000012000 0000000000 200901082008071520100630042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Race, Immigration, and Citizenship in the Americas 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal San Diego 66000San Diego 073SAN DIEGO 0692093093406A5349000856008 000 0000102218 0000000000 200901082009011520101231042 0666000California La Jolla 92093093453Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia SGER: Explaining the African Vote: an Exit Poll in Ghana 804355790 490100 Office of Contract & Grant Admin 9500 Gilman Drive, 0934 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT University San Francisco 67000San Francisco 075SAN FRANCISCO 0694117108025A0849000913621 000 0000040500 0000000000 200901072009010120131231042 0667000California San Francisco 94117108008Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 078770294 490106 Sponsored Projects 2130 Fulton 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT San Francisco State Univ 67000San Francisco 075SAN FRANCISCO 0694132172206A0549000847721 000 0000225371 0000000000 200901062009060120110531042 0667000California San Francisco 94132172212Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Petrogenetic Affinity of Miocene Granites to Test the Mid-crustal Channel Flow Model in the Himalaya 942514985 490100 1600 Holloway Ave Adm 469 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT San Francisco State Univ 67000San Francisco 075SAN FRANCISCO 0694132172206B0549000644418 002 0000101348 0000000000 200901222007020120100131042 0667000California San Francisco 94132172212Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Designing Systems for Molecular Query-Retrieval and Molecular Informatics 942514985 490100 1600 Holloway Ave Adm 469 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Cal Poly St University Fdn 68154San Luis Obispo 079SAN LUIS OBISPO 0693407003506B2249000914214 000 0000047060 0000000000 200901142008070120100731042 0668154California San Luis Obispo 93407003522Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia MRI: Development of a Sonic IR Research Instrument for Nondestructive Testing 029326246 490100 One Grand Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Kerner Graphics 68364San Rafael 041MARIN 0694901720023B0649000810023 001 0000050000 0000000000 200901082008070120090630042 0668364California San Rafael 94901720006Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Topologically Encoded Animation (TEA) for Visual Effects in the Digital Arts 808301159 490100 90 Windward Way 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Fort Berthold Community Co 70620Sanish 061MOUNTRAIL 3858763049006B0049000631344 002 0000100000 0000000000 200901302006090120090831042 3870620North Dakota New Town 58763049000Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia FBCC Student Cohort STEM Project 097896120 490106 PO Box 490 220 8th St. N. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000642621 002 0000143672 0000000000 200901272007040120100331042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Dark Matter and Black Holes Over Cosmic Time 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000854425 000 0000494311 0000000000 200901232009030120120229042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia A Synthetic Approach to Active Site Deconvolution in Supported Cr Catalysts for Olefin Polymerization 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000855889 000 0000062849 0000000000 200901232008080120090531042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Horseshoes and Hand Grenades: Exploiting Error Tolerance in Applications 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000550232 003 0000148000 0000000000 200901202006020120100131042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Asymmetric Catalysis with Ligated Copper Hydride 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000645536 002 0000100000 0000000000 200901222007020120100131042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER:Developing Novel Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Contrast and Sensitivity Enhancement Mechanisms for Materials and Reactions Studies 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000546737 003 0000080097 0000000000 200901052006030120100228042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: VIVA - Vertically Integrated VirtualizAtion: Automatic, Full System, Specialization for High-End Computing 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000547639 003 0000101335 0000000000 200901092006021520100131042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Structure-Function-Property Relationships in Charged Conjugated Polymers 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006B2349000913561 000 0000135849 0000000000 200901122008060120090531042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Correlation of Atomic Level Growth, Characterization and Electronic Properties of Epitaxial Ferromagnetic Alloys on Compound Semiconductors 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Barbara 69070Santa Barbara 083SANTA BARBARA 0693106205006A2349000838264 000 0000065921 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 0669070California SANTA BARBARA 93106205023Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Testing Channel-flow Models Using Mid-crustal Rocks of North Himalayan Gneiss Domes 094878394 490100 Office of Research Rm 3227 Cheadle Hall 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Santa Clara University 69084Santa Clara 085SANTA CLARA 0695053025025A1549000850097 000 0000071883 0000000000 200901142009030120100228042 0669084California Santa Clara 95053025015Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Attracting a New Generation of Students to Computing 054800214 495176 500 El Camino Real 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT BridgeWave 69084Santa Clara 085SANTA CLARA 0695054206223B1549000620136 003 0000500000 0000000000 200901142006081520100731042 0669084California SANTA CLARA 95054206215Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Micro-Coax Manufacturability Study 095830894 490100 3350 THOMAS RD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Cruz 69112Santa Cruz 087SANTA CRUZ 0695064410706B1749009876783 016 0002656000 0000000000 200901071999110120091031052 0669112California SANTA CRUZ 95064410717Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Center for Adaptive Optics 125084723 490100 1156 High Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Cruz 69112Santa Cruz 087SANTA CRUZ 0695064410706B1749000752211 001 0000061759 0000000000 200901122008031520100831042 0669112California SANTA CRUZ 95064410717Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Glacier Recession and Livelihood Vulnerability in the Peruvian Andes 125084723 490100 1156 High Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Cruz 69112Santa Cruz 087SANTA CRUZ 0695064410706A1749000845766 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901222009090120140831042 0669112California SANTA CRUZ 95064410717Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Measurement, modeling and control of molecular motors above a nanopore 125084723 490100 1156 High Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Cruz 69112Santa Cruz 087SANTA CRUZ 0695064410706B1749000914866 000 0000280921 0000000000 200901212008093020090930042 0669112California SANTA CRUZ 95064410717Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Predicting spatial variation in West Nile virus transmission 125084723 490100 1156 High Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Cruz 69112Santa