A r c h i v e d  I n f o r m a t i o n

U.S. Department of Education Strategic Plan, 1998-2002 - September 1997

U.S. Department of Education
Framework of Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives

Mission: To ensure equal access to education and
to promote educational excellence throughout the nation
Goal 1
Help all students reach challenging academic standards so that they are prepared for responsible citizenship, further learning, and productive employment.
Goal 2.
Build a solid foundation for learning for all children.
Goal 3.
Ensure access to postsecondary education and lifelong learning.
Goal 4.
Make ED a high-performance organization by focusing on results, service quality, and customer satisfaction.

1.1 States develop and implement challenging standards and assessments for all students in the core academic subjects.

1.2 Every state has a school-to-work system that increases student achievement, improves technical skills, and broadens career opportunities for all.

1.3 Schools are strong, safe, disciplined, and drug-free.

1.4 A talented and dedicated teacher is in every classroom in America.

1.5 Families and communities are fully involved with schools and school improvement efforts.

1.6 Greater public school choice will be available to students and families.

1.7 Schools use advanced technology for all students and teachers to improve education.


2.1 All children enter school ready to learn.

2.2 Every child reads independently by the end of the third grade.

2.3 Every eighth grader masters challenging mathematics, including the foundations of algebra and geometry.

2.4 Special populations receive appropriate services and assessments consistent with high standards.


3.1 Secondary school students get the information and support they need to prepare successfully for postsecondary education.

3.2 Postsecondary students receive the financial aid and support services they need to enroll in and complete their educational program.

3.3 Postsecondary student aid delivery and program management is efficient, financially sound, and customer-responsive.

3.4 Adults can strengthen their skills and improve their earning power over their lifetime through lifelong learning.


4.1 Our customers receive fast, seamless service and dissemination of high-quality information and products.

4.2 Our partners have the support and flexibility they need without diminishing accountability for results.

4.3 An up-to-date knowledge base is available from education research to support education reform and equity.

4.4 Our information technology investments are sound and used to improve impact and efficiency.

4.5 The Department's employees are highly skilled and high­performing.

4.6 Management of our programs and services ensures financial integrity.

4.7 All levels of the agency are fully performance driven.


[Introduction] [Table of Contents] [Goal 1. Help all students reach challenging academic standards...]