U.S. Department of Education: Promoting Educational Excellence for all Americans

A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

Demonstration of Comprehensive School Reform - 2002

CFDA Number: 84.332 - Comprehensive School Reform Demonstration

Goal 8: To enable low-performing students to improve their achievement to meet challenging standards
Objective 8.1 of 2: Student achievement in core subjects generally will show marked improvement in comprehensive school reform demonstration (CSRD) program schools
Indicator 8.1.1 of 1: State assessments: Increasing percentages of students in CSRD program schools will meet or exceed the proficient level of performance on state assessments in reading and math.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Elementary Middle High
Elementary Middle High
67 56 72
75 77 64

Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Elementary Middle High
Elementary Middle High
62 74 61
74 74 74
Status: Unable to judge

Explanation: Data for this indicator are not yet available. The deadline for submitting the Consolidated State Performance Report for school year 2001-2002, the source of these data, was extended because of the transition to No Child Left Behind. 2002 data are expected by Spring of 2003.  
Additional Source Information: Consolidated State Performance Reports.

Frequency: Annually.
Collection Period: 2002
Data Available: 2003
Validated By: No Formal Verification.
The 2002 Consolidated Performance Report data (available Spring 2003) may be validated, analyzed, and summarized by Westat if the current contract is modified and extended. That contract is presently under consideration.

Limitations: Data for this indicator will be self-reported by State Educational Agencies and will be in response to reporting requirements outlined in the revised Consolidated State Performance Report.


Objective 8.2 of 2: The number of schools providing high-quality curriculum and instruction and improving student outcomes will increase each year.
Indicator 8.2.1 of 1: Impact on school improvement: The number of schools implementing comprehensive, research-based approaches to improve curriculum and instruction will increase annually.
Targets and Performance Data Assessment of Progress Sources and Data Quality
Percentage of principals in Title I schools reporting that they are implementing a research-based school reform model
Year Actual Performance Performance Targets
Status: Unable to judge

Progress: Progress on this indicator can be measured by consulting the CSR Awards Database maintained by the Southwest Education Development Laboratory (SEDL). These data are not entirely reliable because they are self-reported by states and must be validated.


The 2002 Consolidated State Performance data (available Spring 2003) may be validated, analyzed, and summarized by Westat if the contract is modified and extended. That contract is presently under consideration.


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