Cruz 087SANTA CRUZ 0695064410706B1749000914866 001 0000437014 0000000000 200901292008093020090930042 0669112California SANTA CRUZ 95064410717Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Predicting spatial variation in West Nile virus transmission 125084723 490100 1156 High Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Cruz 69112Santa Cruz 087SANTA CRUZ 0695064410706A1749000757911 000 0000030000 0000000000 200901072009011520091231042 0669112California SANTA CRUZ 95064410717Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Origin and Probes of Baryonic and Dark Matter 125084723 490100 1156 High Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Cal Santa Cruz 69112Santa Cruz 087SANTA CRUZ 0695064410706A1749000849584 000 0000065300 0000000000 200901162009040120100331042 0669112California SANTA CRUZ 95064410717Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Science, Democracy and Environmental Policy in Developing Countries: The Case of India 125084723 490100 1156 High Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Mote Marine Lab 64175Sarasota 115SARASOTA 1234236100412B1349000754914 001 0000091585 0000000000 200901312008031520100228042 1264175Florida Sarasota 34236100413Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Research experiences in Eestuarine Science for Undergraduates at Mote Marine Laboratory: Developing a New Generation of Leaders in Ocean Sciences. 079194080 490100 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Insite 70280Saratoga 085SANTA CLARA 0695070000023A1449000848916 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901092009011520101231042 0670280California Saratoga 95070000005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Improving the safety and efficacy of epidural anesthesia 800092525 490100 19639 Farwell Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Lake Superior State Univ 71740Sault Ste. Marie 033CHIPPEWA 2649783165606B0149000917509 000 0000035492 0000000000 200901292008100120100228042 2671740Michigan Sault Ste. Marie 49783165601Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Combined Physical Property Measurements at Siple Dome 074787789 490100 650 West Easterday Ave. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Armstrong Atlan State Univ 69000Savannah 051CHATHAM 1331419199706B0149000849677 000 0000229000 0000000000 200901082008080120110731042 1369000Georgia Savannah 31419199701Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia MRI: Acquisition of a High Performance Computer for the Molecular Education and Research Consortium in Undergraduate computational chemistRY (MERCURY075857953 490100 11935 ABERCORN ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000645416 002 0000160831 0000000000 200901172007031520100228042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Prospecting for planets 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000633897 002 0000148437 0000000000 200901162007010120091231042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Fate of Acyl Peroxy Nitrates During Long-Range Pollution Transport and Atmosphere-Forest Interactions 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000634999 002 0000200001 0000000000 200901122007010120091231042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Observations and Modeling of the Characteristics of Falling and Accumulating Snow 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000701517 002 0000130000 0000000000 200901052007031520100228042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics for Studies of Nanoscale Materials 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000645054 002 0000012000 0000000000 200901292007070120120630042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Mechanically Activated Biological Adhesion 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206A0749000846065 000 0000088000 0000000000 200901292009030120100228042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: A Comprehensive Framework for Disappearing Data 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000644084 002 0000079508 0000000000 200901272007021520100131042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Self-Assembly of Functional Systems Within Live Cells 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206A0749000847077 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009091520140831042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Parsimonious Modeling via Matrix Minimization 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Ionographics 63000Seattle 033KING 5398103824423B0749000810466 001 0000035000 0000000000 200901052008070120090630042 5363000Washington Seattle 98103824407Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Repair and Manufacturing of Integrated Circuit Probe Cards through Innovations in Electrochemical Printing 808548544 490100 3728 Wallingford Ave N 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Auma Labs 63000Seattle 033KING 5398112325223B0749000810763 001 0000020000 0000000000 200901142008070120090630042 5363000Washington Seattle 98112325207Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Biosensor Compatible Polymers for Use in a Commercial 3D Microdevice Printer 808220094 490100 1922 42nd Ave E Apt 10 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206A0749000902804 000 0000156694 0000000000 200901152009020120100131042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia NSF/IUCRC Technology Breakthroughs: Compendium and DVD 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000642253 002 0000207798 0000000000 200901212007030120100228042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RNA Dynamics by Solution and Solid State Deuterium NMR 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000549887 003 0000298842 0000000000 200901132006040120100331042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Parameterization of Gas Flux at High Wind Speed 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000751420 001 0000737285 0000000000 200901052008030120100228042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Internal Tide and Mixing in Monterey and Ascension Canyons 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206A0749000850089 000 0000286220 0000000000 200901272009020120100131042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of an Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometer 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.079 SAI EXEMPT F, Bonier 63000Seattle 033KING 5398117260421B0749000700651 001 0000003800 0000000000 200901122007090120090831042 5363000Washington Seattle 98117260407Office of International Science & Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia International Research Fellowship Program: Population Differentiation and Breeding Asynchrony in Andean Birds NR 490100 9619 27th Ave NW 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.079 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206A0749000853825 000 0000015000 0000000000 200901082009020120100131042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Office of International Science & Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia US-Argentina Dissertation: Experimentally Testing the Ecological Impacts of Climate Change From Arizona to Argentina 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Washington 63000Seattle 033KING 5398195947206B0749000550836 002 0000012000 0000000000 200901262006090120090831042 5363000Washington SEATTLE 98195947207Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Migration & Social Dynamics - Unpacking the Black Box of Cumulative Causation 605799469 490100 4333 Brooklyn Ave NE 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT ATRC, Inc. 71150Severn 003ANNE ARUNDEL 2421144193323B9049000740958 001 0000050000 0000000000 200901282008010120090630042 2471150Maryland Severn 21144193303Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase I: A MultiObjective Bilevel Approach to Highway Alignment Optimization 133470778 490100 419 Blairfield Ct. