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Nease Chemical

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Community Involvement Coordinator
Susan Pastor (pastor.susan@epa.gov)
312-353-1325 or 800-621-8431, ext. 31325

Remedial Project Manager
Mary Logan (logan.mary@epa.gov)
312-886-4699 or 800-621-8431, ext. 64699


(where to view written records)

Lepper Library
303 E. Lincoln Way
Lisbon, Ohio

Salem Public Library
821 E. State. St.
Salem, Ohio


The Nease Chemical Superfund site consists of 44 acres along state Route 14 two and a half miles northwest of Salem on the Columbiana-Mahoning county line.

Between 1961 and 1973, Nease Chemical produced various household cleaning compounds, fire retardants and pesticides—some of which included an uncommon chemical called mirex. The company used unlined ponds to treat waste from its manufacturing process. Hazardous substances seeped into the soil and ground water from these ponds as well as from buried drums that eventually leaked. (more...)

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Site Updates

Latest Update - September 2008

Middle Fork of Little Beaver Creek

EPA signed a document in September called a Record of Decision (PDF) (139pp, 12MB)which details the cleanup for soil and sediment (mud) in the creek.

The cleanup will entail:

When the sediment is moved to the Nease site, it will be dried out and placed with contaminated soil from Nease. It will be covered with clean soil and monitored to ensure that it doesn't move or leak. Contaminated soil currently on the Nease property will be handled in a similar way, according to a 2005 cleanup decision (Record of Decision for Operable Unit 2 (PDF) (144pp, 10.5MB)). Dealing with environmental matters (such as contaminated soil and sediment) locally is a more responsible approach than sending it someplace else where it becomes another community's problem.

New samples of fish, sediment (mud) and water were taken from the creek in late 2005. Floodplains were sampled in 2006. This information was used to develop the recommended cleanup plan. EPA will work with Rutgers to ensure that plans are developed and the creeks are cleaned up.

Nease Property

Site owner Rutgers Organics Corp. started a $19 million cleanup on the Nease property in 2006. Treatment with "nanoscale zero-valent iron," or NZVI, began in one of the most contaminated spots in the ground water. NZVI is an innovative technology that injects microscopic particles of specially treated iron into the ground water. These tiny particles will chemically clean deep ground water.This innovative technology will allow the particles to flow with the ground water while cleaning the underground aquifer as they reach into the smallest cracks in the bedrock under the site. In 2007, Rutgers removed heavy contaminated liquids from the ground water that had sunk to the bottom of the aquifer. The company also provided treatment systems to some nearby homes to prevent potentially harmful vapors from entering the basements.

The rest of the site will be cleaned up using a combination of methods. Areas know as Ponds 1 and 2 will be cleaned up with a device that has rotating metal blades that will be sunk beneath the surface of the ponds to churn up chemicals and bring them to the surface to be captured, treated and disposed of before they can evaporate into the air. When most of the contamination is removed, the device will be used to mix a cement-like substance into the ground to prevent any remaining contamination from spreading.

Other ponds, as well as soil, will be covered with thick plastic sheets and a layer of clean soil.The cover will prevent rain from soaking through and further spreading contamination. Other areas will be covered with only clean soil.

A trench will be installed on the eastern and southern sides of the site to collect shallow ground water, pump it above ground and treat it to remove contamination.

Plans to build the cleanup began in 2006 after a legal agreement called a "consent order" (Administrative Settlement Agreement and Order on Consent for Remedial Design (PDF) (55pp, 2.9MB) May 2006) was signed by Rutgers and EPA. Under this agreement, the company is paying for this portion of the cleanup. EPA and Ohio EPA are overseeing this work.

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