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Ford Road Landfill Site

Site Information
Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Patricia Krause (krause.patricia@epa.gov)
312-886-9506 or 800-621-8431, ext. 69506, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. CST

Remedial Project Manager
Demaree Collier (collier.demaree@epa.gov)
312-886-0214 or 800-621-8431, ext. 60214


(where to view written records)

Elyria Public Library - West River Branch
1194 W. River Rd. North
Elyria, OH



The landfill was in operation since the early 1900s. The site was originally a ravine which has been filled to the same level as Ford Road. The landfill accepted municipal and various industrial wastes in drums and in bulk into the 1970s. The current owner of the site is the Lorain County Metropolitan Parks District. The landfill was brought to the attention of U.S. EPA in 1979. A series of actions have taken place since then. They are listed in the CERCLIS database and described in the Administrative Order by Consent.

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Site Updates

April 2009

A consent decree was signed that formalizes an agreement with EPA to conduct cleanup action at the Ford Road Landfill site. The next step in the process is to develop a plan for site cleanup and then begin work to carry out the plan. This is known as the Remedial Design/ Remedial Action (RD/RA) phase.


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