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Mount Holyoke College 64110South Hadley 015HAMPSHIRE 2501075645625B0249000841452 000 0000155000 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 2564110Massachusetts South Hadley 01075645602Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI: Mechanism of Promoter Escape by E. coli RNA Polymerase 066985714 490100 50 College Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Mount Holyoke College 64110South Hadley 015HAMPSHIRE 2501075645625B0249000353700 003 0000005728 0000000000 200901262004051520090430042 2564110Massachusetts South Hadley 01075645602Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Mount Holyoke Undergraduate Mathematics Summer Research Institute 066985714 490100 50 College Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT University of Miami 67550South Miami 086DADE 1233146521525B1849000721009 006 0000012000 0000000000 200901082006111320110831042 1267550Florida CORAL GABLES 33146521500Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia I/U CRC for Repair of Buildings and Bridges with Composites - RB2C: Continuing Grant 625174149 490100 1204 DICKENSON DR BLDG 37A 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Gonzaga University 67000Spokane 063SPOKANE 5399258008725A0549000854910 000 0000010982 0000000000 200901232009011520091231042 5367000Washington Spokane 99258008705Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Symposium: Biomaterials: properties, variation and evolution- Winter, 2009 in Boston, MA 079265732 490100 502 East Boone Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Missouri Saint Louis 65000St. Louis 189ST LOUIS 2963121440006B0149000640206 002 0000088869 0000000000 200901052007021520100131042 2965000Missouri SAINT LOUIS 63121440001Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Long-term Annual Performance of Tropical Rainforest Trees: a Cross-scale Analysis 804883825 490100 ONE UNIVERSITY BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Missouri Saint Louis 65000St. Louis 189ST LOUIS 2963121440006A0149000848078 000 0000150788 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 2965000Missouri SAINT LOUIS 63121440001Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Regulation of mRNA Stability by the Yeast Puf Proteins 804883825 490100 ONE UNIVERSITY BLVD 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Twin Cities Public TV 58000St. Paul 123RAMSEY 2755101140022B0449000741749 001 0000926308 0000000000 200901152008050120100430042 2758000Minnesota St. Paul 55101140004Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia DragonflyTV GPS: Investigating the Nanoworld 041201310 490106 172 East Fourth Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Univ of St. Thomas 58000St. Paul 123RAMSEY 2755105109625A0449000838340 000 0000044599 0000000000 200901282009030120100228042 2758000Minnesota St. Paul 55105109604Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: High-resolution Basin Analysis of a Large-offset Extensional System, Lake Mead Domain, East-Central Basin and Range Province 006208664 490100 2115 Summit Avenue 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Isurtec 58000St. Paul 123RAMSEY 2755114106723A0449000848918 000 0000499424 0000000000 200901122009011520101231042 2758000Minnesota Saint Paul 55114106704Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: Superhydrophobic Coatings for Water Repelling and Corrosion Control 148070860 490100 1000 Westgate Drive 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Ga. Southern Univ. R&S Fdn 73256Statesboro 031BULLOCH 1330460800512A1249000758111 000 0000025000 0000000000 200901082008120120091130042 1373256Georgia Statesboro 30460800501Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI Collaboration: Modeling Quantum Logic Operations with Ultra-cold Atoms in Optical Lattices 063828383 490100 261 Forest Drive PO Box 8005 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Oklahoma State University 70300Stillwater 119PAYNE 4074078101106B0349000645438 002 0000185000 0000000000 200901112007030120120229042 4070300Oklahoma STILLWATER 74078101103Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Self-Assembly of Electrophilic Late Metal Catalysts and Catalyzing Careers in Research 049987720 490100 101 WHITEHURST HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Stony Brook 71608Stony Brook 103SUFFOLK 3611794336606A0149000840483 000 0000300000 0000000000 200901092009020120120131042 3671608New York STONY BROOK 11794336601Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Purchase of a Variable Temperature X-Ray Diffractometer 804878247 490100 WEST 5510 FRK MEL LIB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Stony Brook 71608Stony Brook 103SUFFOLK 3611794336606A0149000829761 000 0000258000 0000000000 200901082009010120111231042 3671608New York STONY BROOK 11794336601Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Improvement and Expansion at Centre ValBio Research Station, Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar 804878247 490100 WEST 5510 FRK MEL LIB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Stony Brook 71608Stony Brook 103SUFFOLK 3611794336606B0149000635860 001 0000080435 0000000000 200901042007020120100131042 3671608New York STONY BROOK 11794336601Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia In-situ Acoustic Velocity Measurement on Mantle Phase Transitions 804878247 490100 WEST 5510 FRK MEL LIB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Stony Brook 71608Stony Brook 103SUFFOLK 3611794336606A0149000850768 000 0000036120 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 3671608New York STONY BROOK 11794336601Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition/upgrade of alpha spectrometry facility 804878247 490100 WEST 5510 FRK MEL LIB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Stony Brook 71608Stony Brook 103SUFFOLK 3611794336606B0149000354761 005 0000204656 0000000000 200901132004041520100930042 3671608New York STONY BROOK 11794336601Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Experimental Studies of Fundamental Symmetries 804878247 490100 WEST 5510 FRK MEL LIB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT SUNY Stony Brook 71608Stony Brook 103SUFFOLK 3611794336606B0149000653354 001 0000030000 0000000000 200901072007111520091031042 3671608New York STONY BROOK 11794336601Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Elementary particles at colliders and in astrophysics 804878247 490100 WEST 5510 FRK MEL LIB 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Univ of Connecticut 73980Storrs 013TOLLAND 0906269223106A0249000840147 000 0000181529 0000000000 200901262009020120100131042 0973980Connecticut Storrs 06269223102Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Measurement and Modeling of Aerodynamic Interactions between Tree-Sway Motion and Turbulence in and above a Forest Canopy 614209054 490100 343 Mansfield Rd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Univ of Connecticut 73980Storrs 013TOLLAND 0906269223106B0249000542846 004 0000029994 0000000000 200901142006031520100228042 0973980Connecticut Storrs 06269223102Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: A Survey of the Elasmobranchs and their Metazoan Parasites of Indonesian Borneo (Kalimantan) 614209054 490100 343 Mansfield Rd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Univ of Connecticut 73980Storrs 013TOLLAND 0906269223106A0249000844715 000 0000171315 0000000000 200901262009040120100331042 0973980Connecticut Storrs 06269223102Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Cyclic nucleotide gated Ca channels and non-self perception in plant pathogen defense responses 614209054 490100 343 Mansfield Rd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Univ of Connecticut 73980Storrs 013TOLLAND 0906269223106A0249000845899 000 0000180000 0000000000 200901282009040120100331042 0973980Connecticut Storrs 06269223102Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: The Influence of ppGpp on the Cellular Actions of BipA 614209054 490100 343 Mansfield Rd 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Syracuse University 73000Syracuse 067ONONDAGA 3613244120025A2549000847405 000 0000124527 0000000000 200901082009011520091231042 3673000New York SYRACUSE 13244120025Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Terahertz Spectroscopy of Molecular Solids: Experiment and Theory 002257350 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS 113 BOWNE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Syracuse University 73000Syracuse 067ONONDAGA 3613244120025B2549000913474 000 0000035170 0000000000 200901152008073120100531042 3673000New York SYRACUSE 13244120025Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Quasisymmetric Maps, Doubling Measures, and Geometry of Banach Spaces 002257350 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS 113 BOWNE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Syracuse University 73000Syracuse 067ONONDAGA 3613244120025B2549000635643 002 0000055868 0000000000 200901062007010120091231042 3673000New York SYRACUSE 13244120025Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Identifying the Limitations and Expanding the Utility of Detrital Mineral U-Pb Geochronology to Tectonic Studies 002257350 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS 113 BOWNE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Syracuse University 73000Syracuse 067ONONDAGA 3613244120025B2549000901480 000 0000063221 0000000000 200901142008091920090228042 3673000New York SYRACUSE 13244120025Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Integrating Research and Education to Advance the Use of Heat as a Tracer of Surface-Ground Water Interaction at Multiple Spatial and Tempora002257350 490100 OFFICE OF SPONSORED PROGRAMS 113 BOWNE HALL 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Florida State University 70600Tallahassee 073LEON 1232306416606A0249000842618 000 0000418524 0000000000 200901272009020120120131042 1270600Florida TALLAHASSEE 32306416602Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Climate Memory of Tropical Cyclones: Dimensions, Magnitude, Mechanisms for Generation and Removal, and Implications 790877419 490100 874 Traditions Way, 3rd Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Florida State University 70600Tallahassee 073LEON 1232306416606B0249000649394 002 0000001470 0000000000 200901212007041520110331042 1270600Florida TALLAHASSEE 32306416602Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Climatological and Event-Based Radar Delineation of UHI Convection for Urban Corridors Within the Southeastern U.S. 790877419 490100 874 Traditions Way, 3rd Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Florida State University 70600Tallahassee 073LEON 1232306416606A0249000845672 000 0000089438 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 1270600Florida TALLAHASSEE 32306416602Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Tags: A Unifying Primitive to Build Storage Data Paths for Swiftly Evolving Workloads and Storage Media 790877419 490100 874 Traditions Way, 3rd Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Florida State University 70600Tallahassee 073LEON 1232306416606A0249000841447 000 0000135000 0000000000 200901212009020120100131042 1270600Florida TALLAHASSEE 32306416602Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Morphological and Phylogenetic Diversification of the Muroid Rodents 790877419 490100 874 Traditions Way, 3rd Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Florida State University 70600Tallahassee 073LEON 1232306416606B0249000451143 004 0000041500 0000000000 200901142004091520090831042 1270600Florida TALLAHASSEE 32306416602Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia GRADUATE RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS 790877419 490106 874 Traditions Way, 3rd Floor 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000748867 001 0000180000 0000000000 200901132008030120100228042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Heavy Metal Complexes as Triplet Absorbers for Organic Photovoltaics 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306A0549000846161 000 0000120000 0000000000 200901302009020120100131042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Molecular dynamics simulations of the conformational binding dynamics of sequence-specific DNA-binding proteins 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000825089 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901292008081520110731042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Surface Flux for Cracked and Intact Clays for Ponded and Sloped Conditions 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000825827 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901282008090120110831042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Regression-based Quality Improvement in Complex Systems with Consideration of Data Uncertaintly 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306A0549000846539 000 0000404478 0000000000 200901152009070120140630042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Nanowire Interfaces for Increased Strength and Multifunctionality 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000639252 002 0000100000 0000000000 200901052007031520100228042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RCN: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Training Network (BESTNet) 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000622775 002 0000245135 0000000000 200901222007020120100131042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Facility Support: The Arizona State University Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometer (SIMS) Laboratories 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000711401 001 0000102055 0000000000 200901062007060120100531042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia High Resolution Seismic Experiments Aimed at Mapping Dynamical Processes within Earth's Interior 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306A0549000838563 000 0000204683 0000000000 200901232009011520101231042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Understanding the Volatile Evolution of Arc Magmas: Alkalies and Mixed (H2O + CO2) Volatile Solubility in Basalts and Basaltic Andesites 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306A0549000846961 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009050120140430042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: A Probe-less Large-array Protein Sensor via MEMS Technology 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306A0549000855802 000 0000073000 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Industry/University Cooperative Research Center: Water and Environmental Technology Center 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000644459 002 0000095739 0000000000 200901272007030120100228042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: A Logic-Based Dynamic Policy Model for Adaptive Workflow Management 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306A0549000845469 000 0000077827 0000000000 200901062009030120100228042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Enabling Independent Access to Digital Graphical Content for People with Visual Impairment 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306A0549000908506 000 0000002000 0000000000 200901222009011520091231042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia NSF Workshop Sponsorship for the Second International Workshop on Social Computing, Behavioral Modeling, and Prediction 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000854851 000 0000136700 0000000000 200901262008053120110531042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Manipulating Directionality of Electron Transfer Within Type 1 Photosynthetic Reaction Centers 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000748632 001 0000080799 0000000000 200901022008031520100228042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Innovation of Institutional Rules in the Governance of Common Resources 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Arizona State University 73000Tempe 013MARICOPA 0485287350306B0549000752853 001 0000068343 0000000000 200901132008020120100131042 0473000Arizona TEMPE 85287350305Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Micro and Macro Labor Supply Elasticities 943360412 490100 ORSPA 1711 S. Rural Rd, Adm B, RM 163 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Toledo 77000Toledo 095LUCAS 3943606339006B0949000748612 001 0000140000 0000000000 200901062008020120100131042 3977000Ohio TOLEDO 43606339009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Task-Specific Microextractions using Ionic Liquids 051623734 490100 2801 W Bancroft St., MS 944 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Toledo 77000Toledo 095LUCAS 3943606339006A0949000841611 000 0000228000 0000000000 200901132009051520100430042 3977000Ohio TOLEDO 43606339009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: 3-Iminophosphine Palladium Catalysts for Atom-Efficient Syntheses 051623734 490100 2801 W Bancroft St., MS 944 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT University of Toledo 77000Toledo 095LUCAS 3943606339006B0949000648963 002 0000082300 0000000000 200901212007040120100331042 3977000Ohio TOLEDO 43606339009Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Physics and Astronomy 051623734 490100 2801 W Bancroft St., MS 944 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.079 SAI EXEMPT J, Krumins 74000Trenton 021MERCER 3408648160621B1249000758674 001 0000004900 0000000000 200901122009020120100731042 3474000New Jersey Lawrenceville 08648160612Office of International Science & Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia International Research Fellowship Program: Herbivorous Nematodes and the Microbial Loop: Unraveling Below-ground Mechanisms Affecting Plant ProduNR 490100 18 Monroe Av 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Zomega 75484Troy 083RENSSELAER 3612180351123A2049000848811 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901062009011520101231042 3675484New York Troy 12180351121Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Compact THz-ABCD Spectrometer 555614226 490100 1223 Peoples Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000447354 004 0000220933 0000000000 200901142005020120100131042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Integrated Research and Education in Solar Physics, Space Weather, and Energetic Charged Particles 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000746019 001 0000050087 0000000000 200901062008040120100331042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Learning Complex Auditory Categories 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000750808 001 0000004000 0000000000 200901222008040120101231042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Agency and Practice in the Classic Maya Collapse: Excavations of the Terminal Classic Royal Palace at Seibal, Guatemala 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106A0749000837536 000 0000014990 0000000000 200901162009020120100731042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Doctoral Dissertation Research Improvement Grant: Building on the Past: The Emergence of Maya Elites and Monumental Architecture at Anonal, Peten, Gu806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106A0749000840336 000 0000471239 0000000000 200901092009020120120131042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of a Cyber-Enabled 400 MHz NMR Spectrometer for Research, Education and Outreach at the University of Arizona. 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.070 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106A0749000844565 000 0000080626 0000000000 200901272009020120100131042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Computer and Information Science and Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Dynamic and Autonomous Software-to-Hardware Translation for High-Performance and Low-Power Embedded Computing 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000908187 000 0000329964 0000000000 200901222008110120110831042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REVSYS: Phylogeny, Biogeography, and Taxonomy within the Ground Beetle subfamily Paussinae (Carabidae) 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106A0749000837398 000 0000149945 0000000000 200901222009020120110131042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Luminescence Spectroscopy in Molecular Assemblies and New Energy Conversion Materials: Integration Across the Undergraduate Curriculum 806345617 490106 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000345150 004 0000193890 0000000000 200901282005030120100228042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: A Proposal for the Cosmic-Ray prOduced NUclide Systematics on Earth (CRONUS-Earth) Project 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000635685 002 0000087232 0000000000 200901082007031520100228042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Paleohydrology of the Illinois Basin--Effects of Glaciation on Fluid Flow, Solute Transport, and Microbial Methane Generati806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000732436 001 0000185155 0000000000 200901222007121520091130042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Facility Support: Multi-User Facility Support for U-Th-Pb Geochronology at the Arizona LaserChron Center 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Medipacs 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485747910223A0849000848528 000 0000500000 0000000000 200901092009011520101231042 0477000Arizona Tucson 85747910208Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: Dendritic Hydrogel Actuators for a Liquid Drug Delivery Patch 149154267 490100 9040 South Rita Rd. Suite 1100 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106A0749000855786 000 0000076000 0000000000 200901282009021520100131042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Industry/University Cooperative Research Center: Water and Environmental Technology Center 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000545804 002 0000120000 0000000000 200901262006030120100228042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Novel Two Component Regulation of Quorum Sensing & Secondary Metabolite Production in Bacteria 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT U of Arizona 77000Tucson 019PIMA 0485721000106B0749000814317 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901072008090120100831042 0477000Arizona TUCSON 85721000107Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Forms of Exchange and Integrative Outcomes: Effects of History and Embeddedness 806345617 490100 888 N Euclid Ave 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Syagen Technology 80854Tustin 059ORANGE 0692780646123B4849000810794 001 0000039818 0000000000 200901062008070120090731042 0680854California TUSTIN 92780646147Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Electron Capture Dissociation for Radiofrequency Ion Trap MS 939007852 490100 1411 WARNER AVE STE D 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Syagen Technology 80854Tustin 059ORANGE 0692780646123C4849000810794 001 -0000039818 0000000000 200901092008070120090731042 0680854California TUSTIN 92780646147Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase I: Electron Capture Dissociation for Radiofrequency Ion Trap MS 939007852 490100 1411 WARNER AVE STE D 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT VCOM3D, Inc. 73075Union Park 095ORANGE 1232817845723B0849000823070 001 0000012000 0000000000 200901082008121520101130042 1273075Florida Orlando 32817845724Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SBIR Phase II: Life-like, Expressive Avatars for the Instruction of Young Learners who are Deaf 799834254 490100 3452 LAKE LYNDA DR., SUITE 260 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT New Mexico St University 81030University Park 013DONA ANA 3588003800106A0249000810305 000 0000022298 0000000000 200901162009011520091231042 3581030New Mexico Las Cruces 88003800102Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Caldera Collapse and Subsequent Evolution of Long-lived Silicic Supervolcanoes: A Case Study of the Tshirege Member, Bandelie173851965 490100 1620 STANDLEY DR ACADEMIC RESH A MSC OGC, Box 30001 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT New Mexico St University 81030University Park 013DONA ANA 3588003800106B0249000909083 000 0000112427 0000000000 200901082008120120090831042 3581030New Mexico Las Cruces 88003800102Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Origin of Crust and the Temporal and Spatial Scales of Mantle Melting at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge 173851965 490100 1620 STANDLEY DR ACADEMIC RESH A MSC OGC, Box 30001 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000537371 002 0000009000 0000000000 200901072007100120090930042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: A Broadband Seismic Experiment to Image the Lithosphere Beneath the Gamburtsev Mountains and Surrounding Areas, East Antarcti003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000513421 003 0000071244 0000000000 200901122006030120100228042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Time-Continuous Climate Simulations of Abrupt Events and Transitions through the Cenozoic 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000638512 002 0000108999 0000000000 200901212007011520091231042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Data Assimilation Analysis of the Boundary Layer and Convection Initiation During International H2O Project (IHOP) 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000639542 002 0000201270 0000000000 200901042007030120100228042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Integrated Laboratory and Modeling Studies of Early Cold-Cloud Development 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000644678 002 0000079770 0000000000 200901092007020120100131042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Engineering Regulatory Protein Effector Specificity to Facilitate Combinatorial Library Analyses 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006A0549000841130 000 0000153150 0000000000 200901272009020120100131042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Magnetic Manipulation and Selective Isolation of Nanoparticles and Nanoparticle Assemblies 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000824640 001 0000006000 0000000000 200901142008071520100630042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Congestion Options: A Market Solution to Congestion Externalities 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006A0549000906271 000 0000060000 0000000000 200901152009100120101231042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia SGER/GOALI: Industry Presence on Campus: Cross-linking of Collagen Binders for Foundry Cores to Reduce VOC Emissions 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000716885 002 0000090000 0000000000 200901162007121520091130042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia LTREB: Effects of Environmental Change on the Long Term Dynamics of Parasites in an Age Structured Host Population 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000750756 003 0000250000 0000000000 200901142007090120120831042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Graduate Research Fellowship Program 003403953 490106 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000635998 002 0000055698 0000000000 200901272007031520100228042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Understanding the Hydrologic Implications of Landscape Structure and Climate -- Towards a Unifying Framework of Watershed 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006A0549000900950 000 0000030000 0000000000 200901282009020120100131042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Workshop on Genomic Analysis of Species Extinctions 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000843195 000 0000152000 0000000000 200901132009040120100331042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Biochemical Basis of S-RNase-Based Self-Incompatibility 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT PA St U University Park 73808University Park 027CENTRE 4216802700006B0549000752931 001 0000051398 0000000000 200901072008031520100228042 4273808Pennsylvania UNIVERSITY PARK 16802700005Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Auctions and Resale Markets 003403953 490100 110 Technology Center Building 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Wofford College 73465Valley Falls 083SPARTANBURG 4529303361225A0449000836851 000 0000149815 0000000000 200901222009020120120131042 4573465South Carolina Spartanburg 29303361204Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Biological Inquiry: A Model Course and Assessment Program 078060613 490106 429 North Church Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT U of South Dakota 66700Vermillion 027CLAY 4657069230706A0049000840507 000 0000475806 0000000000 200901302009020120120131042 4666700South Dakota vermillion 57069230700Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Purchase of a Transmission Electron Microscope: a Regional Cyber-User Facility for Materials Chemistry and the Northern Plains Undergraduate Research929930808 490100 414 E CLARK ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT AUI/Nat Radio Ast Obser 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120036622525B0049000244577 030 0041000000 0000000000 200901212001100120090930052 1150000District of Columbia WASHINGTON 20036622500Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) 074801689 490551 1400 16TH ST NW STE 730 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT AURA/Nat Optic Astron Obse 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120005392925B0049000244679 089 0002243475 0000000000 200901122002100120090930052 1150000District of Columbia WASHINGTON 20005392900Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Support of the Management, Operations, and the Maintenance of the National Solar Observatory (NSO) 057905887 490100 1212 New York Avenue, N.W., SUITE 450 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT AURA/Nat Optic Astron Obse 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120005392925B0049000244680 091 0005223037 0000000000 200901122002100120090930052 1150000District of Columbia WASHINGTON 20005392900Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Cooperative Agreement for the Management, Operation and the Maintenance of the National Optical Astronomy Observatories (NOAO) 057905887 490100 1212 New York Avenue, N.W., SUITE 450 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Amer Astronomical Soc 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120009123112A0049000843236 000 0000023924 0000000000 200901152009011520091231042 1150000District of Columbia Washington 20009123100Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia IAU Symposium 261 - Relativity in Fundamental Astronomy: Dynamics, Reference Frames and Data Analysis 161162409 490100 2000 Florida Ave N.W. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Georgetown University 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120057700025A0049000840453 000 0000159600 0000000000 200901082009020120120131042 1150000District of Columbia Washington 20057700000Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Acquisition of an EPR Spectrometer for Research and Teaching 049515844 490100 37th & O St N W 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT George Washington Univ 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120052200025B0049000642348 004 0000117090 0000000000 200901272007020120100131042 1150000District of Columbia Washington 20052200000Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Ecological Factors Promoting Polyphagy in Insect Herbviores 0439904980003 490100 2121 Eye Street NW Suite 601 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Georgetown University 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120057700025A0049000847490 000 0000105000 0000000000 200901122009030120100228042 1150000District of Columbia Washington 20057700000Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Using Three-Dimensional Confocal Rheology to Measure Shear Induced Microstructural Deformations in Colloidal Glasses 049515844 490100 37th & O St N W 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Carnegie Inst of Wash 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120005191012B0049000738741 002 0000045115 0000000000 200901082008011520091231042 1150000District of Columbia WASHINGTON 20005191000Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Chemistry of the Earth's Deep Interior 072641707 490100 1530 P ST NW 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Catholic University 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120064000025A0049000845501 000 0000400000 0000000000 200901212009080120140731042 1150000District of Columbia Washington 20064000001Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Spin dependent transport properties of semiconducting nanostructures 041962788 490100 620 Michigan Ave.N.E. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Nat Acad of Sciences 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120001272112A0049000910762 000 0000150000 0000000000 200901152009011520101231042 1150000District of Columbia WASHINGTON 20001272100Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia An Ocean Infrastructure Strategy for U.S. Ocean Research in 2030 041964057 490100 500 FIFTH STREET NW 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.079 SAI EXEMPT George Washington Univ 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120052200025A0049000854959 000 0000039996 0000000000 200901272009020120100131042 1150000District of Columbia Washington 20052200000Office of International Science & Engineering National Science Foundation Virginia US-Egypt Workshop on Software Development for Multicore and Heterogeneous Processors, Cairo, Egypt, June 22-24, 2009 0439904980003 490100 2121 Eye Street NW Suite 601 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Amer Assoc For Advt Sci 50000Washington 001DIST OF COLUMBIA 1120005392812B0049000844713 002 0000096874 0000000000 200901272008091520100228042 1150000District of Columbia WASHINGTON 20005392800Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia The Science of Science Policy: New Findings Workshop 077795672 490100 1200 NEW YORK AVENUE, N.W. 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.078 SAI EXEMPT Washington University 65000Washington Uni., St. 510**ST LOUIS 2963130489925B0349000537597 002 0000014499 0000000000 200901072007100120090930042 2965000Missouri SAINT LOUIS 63130489903Office of Polar Programs National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: A Broadband Seismic Experiment to Image the Lithosphere Beneath the Gamburtsev Mountains and Surrounding Areas, East Antarcti068552207 490100 ONE BROOKINGS DRIVE, CAMPUS BOX 276 NORTH SKINKER BUILDING, SUIT 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Washington University 65000Washington Uni., St. 510**ST LOUIS 2963130489925B0349000904215 000 0000159999 0000000000 200901142008080120090731042 2965000Missouri SAINT LOUIS 63130489903Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Molecular Basis and Redox-Regulation of Plant Glutathione Biosynthesis 068552207 490100 ONE BROOKINGS DRIVE, CAMPUS BOX 276 NORTH SKINKER BUILDING, SUIT 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Washington University 65000Washington Uni., St. 510**ST LOUIS 2963130489925B0349000652448 002 0000130000 0000000000 200901212007041520100331042 2965000Missouri SAINT LOUIS 63130489903Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Relativistic Gravitation and Astrophysics 068552207 490100 ONE BROOKINGS DRIVE, CAMPUS BOX 276 NORTH SKINKER BUILDING, SUIT 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Wellesley College 74210Wellesley 021NORFOLK 2502481820425B0449000648968 002 0000078825 0000000000 200901252007030120100228042 2574210Massachusetts Wellesley 02481820404Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Chemistry as the Focus of an Interdisciplinary Summer Research Program at Wellesley College 076572965 490100 106 Central Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Wellesley College 74210Wellesley 021NORFOLK 2502481820425A0449000842507 000 0000070066 0000000000 200901232009011520091231042 2574210Massachusetts Wellesley 02481820404Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia RUI: Anatomical transformation in Mammalia: Developmental Controls of Vertebral Column Evolution 076572965 490100 106 Central Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Gordon College 74595Wenham 009ESSEX 2501984189525A0649000843219 000 0000012000 0000000000 200901302009040120100331042 2574595Massachusetts Wenham 01984189506Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Conference: Grounding Language in Perception and (Inter) Action 076616176 490100 255 Grapevine Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Bigelow Lab for Ocean Scs 82000West Boothbay Harbor 015LINCOLN 2304575047512B0149000913071 000 0000107261 0000000000 200901072008082520090831042 2382000Maine WEST BOOTHBAY HARBOR 04575047501Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Agent-Based Modeling and Observation of Intra-Population Variability in Phytoplankton 077474757 490100 180 MCKOWN PT 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Bigelow Lab for Ocean Scs 82000West Boothbay Harbor 015LINCOLN 2304575047512B0149000913080 000 0000257021 0000000000 200901132008082220100831042 2382000Maine WEST BOOTHBAY HARBOR 04575047501Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: Iron storage in diatoms and N2 fixing cyanobacteria: mechanisms, regulation and biogeochemical significance 077474757 490100 180 MCKOWN PT 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Gordon Res Conferences 78080West Kingston 009WASHINGTON 4402892000012A0249000903788 000 0000037600 0000000000 200901082008120120091130042 4478080Rhode Island West Kingston 02892000000Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Gordon Conference on Renewable Energy: Solar Fuels 075712877 490100 512 Liberty Lane 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Purdue University 82862West Lafayette 157TIPPECANOE 1847907211406A0449000846385 000 0000424859 0000000000 200901152009011520131231042 1882862Indiana West Lafayette 47907211404Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Exploiting Collective Behaviors in Coupled Micro- and Nanosystems 072051394 490100 Young Hall 155 S Grant Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Purdue University 82862West Lafayette 157TIPPECANOE 1847907211406A0449000914008 000 0000038328 0000000000 200901292009020120100131042 1882862Indiana West Lafayette 47907211404Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia International Workshop: Toward Understanding the Effects of the Wenchuan Megaquake of 12 May 2008; Guangzhou, People's Republic of China; February 2072051394 490100 Young Hall 155 S Grant Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Purdue University 82862West Lafayette 157TIPPECANOE 1847907211406A0449000903450 000 0000004000 0000000000 200901212009010120091231042 1882862Indiana West Lafayette 47907211404Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Symposium on Nanostructured Materials for Future Therapy; ACS National Meeting; Salt Lake City, UT; March 2009 072051394 490100 Young Hall 155 S Grant Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Purdue University 82862West Lafayette 157TIPPECANOE 1847907211406B0449000719892 001 0000019549 0000000000 200901012008010120091231042 1882862Indiana West Lafayette 47907211404Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: The Evolution of Extremely Acid Lakes and Groundwaters in Western Australia 072051394 490100 Young Hall 155 S Grant Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Purdue University 82862West Lafayette 157TIPPECANOE 1847907211406B0449000738920 001 0000083588 0000000000 200901052008010120091231042 1882862Indiana West Lafayette 47907211404Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Extensional Deformation in Convergent Systems 072051394 490100 Young Hall 155 S Grant Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT Wichita State University 79000Wichita 173SEDGWICK 2067260000706B0449000710914 001 0000050000 0000000000 200901122007070120110630042 2079000Kansas Wichita 67260000704Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Friction Stir Processing 053078127 490100 1845 Fairmount 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.074 SAI EXEMPT Midwestern State Univ 79000Wichita Falls 485WICHITA 4876308203606A1349000827264 000 0000023711 0000000000 200901232009011520091231042 4879000Texas Wichita Falls 76308203613Biological Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Planning a Biological and Geological Research Station in the Big Bend Region of Tex 073149163 490100 3400 Taft Boulevard 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT College of William & Mary 86160Williamsburg 830**WILLIAMSBURG 5123187879506B0149000624278 002 0000006000 0000000000 200901272006111520091031042 5186160Virginia Williamsburg 23187879501Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Victims' Responses to Transitional Justice: A Comparative Study in West Africa 074762238 490100 Grants & Research Admin. P.O. Box 8795 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.041 SAI EXEMPT PAIR Technologies 77580Wilmington 003NEW CASTLE 1019803016723A0049000848096 000 0000499844 0000000000 200901272009020120110131042 1077580Delaware Wilmington 19803016700Engineering Grants National Science Foundation Virginia STTR Phase II: Planar Array Infrared (PA-IR): A Compact Rugged Double Beam Infrared Spectrometer for Laboratory and Field Analysis 612869672 490100 P.O. Box 7167 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT U of NC Wilmington 74440Wilmington 129NEW HANOVER 3728403320106B0749000755109 001 0000119999 0000000000 200901262008030120100228042 3774440North Carolina Wilmington 28403320107Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia REU Site: Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Biodiversity Conservation 040036584 490100 601 South College Road Office of Sponsored Programs 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Inst for Sci Rsch Inc 80510Winchester 017MIDDLESEX 2501890130212B0749000838061 000 0000103000 0000000000 200901082009011520091231042 2580510Massachusetts Winchester 01890130207Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Theoretical Studies in Aeronomy 175365121 490100 22 Bonad Road 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Colby College 86480Winslow 011KENNEBEC 2304901884025A0149000843162 000 0000025000 0000000000 200901162009020120100131042 2386480Maine Waterville 04901884002Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Climate Change Science, Environmental Challenges, and Cultural Anxiety: Historical and Social Perspectives 071741268 490100 4000 Mayflower Hill 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.050 SAI EXEMPT Clark University 82000Worcester 027MIDDLESEX 2501610014025B0349000910766 000 0000482337 0000000000 200901272008083120100731042 2582000Massachusetts WORCESTER 01610014003Geosciences National Science Foundation Virginia Carbon Dioxide and Water Flux Responses to Extreme Weather and Climate Anomalies: A Fluxnet Synthesis 957447782 490100 950 MAIN ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.075 SAI EXEMPT Holy Cross College 82000Worcester 027MIDDLESEX 2501610232225B0349000750187 001 0000017794 0000000000 200901062008040120090331042 2582000Massachusetts Worcester 01610232203Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia Collaborative Research: RUI: Perceptual Pick-up Processes in Interpersonal Coordination 041509506 490100 1 College Street 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.049 SAI EXEMPT Clark University 82000Worcester 027MIDDLESEX 2501610014025B0349000748399 001 0000100000 0000000000 200901262008021520100131042 2582000Massachusetts WORCESTER 01610014003Mathematical and Physical Sciences National Science Foundation Virginia CAREER: Solid State NMR Studies of Transition Metal Oxides: Correlation of Local Structure with Physical Properties 957447782 490100 950 MAIN ST 00000000000000000000000000000000 47.076 SAI EXEMPT Arizona Western College 85540Yuma 027YUMA 0485366092906A0749000849839 000 0000145942 0000000000 200901122009011520091231042 0485540Arizona Yuma 85366092907Education and Human Resources National Science Foundation Virginia Developing Expertise in Science Education, Research, and Technology 072438799 495176 2020 S Avenue 8 E PO Box 929 00000000000000000000000000000000